the Riverdale Diaries

By catarax

32.8K 1.1K 563

"A soul eater and a abomination to the supernaturals." "I should have killed you the moment I saw... More

the Riverdale Diaries
IIA. Three Hundred Years Ago
IIB. Where art thou Cheryline?
IIIA. Blood toys
IIIB. In the violin is the hidden
IVA. All hail Archie
IVB. Irlene's daughter
VA. Take care of our hope
VB. Achings and Compellings
VIA. Henry or Jughead?
VIB. The demon within must hold
VIIA. Out for blood
VIIB. Rebirth
VIIIA. Hunting the beloved
VIIIB. Secret thickens
IXA. Trap for its victims
IXB. Bad dreams are called as nightmares
XA. A very supernatural feeling
XB. Meet your Demise
XIA. Never free of lies
XIB. Everlasting taunts
XIIA. Monstrosity within
XIIB. Louange Elizabeth Finiti
XIIIA.Scrawlings on the walls
XIIIB. Toppled Rune
XIVA. The world we created for the devil
XIVB. Intellectous vos fatum
XVA. Rock the swing of the heart
XVB. Polly Gave It To Me
XVIA. Kill the both of us
XVIB. Capta Per Spiritus
XVIIA. The Prophecy For The Damned
XVIIB. Remants of Humanity

I.Call me crazy

5.4K 114 130
By catarax

(Betty writes her diary)

Dear Diary,

This day might not be the best of all because this will be my first time going on in a party which is Reggie's I say.

Veronica was asked out by Jason and she said yes. She told me to tag along because she might start panicking if something goes wrong.

I hope that Polly would be here with me but she is in college right now. I still wear her weird looking bracelet. She gave it to me and she told me to never take it off. I knew it was stupid but I never took it off.

Archie is back in town. He told me that he will meet me tommorow at pops. It will be good to see him after so many weeks. He was also talking about Miss.Grundy who is his mentor. He has been telling that she is teaching him music.

The blossom twins still remain a mystery about themselves. They always stayed​ together,Cheryl never mingled with anyone. She always carried her 2 minions around her,it's like they were forced to stay with her.

Except Jason was the kind of boy that every girl wanted to be with and every boy wanted to be. He practically hypnotizes girls with his mysterious charm that makes them fall on their knees after him.

And here I am Betty Cooper,a perfect A straight student just as my parents wanted me to be.

One thing still remains a mystery about this town is the strange deaths and animal attacks going on in the town. They started since the Blossoms arrived in town. Wasn't that weird?

Going to a party is kinda dragging myself in a hole but I couldn't say no to Veronica. She seems to try her best to mingle with everyone here so I should be supportive to her.

(Diary entry ended)


Time : 8:00 P.M

"How do I look?", Ronnie said adjusting her navy blue dress.

"You look amazing V.",I said assuring her.

We were waiting Jason to come pick us up. I was wearing a purple strapped dress which reached my knee level.

"Do you think Jason likes me?",Veronica asked me.

"Do you want him to like you?",I asked.

"Well he looks cute and everybody like a guy like that.",she said.

"Well if he doesn't likes this piece of cupcake then no sooner he will then regret it",I said assuring her.

Unfortunately Jason was a huge player. I bet that he was with almost half the female population of this town.

We saw Jason's car arrive with beaming lights.

I wouldn't have gone to the party if it wasn't for Ronnie.

Jason walked to us spreading his charm around the place leaving Ronnie to stare at him. I just simply smiled.

"Forgive me Ladies allow me to drive",Jason said smiling at Ronnie.

I could easily tell that she was just brainwashed by him. She was staring at him like he is a piece of gold.

The whole drive Jason was talking with Ronnie. I was like the third wheeler.

All they were talking about was how great they both look. Ronnie was talking about her old adventures in New York City.

Hey I haven't realized that I don't have a date. Great.

We reached Reggie's​ house,the whole place was beaming with music.

Jason and Ronnie were catching their hands as I walked feeling extremely weird.

We lost each other when we entered in a room of people jammed together.

I knew that even if I searched for them it would take the whole night so I just walked around.

