Act XVII: The Pursuit of Justice

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 Xekiel leaned over the counter top of the bar holding himself up by his elbows. He would glance over his shoulders periodically looking from the crowd to Godrick following him waiting for his moment. Every time the tender would put a drink on the table for anyone around him he'd snatch it and gulp it down.

The buzz started to get to him, but not enough where he was beginning to get blurry vision. He shook his head checking his senses and taking a deep breath, his heart racing with excitement and anticipation.

"You know," Lucius' voice sounded over the link. "One or two drinks would have satisfied the scent of alcohol on your breath."

"I'm going for undeniable authenticity," Xekiel replied over the link looking over his shoulder again at Godrick.

"How many is that now?" Lucius' voice asked over the link. "Five?"

"I lost count," Xekiel said turning his head and bowing it down. He felt the room spinning. "It's getting hot in here, do you feel it getting hot in here?"

"I'm sorry sir?" the tender asked him.

Xekiel looked up at him a little dazed. "What?"

"I thought you said something?" the tender replied.

"Oh, fuck," Xekiel muttered to himself before replying. "No, man, sorry, I guess that's enough for me."

"Very good, sir," the tender replied with a smile.

Xekiel pushed himself off the bar waving to the tender. "Yeah, you have a good night now," he called to him before turning away and returning to the link. "Fuck that was close."

"Yeah, let's try and avoid that shall we?" Lucius replied over the link.

"Yeah, yeah, where is the target?" Xekiel asked over the link while keeping his head down.

"Hang a left at the next steward and just there a little ways across the floor talking and watching the dance floor," Lucius replied over the link.

"Alright," Xekiel replied catching his motive out of the corner of his eyes. "Show time."

Xekiel broke out of the crowd grabbing a glass off nearby steward and took a swig before stumblingly forward spilling more of the contents. He staggered from side to side moving at a brisk pace towards Godrick, who had almost instantly taken notice of Xekiel. The half-demon drooped his eye lips and hung his mouth agape with a wide, drunken smile.

He stabilized himself and stood up pointing at Godrick. "Hey there, buddy," he spoke with a musical tone. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

Godrick looked at Xekiel with a level of disgust. "I'm sorry," he said. "Do I know you?"

Xekiel pulled his arms away from his chest spilling more of the drink and bobbed his head wildly. "It's me, Gustavo," he bellowed. "Don't you remember me? This is one wild party, man, did you host this?"

"Um, yes I am hosting it, Gustavo, was it?" Godrick replied keeping his distance from the drunk. "I'm sorry I seem to have forgotten where I met you before."

"Oh, that's ok buddy," Xekiel said taking wavering steps to stand beside Godrick. He threw his free arm over the angel's shoulder and hung off him a little. "You are a great friend, you know that?"

"Why thank you," Godrick replied clearly uncomfortable. "You are too kind."

"Hey," Xekiel exclaimed. "I'll tell you what, do you mind me being this close because I know it may seem like I'm drunk, but I promise I'm not drunk, but do you mind if I just hang out here with you for a bit? I'm not feeling so well."

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