Act XII: Wolves and Wings

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The ground was soggy and worn from centuries of feet passing over it. The Ancient Forrest Highway, a path used by Elves and Riokuvin in the Ancient wars fought over land and domain. The path had grown over since that time, now was more frequented by travelers and highwaymen.

The moon sat radiating its ominous light over the path that was now more overgrown with vegetation, a shell of its former self. Vines crawled and coiled up the various statues that lined the path of heroes from the Golden Age. Each statue was now dull with grey from centuries of the elements beating against them; many missing appendages or other pieces. A once revered road now just a road of a forgotten age.

Seganeous strode over the path in a heavy black wool cloak, the hood drawn masking his face, but his sliver hair trailed out on either sides of his neck. His stride was rhythmical, masking the weariness he felt in his limbs, but the attacks as of recently drove his legs forward.

He had spent a notable amount of time amongst Human-Kind that even he knew of their unexpected and sanguinary extermination by the demonic forces from the Nether-plane. The world had become rather quiet without their kind around. The path was more daunting than usual.

He'd been on this solitary pilgrimage to where he had no idea for more years than he could -or cared- to count. His Vampiric tendencies had been brought to bay after some time, including many years of fasting from human blood. Now he roamed searching for something, but he didn't know what.

His boots made soft pads on the ground as he walked, their echos dampened by the moist under-layer of dirt. Hie red eyes shifted and shimmered from under his hood as his gaze ws cast over his surroundings at an odd presence he felt fast approaching the path. He cocked his nose to the wind and sniffed; smelled like wolf.

He picked up his pace in hopes that he would be out of the area before the scent arrived, but it was closing In faster. There was an ever growing ruslting from the bushes behind him and the heavy pants of a beast, which caused Seganeous to whirl around and hurl a pulse of crimson energy into the bushes. There echoed a howl and a large black wolf toppled out of the underbrush smoking from the attack.

Seganeous stood wary, his fist consumed in bright crimson flames that flickered up his sleeve but did not singe the fabric of his fitted garb. His eyes were of a similar color sparking at his excess of power. His gaze never left the wolf as it began to shrink before the Vampire's eyes.

The wolf panted hard as its form began to shrink and morph into that of a man dressed in ratty and disheveled garments covered by a red cloak; a bandana, bearing the same hue as his cloak was wrapped around his eyes. The man did not move, just twitch and breathe in low raspy heaves, trying to catch his second wind.

"What's a Were-wolf doing so far from the Pack Lands?" Seganeous asked keeping his distance.

"What is a Vampire doing so far away from a Covenant Conclave?" the wolf's voice sounded almost forced in a plea.

Seganeous took a step closer. "I hold no allegiance to those heretics," he replied firmly.

"So I, to my brethren." The wolf huffed and tried sitting up, but his arms gave out and he collapsed again.

Seganeous let his wicked power flicker and die out as he crouched and lifted the wolf over his shoulder to help prop him up.. The wolf-man hung off his left side with his arm slung around the Vampire's shoulders.

"Why atre you helping me?" he asked.

"You are exhausted and can't go any farther," Seganeous said beginning to guide them down the path. "There is an Inn nearby if memory serves. It will be a good place to catch your breath."

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