Buried Love Of The Riches

By Raathi07

48.8K 2.2K 498

Adam Clarkson lived an easy life as the Managing Director of his Family business. At a young age he's been ha... More

Author's Note
1: Easy as pie
2: Jeans or Dress?
3: Scheming
4: Her Office
5: Playing Him
6: Black & White
7: Look With Ecstasy
8: Curious Man
9: Stay Positive
10: Frenemy
11: The Elevator
12: The Past
13: Leave In Awkwardness
14: I'd Still Choose You
16: Just Like Your Father
17: Those Words
18: Ego and Self-respect
19: Viola Martinez
20: She Notices Everything
21: Good Time
22: Women
23: Our Imperfections
24: The Best Friend
25: The Things We Don't Say
26: She Won't Be Easy
27: Spring Break
28: Cuba
29: Came For Love
30: Spur of the Moment
31: The Frustrated yet Confused
32: Those Chestnut Eyes
33: The Smiths
34: The Engagement
35: Wrong Meeting
36: One Too Many Drinks
37: Old and New Relationships
38: The Ex
39: Invitations
40: The Dinner
41: The Big Day
42: Afraid
43: Fancy Dressing
44: Engage With The Audience
45: The Last Supper
46: The End

15: Lucas is Loving Every Bit of This

1.1K 58 13
By Raathi07

Song: Say Anything

Artist: Ashley Nite

Lucas is Loving Every Bit of This

I stared at my father with an emotionless look on my face. This is just ridiculous. He's acting so childish; it was just one freaking date. He should be glad that it wasn't public yet I wouldn't care if it were.

"Is there a problem dad?" I asked while folding my arms. Everyone was quiet now and I could see my mother staring at me beside dad.

"What sort of question is that? You know peo—"

"I don't care. It's over. It happened. Plus it was just two colleges enjoying each other's company." I cut him off then folded my arms.

"Whatever happened with you David Smith is between you. Don't bring me in this." I grunted then walked into the bedroom.

I ran a hand through my hair then cussed. I ripped off my baseball cap then threw it across the room. I was getting tired of all this stupid rivalry between us. Whatever happened between the Smith's and Clarkson's happened to our parents.

They shouldn't bring it to us, which could affect our work. Even though Gabriella and I fight sometimes we shrug it off. They haven't 'shrugged' it off for years.

I drew in a long breath then collapsed onto the bed. Anytime I fought with my parents Juliana would always comfort me. Even though we were nineteen I was going through a lot since I had to study twenty-four seven to get where I am today.

She entered my mind again and every time she does I try to picture how she looks now still beautiful as ever I could imagine. Then thought of her leaving and never contacting me again clouded my mind.

I tried looking for her, asked around, traveled for the love of my life but I could never find her. I don't even know if she's dead or alive.

My thoughts were interrupted when someone entered the room. I raised my head to see Nikita smiling at me. I huffed then looked at the ceiling, not really in the mood for anyone.

"Adam are you okay?" she asked and I squirmed thinking of Juliana.

"Yes, now that you know that I am. Let me be." I said while taking in a sharp breath.

"Oh no, I can't do that." She said and I felt the edge of the bed sink in. Out the corner of my eye, I could see her crawling next to me. She lay next time and I turned to see her ginger hair covering the pillow.

She was attractive, any sane person could see that but just her presence now is infuriating me. I clenched my jaw then turned back to the ceiling.

"Do you like her?" Nikita asked after a while. It took me a moment to realize who was she talking about.

"No," I stated bluntly without hesitation.

"You're lying to yourself." She said sitting up and resting her head on her hand. "You wouldn't have gone on like that if you didn't like her."

I thought of the past event and the instant memory of Juliana entered my mind. No, somehow dad is right, it's two people working together. It happens all the time. I just need to do what I always do to relief my stress. Have a night with her.

"I don't like Gabriella Smith. I'm just fucking pissed at all the family conflict." I said letting out a harsh breath.

"Okay, good." Nikita grinned then got off the bed. I watched as she locked the door and I turned to the window seeing that we've taken off.

"Because we are going to look amazing at the show together." She said then started to take off her clothing.

I bit my lip as I eyed her up and down. She might be annoying but she does have her ways of persuading people.


