𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐦...

By justshermaine

162K 9.8K 7.6K

𝐓𝐋𝐀𝐓: 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐄𝐊𝐇𝐈| Will they learn to share him ˎ even in death? These are the ti... More

00. | P R E S S R E L E A S E
00. | I N T R O D U C T I O N
01. | F U N E R A L C I R C U S
02. | V U L T U R E S
03. | 2 T R A I N
04. | P L A Y B O Y
05. | Y O U N G L O V E
07. | L O S T & F O U N D
08. | A N N I V E R S A R Y
09. | R E - I G N I T I O N
10. | C H E C K I N G U P
11. | $ $ $, P O W E R, R E S P E C T
12. | B R E A D & B U T T E R
13. | B U T T E R F L I E S
14. | N E W Y O R K STATE O F M I N D
15. | W A I T I N G R O O M
16. | S A M S O N I T E M A N
17. | S H E D O N ' T K N O W
18. | P L A Y I T O F F
19. | G O T T A GO, G O T T A LEAVE
20. | G I R L F I G H T
21. | R E P E T I T I O N & R O L L E R C O A S T E R S
22. | F I R E W O R K S
23. | P O L I T I C S
24. | F A M I L Y T E N S I O N
25. | S H E ' S M I N E P T . 1
26. | E P I P H A N Y
27. | F O O L I S H H E A R T S
28. | M E R R Y G O R O U N D
29. | P O W E R
30. | W R E C K L E S S L O V E
31. | D O W N LOW, D O U B L E LIFE
32. | B A D N E W S
33. | T A S T E O F R E V E N G E
34. | T H E F A L L I N G W A L L S
35. | B Y A N Y M E A N S
36. | W H E N I T R A I N S, I T P O U R S
37. | S H I F T I N G
38. | S H E ' S M I N E P T . 2
39. | S T R A N G E R
40. | T E S T I F Y

06. | D A D D Y ' S G I R L

4.3K 228 59
By justshermaine

C H A P T E R | S I X


SHE waited until she got close to the back of the stage, gathering her clothes in her hand - - if you could even consider the barely there pieces of fabric, clothes - - and as soon as she hit the first step off stage she ran. Tears streamed in her eyes and matted her long lashes together in a wet mess of mascara and eyeliner.

She didn't know how she had done what she had just done up on that stage but she just wanted to forget it - - she thought she could handle it - - she told herself that she could and that she was doing it because there's always a means to an end and that she needed this fast money if she was going to survive on her own.

Stoni told herself that no matter what, she wouldn't get trapped here with Ty and all the other girls that Ty had trapped in this life; that wasn't her - - she wanted to be a dancer and not just some two bit stripper in some alleyway club either - - she wanted to be a real dancer on Broadway.

She had always been told that a girl like her, coming from a situation like the one she came from could never amount to anything. She was told she wasn't pretty enough, she didn't have enough money, and she didn't come from the right family - - she had always been told that she'd be nothing but what her mother was, spreading it for every Tom, Dick, and Harry who paid up - - a lady of the night, a whore.

So young, yet so emotionally scarred and being in the position that she was in now she felt like they were right. She was out there on that stage spreading her legs for every Tom, Dick, and Harry and even if she didn't fuck them physically, she could feel them fucking her with their eyes. Stoni felt them reducing her to something so low and so cheap just like her mother had done to herself but she knew that she had put herself in that position.

It didn't matter what was said to her either; even though those men told her she was gorgeous, beautiful, even perfect, she felt like they were all lies and knew that liars only lied because they wanted something for themselves - - they wanted her body, her love, and they wanted to give nothing in return.

Stoni prayed with all her might that she wouldn't end up like her mother, throat slit from ear to ear and thrown in the back of a run down Mexican restaurant - - in the dumpster was where they found her. One of the busboys had went out back to dump trash and there she was, laying there in the midst of vermin, filth, and her own bodily fluid. That was symbolic of what whichever John she had been with that night thought of her - - something to be easily discarded like trash.

