Strange Ones

By Diamondheart37

2.8K 63 9

Alex and her friends are going to Strange Island, home of the Strange Ones, to spend their summer for a vacat... More

Strange Island
Taking the Train to Strange City
The Perfect Way To Start Our Vacation
All Over The News
Dinner with the President
Leaving the City
Truth or Slap with Strange Ones
Making Our Way to the Delta Base
The Delta Base
The Founders of Delta
Training Day
Delta Number 9
Battle of the Metal Behemoths
Being Brave
Hanging with the Cat Faunus
The Message
A Night in Hotland
Into Mettaton's Room We Go
The Enemy Found
In the Garden
Strange Island's Most Wanted
Look At This Book!
Attacked in the Library
The Flower
She Ran Away...
Everything About This Place Is Crazy
There Are Blades In My Weapon!
More Than A Team
Confronted, Then Captured
Chara, the Girl with the Blade
Locked Up Together
This Is All Your Fault!
Thorax's Plan
The Lady Next Door
Journey to the Dark Ones' Base
Breaking In And Out
When The Battle Begins, We Come Around
Race to Strange City
The Battle Of Strange City
Breaking the Beacon
Finding Mr. President
Showdown with Chrysalis
Can You Hear Me?
The Whole Island Knows Of Delta
Goodbye, Strange Island
A Brand New Life
The Story Continues...

Our First Mission

64 0 0
By Diamondheart37

Ruby brought the humans to Delta Number 9's map room. Over there, they met up with Petra, who is with Rarity and a young Telepath named Sunset Shimmer, who knew about them ever since they set foot on Strange Island. They were looking at a holographic map of Strange Island, and there was a disaster at Remnant, where a mission was going to take place.

"So, what's going on in Remnant?" Alex asked.

"I think it has something to do with a giant robot." Sunset answered. "That's what I heard from my ability."

"Any idea who's going?" Nona stared at the map.

"Oh, just a few friends. That includes you guys as well." Petra said, getting the humans' gaze.

"Wait. We're going to be attending that mission?" Jonas said.

"They are?" Ruby raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. It was all Asgore and Toriel." Petra explained. "You guys won a game of Capture the Flag, finished a long run and saved that annoying dog from an obstacle course. So, we're allowing you guys to come along."

"Great! When do we head out?" Ren smiled.

"Not just yet." Rarity said. "None of you are going on your first mission looking like that."

"But what about my jacket?" Alex said.

"Don't worry, darling. I have it. I'm just making a little adjustment on it."

"What? But that jacket, it was a hand-me-down! What are you going to do with it?"

"Oh, I knew that jacket of yours was a gift. You will see it again. I guarantee it."

"What do you mean by that?" Alex watched as Rarity left the room. "Wait!"

"Hey. Don't stress out about a jacket." Sunset placed a hand on Alex's shoulder. "You guys are just going to have to wear something for battle."

"Really?" Clarissa raised an eyebrow.

"Uh huh." Petra nodded.

"Does that mean either one of us is going to wear a superhero cape?" Ren smiled widely.

"You can say that." Sunset said.


After a while, the humans were given their outfits and weapons. It took a while for Rarity to make their outfits. It was just a while of measuring and stitching. To their surprise, Rarity was a good seamstress, not leaving behind any mistakes on her work. Alphys also gave them new weapons to replace their wristbands. Alex was given a small blaster with a retractable holographic blade, Jonas has a medium blaster along with small throw-able bombs, Ren too has a medium blaster along with a pair of visor glasses, Nona has a pair of shotgun gauntlets, which Alphys got inspiration from Yang's, which were also wrist blades, and Clarissa had a bo staff which Ruby explained was also a sniper rifle. Right now, they were standing inside the living room of Delta Number 9, examining their outfits.

"Well, what do you all think?" Rarity asked. "Not too shabby?"

"I love it!" Nona exclaimed, staring down at her outfit, a white knee-high dress with a flow-y skirt under an orange jacket with the Delta Rune on the back, white leggings that faded to orange down the legs and black boots. Her hair was even in a braid tied with an orange ribbon and she had a forehead crown with an orange gem.

