Match made in a boardroom

By anonymousgg16

148K 3.7K 679

Rory's controlling grandmother is at it again, trying to set her up with one of Hartford's biggest playboys... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12: Scheming
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's note on missing chapter
Chapter 35
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 10

4.5K 110 26
By anonymousgg16

Rory, Tristan and Logan enjoyed a relaxed breakfast together before Tristan left to return to Princeton, and Rory insisted on returning to her room to study and work on a paper due that week after seeing him off.  She spent the rest of Sunday in her dorm room hard at work, only breaking long enough to grab a cup of coffee or order takeout for dinner.  She had just finished proofing an article for the Yale Daily News at 9:00 when her phone beeped with a text message.

Are you ready to come out of isolation yet?  We're all headed to the pub.  -L

Aw, do you miss me?  -R

What can I say?  I've grown rather accustomed to having you around this weekend.  -L

Sure, give me fifteen minutes and I'll meet you there.  -R

I'll be at your door in ten minutes to walk with you.  -L

You do know that I've been walking places all alone for years, right?  -R

Not the point, Ace.  I'll let you go all feminist over something else, but I'd feel better if I walk with you since it's dark.  -L

Alright, you win, my strong protector.  Come whisk me away in ten minutes.  -R

Rory rolled her eyes, giggling to herself about Logan's apparent protective tendencies, while she walked to her closet and pulled out a cute top, changing as she crossed the room.  She ran a brush through her hair, slipped on her black high-heeled boots, and swiped on some mascara and lip gloss, finishing just as the there was a knock on the door.  She stole a quick glance in the mirror before grabbing her purse, keys and phone and walking to the door.

"Ah, my strong protector boyfriend has arrived," Rory said with a giggle as she opened the door.

"What can I say, Ace.  This boyfriend gig is growing on me quickly," he replied as he leaned in for a kiss that left Rory weak in the knees.

"Well, you are showing a rather impressive talent for it," she whispered as they pulled apart.  He watched her for a minute, eyes still closed, her lips turned up in a soft smile, breathing heavily.  He instinctively wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to his chest and relishing the feel of having her in his arms.

"Mmm...this is really nice," she cooed at him.

"Indeed it is.  Shall we head out to the pub, or would you prefer to just hang out here?"

"You'd stand your friends up for me?" she asked as she tilted her head up to look at him.

"If you wanted to just relax here, absolutely."

"An impressive talent indeed.  How about we go have one drink with your friends and then come back here?"

"Sounds perfect," he replied before moving his lips to kiss her one more time. 

They slowly pulled apart and walked to the pub together, his arm around her shoulders and hers tightly around his waist.  They walked in the pub to choruses of "hellos" from all of Logan's friends, who had instantly taken a liking to the beautiful brunette woman who had so obviously grabbed the attention of their blonde friend. 

Rory greeted the group and excused herself to the restroom, quickly followed by Steph and Rosemary.  The girls giggled and chatted in the restroom, asking Rory questions about her new relationship with Logan and dishing on their relationships before returning to the table they had left the boys at.

Rory looked up to notice an attractive blonde wearing far too little sitting next to Logan attempting to garner his attention and she immediately frowned.  As she got closer to the table she could see that Logan's attention was firmly on Colin who was sitting to the opposite side of Logan rather than on the blonde attempting to get his attention.  The woman reached over and placed her hand on Logan's leg, and Rory couldn't help but giggle at the audible frustrated groan from Logan as he turned and removed her hand from his leg.  Deciding to take pity on him, she quickly came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, kissing him behind his ear.

"There you are, Ace," he purred.  "I had just told Nikki here about you.  Rory, this is Nikki.  Nikki, this is my girlfriend, Rory," Logan supplied.

"It's so nice to meet you, Nikki," Rory replied as she held her hand out to greet the other woman and plastered on her best society smile.

"Sure, it's nice to meet you as well," Nikki answered with no shortage of annoyance as she took Rory's hand and shook it.

Logan watched the interaction with amusement, impressed that Rory didn't back down from the other woman.  Nikki showed no signs of backing down, though.

"Oh, I'm sorry.  Is this supposed to be your chair?" Nikki asked with fake concern, still not showing any sign of intending to move.

