Into The Night

By DarkPurple22

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"Just give me one more chance, take my hand and I'll take you to Wonderland." Honestly, I did not choose to g... More

Author's ♪
Fun Fact Time
After Credits Chapter
Quick Question
Author's ♪


596 30 31
By DarkPurple22

The news about the fire alarm prank had spread to the entire school like wildfire. I knew it would, I knew the consequences but it was worth it. I didn't get scolded, no one knew it was me apart from Taylor and no one suspected it was me apart from Niall.

The two first subjects were a bit of a mess as the students mostly won't shut up about the little rain incident from earlier. Honestly, I'm getting quite annoyed with a couple of girls complaining in their high-pitched voices about how their hair or make up is messed. A load of bull, if they can get over their boyfriends after a day, they can get over it within fifteen minutes, but no, it had been two hours ago.

It had been two hours and yet the teachers are still looking for the culprit to blame. They're wrong if they think it'd be easy, there's a reason why I've hacked into the CCTV's in the first place. I've put the video into a loop last time and also this time, all showing on time of the day, 1:49 AM.

I kept wondering if Taylor will set me up or not. I hope not. That'll just make me dislike her. Yeah, I was born in February and I got a bit of temperamental or mood swing issues. So I've heard and read, people born in February mostly have that kind of problem. Sometimes, simple things easily set me off.

So far, nothing has happened.

They kept on with the investigations, probably in hopes to get one single lead to the felon, but I didn't spend all my years as a leaguer to be caught red-handed. At most, all I leave is my mark, 1:49 AM.

And of course, I've had the whole ruckus recorded. I'll upload it later in the site.

Literature class came around, Taylor sat beside me almost immediately after walking through the door. Taylor smiled sweetly at me while I've had my mouth agape. She sat down gracefully, and placed her bag quietly on the seat.

"We had a deal, didn't we?" She said.

I nodded, "Yes, yes we did." I smiled, "So no avoiding anymore?"

She shrugged, "Yeah, it'd be pointless. Besides, I'm not going back on my word."

With that, Mrs. Sheryl went inside. We all greeted her and then she started discussing. Here I am again, taking down notes. After History, Literature is my next favourite subject, along with Science.

"Question." Taylor said.

"Mmhmm?" I hummed, still taking down notes. I kept my eyes on my notebook and my fingers firmly on my pen but I let her know that I was listening with a wave of my other hand.

"How are you not caught?" She asked, it was pretty rare that someone asks me that kind of question. . . I didn't actually expect it from her as I thought she'd figure it out.

"Cams." I replied briefly and I'd think she'd get it by now.

"You know how to--"

"Well, don't mention it here." I split in, someone else might be listening and then that's trouble for me. . . maybe even for the both of us.

"I meant," she said with a sigh, "how?"

I shrugged, "A friend of mine." And them I decided to change the subject. As I've told myself, her reasons for avoiding me weren't acceptable, she can't just avoid me just because of a few things. "My turn to ask."

I finally faced her, she nodded. "Okay, go ahead."

"Why did you avoid me?" I asked.

"I've told you." She reasoned out. Her voice had turned high-pitched and her eyebrows already met. Yes, she told me that she didn't want to have any traces of the league back to her life. . . but somehow, that wasn't enough for me.

"Taylor you didn't —" Mrs. Sheryl looked our way and shushed us. She walked away and then I tried to remember what I was saying. "You didn't say your whole reason."

She rolled her eyes, "How'd you even tell it wasn't a whole reason? I mean—"

She stopped once she saw me smirking. "What?"

I wiggled my eyebrows and made my smile a bit wider, "You just confirmed it." I said. I wasn't really sure that it wasn't her whole reason, I just said that to catch her off-guard, and I did. "You're a good liar sometimes but, not when I'm around me, unfortunately."

"What are you, a bloodline of Jack Byrnes?" She muttered, referring to Robert De Niro's character in Meet the Parents, he was a good lie-detector there.

"I'm not CIA material." I said. "But wouldn't it be such a plot twist if I turned out to be one?"