"I'm no fashion model, but eh." Clarissa looked down at her outfit, a blue shirt with the Delta Rune on the chest under a black leather jacket and a red scarf, blue jeans and brown boots.

"Ha! I get the superhero cape!" Ren exclaimed in a white buttoned shirt under a purple cape with the Delta Rune, black pants, gloves and sneakers.

"Is anyone else a little uncomfortable with this?" Jonas said in a white shirt under a green jacket, his regular brown beanie, gray cargo pants, a brown belt and sneakers and finger-less gloves.

Alex looked at her reflection in a mirror. Staring back at her was herself in a white tank top with a gold star in the middle under her regular red jacket, a black choker with star-shaped gems around it, black jeans and tan boots. "Rarity, what did you do to my jacket exactly?"

"Why don't you turn around and look at the mirror?" Rarity said.

Alex obeyed, turning around and looking at the mirror. The Delta Rune was on her back. "Oh. I see what you done there."

"Thank you." Rarity turned around, finding Petra and Toriel at the door. "Oh! Great that you two are here. What do you think?"

"I think it's lovely." Toriel said looking at the humans' clothes.

"Something is missing." Petra walked into the room and up to Jonas, pulling out a green folded bandana with the Delta Rune from her pocket as she tied it around his neck. "There. That's better."

"Uh, thanks?" Jonas said.

"You all better hurry." Toriel reminded the young humans. "The others are waiting for all of you."

With wide eyes, the humans grabbed their weapons and ran out of the room. They finally reached the exit of Delta Number 9 and ran all the way to the ship, where Weiss, Undyne, Pinkie, Lukas, Yang, Applejack, Sans, two gems named Amethyst and Peridot, and a blue ninja named Jay were waiting for them. They won't be the only ones who were going to Remnant to fight off that giant robot. They will be going along with Alphys, who has a giant robot herself, and a Whisperer named Fluttershy, who rides a large purple owl she calls Kuro. Right now, they are on the ship on their way to Remnant, and the humans were nervous.

"Hey. You alright there?" Applejack, a girl in a white shirt, blue jeans, cowgirl boots, silver gauntlets and a brown hat with the Delta Rune on it asked. "You guys haven't said anything ever since we got on this ship."

The humans remained silent.

"Hello. Earth to newbies." Yang, a girl with blonde hair in an orange tank top under a long tan coat with orange lining, black pants with a belt, brown combat boots, black finger-less gloves under gold gauntlets and a metal arm said, getting the humans' eyes. "Nervous?"

"Yeah. It's just..." Alex sighed. "My friends and I, we never done something like this before. Going to a city to fight a giant robot. It's like nothing related to what we did."

Lukas, currently in an orange shirt under a gray jacket, black pants and gray boots, finger-less gloves with the Delta Rune, and a pair of goggles, chuckled. "I got the same feeling you guys have on my first mission. We had to go all the way to the Crystal Empire to fight off bandits, and I just went out there and did it. When that mission was accomplished, I thought to myself 'It was worth it'."

"Good for you, I think." Nona said, earning a chuckle from Sans.

"Hey, punks." Undyne said getting the humans' attention. "Sorry for almost getting you guys into trouble when we were training."

"Undyne, what are you talking about?" Alex replied. "You don't have to be sorry for what happened out there."

"Plus, do us a favor and don't throw any more spears at us." Jonas added. "You almost skewered us with those."

"Yeah. Sorry." Undyne scratched the back of her head.

Ren turned to Peridot, a short Gem with green skin, a green gem on her forehead and pale yellow-green hair in a dark green bodysuit with green boots and a clear green pair of visor glasses. The short Gem was glaring at him and the others. "So, what's the deal with this little Gem over here?"

"Peridot has a thing about new people." Weiss said. "She once told me she doesn't fully trust them unless they do something unthinkable."

"Is that so?" Clarissa replied, looking at Peridot.

"Yeah. She's basically not used to newbies." Jay, a man with ginger hair and a blue ninja gi said, getting a wrench to the head by Peridot. "Ow! Peridot!"

