Light Town ♦️️ Stiles Stilins...

By carlitoswrites

92.1K 2.2K 716

Dayton Kendall Barnett is a British kid who moved two years ago to California's Beacon Hills. He adjusted pre... More

|Chapter 1|
|Chapter 2|
|Chapter 3|
|Chapter 4|
|Chapter 5|
|Chapter 6|
|Chapter 7|
|Chapter 8|
|Chapter 9|
|Chapter 10|
|Chapter 11|
|Chapter 12|
|Chapter 13|
|Chapter 15|
Small Q & A
|Chapter 16|
|Chapter 17|
Sequel Teaser
First chapter is out!!!
Under Editing!!
New Book: Man to Man

|Chapter 14|

3.2K 98 48
By carlitoswrites

|Chapter 14|

"Faster?" Scott asks.

"Much faster!" I say.

No, I'm not having wild sex with Scott. Me, Scott and Stiles are in Derek's car in a car chase with the Argents chasing after us as well as the police. Great combination!

I look back to see Kate Argent, or better known as Allison's auntie or werewolf hunter. I wonder what skills you need to have to become a werewolf hunter. And how much do they get payed?

We are in a car chase but yet Scott is driving pretty slow for a car chase.

"Scott, I don't think you're grasping the concept of the car chase here." Stiles says as if he was reading my mind.

"If I go faster, I'll kill us." Scott says keeping an eye on the road.

"Well, if you don't go faster, they're gonna kill us!" I say.

"They're gone." Stiles says and I look back to see that Allison's aunt was no longer chasing us.

"All units, suspect is on foot heading towards into the Iron Works."

I hear the radio and Scott quickly turns to head to the Iron Works in hope of finding and saving Derek.

Even though... we're the ones who put him in this situation.

We see Derek running towards us and Scott opens the passenger seat after stopping.

"Get in!" Stiles shouted.

Derek quickly gets in out of breath before closing the door and Scott continues driving looking like he could kill a Chihuahua right now.

"What part of laying low don't you understand?" Scott asks a bit pissed off.

"Damn it! I had him!" He shouts back. My ears are in danger.

"Who, the alpha?" Stiles asks getting up from his seat.

"Yes! He was right in front of me, and the friggin' police showed up." Sourwolf says.

"Hey calm down, their just doing their job." I say defending my father's career as Derek turns to me glaring in my direction as I shrugged.

"Yeah – thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state." Derek says glaring at Scott.

I cross my legs and chuckle at his bitter comment. I mean, I would be mad if I had just been chased by a full police department, is wanted in the whole town and is being chased by werewolves.

Yeah I would definitely kill someone.

"Can we seriously get past that? I made a dumbass mistake. I get it." Scott says keeping his eyes on the road.

"Alright!" Stiles says stopping their one minute argument. "How did you find him?" Stiles asks turning to him completely blocking my view.

Derek stays quiet completely ignoring the question.

"Can you just trust us for half a second?" Scott asks the sourwolf.

"Yeah, all three of us." Stiles says and Derek glares at him. "Or – or just Scott – and Dayton." He says.

Derek looks at me and turns back to Stiles.

"Or just Scott. We'll be back here." Stiles says sinking back to his seat as he nods to me while grinning.

"Look, last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring out something. She found two things. The first was a guy named harris." What??

I jump up from my seat. This got me interested.

"Our chemistry teacher?" I ask confused.

I always knew he had something sketchy about him.

"Why him?" Scott asks keeping an eye on the seemingly endless road.

"I don't know yet." Derek says. Have I mentioned how Derek is extremely hot in an extreme close up?

"What's the second?" Scott asks.

"Some kind of symbol." Derek says reaching out for his pocket bringing out a piece of paper. Unfolding the paper bringing out a somewhat average drawing of a necklace. A necklace that was quite familiar.

Where had I seen that before?

"What?" Derek asks Scott as Scott sighs. "You know what it is?" Derek asks.

