Safety (A Harry Styles Love S...

By CharlotteLuvs1D

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When Jemma Scott's fiancé Harry Styles comes back from the war in Iraq, she believes everything will go on as... More

Safety (A Harry Styles Love Story)
1. Now
2. Then
3. Now
4. Then
5. Now
6. Then
7. Now
8. Then
9. Now
10. Then
11. Now
12. Then
13. Now
14. Then
15. Now
16. Then
17. Now
18. Then
20. Then
21. Now
22. Then
23. Now

19. Now

2K 86 9
By CharlotteLuvs1D

wow guys, sorry i've neglected this story... i've had stuff written but i've been so busy with midterms at school and i haven't gotten around to writing and i just recently got a job (i know, crazy right?) and i just got a cold a couple days ago so i've been feeling kinda like shit... but here's the next chapter and i really hope you like it :) 

            I was sitting at the front desk of my bookstore when I heard the front door wind chimes jingle as someone walked in. I looked up and found Harry quickly walking over to where I was sitting. He looked over his shoulder back outside and stepped up to the front desk, gripping the counter. He looked at me with big eyes.

            “Hey,” I said with a smile. “Are you okay?”

             He let out an annoyed breath. “Why do you always have to ask me if I’m okay?” he snapped.

            “You looked scared, I want to know what’s wrong,” I answered calmly.

            “I have to tell you something,” he said, reaching over the counter for my hand. “Privately.”

            I stood up and walked around the counter and took Harry’s hand, leading him to the back of the book store where there was a comfortable couch that we could sit on. Harry let out a breath and I sat down as he looked out the window. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and he sat down next to me.

            “I’ve seen some of them Jemma,” Harry said, taking my hand in his. “They’re after me.”

            “They’re after you? How do you know?” I asked, trying to play along with him.

            “Because one of them talked to me! He asked something about putting money in a meter. He claimed he wasn’t one of them but I knew he was. I almost knocked him out but another guy came and broke us up.”

            My jaw dropped. “Harry, did you punch the guy?”

            “He was a spy, Jem! I had to!”

            I rubbed my hands over my face. “Oh my god…”

            “They’re after me, Jemma… I don’t know what to do.”

            I let out a breath and looked over at my fiancé. He looked helpless and I put my hand on his cheek. This emotional instability was getting worse than I expected. I didn’t think he’d end up punching some innocent guy and pushing down some kid at the park. “Babe, why don’t I take you home, okay? I think it would be best if you just go home.”

            Harry just looked at me. “Jemma, I’m afraid.”

            I wrapped my arms around his neck. “There’s no need to be afraid when I’m around, okay? I’m your safety.” I put my hand over his heart. “Okay?”

            Harry merely nodded and I gave him a kiss.

            “I love you,” I said. “You know that, right? I’ll always be here for you when you need me.” I stood up. “Let me take you home.” I took his hands and he stood up with me, his height always dominating over mine.

            I quickly told my boss about the scenario and she let me leave to take him home since there wasn’t anyone looking around. I held Harry’s hand as I walked out the back door with him and over to my car. He got in the passenger’s seat as I sat down in the driver’s seat.

            I drove the couple minutes back to our apartment building and parked in the parking garage. Harry was already out of the car before I could turn to talk to him. “Hey,” I said softly, finding his hand and rubbing my thumb against his knuckles.

            We walked up to the lobby and got into the elevator up to our floor. “I feel like a fucking hamster being caged up in this apartment,” Harry groaned once we walked inside.

            “When I get home for work we can go out for dinner, okay?” I smiled at him but he didn’t return it. “I have a book that I want you to read.”

            “A book,” Harry mumbled. He sat down on the couch as I went to go get it from our room.

            “I think it will help you get your mind off of things,” I told him as I handed it to him. “Read as much as you can and we’ll have something to talk about over dinner.”

            Harry took it from me and looked at it skeptically.

            “If you don’t want to read that one I have plenty of other girly romance novels you could read instead.” I laughed a little bit and he let out a huff. “I love you. Kiss.” Harry leaned down and kissed my lips quickly. “I’ll see you later,” I told him, running my fingers through the back of his hair. I smiled at him and he pulled back, plopping down on the couch and opening up the book to start.


            That weekend I went to see my mum and step-dad for lunch at their house. I felt myself getting better. I knew was better than I was when I first got back home. At least I thought so.

            My parents didn’t think so though.

            They brought the topic of therapy up very carefully. My mum had begun talking about one of her friends who had been going to therapy to get over some phobia.

