Act XV: The Good, The Bad, And the Brotherly

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 "The kid's a half-demon abomination!" Sebastian shouted. "Take him down!"

Suddenly a whole wave of the remaining thugs split off from their main quarries and quickly mad for the transforming Xekiel, yet hidden in the dust cloud. As before, some even broke off to run, not finding the benefit to taking down a half demon alongside three angels. Sebastian's pool of loyal members was beginning to dwindle.

Due to the confusion, Lucius and Christina had a moment of breath from their attackers. Lucius reviewed the options, but at this point, priorities had changed. Xekiel was unpredictable and he already knew it. He was too young to have any control, the boy could very well destroy them all.

"Christina," he whispered to her.

The angel looked back at him with serious intent in her eyes. "I already know," she replied.

"Then I will leave these degenerates to you," he replied pulling his coat over his hips to let his swords dangle from their sheaths at easy reach.

Christina nodded and before another word was shared between the two, they sped off in opposite directions. Lucius made his way to the clustering group of Sebastian's thugs, who had taken it upon themselves to confront Xekiel's demonic form. Christina moved swiftly taking those who had kept her and Lucius at bay by surprise and pummeling them to the ground. She ran off quickly towards Mason to provide him support.

Mason maintained his covered position throwing fire in every direction that generated a shot fired at him. He ducked for cover only to pop up a moment later and fire another shot. It was a stale mate, his aim was precise, but not under these circumstances where more than ten individuals were bearing down on him all at once.

Sebastian made his way from his balcony onto the tops of the shipping crates making for Mason's cover position. He gripped a long sword in his left hand and fired shot after shot from the fingers of his right. Red fiery anger burned in his eyes.

Mason noticed Sebastian coming his way, but every time he attempted a shot off at him, he had to change position to dodge an attack hurling at him from some where else in the compound. There was really nothing he could do to stop Sebastian's advance and before long, the Riokuvin was right on top of him.

Mason was forced from his cover as Sebastian swung his sword at him over and over again. Mason covered his hands in fire and while deflecting Sebastian's strikes, he stepped out from his cover and began letting loose wave after wave of flames to disrupt their attacks.

Mason used his hands like knives combating Sebastian's advance. The Riokuvin was consumed by anger, but his advance coupled by his support made it difficult for Mason to gain any advantage.

"You thought you were so clever didn't you?" Sebastian sneered at Mason. "Allying yourself with a Fallen to get the upper hand on me, undermine me!"

"Believe me, This was not apart of any plan of mine," Mason replied.

"There is no where to run, Mason," Sebastian shouted. "Sooner or later you will tire and if not by my blade, one of my subordinate's shots will take you down."

"Or perhaps you will tire," Mason said spinning quickly and landing a sturdy kick across Sebastian's good face. As Sebastian reeled back, Mason hopped back holding his hands up in a boxing stance hopping from one foot to the other. Determination in his eyes.

Sebastian growled and came at Mason again. He swung his blade faster and quicker, trying to jab at him or cut him anywhere.

Mason ducked and dodged jab after jab along with the relentless blasts from the surrounding thugs. He couldn't help the fact that his muscles were beginning to feel a little fatigue, but he refused to slow down or let up. It would mean his certain death if he did.

Chronicles of the Brotherhood: GenesisNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