"I've seen it on a necklace. Allison's necklace." Now I get it.

I turn back to my seat to see no one other than Stiles checking me out as my eyes widen.

"Stiles!" I whisper loudly.

He turns to me and his face flashes red.

"I – uh –" he says and I gasp. "I'm only human! A bisexual one too!" He whispers the last part out as I roll my eyes turning back.

Not gonna lie a part of me is kinda pleased with this situation.


All three of us come in the school.

"This is gonna be impossible." Scott mumbled still thinking about how he is going to get the necklace.

"Why don't you ask her to borrow it?" I ask.

"Really Day? She would think I'm nuts and wouldn't even consider becoming at least friends." Scott says looking down.

Yeah apparently after what happened at the school Allison broke up with Scott.

Great timing.

"Just talk to her." Stiles says with a stick sticking out of his bag. Today is game day which I am totally excited because Stiles is gonna play and I am going to be by myself on the bench.

"She won't talk to me. What if she, like, only takes it off on shower or something." Scott asks.

"That's why you ease – that's why you ease back into it, okay? Get back on the good side, remind her of the good times and then ask her for the necklace." Stiles says.

I look at Scott and he is looking down and grinning. Teenager...

"You're thinking about her in the shower, aren't you?" I ask smiling.

"Yeah." He says as I laugh.

We stop and Stiles goes to step in front of us.

"All right. Focus alright? Get the necklace, get the alpha, get cured, get Allison. In that order got it?" He asks and Scott nods.

I was just staring and Stiles' beautiful face features.

Stiles turns around and winks at me.

"Come on. Class next – with Allison." Scott says as I put an arm around him reassuring him.

"You'll be fine. Just take it easy. Like show her some pics? Or maybe not?" Yeah that would def not be a good a idea.

"I have to go to my locker first." He says and I nod.

"Ttyl." I say and walk to my next class. Might as well get there early.


I come in class and sit down and Scott goes to sit on the side of me and the other side of Allison but Lydia quickly interferes.

Cockblocker much?

"Try another row, sweatheart." She mumbles teasingly.

Scott groans and moves back to seat behind the strawberry blond herself.

I turn around to him and he winks at me which means he is about to send something to Allison. Which could end up with 'I love you Scott. You can have my necklace. Lets have a baby' or 'go burn in hell.'

I turn around and open my book. Only minutes later Allison jumps up from her seat and walks out the door. Well... I already know which one ended up.

Seconds later Scott goes after her.

Lydia looks at me mentally asking what is going on as I shrug.


I was now sitting and having lunch along with Scott waiting for Stiles himself to join us. Until then me and Scott were talking about what happened with Jackson.

Apparently he found out that Scott was a werewolf. And that is not all! Jackson also wants to become one.

Our friend, Stiles quickly joins us and sits in front of me with a tray full of chicken and a bottle of water.

"Did you get her to give you the necklace?" Stiles asks right after taking a seat.

Here I am eating fries and salad. I am a pretty fuzzy eater.

"Not exactly." Scott says.

"Ah- what happened?" Stiles asks putting a piece of chicken in his mouth.

"She told me not to talk to her. At all."Scott says.

"It was bad. Pretty bad." I state.

"So she's not giving you the necklace." Stiles says.

"Shes not giving me the necklace." Scott says frustrated.

"Okay." Stiles says dropping his hand on the trey while still chewing on the piece of chicken in his mouth.

"Well – did you find anything else?" Stiles asks.

"Well that I know nothing about girls and that their totally psychotic." Scott says. "I'm seriously considering turning gay." Scott saya and I roll my eyes waiting until I have no food in my mouth to speak.

"Firstly, you can't just turn gay. Secondly. Trust me, you don't." I say and Stiles looks at me with a questionable look.

Still can't believe he is bisexual. I mean it doesn't change much. It just adds the competition I have.

"Anyways, I came up with a plan B, just in case anything like this happened." Stiles says still chewing on chicken. I guess he's hungry.

