Whilst the boyfriends away

By kaylsxo

11.6M 127K 8.1K

Here, there and everywhere with work my boyfriend Charlie is rather quick to make me his last priority, and a... More

Whilst the boyfriends away


67.6K 1.4K 155
By kaylsxo

Aston did in fact take up his Dad's offer and is currently cutting the slightly overgrown lawn, Steve is usually hands on in the garden but he's been so busy with work lately he hasn't had chance to get out there, there's even weeds out the front of the house that need pulling up. I've stayed in today planning tonight's dinner, luckily nobody is a fussy eater and everyone loves spicy food so I've decided on a lamb curry. I'm usually quite basic and traditional with my cooking but since me and Aston have bonded he's taught me to experiment more and make, possibly the most delicious curry I've ever eaten.

"Are you making a curry?" Aston asked recognising the spices as he opened the back door.

"Yeah, lamb. Is that okay?" I replied.

"It sounds great, are you using my recipe?"

"I wouldn't say your recipe, you probably read it in Jamie Oliver's book."

"No Mum taught me. Although she might have read it in Jamie Oliver's book, she is a fan."

I chuckled shaking my head as he leant over me to flick on the kettle.

"Are you taking a break?" I asked.

"Yeah, with a strong coffee. I'm starting to feel the side effects of three hours sleep."

"Me too, I wish I could have a coffee," I frowned.

"Are you not allowed? I thought it was just alcohol."

"In moderation and I've already had one today."

"Oh, I'll remember that."

"I'll make your coffee, do you want any lunch?" I asked.

"Yeah, a cheese and pickle sandwich would be nice. Cheers babe."

"I had some fruit a little while ago, I'm not that hungry."

"Just some fruit?" he frowned. "You should have waited and had a proper lunch with me. I know you think eating for two is an old wives tale but I want you and this baby in the best health possible."

"Yes, Aston," I smiled.

"I'm serious."

"I wasn't laughing," I said buttering two slices of bread. "I'll have a sandwich in a bit."

Taking his lunch from me he sat at the table with a mug of coffee. It's a gorgeous summers day and now tonight's meal is prepped I'm very tempted to laze outside in the sun, if only I could treat myself to a glass of rosé.

"Right, I'm done for now," I said sitting down with Aston.

He smirked sipping his coffee.

"What?" I asked.

"Proper little housewife you're becoming, ey?" he teased.

"Hmm," I grinned. "We should be alright then shouldn't we? I'll look after the house whilst you take care of the garden."

"I wouldn't go that far, I've had enough already," he frowned.

"I didn't think you had green fingers," I giggled.

"I'll just finish the lawn and then pack up, there's some houses I want to look at online," he said putting his empty plate and mug in the dishwasher.

"Okay," I smiled.

"Thank you for lunch," he said leaning down and pressing his lips to mine.

"Have you had enough?"

"Yeah, it was lovely."

I tidied up the little mess I made in the kitchen and stood at the kitchen window watching Aston put the lawnmower back in the shed. As delicious as a glass of rosé sounds I settled for an ice cold class of orange juice and slipped on my shoes to join him in the back garden, taking the laptop with me under my arm.

"It's too nice to sit inside any longer, I thought we could look at these houses together," I smiled sitting at the patio table under the umbrella.

"I'll be surprised if you can see the screen in this sun."

"It's fine here."

He pulled a seat beside me and logged onto the laptop. Now there's a baby involved I'm very eager to start buying our family home, we settled on a two bedroom before the pregnancy because Aston thought it was a good idea to have a spare room, so maybe now we need three. The more I think about moving to Essex, the more I like the idea. I haven't told my family yet just incase we don't strike lucky, which is likely considering, and I don't want them to get their hopes up for nothing.

"There's this one in Chelmsford," Aston said enlarging the picture in front of me.

"It looks nice. It has off-road parking."

"Yeah, it's a three bed this time."

"Is this price right?" I asked.

"It's a little over what we agreed to but then it has an extra bedroom."