Peridot growled at Jay and turned to Ren. "What are you looking at, you clod?"

Ren's eyes widen. "Did she just call me a-"

"She'll frequently call almost anyone that who bothers her when she's busy." Pinkie said, twirling a can of sprinkles on her finger.

"Yo, Doc Dino! How are ya doin' over there?" Amethyst, a Gem with purple skin, a purple gem on her chest and silver hair in a white tank top, black jeans and boots said, speaking into a walkie talkie.

Alphys' voice sighed from the walkie talkie. "I'm doing okay down here, though I'm just hanging from under the ship. Also, can you please not call me that when we're on a mission? It's really not settling."

"Okay then. Nerd."

"I heard that!"

"Ugh. Whatever." Amethyst switched to another transmitter. "Yo. This is Amethyst calling to Owl Rider. Twenty?"

"Um, I'm doing fine. Could have been better." A voice of a sixteen-year-old girl said. "I'm seeing Remnant from far away. Well, at least I think I am."

"Fluttershy, do you see any giant robot?" Yang asked.

"I see it. I mean, Kuro was the one who spotted it first." The voice known as Fluttershy answered. "Also, you're not going to believe this. But I think I see a Nevermore on the tallest building of Remnant. And it appears to be holding someone."

Weiss' eyes widen. "What?"

"I know. It sounds crazy, but-"

"No. We believe you about the Nevermore, but who is it holding?" Lukas wanted to know.

"Hmm. Uh, I think it's an ocelot Faunus. I can tell the Faunus is a woman."

"Any recording?" Sans asked.

The walkie talkie in Amethyst's grasp suddenly showed a holographic picture of a city. On a tall building was a large black bird holding a woman with ocelot ears in it's talons. The woman was screaming.

"She needs our help!" Applejack yelled as the recording faded.

"Wait a minute. What's a Nevermore?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Okay. Imagine a giant bird." Jay said.

"Oh. Nevermore." Alex said with the thought.

"Attention," The pilot said. "We are now arriving Remnant. Prepare yourselves for battle now."

"That's our cue." Yang got up from her seat.

Alex and the others got up. "Ready, guys?"

"I think so." Clarissa replied.

Lukas pulled a walkie talkie from his pocket. "Alphys. We're going to release you for battle. Are you ready?"

"Yeah. At least I think I am." Alphys replied. "I need to check if I have everything on me. Yep! I have everything I need. Ready!"

"Okay. Release the robot." Another pilot said as the other pilot pressed a red button.

The door of the ship opened, revealing a big city below them. The group watched as they saw a silver robot with the Delta Rune on it's back running through the streets.

"Yep. There's Alphys." Jay said, turning to the others. "Does anyone have something to say before we jump?"

Alex's eyes widen. "Wait. Jump?! You guys didn't mention about-"

"Hello, Remnant!" Amethyst exclaimed, jumping out of the ship.

The humans watched as the other Strange Ones jumped out of the ship. As for Applejack, she looked at them.

"You guys coming along?" Applejack asked.

"We're just a little skeptical right now." Alex said.

"Don't worry. Fluttershy is planning to catch you guys when you jump. Remember. No regrets!" Applejack jumped out of the ship. 

"Okay, guys. You heard her. No regrets." Alex looked back at the open door, then sighed. "Is anyone else still feeling skeptical?"

"Not anymore." Ren said, running to the exit and jumping out of the ship. "Woohoo!"

With rolling eyes, Alex jumped out of the ship along with Jonas. Nona followed, but Clarissa stayed behind. With a tight grip on her sniper staff, Clarissa winced. She carefully walked up to the exit as she let out a sigh.

"I'm not afraid of heights. I'm not afraid of heights. I'm not afraid of heights." Clarissa said as she walked up to the exit and jumped, only letting out a scream.

