Chronicles of the Brotherhood...

By Lucius

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For strength to be gained, one must first be burdened with ache. For resolve to be stiffened, one must first... More

Act I: The City of Reliegh
Act II: Falling for Vengeance
Act III: Trading Wings for Fangs
Act IV: The End of Aimlessness
Act V: House Silverclaw
Act VI: The Sons of Clan Foulcrest
Act VII: The Line of Asteroth
Act VIII: An Attempt at Quiet
Act IX: Tribulation of the Demon Slayer
Act X: The Fall of Tenbarge
Act XI: The Curious Man Called L
Act XII: Wolves and Wings
Act XIV: The Raven's Approach
Act XV: The Good, The Bad, And the Brotherly
Act XVI: The Code of Brothers
Act XVII: The Pursuit of Justice
Note from the Author

Act XIII: Inopportune Circumstance

56 1 0
By Lucius

 The sun set in the west letting its streams of red and gold streak across the sky welcoming the night. The crisp summer breeze turned to a soft and cool whisk as the world began to fall asleep. City lights shone as the lights of homes and businesses closed down and turned off. Flenor was becoming quiet, like every night save the night life which carried on in dark alleys and secluded buildings.

Down the tracks leading east out of the city walked a peculiar figure. He walked towards the city under the cover of the coming night. He wore a long tattered and faded blue coat with a hood drawn over his head. His trousers were rolled up and sat atop laced combat boots. The cost tails trailed behind him since the coat was not fastened together, it was bound only by the belt slung over his shoulder and around his waist.

Tied to the belt was a large blade crudely forged and encrusted with blood. Strange markings ran up and down the blade. An ancient tongue that no one that he knew could read it. From the end of the handle hung a rope and blood stained handkerchief. The rope was woven around various bones and feathers and other horrifying items he had picked up and fastened to the length.

He walked silently with a drunken sway to his step. His eyes were weary and his mouth hung open dry as the dirt he tread on. His stench was repulsive and it clung to every part of him from his black and white hair, to his fingertips. His stomach growled, but he kept walking not giving it any mind; he had grown accustomed to it.

He looked up and let the train platform sign illuminate his war painted face. He starred at it for a time and mouthed the words that sat in the text. He looked around and found no one on the platform. The long slab of concrete was bare as desert bones. Newspapers like tumble-weeds drifted over the dusty way, but nothing alive showed itself.

The boy pulled himself up onto the platform and stood in the wake of the platform light looking about with a strange curiosity. He rubbed his eyes and took a step forward, but suddenly stopped. Heavy foot steps neared him as he held his breath. By the time the guardsmen turned the corner onto the platform, the boy was gone without a trace.

- -

"Why can't I have this room?" Xekiel whined.

"This room belongs to my sister, Xekiel," Mason explained exasperated. "It belongs to her and her alone, thus, you cannot have it."

"But she doesn't live here now, so why can't I have it?" Xekiel asked.

Mason sighed with great distaste. "Even if she does not live here currently, she may still return to live here again and it would be rude to say 'hey, dearest sister, welcome home! Hope you don't mind, I gave your room away to a blonde demon half-breed!'"

"But her bed is so comfortable!" Xekiel whined again.

"Look, you are welcome to stay here, we have plenty of room, but this room is off limits. You have your choice of anyone of the other hundred bedrooms in the mansion, go choose one of those!" Mason barked holding his stance before his sister's door.

Xekiel threw his hands up and groaned walking away from the door. He stuffed his hands in his pockets as he turned sticking his tongue out at Mason and descending the stairs to the foyer. Mason sighed and laid his hand upon the door for moment to catch his breath and collect his thoughts. He looked up to the finely stained wooden door and then to the etching above the door that read: "Sabrina Silverclaw" and sighed again.

"I miss you sister," he murmured to himself. "Come back soon, please."

He pinched the bridge of his nose and walked down the hall passing the main stairs, he headed to the west wing of the mansion. Much like the east wing, the west wing, second floor hallway was flanked by many doors to many rooms, some bedrooms, others recreational rooms and tiers to various quarters that begged a second floor entry.

He didn't like to admit it, but since Lucius and Xekiel had come to the mansion, it had become more lively and at the very least less cold. The husk of the family's mansion was getting life back slowly but surely. Even if he wasn't fully comfortable with how it was returning.

Lucius walked down the hall opposite his direction carrying and reading over a book stepping carefully and gracefully as he usually did. In his free hand he held and apple just beyond the reach of his jaws. The Fallen looked up when he noticed Mason and closed the book.

"You seem distraught young Master Silverclaw," he said. "is something the matter?"

Mason shook his head with an involuntary grin at his title. "No, Lucius, but thank you for your concern. Why do you call me that?"

"Would you prefer Master Silverclaw?" Lucius said with a smirk.

"I'd prefer Mason, if you don't mind," Mason replied.

"As I would prefer L," Lucius' smirk turned into a big smile.

Mason couldn't help but chuckle. "Was that the point?"

Lucius shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine, Mason," he said leaning back on a hall table taking care not to knock anything off it and holding the book and the apple low on his slender figure.

"How many books have you read?" Mason asked glancing at the tome in his friend's hands. "The Tales of Old Imperia? I didn't know we had that one."

"It's a charming read to say the least," Lucius said glancing at the cover. "I haven't been to the Elven country in many centuries and its always nice, I think to read what I can. I think this is number seventy-four, maybe?"

"Have you nothing better to do than read?" Mason asked.

"Well, I'm sorry that my life does not keep me hurrying out at the wee hours of the night to partake in Divine-knows-what and leave my home under the watch of two strangers, whom I apparently trust," Lucius said.

Mason furrowed his brow at the sudden change in subject, and hearing that his sneaking was not stealthy enough.

Lucius wiped his mouth and cleared his throat. "I meant no disrespect or cause for uncertainty, my friend," he said. "I rarely get sleep anyways and have often spent the nights looking up at the stars and have, on occasion, caught a glimmer of a white haired angel leaving the grounds. Whatever it is, it is your business and I won't ask you to convey it, unless you want me to know."