Stoni supposed that that was what her father thought about her as well - - she never really had one - - she never knew him; all she knew was that when she was five years old and she asked her mother why she didn't have a father like the other kids she went to school with, her mother told her it was because her father came from a John - - a ten minute fuck with a stranger for fifteen dollars in the backseat of a car. Even though she was only five, Stoni never forgot that.

Throughout her entire life she had never wished for anything more than a father - - her mother was worthless and didn't give a damn about her and she had no other family so the state took responsibility for her. Foster care was filled with broken promises, more broken families, and shattered dreams and in the end, she only landed right back in the orphanage that the foster families were supposed to have taken her from.

None of them cared for her like they should have - - some either wanted her only for the check, others saw her as an easy target to make big bucks in child pornography, and some just plain had a thing for fucking little girls and boys like Stoni because they knew that orphans wouldn't tell a soul.

It was because of these series of unfortunate events that had her on her knees every night, praying to God that somewhere out there her birth father was looking for her. Stoni swore that she could forgive her father for leaving her - - for being that ten-minute fuck for fifteen dollars in the backseat of a car - - she could forgive all that if only he would come and save her from the misery that was her young life.

She held out hope that her father would one day show up to the orphanage or to her foster homes and tell them that he was her father and that he had come to take her home with him and he would love her like she had always wished he would and tell her that he was sorry for what she had to go through all those years without him. He would kiss her forehead, he would tell her that he missed her, he'd tell her he loved her and he would treat her how he should have when she came out the womb.

Stoni just knew her father would make up for all the lost time; all he had to do was come forward and claim her as his own. She didn't know what he looked like but she imagined that she looked just like he did - - she imagined that she had the same eyes as him, the same nose and mouth - - she imagined his laugh and how his laugh probably sounded like hers when she really thought something was funny. Or maybe her father wrinkled his nose like she had a habit of doing - - maybe he bit his nails like she tended to - - maybe he even smiled like she did... just maybe...

But the years rolled by and he never came - - she was tired of waiting for him and tired of praying to God for a faceless man to come forth and change life for her as she knew it. She didn't understand, he was supposed to be her father and come and rescue her like the fairytales she read about and take back everything that anyone had ever done to her.

He was supposed to tell her that she wasn't ugly like she felt or like her foster mother had beat into her head over and over again. He was supposed to tell her that she could be a professional dancer if she really worked hard - - she could do what they said she couldn't. Her father was supposed to say to her that she was his beautiful little girl and that she meant the world to him - - he was supposed to come and love her but he didn't.

Why didn't he love her? Why wouldn't he come for her? Why didn't she know him? Not even a name? Why?

"What the fuck is wrong with this bitch man," Ty sucked his teeth as he watched Stoni running off the stage crying her eyes out, "Every fuckin' night this week," he said impatiently, "She does the same bullshit!"

"Why don't you relax," Allison, one of the girls who worked for Ty said, "Hm?" She ran her hand over his cheek, trying to calm him down for Stoni's sake - - she didn't want Stoni getting the bad end of Tyrell's temper.

When it came to the girls, Ty had a very low tolerance when they fucked with his money. He ran one of the most popular strip clubs in the entire city and he prided himself on having the best bitches in all of New York; when Stoni came to him looking for work he saw dollar signs. He could mold her into what he wanted her to be - - she had a cute little baby face and niggas liked that but she didn't know it.

She seemed naïve and the naïve were always easier for him to manipulate but all this crying and shit that she was doing he couldn't stand. He understood women had emotions and all but this businesses had no room for feeling any type of way for what they did out there and she was stressing him out with all her fits of tears.

"I can't do this shit," Ty said, "Not tonight - - I got too much shit riding on tonight with Carti to have any screw ups," he paced and licked his lips, "I told her - - I told her not to fuck up especially tonight!"

