xxxvii. tears

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trigger warning: a different types of self harm.

trigger warning: a different types of self harm

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"where have you been?!"

those were the first words harry heard as he walked into his house. all he did was look at his sister, he didn't have the strength to say anything, not that he even knew what to reply with.

he turned his head back to the stairs and proceeded to make his way to his room. he needed to take a shower, he felt dirty.

"is there something wrong?" gemma said, following the boy up the stairs.

"no." harry lied, he didn't want anyone to know.

"then where were you?"

"does it matter? i'm home now, okay? leave me alone!" harry snapped before shutting his bedroom door.

he was surprised that she didn't come after him with more questions, that she actually listened to him. he made his way to his bathroom.

the boy looked at himself in the mirror, his mind has been so fucked up that it looked like he was looking at a different person.

he frowned at himself before stripping from his clothes that he had grown to hate to have on and look at. his first thought was to burn them, so he didn't have to see them after again.

but he knew that was a stupid idea.

turning on the water so it would be warm, he grimaced once again at himself in the mirror not really caring if his clothes made it into the hamper or not. he hopped in, praying a bit, hoping this would help get him out of this state of terrible emotions. the boy just wanted to recollect himself and clear his mind.

stepping in, he felt the water hit his back, it hurt him. he didn't quite know why he didn't move, but he let it burn his body. it was hotter than he anticipated but he didn't care.

to him, it felt better than the emotional and mental to which he was already enduring.

after awhile, he turned up the cold water and felt like he couldn't bottle anything up anymore. harry just started crying, balling his eyes out. he just let it all out, for all the times he should've cried, or should've became emotional but didn't because he didn't want to be the boy who makes a big scene. he let it all out then and there. the tears didn't stop coming. he put his hand over his mouth to muffle his sobs, he didn't want gemma to hear him. he felt like everything was turning against him, that it couldn't get worse from here. harry was mad at himself for letting that happen, for not fighting back, for being frozen in fear when it happened. the boy just had this pure hatred for himself. he began to brutally scratch his arms, creating dark pink welt lines across his arms, they stung from the water being hit against them. but he didn't care.

he hiccupped, trying to catch his breath within all of the tears and water falling on his face. he felt like he was at the lowest of the lows, he just wanted his heart to give himself a moment where it wasn't hurting.

he just wanted to stop feeling like this.

why me? what did i do for him to do this to me?

he kept repeating that to himself.

but he knew that he wouldn't get an answer.

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