Mason relaxed himself and ran his left hand through his hair. "Thank you," he said. "I don't mean to be pent up and mysterious."

"No need to apologize, Mason," Lucius smile rising to posture and clasping a hand on his shoulder. "Your business, your house, I don't need to know more than you want me to."

Mason nodded his head and turned back towards the east wing. "So, seventy-four, thatch quite a lot of literature in only three months."

The two angels began walking together down the hall slowly.

"I am unfamiliar with the area and the lore of the place," Lucius replied. "I'm just trying to familiarize myself. If I haven't said it before, your home is quite beautiful."

"Thank you. I was built far before my birth and given to my family when we took on the title of Ambassadors to the Riokuvin," Mason explained.

"After the Purifix War I presume," Lucius asked.

"I would assume so," Mason replied. "To be honest, I haven't been very far away from this place ever in my life. Flenor and this place has been my home, my comfort zone. It's strange to think I've lived so long and have seen so little."

Lucius let out a generous chuckle. "Be grateful for your eternal life and little mundane knowledge. When you get to be my age and seen all that I have seen, ignorance can be a blessing."

"If you say so, L" Mason shook his head with a smile.

The two turned and walked down the main stairs to the foyer and then into the living room where Xekiel napped on the rug beside the fireplace. The boy's golden hair swept across his brow and around his neck in long, unkempt strands. He still wore the red hoodie that he came to Lucius in and the same jeans as well.

"Charming," Mason said noticing the drool rolling down his cheek.

"Have to give him credit, it doesn't take long for him to sleep," Lucius joked.

Mason looked at Lucius inquisitively. The Fallen sat back in a high-back chair setting his book and apple onto the side table and settling back into the plush velvet of the chair with a sigh of relief. Mason shook the alert feeling from himself and turned to a drink cart that was stationed near a wall and took a clean glass pouring himself a drink. He took a sip and seethed as it burned all the way down his throat.

"It would seem to be one of those lazy days," Lucius said with closed eyes, his head tilted back into the chair.

"So it would," Mason said sitting in his own chair. He rolled his shoulders and eased back deep into the soft leather and took a sip of his drink. "Unless you had cause to make it otherwise."

"I have no intention of robbing either of you the comfort of the day," Lucius said rising from his seat. "However, I have some matters to attend to in town with a friend of mine."

"Are you going to the merchant's square?" Xekiel asked sitting up quickly.

"Perhaps," Lucius said fixing his coat on his shoulders. "I assume you'd like to go."

"Of course!" Xekiel exclaimed rolling onto his back then pushing up off his back landing gracefully on his feet. "I just need my shoes."

"What business calls you to the merchant's square?" Mason asked sipping from his glass.

"An old friend has been wanting to meet me there for sometime," Lucius explained. "She is native to this area and wanted to show me around and catch up."

"Do I know her?" Mason asked.

"She has stopped by once or twice in the past couple months, but you have always been so preoccupied for me to make a formal introduction," Lucius responded.

"Ah," Mason replied. "How rude of me."

Lucius chuckled. "I wouldn't worry too much about it. She isn't the most lady-like individual herself."

"Ready when you are, L," Xekiel stood leaning against the archway of the living room. "You aren't coming, Mason?"

The angel raised his hand and waved shaking his head. "I think I will sit this one out. Might just tidy up the house."

Xekiel coughed, "well okay then," he said turning towards the door. "See you later then."

"Have fun though," Mason said.

"Oh, but master Silverclaw, I always have fun," Xekiel said glancing back at him with a grin.

Mason shook his head then looked to Lucius. The Fallen wrapped his scarlet scarf around his neck loosely then returned his host's glance with a warm smile. There were no words exchanged, but Lucius nodded his head in good bye and lead Xekiel through the door, closing it behind him.

Mason leaned back in his chair and took a large gulps from his drink and coughed as it went down his throat. He shook the dizziness from his head and sighed leaning his head back and starring up at the ceiling. The house seemed all the warmer now that he wasn't the only one living there anymore. Mason still wasn't sure how comfortable with it he was, but it had been better than starring at old pictures and paintings all day as he had for years.

"I thought they would never leave," came a voice from across the room.

Mason jolted forward with his eyes wide open in shock at who stood in the doorway to the study few feet from him. Sebastian stood leaning against the arch frame, his eyes drifting over the text of some leather bound tome. His attire was almost regal with earthy tones and few patches of blue.

"What are you doing here Sebastian?" Mason questioned with an unmistakable assertiveness in his tone.

"Isn't the host supposed to offer a guest a drink before asking the business of his visit?" Sebastian replied looking up from his text and shutting it

"Usually guests are invited ahead of their arrival," Mason replied growing more and more warty of Sebastian's presence. He searched his seances for the prescience of any other, but thankfully found none.

"But there always are those few random times that guests find themselves in the neighborhood of one to whom they have business with, and so, here I am," Sebastian explained tossing the book over his shoulder and stepping into the room with a smug smile.

"You have no right to intrude in my house uninvited or unannounced," Mason spoke with an almost edge to his words. "Be quick about your business and get the fuck out of my house."

"Oh, but is it your house anymore?" Sebastian said moving towards the window and peering through the fine drapery. "From what I saw, it looks as if you have opened up your doors to wayward strangers."

"What I do here is my business," Mason replied. "If that is all, then I believe we are finished here."

"Oh, no, Mason," Sebastian chuckled. "That was merely my observation, my business with you is of a more economic quality."

Mason did not reply, he glared at Sebastian clenching and uncleaned his fists. Behind his lips his teeth were set with his jaw and his whole body tensed.

"Three months ago when we spoke last," Sebastian began. "I was told you were seen with an odd character, but I ignored it because as you very well know, we are all odd characters. However, three months later, I am still getting reports that this odd character is still here and still you haven't reported in, so Mason, you must know why I am here by now. I have a schedule to keep and a business to run and when my employees refuse to show up to work because they are playing host, I take note and I don't find myself in a happy place. Please tell me you are going to help me to a happy place."