"Ty," Allison sighed and looked at him, "You keep stressing yourself out over this shit and you will fuck up," she grabbed his shoulders sternly, "Relax," she said looking into his eyes, "And let me and the girls handle Carti, okay?" She smiled at him and he took a deep breath and nodded, "See, don't you feel better," Allison said, "It's her first week - - just cut her a little slack."

"Look I don't know what's wrong with that girl," he slid his hands down to her hips and looked at Allison, "But I want you to go in there and fix it, Ally," she nodded, "I mean it - - or I'm sending her ass home empty handed."

"I'll talk to her," she let go of Ty's shoulders and turned to walk off. Just as she did, she heard a loud slap and felt her voluptuous backside stinging a little and saw Ty smirking at her, "Dammit, Ty," she said, "That still hurts!"

"Yeah well," he shrugged, "I can't help it! Shouldn't have all that ass, then," he laughed with his tongue out as she walked away and shook her head, heading for the dressing rooms. When she got there she saw all the girls pushing, pulling, primping, and pressing themselves like crazy. The word around the club was that the notorious Carter Mekhi and his party was coming to El Tigre's and every bitch sliding down the pole wanted to be seen and get chose.

They all knew Carter's repertoire - - his sexy swag, his power, his wealth, charm and those beautiful green eyes - - every bitch in New York wanted a piece of him wife or not. They all knew he had big money, expensive clothes, nice ass whips, good looks, and a big dick - - what more could a girl ask for?

"I'm saying though," Allison heard as she searched the room for Stoni, "I could give a damn about his wife - - you know he be fuckin' around on her anyway," she heard one of her co-workers saying, pushing her breasts up in the bra she was wearing, "I just want one night with that nigga - - I bet you he'd forget about that bitch too."

"You crazy," another one said as she was applying eye shadow, "Better pray that bitch don't catch you," she laughed, "I grew up on the same block as ma and she always was nice with the hands," the woman said, "Yo, she once beat this bitch's ass for looking at Carti the wrong way - - that bitch Destini don't play bout her nigga," she continued, "You know she just had another baby by him too. He may fuck around but seem like she got that nigga like clank clank," they laughed together, "I'd still fuck him though."

"I'd fuck that nigga good!" Another voice hollered from down the vanity while Allison looked all over for Stoni, "You know we bout to get paid tonight - - Baller number one just came in town," she laughed as she applied baby oil to her legs and arms, "Tasha told me his Bentley just pulled up out front," she said, "Oh my God, I wanna meet him - - I heard he's like all tall and built and shit - - ya'll know I love them athlete type of niggas."

"Funny how they don't love you back," another said, "All I'm saying is - - once Carti takes one look at me - - I'm shutting all you dumb hoes down."

"Oh my God," Allison finally said, "Enough with all this gossip, already - - have any of ya'll seen Stoni?"

"That new bitch?" One questioned, "The Dominican joint?"

"Yeah," Allison answered, "That's her - - where is she? She left the stage a few minutes ago," she said, "I need to find her before Ty goes ape shit on the poor girl."

"She ain't got no business here anyway," another said, "That young ass bitch don't do shit but cry all the damn time. I don't see why - - bitch getting paid so what's there to cry about."

"Chanel that's besides the point," said Allison, "Have you seen her yes or no?"

"She's in the bathroom," another said, "I been trying to get in there for five minutes! Tell that raggedy bitch to come the fuck on!" Allison went to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Stoni," she said in a soft kind voice, "Honey it's me - - it's Ally, will you let me in?"

"No," Stoni whispered toward the door as she cried, sitting on the counter where the sink was, "No Ally - - just go - - go away," she said as she cried, "Please just go away - - I'm fine."

"I hear you crying baby," Allison said, "You're not alright - - let me in and we'll talk okay?" Allison genuinely liked Stoni; she reminded Allison of her little sister and she knew that Stoni was just like a lot of girls there - - missing something - - trying to fill a void in their lives. Allison was trying to do the same thing. She knew about pain because she had lost her son to child services a few years ago when she lost her first job and all the money that she used to make - - she couldn't provide for him anymore.

