Read My Lips

Por LoveAtWar

3.7M 108K 29.7K

Maisie's deaf, she understands what everyone is saying to her by reading their lips. But, high school wasn't... Más

Read My Lips: Chapter 1
Read My Lips: Chapter 2
Read My Lips: Chapter 3
Read My Lips: Chapter 4
Read My Lips: Chapter 5
Read My Lips: Chapter 6
Read My Lips: Chapter 7
Read My Lips: Chapter 8
Read My Lips: Chapter 9
Read My Lips: Chapter 10
Read My Lips: Chapter 12
Read My Lips: Chapter 13
Read My Lips: Chapter 14
Read My Lips: Chapter 15
Read My Lips: Chapter 16
Read My Lips: Chapter 17
Read My Lips: Chapter 18
Read My Lips: Chapter 19
Read My Lips: Chapter 20
Read My Lips: Chapter 21
Read My Lips: Chapter 22
Read My Lips: Chapter 23
Read My Lips: Chapter 24
Read My Lips: Chapter 25
Read My Lips: Chapter 26
Read My Lips: Chapter 27
New Story!

Read My Lips: Chapter 11

132K 3.7K 695
Por LoveAtWar

Chapter 11

When I woke up on Saturday morning, it felt like everything that had happened last night was a dream. I still didn’t know if last night was a date or not but I guess it wouldn’t harm to pretend it was… right?

Since today was Saturday, I didn’t actually have anything to do. Like every other day, I got up and got dressed before heading downstairs.

I knew that my parents were probably going to be planning when I had to go see another doctor about my condition. Not that I minded but I just wanted everything to be over with. I wanted to see if I could get my hearing back, then, I just wanted to get it back so that I could carry on and have a normal life.

As I went downstairs, true to my previous thoughts, my mum was on the phone to my doctor. Probably discussing an appointment about what was going to happen.

On one hand, I really wanted to get my hearing back. I wanted to hear what my parents now sounded like, and of course, I wanted to hear what Zach sounded like. Also, I was sick of being picked on by people at school, especially Amy and Luke. So, If I ever got my hearing back then it would put all of that to an end.

But, on the other hand, I didn’t want to get it back. I was used to not hearing. Everything would change once I could hear again. And after been so used to not being able to, it would be weird. Really weird and I didn’t know if I was ready to hear again, no matter how good it would be.

“So,” mum started. She had sat me down on the sofa beside her. “I scheduled your fist appointment with Dr Williams. I tried to get it for as soon as I could and it just so happens that there’s a slow free for tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” I asked shocked. Tomorrow I’d be finding out if I was ever going to be able to hear again. And it scared me.

She nodded her head as a reply to my question. “Yes, tomorrow. It’s not until noon so you don’t have to worry about it yet.”

I didn’t really know how to reply to that, so I didn’t.


As Sunday arrived, I had been awake since 6am. I couldn’t sleep. The nerves about visiting the doctor were already building up. After my mum had come in to wake me up, I took a quick shower and dried my hair before adding some makeup and getting dressed.

My dad had taken Austin to my grandparents as it was Sunday so they were going for dinner there. I, on the other hand, was stuck going to a doctor’s appointment with my mum.

Once I’d finished getting ready, we took off on a journey to the doctors. Honestly, I’d much rather be staying at home, in bed and doing nothing since it was a Sunday. But, I guess we all can’t get what we want.

We managed to get straight into the room with my doctor. My mum and I sat down opposite his desk beside each other. Nervous didn’t begin to describe how I felt.

After Dr Williams had gone through the cause of my deafness, he started to look into it further. In the end, after about fifteen minutes, he asked me if I’d ever heard of a Cochlear Implant; which I hadn’t. So, he described it to me.

And it was finally decided that I’d be getting surgery for the Cochlear Implant. It was scary because after I’d have this operation, I had to wait a further three to six weeks for it to be actually turned on. Dr Williams described how around the area of the site of the implant, my head would have to be shaved. This surprisingly didn’t bother me all that much.

It was decided in the end that next weekend would be when I went in for my operation. Considering how close I’d recently become with Zach, I decided that I’d tell him about what was happening.

“Let’s get you home then,” Mum smiled, picking up her bag from beside the chair. She looked over at me and held up a finger as if to halt me. She then turned to the doctor. “Thank you for fitting us in at the last minute. I’ll see you next weekend then?”

“Of course you will. I’ll see you then, nice seeing you Maisie.” Dr Williams smiled politely.

I smiled back as a reply before following my mum out of the room. “Where we going now?” I asked, catching up beside her. I needed to see her face for her reply.

“How about I take you out for dinner since your dad and Austin are at your grandparents?” Mum replied.

I nodded my head eagerly at her. Mum grinned at my eagerness before grabbing onto my arm and linking me. She pulled me out of the doctors and too her car before she drove off to the restaurant.

I always loved spending time with my mum. She never judged me or anything, and she was the closest thing I had to a best friend. Although, I wasn’t sure anymore; I had Zach and his friends and also Rebekah now. They were my friends now. After years of saying I had no friends; I could finally say that I had friends. It felt really good.


 Can I meet you to talk?

As soon as I hit send, I wasn’t sure whether I wanted Zach to reply. What if I as coming on too strong towards him and he thought I was been to desperate?

My thoughts were cut short when my phone beeped with a text message.

Sure. I’ll pick you up in 5.

I felt my body instantly relax. That was a good sign, right?