The best thing about being in New York was that since my brother Henry took over the hotels here I didn't have to work one bit. Except when I had conferences here of course.

When we arrived dad didn't even acknowledge me but I didn't care. I don't have anything to say to him and it looks like he won't be saying anything for a while.

Since Henry lives in a penthouse we're all staying there since Claudette says we don't get enough family time. Sometimes it's good to stay away from family but she'll only understand later in life.

Mason and I are sharing a room and he wanted to take a shower since he has this weird habit of showering after being in the air.

I relaxed even though I got a lot of it with Nikita on the jet. It wasn't too long though because my mother entered the room and spoke to me. She just said dad and I should make up before the show and that we're acting childish.

From my perspective, he's acting childish with this whole hatred for the Smith's. David doesn't even sound as bad as he's rumored to be. Gabriella is...something else but it's Cole Smith, her elder brother I'm quite interested in meeting.

Henry and Cole attended the show and it didn't end well since Gabriella and I have different sides to the story. Then there's Federico Smith. He's assumed as the nicest and rather like gentlemen who's the oldest out of three. He's currently engaged since his fiancée is pregnant.

So he should be the easiest to get along with. He'll be starting a family soon and Gabriella will be an aunt. I still remember that one morning when I brought up the topic and she didn't seem quite pleased to be an aunt.

After we all settled in we all had dinner. Even though I wasn't in the mood Henry went all out with full course meals. I was sitting next to Claudette and Mason while Henry and Alicia sat opposite us. Lucas sat next to Mason while Nikita sat next to Alicia with mom and dad at the end.

No one spoke yet I didn't care as I ate my delicious shrimp. The only sounds to be heard were the clutter of cutlery and rushing of cold water being poured into a glass. I glanced up at Alicia who was gazing at me and motioning to dad.

I turned to dad who hasn't touched his food. Just when I was going to open my mouth to speak Henry dropped his cutlery and looked at dad.

"Dad, you haven't touched your food. Would you like something else I can ge—"

"Thank you for the generosity son but I'm not in the mood to eat." He said then got up. We all watched as dad walked out of the dining room and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

Once he was gone everyone turned to look at me. "What?" I asked with a mouthful full of rice.

"Well, there goes dessert," Lucas said while sipping his wine.

"Did you have to act like that in the jet? Now he's going to be pissed the whole time we're here." Alicia spoke up.

"What did he do?" Henry asked.

"Went on a date with Gabriella," Claudette answered while wiggling her brows. Henry's eyebrows rose as the corner of his mouth turned up.

"I really don't see the problem here, it was just one date. Besides he brought it up." I exhaled motioning to dad.

"Yet you know how your father feels about the Smith's, Adam." Mom sighed.

"Well, then he shouldn't have assigned me with this project in the first place," I said then pushed my chair. "But since you all think it's my fault I suppose I'll go talk to him."

When I stood up I could see Claudette looking up at me. She gave me a concerned look in which I ignored then walked away from the table.

"Maybe I should come on more family vacations, what do you think Miss?" Lucas asked my mother. "Not now, Lucas."

I licked my lips then walked out of the dining room. Walking upstairs I started to think of the many things I could tell my dad about Gabriella that will make him like her. It was kind of hard since half of our encounters weren't pleasant.

I lightly knocked on the door then twisted the doorknob open. I found my father sitting on the edge of his clear white duvet bed with his head in his hands. The floor underneath me creaked causing him to look up. Once he realized it's me he huffed then looked down again.

"Dad, we're seriously not going to act like this are we? It was just a little date, a few hours, two people, one night. Nothing happened and nothing will ever happen." I said then shut the door behind me.

He slowly got up while shaking his head. I gave him a once over noticing that he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"You're right son, we're not going to act like this and it will never happen." He said then stared at me. "Don't want to make the same mistake twice now do we?"

My jaw clenched as his brows rose and the corner of his mouth rose. I looked down then gave a stiff nod causing him to clasp his hands together.

"Good, now that we're on the same page your sist—"

"Why don't you like them?" I cut him off finally taking interest in this whole situation. I glanced up at dad seeing that he had his head tilt as if I'm asking a dumb question. He then snorted and burst to laugh.

