Note from the Author

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 To me, this story means more to me than just base characters and plots of constant conflict and little to no happy resolution. Many have come to me complaining just how tragic the story is from the beginning, starting with the massacre of Reliegh up until the relentless hate of Aeneas for his brother, Evander. It's not like I get some sick joy making these people's lives hell, I really don'tTo me, Chronicles is a love story. It's about the bonds of life that are severed and tied as we trudge through the muck of it all.

The hardest part for me is writing something that even I don't want to happen, but for the plot to progress and the character to get to where I see them, eight books from now, this must happen. Chronicles of the Brotherhood is a happy story no matter what befalls the characters. It is a happy story in the end and I don't mean to give any spoilers away.

Someone once saiid: “It has to get worse before it can all get better.” That is really what the Chronicles are meant to show. These characters endue mind blowing hardships to get to where they will go for the rest of their lives, much like we as people.

Each of the brothers are meant to make you fall in love with or hate them. Either way, you will know them and their impact on the world. Every action has a reacting and everything is connected in some way, shape, or form, and I am a firm believer in that. Each of these characters are a piece of me in a sesne because to truly have a good character to connect with, you have to pour a little bit of yourself into them. I'm not meaning to come across as “I know what I'm doing so listen to me.”

I am human and I have my flaws, just like these beings in Chronicles of the Brotherhood. Not one of them is perfect, nor will they ever truly be perfect. There are some things you can't change in a person and those qualities can make or break them in the end, but those qualities that stick with them is how we remember and cherish who they were, whether fiction or reality.

The best things for me is when readers and friends approach me and we can either cry or get excited together about what happens. When someone falls so deeply in love with a character that they beg me to not kill them (or bring them back in some cases), that is the ultimate compliment. The fact that you took the time to connect and relate to this character means a lot to me.

I just really want to thank from the bottom of my heart all of my friends for the support they gave me to stick it out and finally finish a novel. I want to thank the TR family who took me in and helped me breathe life into these characters and their story. I've never been so pumped for an original work in my life and having this under my belt and the rest of the series swirling in my head, I cannot wait to get more written and pushed out to you all to enjoy.

As we wrap up the first chapter of this series, I have some questions that I'd really appreciate any answers you can provide in a comment!

Who was your favorite character and why?

What was your most emotional part, good or bad and why?

What was your favorite quote and who said it.

Guys, I can't tell you enough how much it means to me that you stuck to and read this all the way to the end and I really hope you are hooked enough to stick around for what comes next! I promise it will get epic! Any and all feedback you can give would be amazing! I promise I am going back and revising the chapters and adding things so hey, after a while if you feel like rereading you may run into something that wasn't there before.

Thanks again! Keep to the code! Peace!

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