Mum and I had arrived back from the restaurant an hour before. She was talking to her parents in the living room whilst I stood in the kitchen building up my courage to text Zach.

After getting his reply, I grabbed my coat of the rack and head into the living room. My mum was sat in the sofa where she had been ever since she called my gran. She looked up when she heard me enter the room.

“What’s up?” She asked, pulling the phone from her ear. She placed her hand over the speaker on the phone so that gran wouldn’t hear.

“I meeting Zach. I be back soon.” I explained. I held up my coat to show her.

She nodded her head and went back to talking to gran. I left the room, opened the door and stepped outside. It was easier this way since I couldn’t exactly hear him knock. As though I had predicted it, Zach was walking up the streets as soon as I’d left the house.

Zach looked towards my house as he walked along, a smile spread on his face as his eyes landed on me. I jogged down the path towards the gate so I could meet up with him.

“Hi.” I grinned once I was stood in front of him. As he was quite a lot of inches taller than me, I was forced to look up at him.

“Hi, is something wrong?” He asked concern was etched all over his face. He was worried. Was he worried about me?

“I needed to tell you something,” I announced. “Can we go somewhere?”

A gush of wind swept by causing my hair to fall over my face. I reached up to move it from my eyes but a pair of hands beat me. Zach was reaching down to pull my hair away and tuck it behind my ears.

He smiled at me once he’d sorted my hair out. “There we go. Let’s go back to my house, my mum’s not in.”

As we walked to his house, his hand softly kept brushing against mine. After a while of our hands brushing, he finally grabbed my hand and linked our fingers. Zach then slowly began swinging our hands forwards and backwards.

It didn’t take long before we arrived at his house. Like the last time I was here, he led me to his bedroom and sat on his bed waiting for me to sit opposite.

As soon as I did, he dove into questioning me. “So, what’s wrong?”

“So, I getting an operation next weekend.” I announced. Would that have been a shock? I’m sure he wouldn’t be expecting it.

“Really? You are?” He asked, with a shocked look on his face. I guess it was because he didn’t know exactly why I was getting an operation. He probably thought it was something other than my deafness.

“It to help me hear.” I explained to him. I could see his face visibly relax as he found out the reason for my operation. It was nice to know he was worried about me.

Zach grinned at me and leant over to grasp my hand in his. “That’s good, isn’t it?” His thumb slowly began to stroke my hand as he held it tightly. “You’ll finally be able to hear.”

I nodded my head at him, a grin slowly making its way onto my own face. “I guess so. It be weird but good.”

“I’ll be there for you. Before you go in for the operation and after you come out.”

“I wait three to six weeks before I hear again.” That was the only downside to the operation. But then again, nothing comes quickly. ‘Everything happens in good time.’

“At least you’ll be able to hear again. Actually, whilst you’re here, I have something that I need to ask you.”

Anxiety bubbled up in my stomach. He wasn’t going to tell me he wanted nothing more to do with me was he? I mean, he did just say that he was going to be there for me during my operation.

“Don’t look so anxious. I wanted to ask… Now, before you start thinking that I’m moving way to fast, we can take everything slow. But, will you go out with me? Like, on a real date and everything. We can do everything proper.” Zach babbled, he looked nervous and it didn’t take a genius to figure out that babbling was something that he done when he was nervous.

On the other hand, my stomach was a bundle of nerves. Had Zach really just asked me out? As cliché as this sounds, he’s the schools ‘bad boy’ and I’m just the semi-new girl that no one talks to because I’m ‘weird’.

Before I could ruin a perfect moment, I let my reply spill from my lips. “Of course I will.”

Zach’s face lit up and his smile grew bigger (If that was even possible). He then proceeded to slowly lean forward before gently pressing his lips against mine. I don’t think I’d ever get bored of the feel of his lips against mine. It was perfect.

After a short period of kissing, he pulled away from me, a smile still lit up on his face. “How about I pick you up next Friday just before you operation and we can go on a real date. I guess the firework display kind of counted as a date, but this one will be official.”

I early nodded my head at him. I don’t think there was a better way to spend the day before my operation. “You pick me up?”

“Of course. As I said, we’re doing this properly,” Zach raked his hands through his hair before clasping my hands in his again. “And now I can tell everybody that you’re my girlfriend.”


I had a boyfriend. Zach was my boyfriend.

The word boyfriend almost sounded foreign on my lips. It wasn’t like I had experienced anything like this before.

Suddenly, the bed vibrated lightly. Looking up from my focus on my hands, Zach was reading something on his phone.

His face had suddenly turned pale and I wasn’t exactly sure why. Zach’s eyes slowly scanned over what I presume was a text before his eyes met mine again.

“I… Er… I have to go somewhere. I’ll walk you home.” He quickly stood up from his spot on the bed, grabbed his house keys and my hand before dragging us both down the stairs.

“Is everything ok?” I asked. It wasn’t exactly surprising that I felt nervous for him. He looked so scared and nervous that I automatically presumed something bad had happened.

Zach turned back to me so I could see his reply. “Everything’s fine. I just have to go meet someone. Don’t worry.”

He grabbed his coat from the hanger and led me out of the door before closing it and locking it behind him.

And all I could do was worry about him as he continued to tell me that everything was alright.


I don't really like this chapter. I feel like it lacks detail and everything but meh, I wrote this in just over an hour. Also, new cover! The writing's the only thing that's different but I feel like it looks slightly better than my previous one. And this is one long ass A/N so I apologise. 

This was also so much longer on word so I don't know why it's only 3 pages long on here.

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