Act V: House Silverclaw

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 There once stood three great cities in the Sacred North of the Angels. They stood Arch Antosia, Celeria, and Reliegh. There stands a number of smaller cities, but these three are counted as the greatest and held in the highest regard amongst the Children of the Divine.

Reliegh was the smallest of the three, but it was named Haven in the Angel's tongue for it's worth. When the Angels first descended to the land bellow the clouds, they first founded Reliegh. It stood as the first settlement, the first step to a growing population and culture in the benefit and service of this new world, as decreed by the Divine.

Celeria was the second largest of the cities. It was built lastly of the three, but it was built with more specific of a purpose. Celeria was built amongst the peaks of the Starlight Mountains. The highest peaks in the world. It's towers were used by enlightened and educated Angels to gaze up at the stars and study the inner workings of the cosmos. Celeria was seen as the focal point for all of the teachings the Angels took as gospel. It was here the Divine's Library was built and compile, filled with texts and information from the passing ages.

Arch Antosia stood as the greatest of the three. It's walls were said to have descended from the heavens itself. It quickly became a bustling metropolis, buzzing with culture, intellectual, spiritual and arcane thoughts and ideas that were quickly spread outward from their borders. The city was white and gold, a testament to architecture and obedience, granting humble homage to the Golden City ruled by the Divine. The Arch Angel Academy was founded in this city, and here is where the garrison resides.

It was begun by Reliegh, the practice of the Seraphim, the class of Angel that all must service the will of the Divine to grow their influence and spread themselves out to the corners of the world in order to act as the servants of all races. This practice became law, a law devotedly followed.

Amongst the many duties passed down to the Seraphim were the roles of ambassadors, amongst others. Ambassadors were to stand on councils of kings and lords throughout the land. To encourage devotion to the will of the Divine. As the ages progressed, many of these Seraphim were driven from their charge due to unfavorable circumstances. However, there were many who saw the work of the ambassadors as good and honest.

The Riokuvin, a shape shifting race that settled in the southern region of the main continent took to the Angel's teachings and quickly erected devoted followings. The families of the ambassadors were showered with praise and luxurious payment. Many of the Angels who had taken up the mantle of the ambassador humbly declined the overzealous gifts, others allowed them so long as they were considered, in terms of state, equal to the Melting Pot class in Riokuvin society.

Many families stayed the course and remained in Riokuva. They watched it develop and grow into a nation of proud people. They sought nothing from the Sacred North, often choosing to remain Seraphim long past their term had been filled. Where the Angel's influenced ranged from country to country, nation to nation, in the early centuries, Riokuva remained devout.

During the riegn of the Fifth Chimera in the Mundarain Empire, the kingdom of man to the north of Riokuva, the Sacred North saw a dark age. An age of fear and anxiety. It began centuries after the Fall of Reliegh. Fears had built up and built up until finally, they came toppling to the ground. Arch Antosia fled into the sky, the whole city itself rose up, causing all the world to quake. The crater that was left in it's wake came to be known as the Abandoned Valley. Celeria was the only one of the three great cities that remained.

The small cities of the Angels from all across the continent were deserted in a matter of weeks. Those Seraphim or Children left behind took flight, many returning to the sky, finding asylum in the now floating city. Many went to Celeria, the city that had become very isolated from all. The Angels had lost trust in the world they lived in. Reliegh had been the start.

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