"Yep, it would be great." She replied with a genuine smile. . . this one is odd. "Who knows right?"

There's this strange shine in her eyes. I saw that before but with me, just this morning when I knew I was about to play a prank. Damn, this is either good or scary.

"What if you did see me as a CIA man, what would you do?" I asked cheekily, wanting to know whatever is going inside her pretty little mind.

"I'd marry you."

Did she say what?!

She replied that so easily like marrying isn't such a big deal. Admittedly, my heart fluttered and there's this strange sensation that had gone through me the moment she said that. I can't describe the feeling but I know, this is terrifying. It's a freaking undescribable feeling!

The answer had taken me by surprise, I didn't take the time to think of a good reply. There wasn't a single thing that came into my mind.

My eyebrows met and my eyes had widened, "Honestly?!" I almost yelled, giving Mrs. Sheryl a reason to shush me again.

Taylor smiled at me, "Seriously. But that doesn't mean I'm giving you motives, I'm not. I just think that it is, in fact, impossible. You're more on the rebel side."

"Oh shit, thank you--" she flinched by that swear. "Sorry." I said. "I meant, that was a relief, be-because honestly, that gave me a bit of a fright."

Yeah, more than a fright!

She rolled her eyes, "I always knew boys are too afraid of something like that. I tested it out on you and, well, you're still a boy after all."

"What do you think I am? A pizza?" Alright, that wasn't the most clever comeback, I admit but that was my best at the moment.

She licked the bottom of her lips and looked down on her notebook, taking her attention off me for a couple of seconds. She looked back at me, "You just didn't seem real to me."

The revelations I have to go through in one day!

"Say what, exactly?!" As for this point, I'm starting to hate the conversation because I'm starting to like it better than the Literature discussion.

"Look, one boy comes into my life from England, cool." She said and I'm taking that as a compliment. "He happens to be good in some things I'm good at, great."

"Well--" I was going to say I didn't mean to be good at things she's good at but she held up her hand, stopping me.

"And then I later found out the he's in the leagues, worse the kid who shut down an amusement park. Sad to say he came in second." Taylor continued, lost in her storytelling world. She's not that detailed but I'll give her points for the mystery. "It had to be you?"

"My question exactly." I said truthfully. "How'd you think I felt when I found out?!"

"Harry, Taylor. . . need I say something else?" Mrs. Sheryl asked and I felt a bit awful of ruining her discussion momentum but then she smiled, showing her good mood. Well, obviously she can't stay mad at us as Taylor seemed to her favourite student of all time.

"Sorry, ma'am." I said.

"It'll never happen again, I promise." Taylor added politely and sweetly. Mrs. Sheryl walked away and the moment she did, Taylor looked back at me. "I'll be clear on you later." She whispered to me.

I nodded, there is nothing else in the world I'd want to have than clarification from her. It's almost as if she's clearing the skies from the rain I made. . . awesome description when some parts of it were really literal.

Kendall squinted her eyes at Taylor and I once we came here at the same time. I don't have to explain how, I just happened to have bumped into her while I was on my way here.

It's already lunch time and the talk of the school is still focused at that fire alarm extravaganza. I made it possible and I'm quite having fun with the attention it had gotten when it's such a simple thing to do. I started eating the moment I got to my seat.

Taylor sat across from me, with Kendall so I can see both their faces and Kendall had the look of a detective in pursuit of leads from a mystery.

"Tay," Kendall called.

Taylor looked at her, "Yes?"

"Weren't you in the fire alarm hall when it happened?" She asked.

"Yes." She answered, nonchalant. "Lucky for me Harry brought an umbrella." She added. I've no idea if she wanted to set me up or just add my gentleman points, but I highly doubt it's the last one.

Niall's eyebrows met and he looked at me, "Did you--"

"We shall discuss this one at home, love." I teased.

"I don't think I'm the one in the table you should be saying that on." He teased back, thinking he's got the upper hand as he knew all about my crush on Taylor Swift. Why? Doesn't he know I'm practically reminding her of that everyday?