"Can you dance with me?",a boy asked. His hair kinda blondish , he wore a leather jacket. I didn't know him so I simply said--

"I don't know can you?",I said.

"Come on",he said clutching my waist and brought me in contact with him.

"Hey let go of me",I said trying to struggle away.

"Come on babe let's have some fun.",he said smirking and brought his lips close to mine. That's when I slapped his ugly face.

I didn't have time to listen to his groaning so I walked away. I could still feel his slimy lips on me. Just gross. That's is exactly what I don't like about partying.

I was searching for the bathroom until I heard some whispering in a room so I came inside.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?",I asked Jason who is practically on Veronica. I couldn't see his front until Jason turned around.

"Your face....",I gasped.

His eyes were red and I could see the veins below his eyes and his mouth.....It had fangs? What is this? Some kind of a bloody joke?Well,NOT FUNNY AT ALL.

He left Veronica dropping her to the floor as he walked up to me. I backed away a few steps away from him.

He came close and held me tight,"Get out from here.",his pupils enlarged.

"No. Leave Veronica alone",I struggled away.

He looked confused,"You are under vervain. Looks like I will be killing you next."

He growled and rose his fangs falling on me as I screamed.

"GET AWAY FROM HER JASON",someone pulled him forcefully away from me.

It was Cheryl.

She growled rising her fangs scaring him away from me. She had veins just like Jason.

I was wildly astonished about what the heck is going on in here today!

I still don't know what is going on.

In a milli second Jason vanished. He ran faster than Usian bolt.

Veronica was still lying down,her neck was bleeding.

She can be dying and no one can never know.......

"Veronica wake up!", I said running up to her shaking her shoulders hoping that she would respond.

"Move​.",Cheryl said.

I obeyed her and moved away because I didn't wanted to get EATEN by her. This sounded so crazy and stupid. It sounded like a real dream.

Cheryl bit her wrist and she made Veronica drink from her.

"I said drink or you will die,not that I don't want you to but still.",Cheryl said.

Veronica came in her consciousness,"What's going on?"

"Nothing. Forget everything that happened this night",Cheryl said enlarging her pupils to Veronica as she nodded.

"What is going on?",I asked shivering.

Cheryl turned to me evilly,"You are under vervain. How did you get the vervain?"

"What's vervain? And what the hell is going on?",I said.

"If I would tell you,you will not believe me anyway.",she said huffing.

"After seeing what happened today trust me I will",I said reassuring her.

"Fine. We are vampires and we drink blood to survive.",Cheryl said.

"What? Vampires are not real.",I said.

"Then this should not be real.",Cheryl rose her fangs growling at me. She closed her mouth and opened it again and I couldn't see any fangs now.

"I don't know what to say to this Cheryl",I said rubbing my forehead.

"Everything which you were told to be as a fantasy is real Betty. Vampires,werewolves,witches--

"Dragons too?",I cut her.

"No Miss smarty pants",she huffed.

We both sat down in a couch. Veronica was still resting.

"So how did you become vampires?",I asked welcoming myself into all the weirdness.

"About 3 Centuries ago Jason and I were turned into vampires. The monsters we didn't choose to be."

"It all falls into pieces now. You both killed the people who were termed to be killed by animals!You both are monsters.",I said freaking out.

"No. Not me. I didn't kill anyone but Jason did. He got crazy woo-sha-woo and got into the killing spree. I try my best to stop him from blowing over our cover.",she said.

"Riverdale is a town where vampires, werewolves,witches blah blah hide their identity in order to survive in this world.",she continued.

"I'm not scared of you Cheryl because I know you wouldn't kill me. Tell me how you became one.",I said.

"Are you sure you want to know this?",the red-headed Cheryl asked.

"I have never been so sure in my whole life.",I said.

"But you have to keep the secret. I cannot compel you to forget after what you saw tonight. And if I leave unanswered you will go around telling people and I cannot kill you so promise me if I tell you this you wouldn't tell anyone.",she said.

"I promise Cheryl.", I said.

"Around 300 hundred years ago------

To be continued-


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