"Don't worry about it," Logan replied.  "Rory's more than welcome to sit here," he finished as he gently pulled Rory around the chair and into his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Now certain that Logan was trying to get rid of the blonde, Rory decided to help push the girl right over the edge.

"Oh, sweetie," she responded with a giggle, "you're so sweet."  Rory wrapped her arms around Logan's neck and pulled him close to her, kissing him slowly and sensually as she ran her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck.  They broke apart breathless in the midst of Finn's wolf whistles and group's laughter.  Nikki had apparently stormed off during the display of affection.

"That was hilarious!" Steph cried as she laughed with tears in her eyes.  "The look on her face was priceless.  If looks could kill I think you'd be dead right now, Rory."

"Well, it's a good thing I have my strong protector boyfriend then," Rory shot back with a smirk in Logan's direction.  She went to stand up and move into the now-vacated chair next to Logan and was stopped as he wrapped his arms around her tighter.

"Nope, you're not going anywhere, missy.  I think I need you to protect me now," he chuckled.  The group dissolved into more laughter as they enjoyed their drinks and broke into conversation.

Rory and Logan returned to her room an hour later, happily buzzed and relaxed, and fell onto her couch in a fit of laughter as they joked about Nikki's reaction to Rory.

"That was epic, Ace.  I must say, you're a master."

"What can I say?  I learned from Lorelai Victoria Gilmore-Hayden II, who is the absolute master," Rory said with a laugh.

"I think you learned well, grasshopper.  Now, about that kiss..." he trailed off.

"Hmm?  What about it?"

"I think I need a repeat," he whispered in her ear, sending shivers through her whole body.

"Is that so?" she asked with a coy smile.  "I think that can be arranged."

She turned and slid into his lap, her knees on either side of his legs, and pulled him close.  She caught his lower lip between hers, nibbling and teasing him with her tongue, and she tangled her fingers in his hair.  Logan quickly responded by wrapping his arms around her and met her intensity with his kisses, first on her lips and then down her neck and behind her ear as his hands moved to her back.  She moaned into his mouth as his hands found the exposed skin between her jeans and shirt, and he almost lost all self control at the sound.  It had to be the sexiest sound he'd ever heard in his entire life, and he marveled at how kissing Rory on the couch was more sensual than anything he'd ever done with another woman.  He slowly pulled himself back from the edge, his kisses becoming softer and less demanding, and he laughed to himself as he heard her whine when he pulled back.

"It hasn't been two weeks, Ace," he said, his voice husky and filled with want.

"And I'm supposed to care why?" she asked as she planted wet kisses down his neck.

"You know our agreement.  Believe me, it's almost killing me to bring this up right now, but I'd hate myself if I didn't keep our agreement," he answered with a sigh.

"Fine," she said with a pout as she turned her body so she was sitting across his lap now and laid her head on his chest.

"You'll thank me later," Logan chuckled.

"I'm not so sure about that, mister.  I was enjoying myself."

"So was I, Ace, I promise.  But we need to figure out what we want before we go complicating things."

"I know, you're right.  But that doesn't mean I like it."

"Neither do I, but I'll make it up to you."

"And just how do you plan on doing that?" she asked with a flirty smile.

"Copious amounts of coffee?"

"Mmm...that's a start.  Not what I had in mind, though."

"What did you have in mind?" he asked.

"Just don't make any plans for a week from Saturday," she shot back.

"What's a week from Saturday?" Logan asked confused, and then suddenly it occurred to him that would be the end of the two weeks.  "You sound pretty sure of yourself there, Miss Hayden," he teased.

"Let's just say that if your first 48 hours as a boyfriend are any indication, I think I'll be keeping you around," Rory said with a smirk.  "Well, minus that whole no-sex rule.  We'll have to work on that one."

"It's a temporary rule, Ace.  We'll revise it on that day that I'm keeping open a week from Saturday."

"I look forward to it, Huntzberger," she said with a gleam in her eyes.

"As do I, Ace."