Mason stood glaring at Sebastian for a long moment of silence. His jaw hung open barely, in disbelief of the man's accusations. His breath was heavy and low, almost undesirable if it weren't for the expansions of his chest. He cocked his head and closed his eyes. He was interrupted before he could speak.

"Well, Mason?" Sebastian prodded him.

Mason lashed out sparks flying across the room. "Enough of your chit, Sebastian," he barked glaring at him. "Our business together is over and done. If I ever see you on my property again, so help me, you will end in fire!"

"Woah, Mason," Sebastian said throwing his hands up defensively with a confused look in his eyes. "Since when were you and me done?"

"Since I grew out of your petty burglar business," Mason replied extending his wings. "Now get out of my house!"

"mason," Sebastian stepped forward.

"Out!" Mason roared beating his wings pushing Sebastian back.

The Riokuvin was knocked from his feet and forced back knocking into the window sill. He growled and clutched his hip where the impact was most painful. He looked up at Mason and quickly reached into his coat where a dagger sat in a lined sheath.

"Don't even think about it," Mason said pointing two fingers directly between Sebastian's eyes. "You won't like how this ends."

"You'd commit murder?" Sebastian sneered gripping the handle of the blade. "Such a grievous sin for an angel of such high breed."

"I'd defend what little purity I have left," Mason replied as sparks began to fly from his finger tips, threatening to strike Sebastian. "Choose your neck remark carefully."

Sebastian flared his nostrils and gritted his teeth not taking his hand off his weapon. His eyes stood locked with Mason's as he attempted to call the angel's bluff. Mason did not budge, nor lower his fingers. His eyes actually narrowed. Sebastian quickly realized this was a fight he wasn't going to win.

He relaxed his grip and pulled his hand from within his coat placing it back at his side. He snorted and rolled his eyes as he walked casually towards the door. Mason followed him with his eyes and fingers taking only two steps to be in full view of the foyer.

Sebastian looked back at Mason with sharpened pupils. "You'll be back, sooner than you think," he said and swung open the door walking out. "You won't have a choice."

The door shut and Mason found himself silently raging within his own mind. He lowered his fingers and folded his wings in. he watched Sebastian as he walked down the pathway and through the gates. He sighed and let out the rest of his anger calming himself down.

He quickly reached for an empty glass on the drink cart and poured himself a shot slugging it down as soon as a fair amount pooled in the bottom. He coughed and hissed as it burned the whole way down his throat. He breathed heavily as the liquor did it's job and numbed the growing head ache.

He suddenly felt an unease in his stomach and looked around widening his sensory sight to the perimeter of his house. He felt nothing, no movement he didn't recognize or couldn't search deeper. Yet his stomach still churned, refusing to settle. It was a queasy feeling, one that washed over his thoughts and caused them to race uncontrollably.

He picked up the bottle and looked over the label. It was still good, not even close to expiration or fouling. He placed the bottle down and dove inward to find something amiss. Again, he came up with nothing, but the relentless pit growing in his stomach.

He looked back out over his property to the gate, the front yard was still, save the rolling breeze in the grass. Between two trees he could see the distinct and relatively close skyline of Flenor. The city was alive, not from distant glance, but it was the beginning of the month and a weekend. It could only be assumed.

Mason could not take his eyes off the city as Sebastian's words came over him again. He only recalled certain pieces, but they fit together. "Oh shit!" Mason shouted.

The angel ran to a coat rack Lucius had put in place along the wall of the foyer, grabbing a waist long white jacket and rushing out the door locking it in a frenzy before taking off down the field towards the outer wall. He spread his wings and with a great leap lifted himself into the air and flew quickly towards the city. His brow was furrowed and jaw clenched.

- -

Xekiel darted ahead of Lucius as the two walked down a crowded street. The blonde haired boy ducked between people and threw himself up to various stalls peering over the wares and produce with wide eyes. The boy hadn't been around such bustling company in so long.

Lucius watched and carried himself as the parent. Xekiel ran off, but Lucius remained in eye sight, almost as if he was Xekiel's father. He did this unconsciously, never actually expressing his concern for the boy, but it was almost instinctual. He smiled as the two moved through the crowd.

Before long, the two walked under an archway into a wide square of Flenor. The whole square was full of people minding their own business or not, coupled with competing newspaper bots calling for the passer-by's attention. In the center of the square sat a large four tiered fountain with a spire centrally sticking up towards the sky.

Each tier of the fountain depicted several statues interacting with each other in various ways. Some depicted war, others love, some even frivolity. The water flowed from various spouts and paraphrases within the art of the stone. Running up and down the spire were numerous carvings and runes of a thousand languages from the world over.

"Your friends here, Lucius?" Xekiel asked looking back at him.

Lucius looked around the square from building to building. Finally his eyes fell upon the fountain and picked out who he was looking for. "Over there, Xekiel," he said. "By the fountain, the brown haired elf in the green shawl."

Xekiel looked and nodded. "Ah, I see now." he replied.

The two pushed through the crowd to the fountain. Laowen sat in the rim of the fountain with one leg crossed over the other under a long dress of subtle ornamentation. Over her shoulders she wore a green shawl the was wrapped around her neck with tassels and fringes falling off the edge. She looked around swaying her suspended foot patiently with a light smile on her face. He eyes brightened when she saw Lucius approach.

"Took you long enough, Lucius," she said rising to her feet.

"I'm still new to the city, my friend, forgive me," Lucius said embracing her. "Allow me some credit for arriving regardless."

Laowen returned the hug and laughed. "I would expect nothing less from you," she said looking down at Xekiel and pulling away from Lucius. "Who is this?"

"I'm Xekiel," the boy replied sticking his chest out and shooting a toothy grin.

"A pleasure to meet you, Xekiel," Laowen replied. "I am Laowen, an old friend of Lucius'. And my I also introduce my sister, Christina."

A beautiful woman stood up from a small table sitting beside them. She was young and radiant in the face, truly breath taking. Her golden hair rolled off her shoulders with a light curl. He figure was slim and curvy, barely hidden by her clothing. She was dressed in a long sweater that hung off one shoulder and rounded her hips like a short dress. He legs were covered by dark three-quarter length stretch leggings, with bright shies. She held a light colored cloak over her right arm.