"It's simple Adam, they're the enemy, always has been, always will be." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Please do not tell me that this is similar to Henry and Cole's situation. That it's all about money." I stated.

"Well, what else do you want it to be about huh? Look at how we are living today, businesses that are starting now are struggling but we have an advantage. We started the Clarkson Hotels in 1994." Dad exclaimed.

"The Smith's started in the eighties and we're all on the same page so what is the problem? What peace can't you and David fix? Why does it involve us?" I demanded.

"Because you're all the future!" he raised his voice. "I'm not gonna be here forever so someone has to take my place and it's either you or Henry."

"What David and I went through will always haunt us. It will haunt me and his children and I do not want it haunting my family." He said pointing his finger in my face.

I pushed his hand out of my face and just shook my head at him. "No, you just don't want it 'haunting' the public and your money," I said through gritted teeth then stormed out of the room.

I walked to my room with my eyebrows creased. He never tells me and he always finds a way to turn the tables around so he gets the last word. Whatever is haunting him must be haunting Gabriella and I need to find out what that is.


Over the next few days, I got a well-deserved rest except the multiple times Alicia and Claudette came into the room asking my opinion on an outfit. Even though this show is one night, they have like four outfits.

Dad and I have also returned to speaking since mom would glare at us. It would always be like that with all of us. We'll eventually speak to each other but nobody apologizes. It's just how the Clarkson's work.

We're all getting ready to attend the show and like always Mason and I are matching with our black bowties. All the men are downstairs and I noticed Henry wore a white suit and black tie. Dad and Lucas wore black suits yet you could see Lucas was doing it on purpose. He loves to piss off dad.

After waiting for another ten minutes the women finally came downstairs and they were all gorgeous in their dresses. Mom wore an aqua lace up ball gown with her hair all wavy. Alicia wore a red strapless mermaid dress with her hair curled. Claudette wore a nude color dress ending by her thighs with stilettoes while Nikita wore a white maxi dress and black heels.

"You ladies look stunning tonight," Lucas said as I watched Nikita. Her ginger hair was curled bringing out the bright red lipstick.

"Thank you, Lucas." Claudette smiled, as she turned scarlet.

"Now if we're all ready, the limo is waiting," Henry said as he locked arms with Alicia.

Everyone grabbed his or her things and I walked over to Nikita. Holding out my arm she smiled at me and wrapped hers around mine. Mom and dad walked out followed by Mason, Claudette, and Lucas then us.

By the time we arrived at the big ballroom there were plenty of people. To get in was fusses because of paparazzi but thank goodness for the security there. We took photos first by the entrance then went to go find our table.

The ballroom was decorated in gold and white. Each family had a table where they would sit the entire night. I've been to a few of these and it gets quite boring. All you do is hear who was nominated for an award, watch as the winner receives theirs then hear the boring speech they give.

"Let's just hope the food is good," Mason said as we sat down at our table. Since our families were so close the Clarkson's and Taylor's sat together at the round table.

Nikita walked off to find her family and I could finally exhale from all her talking. She hasn't stopped once since we walked out of the penthouse. It was mostly on the outfits she brought with.

"So Lucas how does it feel to be sitting down and not serving anyone for a chance?" Claudette asked as Lucas sat next to me.

"It feels relaxing Miss Claudette but the sudden urge to do something is growing in me," Lucas admitted while looking at the waiters who were running around.

"Don't worry Lucas in the next hour you won't feel like that when these waiters serve up dinner. It gets crazy as s—"

"What did you say, young man?" Mrs. Taylor asked as she sat down next to Mason.

"Nothing momma...I was going to say it gets crazy as stuffing." Mason blurted out while Lucas and Claudette snickered.

Mason is a big mama's boy, even at the age of twenty-two, my best friend will spend most nights at his parent's house devouring his mother's food.

"Sure, just remember some women are prestigious and look for gentlemen." Mrs. Taylor said then fixed her sons bowtie. Mason groaned as he swatted her hand away and we just laughed.

"Speaking of gentlemen...wow." Claudette gawked and we all followed her gaze to see a group of people entering the ballroom.

It was Gabriella dressed in a midnight blue slip dress showing off her curves. Her hair was tied up into a high bun matching her diamond earrings. Yet Claudette was gawking at all the male Smith's towering behind her. 

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