angel °


275K 14.3K 3.7K

[ LARRY S. AU ] ❛ you've shown me the true meaning of heaven on earth, you're my angel. ❜ ... More

i. skirts
ii. brick wall
iii. invisible
iv. shower
v. hugs
vi. conversations
vii. unknown
viii. beautiful
ix. doodling
x. secret admirer
xi. messages
xii. lunch
xiii. ride
xiv. waiting
xv. sorry
xvi. angel
xvii. worry
xviii. sunshine
xix. happy
xx. dream
xxi. dreamer
xxii. lies
xxiv. silence
xxv. rage
xxvi. fine
xxvii. smile
xxviii. voice
xxix. nice
xxx. questions
xxxi. outfit
xxxii. insane
xxxiii. ready
xxxiv. pretty
xxxv. ran
xxxvi. hated
xxxvii. tears
xxxviii. six
xxxix. maisie
xl. convertible
xli. house
xlii. leave
xliii. love
xliv. three days
xlv. niall
xlvi. cried
xlvii. time
─ ❁ ─
xlviii. vodka
xlix. red light
l. story
li. hangover
lii. beauty
liii. monday
liv. counselor
lv. nod
lvi. tell
lvii. proud
lviii. kiss
lix. dinner
lx. smiles
lxi. special
lxii. lake
lxiii. yellow
lxiv. clock
lxv. cry
─ ❁ ─
lxvi. wait
lxvii. appreciate
lxviii. cherish
lxix. careful
lxx. choose
lxxi. convince
lxxii. weak
lxxiii. wash

xxiii. confidence

3.6K 217 88

louis knew that harry was lying. there wasn't a doubt in his mind about that. but then again he couldn't blame harry for lying.

but he couldn't let this go unnoticed, the office was too dumb and focus on their own things to see one of their students being bullied. it's sad. which is why louis decided to take matters into his hands as he walked into school that morning. he didn't know where this knew found confidence came from. but he went straight up to liam and zayn and knocked them both to the ground.

"don't you ever lay another hand on harry again, i don't give two shits if you don't like what he wears. what the hell is it to you? it's not your life so but out of his and leave him alone." he spat. he was enraged, mainly at himself because this should've happened awhile ago. they said nothing to the blue eyed boy towering above them. they were taken aback by louis' sudden out burst.

and with their silence, louis proceeded to finish his "out burst"

"and if i hear or see either of you two cursing or hurting him again. you won't like what'll come afterwards. don't fucking say i didn't warn you." he said, as he was being pulled away by security.

louis laughed, "now, you come to stop an altercation between students, where the fuck were you men when they were relentlessly hurting harry." he shouted yet was ignored by them.

they took louis to the principal's office,  leaving him to wait as he was already talking to someone else.

louis knew he didn't do anything wrong, this should've happened sooner in his opinion. but he was too much of a coward.

he pulled out his phone to text harry.

sunshine: you don't have to be scared anymore, angel ❤️ they won't hurt you ever again, i promise. just get well soon okay? 😊

he put his phone away, ignoring the notification sound go off as he walked into the principal's office.

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