"No," Stoni said, "Go away."

"Honey," Allison placed her head on the door, "Please just let me in," she waited a few minutes in silence before she felt Stoni tugging at the knob and finally opening it. Allison walked inside and closed the door behind her and she grabbed Stoni in her arms and hugged her tight, "Aw don't cry," she said as Stoni sobbed on her shoulder, "Shh, I'm right here, don't cry."

"It's harder than I thought," she said sobbing, "Ally I can't do this. I feel horrible - - I - - I can't do this," she pulled Stoni's face away with her hands and looked at her as she talked, "I feel like I'm a mess out there."

"You weren't a mess," Allison said, "You did good, honey - - you did really good. I know it's hard but remember why you're doing it," said Allison as she grabbed a paper towel and wiped Stoni's eyes, "Remember that it's only temporary. I know it's not easy for you but it'll get easier as time passes," she felt a little bad for coaching Stoni this way but she knew Stoni wouldn't be there if she didn't HAVE to be there.

"You can't let those men intimidate you - - remember you're the one they came to see - - you're in control of them," she held Stoni's face in her hands, "You pull the strings and you have the power all right here in your body language - - they're the one's who should be scared - - not you."

"Don't you get scared too?"

"I used to," Allison stroked Stoni's hair and laughed a little, "I used to be just like you when I first started but now - - I'm used to it - - I just think about Jason," she said, "Soon I'll make enough and I'll be done with this life and I'll be able to get Jason back. I just pretend like they aren't even there and I'm just dancing by myself."

"That really works?" Stoni laughed a little as Allison wiped the mascara away from Stoni's eyes, "Just imagining you're dancing alone?"

"Mhm," she said, "Like you're dancing in the mirror to your favorite song," they both laughed together as Stoni wiped her eyes, "Don't ever let a man intimidate you - - cause everybody knows that no matter how much power a man has - - the real power is in the p-u-s - -"

"Ally!" Stoni covered her mouth laughing, "You're nasty."

"What?" she shrugged, "I'm just sayin' - - it is," she moved some of Stoni's bangs out her eyes and smiled, "Ty's acting like Jesus is coming to El Tigre," she rolled her eyes and laughed, "He wants us all to be on point tonight."

"I know," said Stoni, "I'm gonna get it together - - I need this job."

"Well there's no better way to show Ty that than to be impressive tonight," Allison opened the bathroom door and walked with Stoni to the dressing room where they saw Ty at the front giving the girls a pep talk, "There he is now," she and Allison stood against the wall together.

"The only thing I should see is ASS and TITS," Tyrell said as he stood on a bench so he could look at the sea of women's faces, "Cut the tags out your G-Strings - - don't let me see shit but ass and tits, ya'll got me?" They all nodded, "This is a big night for El Tigre - - so I expect you to act like some bad bitches and be on your nastiest behavior," he chuckled and licked his lips.

"If he asks for a drink you make sure he gets it right away - - if he asks for a dance you get your ass in his lap and work that shit - - if he wants to cop a feel then you better not say no - - this ain't no time to act like you got class all a sudden, he's a verrrrry important man with verrrrrrry important connections and ya'll know if I get paid tonight - - ya'll asses get paid so think about that," they nodded again, "Oh and you'll address him as Mr. Mekhi, aight? Show some respect - - ya'll don't know this nigga on a first name basis so be professional."

"Is it unprofessional to fuck him," one of the girls said in the crowd, igniting laughter, "I'm just saying."

"Smart ass," he said, "To whoever just said that - - if he wants to fuck - - the fuck you gone do? Say no?" Ty laughed, "I didn't think so. Now get out there and make my money!" Allison shook her head at Ty's antics and went to her locker to get dressed for her set, "You," he pointed to Stoni, "Come here."