I grinned, "You're right, it's supposed to be Taylor. It's supposed to be you, love." I said to Taylor.

She nodded, much to Niall' surprise and it meant he doesn't know that I've been taking my time with Taylor a bit too much.

"Something happening that we don't know about?" Kendall asked.

Taylor and I both shook our heads.

"Nope." I answered.

"No, definitely not." She added with a nonchalant tone. Basically, we're both lying.

"You guys aren't like, together, are you?" Berlyn asked, splitting into the conversation. I didn't even know she was listening.

With me flying in thoughts, Taylor had answered before I do, "No, we're still friends."

"Okay, but the next thing you know, someone is proposing to someone and that ends all life on the planet." Jhanelle said in a singsong teasing way.

Taylor rolled her eyes, "Jhanelle, you and I both know that it is unlikely to happen. My life is already written as it is."

"Meaning?" I asked, making Taylor look at me.

"It means, whoever does that should be tested by my parents first. That is assuming that they don't pick the guy for me." She answered, mostly despising the idea she was talking about.

I don't want to live like her, I honestly don't. I don't want to be held by the neck like how she often acts. I'd honestly rather be a full-time leaguer than that.

The table had quieted down and the depressing atmosphere was really uncomfortable for me. "Anyways," I snapped up. "Is there some sort of meeting I don't want to miss?"

"What meeting?" Niall asked, his eyebrows meeting.

"I was talking to Taylor." I muttered and looked at Taylor, "History club?"

"This is a fucking miracle." Niall rejoiced like he saw me flying. He laughed hard, "Harry? You? You joined the History club?"

I tried my best to look bored so the teasing would stop. If I looked like it affected me, he wouldn't stop so I decided to go with the IDGAF attitude. I kept on eating like it was nothing.

"Well, if you say it like that, it doesn't seem that exciting." I muttered. "Tay?" I looked at Taylor again.

"Tomorrow is Artifact Afternoon and Discovery Day is on Friday." She replied.
The activities sound way too cliche for me yet I tried not to comment on that. "Cool, what do we have to do there?"

"Goodness, what are you feeding Harry?!" Niall asked to Taylor.

"Same question here," Kendall split in, "What are you feeding Taylor?!"

I groaned, "Love potion."

"Then it didn't work, if it really was." Taylor muttered, taking a bite out of her food.

I let out an expression of mischief. I smirked at her, "Are you sure, love?"

"Would the two of you please let a lunch time pass without flirting!" Kendall almost yelled.

"I agree." Niall second her motion.

"Oh come on guys, stop being bitter for a moment, let them do what they want." Jhanelle said.

"Like your style, Jay." I said, putting up my juice pouch and pretending it's a toast.

Taylor, on the other hand, had the same reaction as Kendall and Niall, they all rolled their eyes and continued eating.

To tell you the truth, I didn't think I'd even be interested in her. I didn't think about it, all I knew was she's unusual yet that's that. Now, I've got this massive crush on her and I'm basically telling her –oh, well, rather showing her– that almost everyday.

I'm not assuming, some girls go along with the flow though they're not interested. If it's Taylor, I'm assuming the worst as she's the best in almost everything. Besides, I've been like this to almost everyone I've got a crush on, I liked being honest to them because I learned, sooner or later, delay of telling the truth would eventually lead to regret.

I'm a liar, I know that as well. . . but only on certain things. When it comes to things-that-won't-get-me-in-trouble, I tend to say the truth.

"Don't get offended, okay?" Kendall asked. We are both seated on the bleachers –under the bleachers, actually– as our classmates have fun with their P.E. thing.

I tossed a peanut in my mouth and hung my head back, "Shan't. What do you wanna say?" I asked since that's how it came to me anyways.

"Do you really like Taylor?" She asked and I looked at her with meeting eyebrows and a slight frown. "I mean, dude, we barely know you."

"Agreed." I said, breaking another peanut and tossing the stuff in my mouth. I kept chewing, "I like her, but not the like-like her that would lead to one thing and another, alright?"