"I've heard a lot about you, Lucius," she said with an almost musical voice. She reached out a hand to Lucius.

Lucius cleared his throat taking her hand and bending down to kiss the back of her palm. "I do hope they were all good things," he said.

Christina grew red in the face, but put instead of hiding it, she turned her cheek to be more visible. She giggled at Lucius' gesture. "You really aren't from around here aren't you?" she said with a light tone.

"No, actually I'm from someplace I'm almost certain you have never been," Lucius replied standing upright.

"Oh, try me," Christina exclaimed.

"Perhaps over a drink sometime," Lucius replied with a smile.

"Okay, you two, you just met!" Laowen put in smacking Lucius across the face.

Xekiel stood completely lost. He shook his head with a groan and sat on the lip of the fountain over looking the square.

Lucius barely reeled back. Laowen drew in close to him. "She is my baby sister, Lucius," she whispered to him. "If you hurt her in anyway-"

"Wait, what?" Lucius whispered back. "I was being cordial."

"People in Flenor don't kiss each other on the hand in public, Lucius," Laowen yell-whispered at him.

"And how was I supposed to know that?" Lucius shot back rising over her.

Christina giggled at the two. They looked over to Christina anxious and confused. "I'd love that, Lucius," she said. "The drink, I mean. Laowen says I need more friends."

Laowen's eyes shot wide, but before she could speak, Lucius covered her mouth and gave a slight bow. "Apologies if I embarrassed you," he explained. Maybe over that drink you could teach me better how to not seem so "formal" as your sister implies."

Christina laughed, "Definitely. It's a date."

Laowen threw her hands up. "Whatever, you two, can we please just stay on task?" she pleaded.

"And what task is that, Laowen?" Lucius asked.

"I have things to pick up and errands to run, and you, Mr. Lucius, have a whole town to see," Laowen replied. "So let's not waste any time."

"Do fights usually happen around here?" Xekiel suddenly piped up.

"Excuse me?" Laowen asked looking to the young boy. "What do you mean?"

Xekiel lifted a finger pointing across the square to a small enclosed grassy area with a few small trees growing out of. Within, Five intimidating sorts of people starred down a small boy in a long blue coat. On his back he carried a large blade. Lucius immediately took note and furrowed his brow pulling his coat to the side revealing his two blades.

"Apologies, Laowen," he said taking a breath. "I will be right back." Lucius strode in the altercation's direction pushing through the crowd of people effortlessly.

"Hey, I'm coming too!" Xekiel said hopping up and following him.

"No, Lucius," Laowen called after him. She looked to her sister with tired eyes. "I forgot to mention he can be impulsive and a bleeding heart at times."

"There is nothing wrong with that," Christina replied taking her sister's hand. "Come on, before things get out of hand."

The five men stood around the boy blocking his escape as he stood with his head down in front of the enclosing fence. The hood of his long blood stained coat was drawn over his head masking all except his long black and white hair that spilled out the mouth. Around his neck was an assortment of grotesque items woven into a thick twin bound necklace. Strapped to his back was a crude machete with a flat tip, large at the head than the tall handle. He was motionless.

"You reek kid," one the the thugs spat at him. "Didn't your mother never teach you to bathe?"

"What are you doing running around with all this freaky shit around your neck, eh?" another one questioned moving closer to him. "You from a fucking hill tribe or something?"

The boy said nothing, made no move, gave no response period.

One of the men stepped forward and reached for the machete strapped to the boy's back. "Such a little kid," he said. "You don't need one of these, this is a big boy's toy."

Suddenly the boy reached up and grabbed the man's wrist and gently pulled it away from the hilt of his blade. He said nothing, but dark eyes peered through his hair hard and emotionless. His grasp was surprisingly strong for his size and build.

"What the hell?" the man coughed grabbing the boy's arm.

"I wouldn't press this boy anymore, fellas," Lucius said stepping onto the side walk near them. "He doesn't look like one to be taken lightly or messed with."

"Who the fuck are you?" one of the men questioned flashing a knife. "You don't want to mess with us."

"Oh, cliches how amusing I find you," Lucius said rolling his eyes. "Keep that butter knife where it is, child, if it comes down to that, I'll lend you one of my own." Lucius pulled his coat open flashing his blades to the five, who had turned their attention to him.

Laowen and Christina stepped out onto the sidewalk a few paces behind Lucius. Christina made an attempt to step closer, but Laowen held her back shaking her head when their eyes met. Christina looked back at Lucius and reached to her concealed hip, keeping her hand there.

The five men turned their attention from the boy to Lucius with astonished and stand-offish faces. They looked to each other, one looking for some guidance from the other. One's eyes remained locked on Lucius, beads of sweat formed and rolled down his brow.

"Mind your own business, dark coat," one of the men spat at Lucius.

Lucius drew both of his swords holding them from his side. The crowd suddenly gasped and parted as more and more people saw and stopped to watch the confrontation. The thugs looked around as the crowd Lucius smirked as the audience grew.

"It's the city's business now," Lucius said.

"Lucius," Laowen called out. "From their eyes and the city's you appear as the aggressor."

"Then I trust you will have my back when and if the time comes," Lucius replied turning to take a lax stance.

Laowen stood with her mouth agape in surprise. Christina's face changed to intrigue as the thugs cowered from Lucius' prescience and stature. He stood so proud, yet compassion was in his intent, not fear, nor malice. A soft smile broke her lips. Laowen looked to her sister then back at Lucius and sighed at the situation.

"We don't want no trouble with you, black coat," One of the men said through gritted teeth.

Lucius pointed Helios at the boy then back at the men. "But you would prefer trouble with this boy, then?" Lucius replied. "I find your thought process very amusing."

The sweating man suddenly drew a hatchet and pushed through his comrades with a wail. "No one fucks with us!"

