Boarding School for the Rejec...

By everetet

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Boarding School for the Rejected

3.6K 55 10
By everetet


Recap: I smiled lightly to him, but hoping he'd answer me already. Damien was so weird; he could piss me off, scare me to death, and then make me smile, and now even got me to say a word, all in about an hour. I let go of him and looked up at him again with curiosity in my eyes. It took him a moment, but then he got what I was trying to find out and he sighed sadly again. "I am a fallen angel." I continued to look at him curiously and the next thing I knew I saw wings coming from his back. That dream hadn't been a dream!!!


Okay, so I decided to say screw it to votes and comments, because I don't think it's fair to keep the people who want to read my story from it for my own selfish wants, and I'm just going to write to write. :] If it gets good then I'll get the votes and comments I want right? By the way I want to try and get someone to look over each of my chapters before I post them, so if you'd like to that for me either leave a comment or message me :]

Sorry for blabbing on so long I'll start writing now x]


I turned my head slightly smiling so amazed by his beautiful black wings. I slowly reached my good hand out to one of his wings as if to ask for permission, but he did nothing to stop me so I slowly stroked the lovely black feathers. They were as smooth as velvet and as soft as silk, and they felt just so amazing.

I closed my eyes as I continued to stroke his wings trying to memorize this feeling, the texture, and the shape, just everything that came with his wings. I felt so at peace when I touched these wings. I slowly opened my eyes to come face with the side of Damien's shoulder. When I looked up to his face it was just blank. I frowned slightly and went over to my sketchbook, and began writing with my right hand. Yeah it did hurt to write, but at least you could understand what I was writing.

'Damien? What's wrong?'

"I'm a fallen angel," he muttered and he sounded simply miserable as he said it.


He looked me in the eyes his blue orbs a deep blue, "Do you... Do you know what a fallen angel really is?" He asked me. I just shook my head. He sighed, and I could tell whatever he was going to tell me pained him to say.

"To get you to understand what fallen angels are you need to understand what a regular angel is first. An angel is basically anything that once lived as a human. There is no 'hell' that the church has created with your soul burning forever. People who were evil on Earth tend to turn better now just because of the inner peace death brought to them. After you die you realize... You'll find out later... But there are angels of other races, but it is slightly different for them and for humans. I was a human before.

"After I- Anybody dies a copy of their body that is invisible to humans who are alive, gets sent to the heavens along with their soul. When our souls meet our bodies in the heavens wings are already there upon our bodies, and then we are assigned someone... Someone who we watch over and protect until the day that they die, and then we ...never see them again..." I was not sure, but I thought I heard his voice crack when he said that last line. "...After that person dies we would be free to do as we wish for the rest of our eternities."

"... To become a fallen you would have to do one of a few things: It may sound weird, but you try to kill yourself. It is considered extremely disrespectful to the whole race, because it is considered just such a blessing to us all to be able to be generally in peace.

"Something else you would have to do would be to try and harm an angel or a human, because it is said that there should be no reason why you would want to or even have a reason to want to harm them. The worst crime to commit however is... To kill the one you are supposed to watch over... Because... Because they say that it is supposed to be your soul mate..." I covered my mouth in a gasp like motion, that was just horrible to me to have to watch your soul mate live a life, probably 'fall in love' and then have them die, but then never be able to see them. How are you supposed to live peacefully and happily knowing that?

Gray tears fell from his eyes, and that shocked me even more that he was crying. I tried to hug him, but he just turned away from me not looking at me anymore either. I sat down on the bed pulled my sketchpad onto my lap writing slowly 'What did you do Damien...?' I held the pad up just waiting for him to notice. At this point I was completely patient with him now.

When he finally looked up I saw his eyes turn an azure shade of blue and my heart felt like it shattered into pieces when I saw how much pain was held behind his eyes, and I just hoped he hadn't... "I... I... Killed her... Because they say that... They say that if you kill your soul mate... If you kill them, and you can find them again in their next life and... Kill them again... That you'll both be angels now... You won't have to watch her because you were banned from that before... There is nothing keeping them from being together... And you're both together... Forever." He sobbed and stuttered in between words.

I may have not known him for very long at all, but I had never seen him become this weak, letting his facade fall this low. I got up from the bed quickly throwing my marker and sketchpad behind me walking to him quickly hugging him tightly making the same 'shhing' sounds that I had made to calm down Tristan. His arms hesitantly wrapped around me as if he was scared to hug me back. "I'm stuck like this for the rest of eternity until I can find her again... And the worst part about all of this is that... Dante didn't want to leave me here alone... So he came with me... To this place, and I'm just making him suffer too... He doesn't have to be here, but he won't leave. And then- And then I'd have to kill her again...! You have no idea how horrible it was to do it the first time Elizabetta! I can't do it to her again...!"

His crying and sobbing had calmed down, but after he said all of that it just came out harder. I just continued to go shh in small breaths to calm him down.

After I don't know how long his breaths slowed and it sounded like he had fallen asleep when we were standing. I began to try and move him over to his bed without waking him, but he was heavy. When I laid him down his breathing never changed so that was good that I didn't wake him.

I noticed that black and white weird necklace I had found before on the top of the dresser and noticed that instead of mainly black swirls with a little white, about two thirds of the swirls were white now.

I was about to finally remove my arms from around him; because our hugging position oddly never changed, but as I began to release my arms I felt his tighten around me. "Please don't leave me right now," he whispered quietly into my ear. I nodded my head as I ended up just laying on top of him hugging him my face in chest as I slowly fell asleep listening to his heavy heartbeat.

So guys, what do you think of this chapter? And I probably should've asked this in a different chapter, lol, but what do you think of all the characters? This would've been longer too, but it's almost five in the morning and mum's been rushing me to get off for like an hour x] And remember I need a reviewer :] <3 Thank you for reading darlings.

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