"Why? You don't believe in relationships?" She asked, she laid out a blanket from her bag and to the ground. She lied on it with her bag as a pillow, not even minding that I was there right at her feet.

My jaw dropped.


"You bring blankets at school?" I asked.

"Because I know we have P.E. today." She replied. "Anyways, back to my question, don't you believe in relationships?"

"I do." I said. "But with my parents divorced and stuff and both my past two relationships were honestly a dreck, I'd really rather settle for the cheeky flirt or just some friends time."

"Why? What happened to your, uh, you know, past relationships?" She asked.

My nose wrinkled, "Same old, same old. Both of them had chosen a jock over me, one basketball and the second one for a football player." I said with a smile, "I'm over it."

"No way." She muttered. "Those girls are idiots then."

I nodded with a smile, "Same thought. Anyways, that's over and all is well. So if you're worried that, I might make Taylor fall for me and everything else in that process, I won't do it. I'll try my best to behave with her, alright? Whatever happens apart from that is beyond my control."

"Do you think the two of you have that chance?"

I groaned, "No. It's way too early to think of that. Please, just because I'm flirting with her, –even if it's a false accusation oftentimes– that never meant I'm interested in being her suitor. Besides, if I were to predict futures here, I would think she'd end up with a rich son of a corporate CEO of something so awesome yet I never heard about before."

Kendall laughed, "You might be right," she said, once she had finished laughing. "But you know, I don't think Taylor would let that happen."

"Well, let's not dwell on the uncertain futures." I muttered. "Next debate, was Hans in Frozen a bad guy or a good guy?"

"Bad guy." She answered.

"I agree." I replied. "Done."

"Next debate, Jared Leto as Joker or Heath Ledger?" She asked.

I imitated a wolf-whistle, "Toughie but I like Heath Ledger, the lad was a legend."

"Right, right, right. . . Team Jared." She suddenly said. "I mean, he was really psychotic."

"It's a bit unfair to compare two generations, don't you think?" I asked. Admittedly, Jared Leto was a great Joker, I just happened to like Heath Ledger better.

"One question."

"Fire 'em up." I replied.

"Are you good at investigations?" Kendall asked.

"Eh, decent." I answered.

"Cool, 'cause I have an insane theory." She said. "Remember the Nathan Hallows incident?"

"Who would forget?" I said, almost laughing at the thought. Of course, I'd remember, I was the one who did it!

"And the fire alarm setoff today?" She asked. "I think they're both by only one person."

I nodded, looking bored, "How'd you tell?"

She shrugged, "Eh, nothing like that ever happened before. So any guesses?" She asked.

"Whoever that is doesn't want to get caught. So if a person doesn't want to get caught, how was I supposed to even guess?" I asked.

"Well, I was hoping you saw something suspicious, you were there." Kendall said. "Taylor spent her most of her subjects in the guidance today, she didn't do it, that freaking felon did and right now, she's getting the heat."

"Sorry?" I asked for her to repeat it as I wanted to know if I heard it right.

"Her locker had a match in it, that's where the fire started to the papers right above the locker area, where hers is located." Kendall said, "So she's the top suspect or the top lead."

"How can Taylor be the top suspect?!" I almost yelled as if I didn't know it was me who did it. I had to remind myself because I did forget that it was me.

"I just said it." She said it in a duh tone. "So she's been in the guidance the whole day."

My eyes widened, I didn't think of this. Stupid! I didn't mean to frame it on Taylor. All I wanted was the rain! I didn't mean that!

My conscience is ticking up on me like a time bomb. I have to do something, I may not be sure right now but I have to do something. . . although, if Taylor didn't want to get in trouble, why hasn't she said that it was me? I don't know and I need to talk to her.



I didn't say anything about chap 18. . .
I didn't say anything yet.

According to my record and your reactions. . . I'm guessing people expects me to kill my characters a lot.

Well, here goes, the line after "loose lips sink ships all the damn time. . ." that's what I want to say. That's what I want you to know.

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