Xekiel leapt from a tree and came down on top of the man placing long steel claws strapped to his wrists to the man's throat. Screams and shocked cries went up from the surrounding watchers. He wrapped his legs around the man's waist and twisted bringing him down to the ground. The other four men quickly drew out weapons they carried on their persons almost instinctual. Xekiel hissed and snarled flashing his claws at the other thugs.

"Next one moves, bleeds!" he snapped at them.

The crowd settled into murmurs and more and more backed away, not daring to fully look away or run. The scene was too captivating to run away from. Many silently cheered for the two strangers facing off the thugs. The whole city recognized the men, they couldn't help but root against them.

"Well done, Xekiel," Lucius said. "A little more subtle next time, no need to cause a scene."

Xekiel snickered to himself. "Whatever you say, Lucius."

"Oi, get off out boy there," one of the thugs barked with an intimidated look about him.

"Fuck you!" Xekiel snapped back.

Lucius let his eyes roam over the crowd and the square. The crowd was amassing to an unbelievable size of on lookers and curious bystanders. The crowd was so think the police force that were in the area couldn't weave their way to get to the heart of it all. The tall building serving as a fourth wall cut off a few yards from where he stood by an alleyway.

Lucius intended to keep this contained, he hoped that he and Xekiel's entrance would simply frighten off the men, but they were either too stubborn or stupid to back down. They stood there petrified by their own ignorance refusing to just walk away. If anything, Lucius just wanted to divert their attention so the boy could escape.

When Lucius looked again, the boy was gone, or at least not where Lucius last saw him. There was no sign of him at all, not in the crowd, not in the greenery, and Lucius didn't see or hear him dart off down the alleyway. Despite his relief, Lucius was all the same perplexed.

Suddenly a cry rang out from within the huddled four. The rearmost thug wailed in pain clutching the protruding end of a squared off blade in his stomach. The boy put his foot on the man's back as he fell to his knees and pushed him off the edge of the blade, wiping it off as he brought it back. The boy's eyes were cold and heartless.

The other three reeled back in shock. Lucius' eyes grew wide with surprise as did Xekiel's. The boy glared at the remaining three thugs and took a taunting step towards them. In fear, the three got up and darted down the alleyway, the boy quickly followed as the crowd pulled away fearing the boy's wrath. All the while the wounded man cried out in pain.

"Xekiel," Lucius said with a commanding tone. "Go after him, subdue him and try not to kill him."

"Okay, L," Xekiel replied elbowing his captive in the back of the head knocking him out and darting down the alleyway.

Lucius stepped over the unconscious man and knelt down at the wounded man turning him over and examining the wound. The man was loosing a lot of blood, but the wound dodged any internal organs by just a small margin. Lucius flexed his hands as black flames ripped up his fingers and placed them on the man.

"This may hurt a bit," he said reaching into the man's wound prompting an even louder scream. Lucius felt around searching for any signs of a hex or any other left over curse, this wound wasn't meant to kill the man, just to brutally wound.

Laowen moved to kneel beside Lucius and pulled his hands out of the man's wound. "Let me do it," she spoke with a less than enthused tone.

A light green aura surrounded her hands as she placed them on the man and began to heal his wound. The gouge began to fill again with flesh as the energy accelerate the rebuilding of the muscle tissue and reattaching of tendons, ligaments, and arteries. Within moments, the man was healed, all that remained was a gnarly scar and the remnants of blood.

Laowen wiped her brow and sighed as the aura faded from her hands. "What were you trying to do?" she asked. "Rip out his heart?"

"The last thing I want to do is take another life, Laowen," Lucius said as the flames licked and died from his palms. "I was inspecting the wound."

"You have a funny way of doing that," Laowen replied as Christina stepped up to join them.

"The crowd is disbanding, the police will be here in moments," she said with urgency.

"I'll explain later then, " Lucius said sheathing his swords. "We need to hurry after Xekiel."

"Right behind you," Christina said with a smile.

"I will stay back and talk to the police, they know me, I can explain," Laowen explained. "Go, I'll meet you back at the mansion later."

Lucius nodded to Laowen, then to Christina. The two darted into the alleyway as Laowen turned to meet the police that managed to work their way through the crowds to the scene. The two were out of sight before the first officer broke through the crowd. All that met them was Laowen smiling standing beside two unconscious bodies.

"So, what was it about that wound that had you so intrigued?" Christina asked as they ran down the alleyway.

"It wasn't a mortal wound," Lucius replied directing them as they ran in tandem with each other.

"Looked like he was dying to me," Christina replied.

Lucius shook his head. "I'm not denying that the wound could have killed him," he explained. "He was losing enough blood that over time it would have ended him, but what puts me off is the boy and the manner at which it was struck."

"Do you always speak in circles?" Christina asked with a smile.

"Only on very special occasions, my dear," he replied shooting her a light smile. His face returned to a serious expression as he continued. "That was clearly not an elven or Riokuvin made blade, it looked otherworldly, crude and brutal. It looked like an executioner's blade."

Christina watched the path, but kept Lucius in her peripheral vision.

"He had concealed himself to everyone," Lucius explained. "He could have ended the man with no trouble at all, but he chose to wound him to the point of paralysis, why? Because that kid had every intention of breaking the others morale and picking them off one by one before the wounded one died."

"This is all a game to him," Christina exclaimed.

"He's a hunter," Lucius added. "And his prey took the bait."

Xekiel followed the chase closing the distance between the m as fast as he could, but they had gotten a head start to him. Despite this fact, Xekiel never lost stride as he neared them. He dragged his claws on the ground letting them scrape and spark, also giving Lucius a trail to follow every so often.

The boy never looked back. He held his machete across his shoulders and sprinted after them. His hood fell off his head letting his hair whip about in the wind and bounce off his shoulders. His face was soft, but cold at the same time, his eyes the most haunting part of his figure aside from his weapon and stance.

The alleyways had become rather narrow, wide enough for two people to run side, by side, but not very much larger. The thugs threw down whatever they could to obstruct their pursuer, but the boy leapt and bolted over the obstructions with ease. Their flight became that of sheer desperation to avoid the end of the boy's blade.