"Of course, yeah."

He showed me some more pictures. It has a reasonably sized back garden, a dining room, modern kitchen and an en suite in the master bedroom. It seems to tick all the boxes.

"I really like the look of this one," I smiled.

"I've taken the number, we can arrange a viewing if you like?"

"Yeah, the pictures could be misleading. They have been for the last two."

Aston's found one more in Essex just a twenty minute drive from my parents house, some might say that's too close to home but the area they live in is lovely. The typical village shop is only a walk away and the town is just a ten minute drive, besides, Mum has already offered to play babysitter.

"Aston, Kayleigh?" Siobhan called.

"Hey, we're outside," Aston replied.

"There's someone here to see you."


"Come in love, can I get you a cup of tea?" Siobhan asked.

We both stood up and made our way back into the kitchen to see who's here to see us, we're not expecting any visitors.

"Milk, two sugars," they spoke.

I recognised the voice straight away. Oh my god, what is he doing here?

"Charlie," Aston growled.

I stood stunned behind Aston as he squared his shoulders.

"Charlie?" Siobhan frowned.

"Mum, he's not welcome here," Aston spoke.

"Steady, it's just a tea," Charlie chuckled.

"I said you're not welcome here."

"I heard you."

"I think you should go," Siobhan stuttered, oblivious to the fact that this man was a punch away from putting her son in hospital.

"No, I came to speak to her and I'm not going anywhere until I have. Okay?" Charlie smirked.

"No, that's not okay. I'm not letting you anywhere near her," Aston snapped.

"I didn't have any problems last time so what makes you think I can't fight through you now?"

He's laughing at us causing Aston's blood to boil.

"Oh my goodness," Siobhan gushed.

"And the penny drops," Charlie muttered.


"Steve," she mumbled. I watched her hop on the spot scared about what to do next, no mother would want to leave their son but what help is she here? Charlie's twice her height and ten times stronger.

"Go," I nodded.

Scuttling out of the house she ran to get help.

"What do you want Charlie?" I asked holding Aston's arm.

"I did tell you this wasn't over," he replied.

"Are you sick?! you put her in hospital," Aston growled again.

"It was a knock to the stomach."

"It was a miscarriage!"

I gasped, wishing he hadn't said that. Strangely, Charlie's expression didn't change. He must know.

"She's still got one hasn't she?" he shrugged.

Oh my god. I threw my hand to my mouth with a sudden urge to be sick, how could he say something like that?

"Get the fuck out of my house!" Aston shouted back at him pulling away from me.

"No!" I screamed gulping back whatever I nearly brought up. I can't see them knock the living daylight out of each other again. "Please, don't start fighting," I begged.

"I'm not here to fight," Charlie said.

"So what are you here for? just say what you have to say and go Charlie," I replied.

"For starters, when were you going to tell me you were pregnant?"

"This baby is nothing to do with you," Aston snapped.

"That's wishful thinking Aston. She's eight weeks."

How does he know all this?!

"Before you start racking your brains, Kelly told me. Her sister works at the hospital, remember?"

Of course!

"So you haven't got your happy ever after, after all have you?" he grinned.

"That's all you care about isn't it? well nothing you say will ruin what me and Aston have Charlie, I love him more than I ever could you. I can't even stand the sight of you anymore."

He glared back at me, that obviously hit him directly in his heart. I could feel the adrenaline run through my body, there's plenty more I could scream back at him.

"I don't need to say anything, because that's doing the job for me," he said pointing to my stomach. Aston held me back out of reach.

"That's our baby," Charlie continued emphasising the word out. "I created that baby and I'll be the one who brings it up, I'll be the one it calls Daddy and I'll be the one it loves, that's something you can never take away from me."

In a flash Aston flew himself forward and grabbed Charlie by the collar of his coat. He didn't have time to defend himself because in seconds Aston dragged him out of the house and threw him down on the concrete.

"I said, get the fuck out of my house," Aston shouted in fury. I stood at the front door at a lost for words.


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