            Whenever I thought about therapy, I always pictured a lady in preppy clothes sitting in a chair while another person laid back in a reclining chair and told her about the problems they had been having. There was no way in hell I was going to therapy.

            “How have you been lately?” my mum asked.

            I just looked at her. “Better.”

            “And Jemma’s okay?”

            “Jemma’s great,” I answered simply. It was awkwardly quiet for a minute or so before Robin spoke up.

            “Harry, your mother and I think it would be best if you went to therapy sessions. Just once a week to let anything on your mind out.”

            I furrowed my eyebrows. “Why would I tell a complete stranger what is on my mind when I have my fiancé?”

            “Harry, a therapist would be able to help you,” my mum smiled at me.

            “Help me?” I said with a scoff. “I don’t need any help.”

            My mum let out a breath. “Harry there’s an obvious change in your behavior-”

            “I’m not going to therapy!” I exclaimed. I knew whenever I raised my voice at my mum she got mad. Even when my sister and I were little, we knew not to raise our voices at her. “I’m not crazy.”

            “We’re not saying you’re crazy, Harry,” Robin said carefully.

            “We just think it would help you go back to normal,” my mum told me bluntly.

            “I haven’t changed! I’m still normal! I’ve just seen things that you’ve never seen before.” I stood up from the table.

            “Harry,” my mum said, standing up with me.

            “You think I’m crazy, don’t you?”

            She looked at me sympathetically. “Harry, it’s just…”

            “You know this is why I have Jemma. She understands me and is there for me and doesn’t think that I need to go to therapy sessions.” I started to leave.

            “Harry, don’t go.” My mum followed me out of the kitchen. “We understand you, honey.” 

            “Well obviously not if trying to send me to therapy sessions is your last resort,” I snapped back. “I’m going to go see Jemma.”

            “She’s working, Harry,” my mum told me and catching my wrist at the door.

            “I know that, I just want to see her. I know she’ll talk to me like a normal person.” My mum let go of my wrist.

            “We love you, Harry,” she said with a weak smile.

            I didn’t respond as I started down the front walkway to my car. I needed to see Jemma. I wasn’t able to go a couple hours without being with her.

            The doorbells chimed as I stepped into the bookstore Jemma worked at. She was stood up at the cash register ringing up some books for two elderly ladies. Jemma looked up at me, acknowledging I was here and quickly finished what she was doing.

            “Have a nice day,” she said to the two ladies who thanked her nicely. I stepped up to the counter and looked at her, seeming somewhat helpless. “What’s wrong? Didn’t you go see your parents?”

            “I left,” I said.

            She frowned. “What happened?”

            I let out an annoyed breath. “They think I need therapy.”

            Jemma looked at me. “I’m sorry…” she sat down and patted the seat next to hers. I walked around the counter and hugged her. “They said that?”

            “My mum did,” I said over her shoulder. I felt her kiss my cheek a couple times.

            “You look really handsome today,” she whispered once she pulled back. Her hand rested on my cheek.

            “I missed you,” I said softly. She smiled her perfect smile that made my heart race. She softly kissed me. “I have no other friends, Jem…”

            “You have me,” she whispered, still smiling though it looked a bit more sympathetic now.

            “You’re the only one I want.” I put my arms out for a hug and she wrapped her arms around my neck as I sat and she stood up. “You’re the only person who doesn’t think I’m crazy.”

            “No,” she hummed over my shoulder, “I know you’re not crazy.” She pulled back and looked at me. “So I’m going out for dinner with my friends tonight and I want you to come.”

            I only looked at her. “It’s going to be all girls and you want me to come?”

            “No, some of them are bringing their boyfriends…” Jemma said with a smile. “I wanted to bring my fiancé. Do you want to come? You don’t have to…”

            I let out a breath and looked at my girl who was starting to give me her puppy dog eyes. I chuckled. “Don’t give me that look,” I teased, squeezing her side. She giggled and quickly kissed my lips again.

            “I’m taking that as a yes,” she whispered. She pulled back and smiled at me. “You look so hot in bandanas…” I kissed her again and she pulled back after a couple seconds. “Okay we can’t just be kissing, go find a book to read until I can go home.”

            “I love you,” I smiled at her and managed to kiss her once more before she kicked me out from behind the counter. Even when I was in the worst mood, she was able to make me feel better. I knew I was so incredibly lucky to have her not only as my fiancé but also as my best friend.

i hope you guys liked it :) please comment <3 i love you all more than anyone else :D 

~ Charlotte <3 

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