Xekiel followed close in tow, the obstacles serving little challenge for him either. He reached many times out to grab the tails of the boy's coat, but every time he leapt ahead just enough for Xekiel to lose pace and have to reset himself. Xekiel felt his heart race and his legs begin to ache from the relentless sprint.

"Damn this kid is fast," he muttered to himself.

The boy looked back at Xekiel then back at the fleeing quarry and suddenly leapt up grabbing hold of a steel escape ladder and vaulted himself onto a protruding platform that ran the length of the building. He paused only a moment before racing down the platform again after the thugs.

"You're fucking joking!" Xekiel shouted with an exhausted tone.

The chase continued across streets and into deeper alleyways with numerous twists and turns, the boy maintained his higher altitude by leaping from high place to high place, even going so far as to leap into an open window and come out another with nothing more than a squeal of shock and the rush of the wind behind him.

The thugs led Xekiel and their hunter to the fringe of Flenor on the eastern side of the city to a slum district inhabited by all manner of beings, elves, Riokuvin, and arcane-borne. As they made for a safe place, one of them tripped and fell flat on his face. The other two stopped to look back at him with terrified eyes.

"Don't just stand there," he cried. "Help me!"

"Sorry, mate," one of the two replied. "You're dead weight and I'm not about to die for you!"

Suddenly the boy dropped behind the two landing in a crouch. He rose up like a rising cloud of smoke, the fall having flipped his hood back onto his head, he peered through his shadowed face. The two reeled back with shrill shrieks and cowered on their knees beside their incapacitated comrade.

Xekiel ran up mere seconds after the boy and stood gasping for breath almost collapsing under the weight of his own body. "Don't do it, kid," he called. "They aren't worth it!"

The boy said nothing but shrugged the blade off his shoulder letting the blade dig into the settled dirt road. He wrenched it out and dragged his fingers along the blade cleaning it of any muck that clung to it and rolled on his heels into a low charge stance. The men surly soiled themselves at the sight.

When the boy jumped, so did Xekiel. The blonde boy barely managed to deflect the machete with his claws sending the tip back into the ground. Before the young boy could react, Xekiel swung a brutal forearm into his neck hoping to knock him to the ground. The boy wavered, but kept his hands firmly clasped on the machete and took up better footing.

The boy arched up at Xekiel. The half-demon barely had the time or strength to halt the blade before it cut deep into his groin and possibly up the rest of his body. Xekiel looked up in time to meet the boy's fist coming straight for his face. Xekiel had no time to react, he took the punch and was knocked back.

The boy swung the blade on the end of a chain he clamped onto the end quickly. He hurled the blade like a knife at Xekiel, who rolled out of the way and rolled again backwards onto his feet. He hissed and took a stance waiting for the boy's next move. His body still ached from the chase.

The boy snorted and jerked the blade from its puncture point and spun it around his head again at Xekiel. The two played this ducking and swinging game for many rounds, Xekiel barely being able to get in close to the boy and when he did, the boy reacted fast enough to force Xekiel to retreat. All the while, the thugs watched in fear and awe.

"Fuck this," one yelled getting up and turning tail to run.

The boy took note of him immediately and shifted his footing facing the coward. He swung the blade around his head, hurling it. Xekiel suddenly saw his chance, the boy had shifted his focus. Xekiel leapt and tackled him to the ground, stopping the throw short.

The boy struggled under Xekiel's grip silently, but violently. The thugs took this chase to get up and run screaming for their lives. Xekiel kept the boy at bay until the men were far out of sight before releasing him. The boy threw his head back as Xekiel released him and rolled free.

The next thing Xekiel knew, the young hunter was holding his head by the bunched strands of hair over the blade of the machete caressing his neck. The boy kept one knee firmly on Xekiel's back preventing him from struggling. His eyes wild with rage.

Xekiel snarled and hissed. "Do it, then," he barked. "Go ahead and behead me, Lucius will find you. You will pay for it dearly!"

"What were you doing protecting them, demon?" the boy demanded threatening to drop his head. "Answer me!"

"What?" Xekiel replied confused. "I'm not a demon! I'm human!"

"You are demon," the boy replied. "Your scent."

"I'm human I swear!" Xekiel exclaimed. "I've never even seen a demon before in my life, I'm human!"

"Humanity is gone because of your kind," the boy barked. "You hide in human form, demon!"

"I'm not a fucking demon!" Xekiel shouted. "I've been on the run since it started, I hold no love for them either."

The boy held Xekiel's head breathing heavy and unsteady. Xekiel held himself up a little by the claws he placed over the blade as a last ditch resort. The boy sniffed Xekiel and took a deep breath before stepping off of Xekiel and pulling the blade out from under his neck. He let go of Xekiel's hair after the blade was clear of his throat.

Xekiel sighed a deep sigh of relief before rolling onto his back and sitting up looking at the boy with confrontational eyes. The boy strapped the machete to his back and pulled his hood down letting his black and white hair fall into a neat flow off his shoulders. He looked back at Xekiel with an unreadable face and gave a slight bow of his head.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I got carried away in my anger."

"You think so?" Xekiel asked.

The boy tilted his head and took a deep breath knowing he deserved any rude remarks for his actions. He stood straight and turned taking a step forward.

"Got someplace to get off to?" Xekiel asked.

The boy stopped and looked back at Xekiel, but did not speak.

After a short silence Xekiel stood up. "I guess that's a no," he said.

Again the boy said nothing, just kept his stance and eye contact with Xekiel. The boy's eyes moved as Xekiel moved. It was haunting.

"Whats the matter?" Xekiel asked. "A moment ago you were threatening me, now I can't get a word out of you."

The boy shrugged and tapped the handle of his machete on his back.

Xekiel tilted his head confused, but his eyes lit up when an idea crossed his mind. "Oh, you're a hunter, so you don't speak to scare your game?" he asked.

The boy looked at Xekiel with a furrowed brow then shook his head slowly and tapped his blade again. "An oath," he said. "In memory of those lost."

"Oh, Xekiel said brushing off the fact he just spoke. "I'm sorry, I assume your family was among the number?"

The boy looked down with a sadden look.

