Eva's Expedition

By LadySerein

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Sit up straight. Cross your ankles. Cover your freckles. Only have straight A's. Don't speak unless spoke... More

Chapter 1: Evangeline Rivers
Chapter 2: Damien
Chapter 3: Tired
Chapter 4: Runaway
Chapter 5: Breakfast
Chapter 6: Roadtrip
Chapter 7: Maid Of The Mist
Chapter 8: Truly American
Chapter 9: Gone Fishing
Chapter 10: How I Like It
Chapter 11: Logan's Baby
Chapter 12: Beach Day
Chapter 13: Pizza & Aloe..
Chapter 14: The Date
Chapter 15: Go Wild
Chapter 16: Buzzed
Chapter 17: Hangovers
Chapter 18: Rainy Days
Chapter 19: Haunted Hotel
Chapter 20: The Reading
Chapter 21: Stay With Me
Chapter 22: Boozey Bonfire
Chapter 23: A Quick Dip
Chapter 24: Lazy Sundays
Chapter 25: Plans Over Takout
Chapter 26: The Bean
Chapter 28: Nixed
Chapter 29: 3 Day Stay
Chapter 30: Why?
Chapter 31: The Wildlife
Chapter 32: A New Eva
Chapter 33: His Zone
Chapter 34: Jump
Chapter 35: Brainfreeze
Chapter 36: Tree Huggers
Chapter 37: Infected
Chapter 38: Chicken Noodle Soup
Chapter 39: Trail Riding
Chapter 40: Rise N' Shine
Chapter 41: Rainy Day Activities
Chapter 42: Movie Date
Chapter 43: Chocolate and Wine
Chapter 44: Girls Day
Chapter 45: Arrival
Chapter 46: Moving Out
Chapter 47: Happy Birthday
Epilouge pt 1: After
Epilogue pt 2: Two -> Three
New book!

Chapter 27: Flexibility

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By LadySerein

I breathed in deeply as I stretched in the early morning light. Logan and I had gotten a room with a lengthy balcony.

I had moved the chairs and made a space for myself to move freely.

Since I hadn't been working out or stretching everyday like my mothers routine required, I was feeling a little stiff.

In a tank top and some shorts with my hair pulled into a messy bun, I had found some peace on the balcony while Logan slept.

I don't know why I had woke up so early, but I did.

I went into a lunge and tilted to one side, bracing one hand on the concrete next to my foot while stretching the other in the air.

Yoga was a very relaxing, liberating activity. I was one of the girls that enjoyed silent, peaceful stretching.

Although I hadn't kept up on my routine, my muscle memory quickly allowed me to stretch out.

I slid into the splits and laid flat against my leg for a moment before slowly pushing myself back up and tilting backwards to bend the other way.

It probably looked like I was trying to tie myself into a knot but it felt fine.

I sat cross legged and stuck one arm in the air, tilting to one side and then the other.

Then I moved to a plank position before turning to one side, bracing just one arm under myself and throwing the other above my head.

My core could use a little work.

I ended up bending into an actual backbend before stretching one leg into the air.

"Can you explain to me what exactly it is you're doing?"

I untwisted myself from my position and sat down, looking at Logan, "Yoga. Wanna try?"

"I don't think I'm made to bend like that," Logan chuckled.

I shrugged and stood up, "I felt like I was loosing my flexibility."

"Believe me, you're flexible enough," Logan smirked and I swatted him.

I took a quick shower before packing my stuff up. I brushed my teeth as Logan looked around.

"Have you seen my sweatshirt?" He asked, searching the room.

I picked it up out of my bag and tossed it to him. He caught it and stuffed it in his bag without folding it. I kinda wanted to take it out and actually fold it but I couldn't find the motivation.

"So where to next?" Logan looked at me expectantly.

I paused my brushing and attempted to speak around my brush, "Er...Yellowstone national park, Wyoming."

His eyebrows lifted, "That's a good drive."

I nodded and went to spit out the mess of toothpaste.

"It's a two days drive or so," I said as I left the bathroom, slipping on my sneakers.

"That'll be fun," Logan grinned at me.

Since we had a long drive ahead of us, Logan and I decided that we should pick up some food that we could just take with us instead of stopping to eat so much on the way.

So that's how I ended up in a shopping cart, reading a penny pincher catalog while Logan raced around the store.

"Rainbow goldfish are half off," I said, pointing to a big box on the shelf.

"Kay," Logan said, handing me the box. I tucked it behind me and looked at a list I'd made.

"Water bottles," I said, and he grabbed a small carton of water. I giggled as Logan sped off, the wheels of the cart screeching as he took sharp turns for fun.

We also got some lunch meat we would probably eat within a day or two and some cheese.

I got Logan to stop by a dessert and flower cart so I could stare at some very inviting looking cookies. I got out of the shopping cart as I scanned the options.

This mornings health kick was far from my mind as I tried to pick. Chocolate chip or M&M? It was a rough decision before I quickly picked up the chocolate chip ones, muttering a sorry to the latter.

"Hey Eva."

I turned around and looked at Logan. He pulled a single rose from behind his back, holding it out and stooping to one knee on the floor.

"What the- Logan?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Ah Eva my girl, as beautiful as the sun in the day and the stars at night, oh how you are my life's bright light," Logan said loudly, grinning at me.

My cheeks flushed and I clutched my cookies tightly, "Oh my god Logan..."

"I'm so lucky and I know it, and I pray that I can show it. You're a girl of great looks and a big heart, oh my girl- she's such a work of art," Logan said in a Shakespearean voice, attracting more attention than I wanted. I was standing here in sweatpants and a hoody, definitely not a work of art today.