"What's plan B exactly?" I ask.

"Just steal the damn thing." He says and I chuckle.

"You can't just steal a necklace that she wears every single day. She would notice straight away." I say.

"Can we try at least getting to Harris?" Scott asks about our chemistry teacher.

Stiles slightly shakes his head. "My dad put him in a 24 hours detective detail. The necklace is all we got. Steal it.." Stiles says and I shake my head once more going back to eating my fries.

"Dayton, you got pretty close to her. Why don't you ask her politely in your amazing British accent that everyone loves and would never say no to." Stiles asks and I chuckle.

"Nah. I don't really want to loose their trust." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"You're so annoying sometimes." Stiles says and I gasp.

"Oh look who's talking. Mr. Fluent Sarcasm." I say and he gasps shocked.

"Bring it on Barnett." He says.

I was about to reply to him but Scott breaks it up.

"Guys stop. He's watching us." Scott says and I look back to see Jackass looking straight at our table.

Stiles quickly stops drinking his water and looks at Jackson.

Scott out of nowhere starts wincing. What is going on.

"What?" I ask.

"He's talking. He knows I can hear him." Scott says before looking back at the table where Jackson seats.

I guess someone has been researching?

"Look at me. Just act normal. Pretend like nothings happening." Scott says looking at me and Stiles.

"So the weather is nice?" I say due to my mind being kind of blank. This is too much pressure.

"The weather is all you got?" Scott asks me.

"I can't think of anything. My mind is completely blank!" I whisper.

"Stiles!" Scott says asking Stiles to say something.

"I can't do this. It's too much pressure." Stiles says innocently.

Stiles turns to the table and looks intensely.

"FYI. He's not sitting at that table anymore." Stiles says as I turn to look and indeed Jackson is nowhere to be seen.

"Where the hell is he." Scott mumbles as I look around however not finding him.

I awkwardly shove about five fries into my mouth.

I look at Scott and he is looking at the table with a frown. He's listening to him.

I turn to Stiles who was looking at me and offer some fries as he takes about 6 out of my plate. What a wanker.

I hear plastic and turn to Scott yo see him basically strangling a water bottle in his hand. Whatever Jackson is saying. It's not making Scott very happy.

I mean, I don't know if there is anything that comes out of Jackson's mouth that's positive.

Scott slowly brings the water in contact with his lips, taking a quick sip of his water with a serial killer expression in his face.

Both me and Stiles were looking worriedly at our werewolf best friend.

"Come on, Scott you can't let him have this kind of power over you." Stiles says leaning forward closer to his friends ear.

"Scott. Block the voice." I say as Stiles turns to me with a 'are you serious' look.

"What?" I ask before taking a quick sip of my bottle of water.

My eyes get drawn to Scott's tray as it starts to shake as Scott clenched his jaw.

Come on Scott. Calm down.

Seconds later Scott picks up one of the sides of the tray making the plate come to the other side and making a big noise making everybody look in his direction. Including Allison.

I have lesson with both, Jackson and Allison next which might be interesting.


Guess what?

Here I am doing laps with my best friend's ex and enemy. How weird. It was kind of a race and I was loosing.

I'm not the greatest swimmer lets put it at that.

Both Jackson and Allison were looking at each other and smiling while I wanted to kill Jackson right here and right now.

It was kind of relaxing so I enjoy to come swim when I have problems. So that I can forget about them.

I get to the end of the lap and quickly try to wipe the water from my eyes and face.

"You beat me again." Allison says as Jackson gives an answer but I block in the voice as I let myself go. As I close my eyes and go underwater.

This was really relaxing. A world that can be yours and no one can judge you. A world where peace is it's main achievement. A world where you can be you without a jury.

All that is quickly broken apart by a hand who brings me back up.

As soon as I feel the air. I gasp and wipe once again the water from my face.

"You okay?" Allison asks. I nod not wanting to give information about my worries.