"Hey," Xekiel said stepping up to the boy and placing his right hand on his shoulder absent the blade strap. "I lost my mother and father to a demon too. I know how you must feel, but I am sorry, no one can experience that pain like the blood."

The boy looked up at Xekiel, who was taller than him by a good two feet with watery, yet somewhat bright eyes.

"My name is Xekiel," the blonde boy said readjusting his right hand lower towards the boy. "What was the name your mother gave you?"

The boy looked at Xekiel's hand then back up at Xekiel and after a short pause, clasped their forearms. "Jericho, she called me," he replied.

- -

Lucius and Christina stood scratching their heads looking around a busy four way crossing near the slum district. Lucius had tracked Xekiel to this point, but at this point, the Fallen's abilities began to waver on account of the numerous aromas and auras that flooded the district. A good and subtle camouflage to those who knew how to use it.

Christina had fixed her cloak around her shoulders, it came down to her knees. Broached from her left shoulder, the white fabric was very clean and untarnished by dust or weather. She looked around the crowed street standing beside Lucius with an inconspicuous stance.

"Anything?" she asked.

"Nothing yet," Lucius replied. I'm not picking up Xekiel's scent anywhere, only faintly and it falters all too quickly before I can place it."

"What do you recommend?" Christina asked.

Lucius shook his head. "Not sure. We can't just leave him out here though," Lucius replied. "The slum will cause me to be walking blind with no definite trace of him, but it's better than standing around here."

"Agreed," Christina replied. "I'll watch your back and help in any way that I can."

Lucius turned a warm smile to Christina. "You assistance has been invaluable," he said. "I really do appreciate your company as well."

Lucius turned away just in time for Christina to blush red. She tucked her chin back to hide the hue and giggled to herself. "The feeling is likewise, Lucius," she replied.

The two took one last look around before beginning to cross the street towards the entrance to the slum. The sidewalk was lined with high wooden fences patched with sheets of tarnished iron plates, the kind used for roofs and siding. Above the fences, the tops of houses were visible, rather run down, some boarded up, but not entirely as dirty as the dirt they walked on.

"Lucius wait!" Mason shouted suddenly, descending from the sky lightly.

The two turned to watch him descend. Lucius smiled coolly. "Nice of you to drop by, Mr. Silverclaw," he said. "I thought you had an errand to run?"

"I'm sorry, Lucius," Mason said folding in his wings and walking up to them. "I haven't been fully honest with you."

"Oh, I hope not,," Lucius replied. "As pleasant as I am, I would be baffled if you immediately trusted me after so many years of solitude."

"Excuse me?" Mason said confused.

Lucius looked from Christina to Mason then back to Christina. "A moment, miss," he said moving close to Mason to whisper to him. "You are your own man, Master Silverclaw, I can respect that, however, your guest did not seem too pleased with our presence."

Mason's eyes grew wide. "You knew he was there?" he muttered.

"Apologies," Lucius explained. "I felt his presence within the house many times, every time I felt his hatred for my and Xekiel's presence grow. Again, what is your business is your business, but I can't help but fear for your own well being for such an individual."

"Lucius," Mason stammered. "That man is a bigger problem than you know. He's after you and Xekiel. He's trying to get to me."

Lucius pulled back looking at Mason, examining and looking into him. After what seemed to be a rather lengthy pause he glanced back at Christina and gave a warm smile and a light wave. Christina smiled and waved back standing very patiently.

Lucius turned back to Mason in quiet council. "You've had dealings with him, I trust then?" Lucius asked.

"I was employed by him years ago, but when you and Xekiel came, I blew him off," Mason explained in a whisper. "That line of work is not becoming of my family name and I am sick of it," Mason explained. "I repaid my debt to him."

Lucius nodded and placed his right hand on Mason's nearest shoulder. "Glad to see your resolve," he said with a smirk. "Now let's find Xekiel and t=our new friend before your previous employer does."

Lucius turned and nodded to Christina walking past her into the slum. She nodded to Mason and followed Lucius. Mason looked after the two and couldn't help but let a smile spread across his face. He finally took a step forwards and then hurried his pace to catch up to Lucius.

Suddenly he realized. "Wait," he stammered. "New friend?"

- -

Xekiel and Jericho sat together with their legs hanging off the edge of a rooftop garden munching on an apple each. Xekiel looked up at the clouds rolling by, taking large bites at a time. Jericho looked down watching over the street and those who passed by. The rooftop garden was only four stories up, they had scaled the side wall themselves minutes earlier.

"would it be too much to ask where you came from?" Xekiel asked.

Jericho looked up at him then back down at his apple. "A village within the mountains," he replied. "It's name I can't remember."

"I don't remember the name of mine either," Xekiel replied taking a bite of his apple. "it was a shit hole anyways."

Jericho sighed and tossed his half-eaten apple the four stories to explode on the ground. "This place doesn't seem much better," he replied. "Who was that man you were with?"

"Who, Lucius?" Xekiel asked.

"The tall one with black hair and coat," Jericho replied glancing at Xekiel without moving his head.

"Yeah, that is Lucius," Xekiel said taking another bite of his apple. "He found me here and took me in with another angel."

Jericho looked at him silently with a confused look.

"They are both really good people," Xekiel explained. "Mason seems like he has a stick up his ass more often than not, but you warm up to him."

Jericho listened without saying a word.

"The three of us live in Mason's mansion outside of town," Xekiel searched the distance finally pointing a finger in the direction of the tall green forest. One could just barely see the roof of the mansion from that distance. "There is plant of room. I'm sure Lucius and Mason wouldn't mind if you staid."

"They don't know me," Jericho said quietly.

Xekiel put his closest hand around Jericho's shoulder. "Lucius didn't know me, but he took me in, they both did," he replied. "Lucius doesn't seem to care who we are or where we came from. He just genuinely cares about people. We are just the lucky ones."

"I guess," Jericho said turning away.

"Oh, come on, Jericho," Xekiel exclaimed shaking his new friend. "Why not give it a try? It will be a warm place to sleep and food that we don't have to steal."

"I'm just not sure," Jericho replied.

