Eva's Expedition

Door LadySerein

48.6K 2.1K 295

Sit up straight. Cross your ankles. Cover your freckles. Only have straight A's. Don't speak unless spoke... Meer

Chapter 1: Evangeline Rivers
Chapter 2: Damien
Chapter 3: Tired
Chapter 4: Runaway
Chapter 5: Breakfast
Chapter 6: Roadtrip
Chapter 8: Truly American
Chapter 9: Gone Fishing
Chapter 10: How I Like It
Chapter 11: Logan's Baby
Chapter 12: Beach Day
Chapter 13: Pizza & Aloe..
Chapter 14: The Date
Chapter 15: Go Wild
Chapter 16: Buzzed
Chapter 17: Hangovers
Chapter 18: Rainy Days
Chapter 19: Haunted Hotel
Chapter 20: The Reading
Chapter 21: Stay With Me
Chapter 22: Boozey Bonfire
Chapter 23: A Quick Dip
Chapter 24: Lazy Sundays
Chapter 25: Plans Over Takout
Chapter 26: The Bean
Chapter 27: Flexibility
Chapter 28: Nixed
Chapter 29: 3 Day Stay
Chapter 30: Why?
Chapter 31: The Wildlife
Chapter 32: A New Eva
Chapter 33: His Zone
Chapter 34: Jump
Chapter 35: Brainfreeze
Chapter 36: Tree Huggers
Chapter 37: Infected
Chapter 38: Chicken Noodle Soup
Chapter 39: Trail Riding
Chapter 40: Rise N' Shine
Chapter 41: Rainy Day Activities
Chapter 42: Movie Date
Chapter 43: Chocolate and Wine
Chapter 44: Girls Day
Chapter 45: Arrival
Chapter 46: Moving Out
Chapter 47: Happy Birthday
Epilouge pt 1: After
Epilogue pt 2: Two -> Three
New book!

Chapter 7: Maid Of The Mist

1.3K 48 12
Door LadySerein

We walked as I read over the pamphlet. There were so many activities and shops around us. I was abnormally excited and felt like doing everything.

People where everywhere, and I do mean everywhere. This was one of the most famous tourist attractions, I should've known it would be full of people.

"How close can we get to the falls?" I asked Logan, folding the map to find the direct location of the falls.

I was jerked to a stop by my belt and looked up. A rail was just inches from me and beyond, the most incredible thing I've ever seen.

Logan let go of my belt, "Wow, this is amazing. No wonder people come here to get married."

"Oh my gosh," I whispered.

The roar of rushing water was deafening and the sight was even better. Gallons upon gallons of water fell over the falls and I could feel the mist spraying me in the face faintly. My grin was about to split my face, I'm sure.

"Hey Eva."

I looked over my shoulder at Logan and didn't have time to move as he quickly took a picture of me.

"Hey! I wasn't ready," I complained.

"Real action pictures are better than prepared ones. I love candid shots," Logan shrugged with a grin. He walked to my side and turned me around so the falls were behind us, "Smile!"

I grinned just in time for the picture and maybe looked decent this time.

"So, what to do, what to do," Logan hummed as he took the brochure, reading over it.

I left him to carefully scan over the options we had. My hands wrapped around the rusty metal railing as I looked down over the cliff edge. There were rails and stairways that zig zagged everywhere.

My eyes widened as I spotted a large boat coasting around at the bottom of the falls, swimming around in the spray.

"I want to do that," I pointed to it excitedly.

"You want to be down there?" Logan raised an eyebrow and folded up the pamphlet.

"Yes! Come on, I'm sure someone can tell us how to get there," I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the railing.

Sure enough, a nice woman at a kiosk told us exactly how to get a boat ride to the falls' spray. Apparently it was called Maid of the Mist. I was so anxious I was shaking as we stood in line for a ticket.

"I don't know how I feel about you paying for things," Logan said as I started to fish out the money we'd need.

I waved him off, "Please, I've been pampered my whole life. Let me do it for someone else for a change."

"My grandpa always told me to pay for the lady," he protested.

"Your grandpa has never met me," I chuckled.

"Two adults please," I said politely to the ticket man when we finally got to the front.

He just blankly took the money and handed me our tickets, "Group two, go stand over there."

We went over to the group of people he gestured to and just waited. The first group of people ahead of us got to get on first and then we got to take their place waiting.

"I just can't believe we're here Stu! Aren't you just excited?" A woman next to me squealed to a man at her side.

"Thrilled, dear," he chuckled, watching the first boat.

She rolled her eyes and looked at me. Her gaze shifted between Logan and I and she beamed happily, "You two are the youngest honeymooners I've ever seen! Congratulations!"

"What? Oh! No," I laughed embarrassedly and waved my hands at her, "We're not- it's not that- uh, we're just, uh..."

"Friends," Logan finished for me, looking cheeky.

"Oh! My mistake," the woman giggled and held out her hand, "I'm Rena."

"Eva," I smiled, shaking her hand. Logan introduced himself and we all turned at the sound of a loud horn.

"Group two please come take your seats! There's ponchos hanging for every seat, I suggest you put them on," a cheery young woman said as she stood on the railing of a docked boat.

I grabbed Logan's wrist and made sure we were near the front.

"Enjoy," the woman said as I handed her our tickets.

I dragged Logan all the way up to the top portion of the boat. We picked our seats and I looked at the blue plastic...coat looking thing hanging by it.

"It's a poncho," Logan laughed, putting his own on.

"What for?" I raised an eyebrow.