"I'm sorry about earlier," Stoni said looking at her feet, avoiding his eyes, "I didn't mean to - -"

"Fuck all that," Ty said, "You just make sure you get your shit together - - otherwise I'm gone send your ass packing. One more screw up and you can go right back wherever the fuck it is you came from, heard me?"


"Good, glad we have a fuckin' understanding, " he said, "Now go get dressed," Stoni told herself not to worry too much because if what she heard about Carter was true then he wouldn't even look her way. She was happy about that though - - she didn't think she'd have anything in common with a man like that - - any ground to stand on. He didn't go for her type so all she needed to do was be quiet and move in the cut where Ty didn't get all in her ass for it. She was resolved that she'd simply fade into the background and get by tonight while the vultures went at him hungrily.

● ●

"Ladies, ladies," Tyrell walked out into the crowd where he could see his girls working their hardest - - they surrounded Carter as soon as he walked in the door, "I know you're all anxious," he chuckled as Carter stood there laughing himself with his brother Judas, "But ya'll gotta let the man breathe."

"He's just as fine as the pictures," one said biting her lip, "Mmm - - I got a special dance for you," she said to Carter as he ran his tongue over his bottom lip and tapped Judas, smirking a little.

"Do you now, doll?" Carter said, smoothly as his suave presence seemed to captivate them all - - they giggled when he talked, they made erotic eye contact, and they all wanted to be the one he chose, "We'll see won't we."

"How about a drink?" Ty suggested, "What do you say?"

"What you drinking, Judas," Carter looked to Judas, "Take care of my brother first," he moved away from the crowd and all the eyes followed, "I need to make a phone call," Carter said as he disappeared to somewhere where he had a little more privacy to call Destini and tell her he'd be staying in the city tonight. After Carter finished talking to her he made his way back over to where Ty had Judas and some of Carter's other people seated.

"Everything alright?" Asked Ty as Carter came back.

"Fine," said Carter, looking at all the pretty faces that looked back at him, "So let's talk business, Ty," Ty swatted the girls away and looked back at Carter.

"Not so fast," Ty said, "Enjoy yourself a second," Carter laughed and looked over at Judas who nonchalantly sipped on vodka and cranberry, "How about a dance first?"

"Promised Mrs. Mekhi I'd be on my best behavior tonight," Carter's chuckle was light and airy, "What you got for me, nigga?"

"Pick one," Ty said, "You know I'm like Baskin Robins out here fam - - 31 flavors. It all depends on what you're in the mood for."

"Word?" Carter curved his eyebrow upward, "I see," he ran his tongue over his lips while looking around and saw everything from tall to short, light to dark, big to small - - the varieties were limitless, "Her," he nodded toward a girl who stood by the bar shyly like she was trying to avoid being seen, Carter nudged at Judas a little "What you think?"

"She's cute," Judas nodded, "But she don't look like she wanna be here."

"Oh," Ty said, "She's new. It's her first week. Trust me - - you don't want her."

"I don't?" Carter laughed and grabbed his drink, taking a sip and unbuttoning the jacket of his suit, "Well that just makes me wanna see what shorty's about even more," it was like telling a child not to touch something knowing he would anyway.

"I got something much better than her," Ty snapped and called Allison over knowing Carter couldn't resist someone with as much junk in the trunk as Ally, "This here's Mocha," said Ty as Allison smiled at Carter, "She's one of our most popular girls here."

"Nice to meet you ma," he leaned up, taking her hand and kissed it gently, gentlemanly, "But no disrespect to you," Carter said, "I'd still like that one," he pointed at Stoni who wasn't even paying attention, "But my brother would love a dance from you, Mocha. Judas?"

"Yeah," said Judas, nonchalantly as Allison - - or Mocha as Ty called her - - grabbed Judas's hand.

"Follow me," she said and like that, they disappeared to the back rooms.

"You sure?" Ty asked, "I'm telling you she's - -"

Carter laughed and stood up from his seat, "I got my mind made up," he said as he looked at Stoni, "I want her."


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