"Well," Xekiel said. "The door will always be open to you."

Jericho gave a quick soft smile and nodded his head in a lazy circle.

Xekiel grinned. "Good, now let's go try and meet up with Lucius, I bet he's been looking all over for us."

"That's what I'm hoping," a cool and insidious voice sounded from behind them.

The two spun around to find three men standing not too far away from them. The one in the center stood taller and finer dressed than the other two elves that flanked him. He starred menacingly at the boys with the most smug look on his face.

Xekiel and Jericho stood turning to face them. Jericho flexed his hand ready to reach for his machete. Xekiel stood his ground fixing his footing in a flexible tactical stance. The two boys exchanged glances before looking back to the man.

"And who are you?" Xekiel questioned.

The man laughed. "They call me Sebastian," he introduced himself, "and I run this town."

Before Xekiel or Jericho could react, they felt a blunt pain overwhelm their heads and they both dropped to their knees and then the ground. Xekiel was out before he hit the ground, but Jericho caught one last glimpse of Sebastian's smug face as his eye lids shut and he fell unconscious.

- -

Lucius, Mason, and Christina walked in almost a formation through the streets of the slum. Lucius was the only one visibly armed, but he kept his weapons sheathed as they made their way. The streets were crowded as the rest of Flenor, but here it was such cluster, it was hard to move freely without rubbing shoulders with a passer-by.

Lucius took up the front peering around from side to side with a steady head, his eyes the only scanning utility to him. Once or twice he'd sniff the air, but could only grasp a vague whiff of a scent. He sighed and lead the other two deep into the slum. The sun was beginning to set.

Mason brought up the rear behind Christina. He was so nervous, sweat rolled down his forehead as his visual scanning was not as covert as Lucius'. Three instances he ducked his head lower and followed passing individuals was they walked past with his eyes. He recognized them as Sebastian's men and didn't want to reveal himself to them.

Christina walked with a purpose behind Lucius. She found no comfort being so close to untidy and unkind society, but she kind of enjoyed the raw adventure of it all. Under her cloak, she held her arms crossed, her left firmly placed on her hip, clasping something she had managed to conceal.

The group said nothing as they walked, only a low whistle from time to time, but they were rare in this endeavor. They followed Lucius and Lucius followed the scent where it took him. Much to his displeasure, it would take him to one side of the street then back to the other. He grumbled to himself, embarrassed at how ridiculous he and the other two must look to anyone who was paying attention.

Suddenly, Christina screamed causing the crowd to open up just a little. Mason and Lucius looked to her bewildered at the source, but before her cowered a small Riokuvin. She held her left elbow up threatening the man with wild eye.

"Christina," Lucius interjected. "What happened?"

"This pervert pinched my ass as he passed by," she shouted. "No one touches me there and expects to get away with it! Do you know who I am?"

Mason could only sack his palm for his face and turn away attempting to look inconspicuous.

Lucius stood by Christina and gently pulled her elbow down. "Allow me to fight for your honor," he whispered in her ear with a slight sarcasm to his tone.

Christina looked at him then at the man, then laughed once. "Well, if you insist," she replied.

Lucius nodded with a smile then turned to the cowering Riokuvin. His smile faded into a cold stare as he turned to face the man. "I assume you feel proud of yourself," Lucius said flatly. "Let's go somewhere a little more private."

Lucius dragged the pervert into a back alley followed by Mason and Christina who kept watch from a distance. Mason stood at the opening of the alley while Christina couldn't help but watch Lucius and the pervert. Lucius shoved him against a wall.

"I'm sorry, man," the Riokuvin stammered standing up with a hunch. "I didn't know she was a taken woman."

"As far as I know, she isn't," Lucius replied. He grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt and lifted him off the ground. "Now we have had a long day, and we are looking for a pair of young men that may have ran through here. If your only talent is groping women that pass you in the street then ending your life would be a blessing unto this city."

"Wait," the Riokuvin gawked. "You aren't going to kill me are you?"

"That is entirely up to you," Lucius said with an unnatural grin. "have you seen a blonde haired boy wearing a red hoodie or a small boy in a long blue coat run through here?"

"No, I mean, maybe, I don't know!" the Riokuvin groaned. "I'm pissing myself, man!"

Mason and Christina watched a little bit in awe of Lucius in the back alley, Mason more so. He'd never seen the darker side of Lucius, if he could call this dark, it was definitely shady. Christina found herself wishing she was the one terrifying the pervert who violated her, but she couldn't deny, Lucius did a good job.

"I'm running out of patience, my perverted friend," Lucius said bringing in the Riokuvin closer to him. "Last chance, have you seen them?"

"Yes, yes I saw a blonde kid in a red hoodie run down the street, that's all I didn't pay attention past it," the Riokuvin pleaded. "That's all I swear!"

Lucius put him back down on his feet and patted his face with a smile. "See?" he asked. "Was that so hard?"

The Riokuvin quickly sprinted in the opposite direction turning behind the nearest corner and not stopping to look back. Lucius cracked his neck and flexed his palms before turning to Christina and giving a low bow. She couldn't help but smile and clap lightly.

"Without any more distractions, let's go," Lucius said rising to posture.

"Did he tell you something that I missed because I only haired that he "saw" Xekiel," Mason replied.

"I searched his memories when he said it," Lucius replied. "I found where he last saw Xekiel, it's a better place to start than just roaming aimlessly."

"Agreed," Christina said.

Mason nodded. "Lead the way, Lucius," I'm tired of being here."

Lucius nodded and quickly took pace melding back into the crowd followed by his two companions. They made their way down the streets of the slum briskly, following Lucius' lead again, only this time he went with a purpose. His whole head shifted now recognizing landmarks from the memory her searched and catching a stronger scent as well.

"We are getting close," Lucius said to them as they rounded a corner into a rather vacant path. "The scent is strong just down here."

The three turned another corner, but Lucius stopped in his tracks with wide eyes. Mason and Christina flanked him and looked onto the path. Their eyes followed suit to Lucius' as they all approached with caution.

Jericho lay unconscious in the middle of the street, absent his machete and Xekiel.

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