"So you don't get soaked," he said, pulling mine over my head. He pulled up the hood and tucked my hair in.

"Your camera waterproof?" I asked, looking at Logan's camera at his chest.

He flashed me a grin, "I didn't spend four months working at a logging company for nothing. It's got everything I could pay for."

"Good, because I want some pictures for my journal," I said excitedly and clipped my seat belt.

"Here we go folks! Niagara Falls is part of-..." the woman began to twitter on about facts on the falls, but I couldn't listen. I was far to excited for trivia.

The boat had shoved off and I was eager to get to the base of the falls. I looked out over the flowing water the boat seemed to coast over and grinned. I couldn't believe I was actually here.

Destination one was actually happening. I was really doing this. And I didn't regret a thing like I thought I would.

"Alright guys, it's about to get really loud here in a little bit as we near the falls so please follow all the safety regulations because if you fall overboard, chances are the rest of us won't hear a thing," the woman chuckled and got everyone to laugh with her.

Logan readied his camera and I gripped the wet railing excitedly. The boat got closer to the monstrous torrents of water falling. They cascaded over rocks and the whole image created a huge flume of water.

"Splash zone!" The woman's radio said faintly.

People cheered and hollered as we all began to get sprayed in the face. The water was cold but enjoyable.

I grinned as I spotted a rainbow arching over the smaller cliffs. The boat turned a little, passing through the mist of the falls and turning a corner.

We could now see the long railings that people in yellow ponchos were lined up against, walking through and around the falls.

The whirring of a shutter got my attention and I looked at Logan.

"You're too photogenic to be human," he muttered amusedly, looking at his pictures.

"I look like a drowned rat right now," I said, gesturing to my face and some of my hair that had gotten soaked.

He shrugged and took another picture.

The ride didn't last as long as I would've liked it to, but I still thought it was awesome.

I wanted to walk in the caves and maybe through the falls but Logan suggested I save my money and keep each destination down to one absurd activity each.

I realized I really couldn't waste my money and agreed.

We finally got to pull off the weird plastic coats and go back to the mainland.

"That was so awesome," I beamed at Logan.

He nodded, "Thanks for taking me."

"Don't thank me, you're the one who agreed to let me drag you around," I laughed and looked at him, "You hungry?"

"I could eat," he shrugged.

It was late in the evening and we didn't ever stop for lunch. We got back to the truck and drove for a little bit until we hit the town of Lincoln.

It was small but beautiful. I was really loving the small places that had so much value, they were so different.

Logan pulled up to a random diner and we went inside. It was a pretty, quaint place that smelled like good food.

"What can I getcha?" A younger guy with and apron around his waist asked.

I put down my menu and looked at Logan, "What do you think I should get? Something that I'd like."

He scanned over his own menu and grinned, filing it up and handing it to the guy, "How about the fried chicken platter for both of us. Two pepsis and baked potatoes on the side."

"Fried chicken has carbs," I said as I handed the guy my menu.

"You bet your ass it does," Logan chuckled.

It didn't take too long for the guy to come back with our food. It smelled...incredible.

"This place looks like it makes fried chicken you'd find down south," Logan said as he rubbed his hands together.

"Hmm," I hummed, picking up a piece of hot, crispy chicken.

"Try it," Logan grinned at me.

I reached for a fork but stopped when Logan began to laugh.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Eva, fried chicken is definitely finger food," he said, picking up a leg with his hands and biting into it rather viciously.

I dropped my fork and picked up a leg. My teeth crunched into the crispy layer and my taste buds probably died and went to heaven.

I have a new favorite food.

Logan watched me demolish the fried chicken and baked potato, which I learned tasted best with sour cream and butter.

Instead of commenting that I should've ordered a salad instead of such a fatty meal, Logan seemed to like my huge appetite and didn't think it was unlady like at all.

We finished as the sun began to set.

I paid for the food after leaving a tip for the waiter and looked at the girl at the register, "Where's the nearest place to stay the night?"

She smiled, "There's a cute motel just down the street."

"Thanks," I grinned. Logan and I found the motel, which was really cute and nice.

"One room, two beds please," I said to the woman at the counter.

She handed me a key, like a real metal key, and told us a room number. We carried our things to the room and dumped them on our beds.

"Dibs on shower," Logan said quickly, rifling through his bag.

"Dibs?" I raised an eyebrow.

He looked at me, "Wow they really did lock you out of the outside world. Dibs means I call it."

"Okay," I chuckled.

He went to get a shower and I collected my stuff to go after him. I waited on my bed and flicked on the tv.

This one had more channels than I was allowed to watch. I settled on an adorable show called Too Cute.

The bathroom door opened and Logan walked out in sweatpants. Just sweatpants.

I blushed severely at the sight of his toned upper body and torso. The lumber yards must've meant he had a lot of time to work out. Or that he was using his muscles a lot.

Is that really what abs look like? Dear god...

"Showers open," he said, rubbing a towel around on his head, making his hair stick up in all directions.

I grabbed my things and scurried past him before he could see my surely red face.

I showered and washed with the provided shampoos and quickly got out.

I got dressed in a hoodie and shorts, something I haven't got to do before, and brushed my wet hair out.

I left the bathroom as I brushed my teeth. Logan was laying on his bed and flicking through his pictures.

I finished up getting ready for bed and flopped onto mine.

"Goodnight Logan," I said after a little bit.

"Night Eva," he said shyly.

I flicked off my light and rolled over to face the wall. I smiled as I drifted off, thinking of boat rides and fried chicken.

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