He knew exactly what he was doing and I knew he was enjoying making me flustered. I chuckled nervously as a couple people smiled at us, my cheeks burning.

"Logan, please stand up," I mumbled embarrassedly, grinning involuntarily. This was cute and adorable but I was in the spotlight and to my horror, this probably looked like he was proposing to me.

I squeaked as Logan jumped up and attacked me with kisses, twirling us around and nearly making me drop my cookies.

I could've died at the sound of a small chorus of awe's. I can never come back to this store again.

"Isn't my girlfriend the most beautiful girl you've ever seen?" Logan smiled at some random person and they chuckled, nodding politely.

I took the rose Logan offered and hid my face, which was a startling red by now.

People meandered on and Logan burst out laughing.

"You're so annoying," I giggled, setting my cookies in the cart.

"But I'm so romantic," Logan said exaggeratedly, throwing an arm around my shoulders as we walked towards the cashier.

"Those were terrible poems," I smirked, hip bumping him.

"You loved it," he retorted, bumping me and nearly knocking me into a shelf.

"Whatever," I looked away. But I sniffed the sweet smelling rose and smiled. Logan did happen to be romantic.

Within the next hour, we were out of Chicago and on the road for Wyoming. After I persuaded the gps to work, anyway.


"It's not my fault the gps is a piece of shit!" I growled.

"Well I kinda need to know where I'm going," Logan snapped, glaring at the road.

"I'm working on it," I hissed at him and studied the map in front of me.

"You don't even know how to read a map."

"Oh how can I when someone won't let me focus on the damned thing before criticizing me," I scoffed, glancing at Logan.

The stupid gps crapped out on us in the middle of the interstate and now we were driving in the blind basically. Logan was following signs that we were half sure led to Wyoming signs.

I think I've said it before, but Logan and I couldn't find our way out of a wet paper bag. Both of us had zero sense of direction and for two travelers, that was a shitty combo.

We couldn't have been more frustrated and now we were arguing, which is just fan-fucking-tastic.

Logan rolled his eyes, "You suck at directions."

"I suck at directions?" I growled, my hands crumpling the map.

"Yes, you suck at directions. You can't even read a stupid map."

"Well fine, smartass, how about I drive and you can read a bunch of squiggly lines on a huge ass piece of paper!" I ground out, shoving the map at him.

He batted it away and made a face, "I am not letting you drive my truck in this thick of traffic."

I snorted, "Why not? I'm a perfectly good driver."

"Oh of course. I'm sure that squirrel would totally back that statement up."

I nearly gasped, "That dumb animal ran out onto the middle of the road! How was I supposed to know a squirrel was going to commit suicide while I was driving??"

"You know- this isn't even my idea! This is your trip, you should know where you're going," Logan sighed, looking at me accusingly.

"What do you want me to do? Pull directions out of my ass? Am I supposed to write them down on flash cards and study them every night?" I snapped at him.

Twelve destinations and he's expecting me to know where every one of them is.

"This is ridiculous," I groaned, running my fingers through my hair, "Just pull over and ask for directions."

"We don't need to ask for directions, just read the fucking map," Logan said confidently.

"I'm trying. We're going to go past Wyoming at this rate. Just pull over and ask!"

"For someone who can tell me all of the battles of Rome, in order, I can't believe you're unable to read a map."

"That's not my fault!"

"I didn't say it was!"

I regarded Logan with an icy glare, "You're being an ass."

He snorted and looked at me angrily, "Oh yeah, trying to get my girlfriend to her next destination on her list makes me an ass, good to know."

"No, acting like I can fix everything and then yelling at me when I can't makes you an ass."

"When did I say I thought you could fix everything? I never said that-"

"You don't have to, it's how you're acting."

"That makes no sense-"

"You know what, instead of looking at me, why don't you look at the guy who's getting in our lane."

Logan growled as he dodged the idiot who needed to go back to driving school.

"I know what I'm doing, I can drive, thanks."

"Well I didn't know, it took me telling you to notice that."

"You were distracting me."

I laughed half heartedly, "Oh yeah, I'm sure."

"Really Eva?"

I turned away from Logan and sat back in my seat, ignoring him. He said something and I turned up the radio to drown him out.

He turned it back down, "Are you serious?"

"I'm not going to listen to you when you're being a total ass. This isn't my fault and you know it," I said and refused to look at him.

I managed to hit the gps hard enough to where it flickered on and started working.

"Well would you look at that!" I slammed it back on the dash and looked out the window.

There, it's fucking working.

Logan and I rode in thick, unhappy silence. He seemed to be happy that the gps was running again and didn't say anything else about my map reading skills.

About an hour into the silent treatment, I heard Logan sigh.


I didn't look away from the window. Which was rather childish but still, I was mad.

"Eva, I'm sorry," Logan said exasperatedly.

I looked over my shoulder at him and still said nothing. His green eyes met mine and looked regretful.

"I was being an ass," he admitted.

I turned toward him and waited to see if he had anything else to say, still looking at him flatly.

"I don't actually think you should know where exactly you're going. That was pretty stupid of me. I was acting like a jerk. I'm sorry," he repeated.

I couldn't help but smile a little, "Thank you."

"Thanks for getting that fight instigator working," Logan chuckled.

He took my hand and kissed it sweetly. I decided to let the stupid argument go.

"I don't like fighting," Logan said.

"Neither do I," I chuckled.

"Was that incredibly stupid?"


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