The next few days were a blur of activity, with Rory having multiple papers due and tests to study for and take.  Logan had been so sweet and attentive to her, helping her study, bringing her coffee, and making sure that she didn't work herself into a frenzy.  He would read or study while she did her homework and then make sure she went out for dinner or drinks to keep her from overworking herself, and she was grateful for him keeping her sane.  They spent most nights together in one of their beds, talking to each other until they drifted off to sleep.

Finally on Friday after taking her last test and finishing up all of her work, Rory was relieved to be finished for the week.  She was walking across campus toward her dorm and couldn't help but hear her name in a conversation between a small group of girls.  Hanging back just enough to stay unnoticed, she listened to what was being said by the girls who were all looking toward the basketball courts, where Logan was a part of a group of guys playing basketball.  She had to admit that he looked really good out there with no shirt and his shorts just low enough on his hips to draw attention to his chiseled abs.

"I still don't know why he's with her.  I mean sure, Hayden's pretty, but she's not his normal type," came the first girl's voice.

"I don't get it either, but Nikki said that he seemed to really be into her," came a second voice.

"Still, who the hell does she think she is?  Doesn't she know that we've all been waiting for our chance?" asked the first girl.  "She'll never be able to keep his attention."

Rory stood there stunned for a moment, taken aback by hearing the conversation from this group of girls.  It was obvious that she'd made some people quite angry just by being the girlfriend to the young Huntzberger, but hearing the things that they said made something inside her snap.  She snuck back around the girls, taking care to remain out of sight until she emerged right next to the basketball court.  She watched Logan play for a minute, and when they took a break he caught sight of her and smiled, walking over to her.  Fueled by anger and jealousy over the conversation she had just heard, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him fiercely, and she relished feeling him melt at her touch.  He pulled back breathless after a minute.

"Not that I mind, but care to tell me what that was all about?" he asked with a smirk.

"Can't a girl just want to kiss her boyfriend?" she asked with a coy smile.

"She can, but I don't think that's the fully story here.  It seems like someone was trying to mark her territory," he teased her.

"It's those stupid girls!" Rory said quietly to ensure she wasn't overhead.  "They were saying all these things about how other girls had been waiting for their chance with you and how they didn't understand what you saw in me, and it just pissed me off," Rory seethed.  "And yes, I realize that I sound like a jealous girlfriend right now.  I'm sorry."

"Hey, hey," Logan said as he pulled her closer to his chest, "you're my clingy girlfriend, so don't even think about apologizing, okay?  And I wouldn't worry about what they have to say about you.  I like you because you're not like them, so I would be worried if they liked you," he said as he kissed her forehead.

"I could have sworn I just heard you say that you like me, Huntzberger," she said with a grin.

"I do believe you heard correctly, Ace."

"Hmm...the next thing you know you'll be telling me you want me to be your actual girlfriend," she teased as she wrapped her arms back around him.

"Well, that is on the schedule for next Saturday," Logan smirked.

"You know, if you're already sure and I'm already sure, there's nothing saying we couldn't move that conversation up to an earlier date."

"Is that so, Miss Hayden?" Logan asked with a flirty grin.

"Mmm-hmm," Rory answered as she placed light kisses on his lips.

"And just when did you have in mind for this conversation?"

"Well, I happen to be finished for the week, and Paris has already left for the weekend, so we could move the conversation to my dorm as soon as you're finished playing basketball."

"And you're sure about your decision?" Logan asked.  "Because we have to be able to be civil around each other for a long time, no matter what happens between us."

"I'm completely sure, Logan.  Are you?"

"Absolutely, Ace.  Give me half an hour to go shower and change clothes and then I'll be in your dorm.  We can order in tonight and enjoy a quiet night in.  Sound good?"

"Nope," Rory replied.

"Nope?  Why not?" Logan asked.

"I think I might need a shower too, so I say we just swing by your dorm to go grab whatever you need for the weekend and then we head back to my room to shower together."

"God, my girlfriend is smart," Logan said as he kissed her again.  "I like your plan better than mine, so let's go."

"I'm out, guys," Logan called to the guys he'd been playing basketball with as he took Rory's hand and pulled her toward his dorm.  Neither one saw the shocked faces of the group of girls who Rory had overheard talking.

The couple walked into Rory's dorm hand-in-hand half an hour later and Rory wasted no time in locking the door behind her as they came in.

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