"It's okay Dayton. Everyone gets mad about loosing to me." Jackson brags as I pull myself out of the swimming pool.

"Stop being such a dick snd try to remove your head from your ass." I state before grabbing my towel and walking away to the changing rooms.

"Hey, Dayton!" I hear a voice getting closer behind me. I turn around to see a wet Allison.

"Yes?" I ask.

"This might sound odd but, how is Scott." She asks as we both start walking to the changing rooms.

"It's not odd. You care for him. It's not going away in a snap of a finger." I chuckle. "He's fine. Hanging in there." I say and she slightly smiles looking somewhat sad.

"I have to go Alli." I say and she nods before we both say a goodbye.

I enter the changing rooms and start changing to normal clothes as I got to meet with Stiles at his house.


Me and Stiles both enter his room as I head to his bed and place my bag in the bottom of the bed and sit down on the bed waiting for Stiles to open his computer to start our chemistry work.

I look to the door at the same time as Stiles since Mr Stilinski called for his son.

I look up to see sourwolf himself, Derek Hale

"Hey da-Derek." Stiles lets out as Derek puts a finger next to his lips indicating us to be quiet and pointing at the door for Stiles to go speak with his dad. Stiles is quick with his feet an runs to the door to speak with his dad.

I walk closer to Derek.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper.

"Did Scott get the necklace?" He asks as I shake my head.

"Who else is in there?" I hear Mr Stilinski ask. I walk to the door to greet Stiles' father.

"Hi Mr. Stilinski." I say and he smiles after seeing me. Looking between me and Stiles.

"Hey Dayton. How you been?" Stilinski asks.

"Good." I say and the older man nods before walking back still looking at us.

We walk back inside and Derek quickly gets a hold of Stiles and pushes him to the wall forcefully.

"Oh- aah." Stiles mumbles.

"Hey! Careful with the anger issues." I say getting closer to Stiles but Derek slightly pushes me back.

"One word." Derek says pointing a finger in Stiles's face.

"Like what 'hey dad, Derek Hale's in my room, bring a gun?'" Stiles asks struggling against Derek's grip.

Derek slowly puts his finger down giving up.

"Yeah – that's right. It's my house, my rules body." Stiles says slapping Derek's shoulder.

Both stay in an intense stare. Sexual tension around here or what? Can I join?

Derek fixes Stiles' jacket as Stiles lets out a chuckle before also fixing Derek's jacket.

Stiles starts walking towards me before he is scared once again by the sourwolf.

This guy really has no happy emotion. I wonder what he's character would be like in the sims.

"Did Scott get the necklace?" Derek asks as Stiles sits down on his computer chair.

"Like I said before.No." I say taking a seat in Stiles' bed.

"Yeah, but there is something else we can try." Stiles says letting out a sigh. "The night we were trapped in the school, Scott sent Allison a text that said for them to meet him there." He finishes.

"So?" Derek asks oblivious.

"So it wasn't Scott." Stiles says.

I thought we were going to study but this seems more interesting.

"Can you find out who's done it?" Derek asks.

"Not me." Stiles says. "But I think I know who can." Stiles says looking at me with a knowing look. Danny.


"I though we were here to study." Danny says looking at Stiles and me as well as Derek. "That's what lab partners do." I nod. True that.

"And we will. Once you trace the text." Stiles says spazzing his arms around like he normally does when he is frustrated. I find it cute.

"What makes you think I know how?" Danny asks.

"I-uh I-" Stiles starts.

"He looked up your arrest report." I say and Danny looks at me before turning back to Stiles. Derek was pretending to read 'The fault in our stars book.' I remember when I gave it to Stiles. Can't believe he still has it.

"I- I was thirteen." Danny states. "And they dropped the charges." Danny says as Stiles looks out of words.

"Eh-uh." Stiles mumbles out basically meaning 'whatever' in his spastic language.

"We're doing lab work." Danny says grabbing a chair and sitting down on it pulling himself closer to Stiles as I do the same.

Stiles looks like he wants to rip someone's head out. Good try. I tap his back as he turns to his computer and starts typing on it.

"Who is he again?" Danny says referring to Derek who was in the same position as before.

"Uhm a male escort." I say and smile.

"Shut – it's my cousin. Miguel." Stiles says. Great choice of name. Really creative.

I turn back to look at the screen of the computer but Danny seems love struck or something because he keeps talking about him. Can't blame him though.

I turn to Derek to see indeed a bit of blood in his grey over used shirt.

"Yeah – yeah." Stiles says scratching his head asking for a miracle probably.

"He gets some horrible nose bleeds." I say and Danny and Stiles nod.

"You also seem to know him well." Danny says grinning at me as I blush. I hope he didn't get the wrong impression. I mean, it wouldn't matter anyways but I wanna stick with him as friends.

"Hey Miguel." Stiles speaks loudly before turning around to look at 'Miguel'. "I thought I told you could borrow one of my shirts." Stiles says.

I look at Derek as he is glaring at both me and Stiles. Oh boy.

Derek shuts the book close and throws it to the table before getting up and walking to the closet after he quickly pushes his shirt over his head. Leaving him totally shittless.


I really love Stiles but I can't help but stare.

I hear a cough from beside me and look to see Stiles looking at me with a questionably yet mysterious face expression.

"What?" I whisper as Stilinski sighs.

"We both know, you know – that you got those skills to trace the text – probably – " Stiles speaks to Danny but Derek breaks his one minute pitch.

"Stiles?" Derek asks.

"Yes." Stiles replies turning around to look at the werewolf.

"This." Derek says stretching Stiles' shirr. "No fit." He says.

"Uh – then try something else on." Stiles says.

"I'll help." I say getting up but Stiles grabs my hand and pushes me back gently.

"I need you – like – right now." Stiles says and I sigh sitting back down.

Danny keeps staring at Derek, which no one can judge. Especially me. Stiles notices and has a silent spaz attack with his body as he has an idea.

"Hey. That looks pretty good. Huh?" Stiles asks Danny. "What do you think, Danny?" Stiles asks the strong  brunnete next to him.

"Huh?" Danny asks confused.

"The shirt." Stiles says pointing at Derek.

Danny looks at Derek who literally looks like he wants to throw me and Stiles out of the window. Hey he's the one who showed up uninvited.

"It's not really his color." Danny says and I chuckle.

Derek angrily takes off his shirt.

"You're a horrible person." Danny turns to Stiles.

"I know. It keeps me awake at night." Stiles says. "Anyway – about that text –" Stiles says somewhat grinning before being once again interrupted by Derek.

"Stiles! None of these fit!" Thank god.

Stiles looks at Danny with a knowing persuasive look that makes me chuckle.

"I'll need the ISP, the phone number and the exact time of text." Danny says finally giving in and leaning in towards the computer to start typing as Stiles turns to me and gives me a discreet high five with a grin on his face.

Cutie pie.


After some long time, Danny finally gathered the information. We all, including Derek, gathered around to take a look at the name.

"This one." Danny points at the screen.

Mellisa McCall

How is this possible?

"Registered to that account number?" Derek asks.

"No-" I say. It must be a mistake. Mama McCall would never do that unless someone used her computer...

"This can't be right." Stiles states.


I came to the game because Stiles was already going to miss the game probably and also because I would be pretty useless to be honest.

I see Scott and smile at him.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey." He says before asking me where Stiles is.

"He went to the hospital to visit Derek's uncle." I say and Scott nods.

"Did you find out who sent the text." He asks. But I am not able to respond because of the whistle meaning the game begins and Stiles was not here to begin which means hes not playing but Coach already found someone to replace him tonight.

"Good luck." I tell Scott and he thanks me before running to his position.

I hope everything goes well.

Hi guys!!!! New chapter. This is a huge one!

If you want me to answer any questions ask me by commenting it here.

Vote, comment and share. ❤️😘😘

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