Meanwhile, the others turned around and saw Clarissa falling along with them. With a chuckle, Sans used his levitation ability to bring Clarissa closer. Suddenly, the humans watched as they saw the Strange Ones put masks, helmets, sunglasses and goggles on. Lukas had goggles over his eyes as Peridot's visor darkened, Yang and Amethyst wore sunglasses, Pinkie, Weiss and Applejack wore masks, Undyne wore a helmet, Sans had his hood up and Jay had a ninja mask on. The humans were given something to cover up their face as well. Clarissa and Nona were given masks, Alex was given sunglasses,  and Jonas was given goggles. As for Ren, Peridot explained that his visor has a button that can darken it's shade so no one can see his identity.

Suddenly, Lukas took hold of Weiss as he summoned a rope and threw it at a flagpole. The humans watched as Lukas swung him and Weiss. Amethyst managed to do the same while she held on to Peridot with a whip. Even Applejack mimicked what Lukas did while she held on to Yang with a lasso. Sans teleported while Undyne grabbed Jay and summoned a spear. Pinkie pulled out a white bed sheet as her boots turned into roller skates. They watched Pinkie steer herself with the bed sheet while the six other Strange Ones reached the ground. The humans looked at each other, suddenly letting out a scream as they fell. That was when a flash of purple caught them. The humans opened their eyes and found themselves on a giant purple owl. The person riding the owl was a girl about sixteen with bright pink hair in a ponytail in a green bodysuit with a pink butterfly on the chest, a pink belt attached to a white skirt and pink boots, white gloves, and a pink and green butterfly mask that is only covering her eyes.

"Hello. You must be them." The girl said to the humans.

"Are you Fluttershy?" Alex asked.

"That's me." Fluttershy pulled five earpieces from her pockets. "Take these. They'll help you communicate with the others."

The humans grabbed the earpieces and placed them into their ears. Meanwhile, Lukas and Weiss softly landed on the ground and saw many people running for their lives. They turned to their right. In front of them was a shiny black robot the size of two buildings. On the robot's chest was the symbol of the Dark Ones. 

"Of course." Weiss said, pulling out a rapier from her sheath.

"Don't attack just yet." Lukas replied, placing a finger on his earpiece. "Alphys, Weiss and I found the robot. It's at Main Street."

The robot suddenly turned to Lukas and Weiss. "Well, well. If it isn't the String Master and Snow Queen."

"Torchwick." Weiss mumbled. She knew that voice anywhere.

"It appears that you remember me, huh? I knew you were still out there with your friends, new and old." The voice known as Torchwick chuckled. "Listen. I'm looking for someone."

Meanwhile, the purple owl known as Kuro landed on a building as Fluttershy and the humans slid off her back.

"Good girl, Kuro." Fluttershy gave Kuro a rub on the forehead.

The humans looked down at the building, seeing the giant robot from above.

"Looks like we found the robot." Jonas said. "What do we do now?"

Ren looked up. "Look. I know exactly what you're talking about. I really do, but what about that thing?!"

The others looked up at a tall building with the large bird holding the ocelot Faunus.

"Whoa! That thing is huge!" Alex shouted. "How can we fight something that big?!"

Fluttershy placed a finger on her earpiece. "Undyne, I found the Nevermore. Can you and Jay get it to come down?"

"Okay. We'll take our chances." Undyne said from Fluttershy's earpiece.

Undyne managed to glide Jay and herself to the tall building as she stabbed her spear into building. The spear stopped them from falling, and they were hanging as a result. Undyne looked up, finding the Nevermore screeching.

"Jay. I'm going to throw you up there." Undyne said. "Do everything you can to destroy that feathered beast punk!"

Jay lit his hand with lightning. "Go for it."

With a smirk, Undyne swung herself by swinging her legs back and forth. With enough force, she threw Jay up the building and stood on the spear she used to stop herself from falling. As the Nevermore looked down, it saw Jay, who grabbed the bird by the neck and electrocuted it. As a result, the Nevermore screeched with pain and flew off the building. With a deep breath, Jay slid down to the bird's legs, getting the woman's attention. He turned to the building where Fluttershy and the humans were at, giving them a wave.

"Clarissa, do you think you can use your sniper staff?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm not sure." Clarissa replied. "I never done this before."

"I know, but it's the only way to save the people of Remnant."

"Clarissa, she's right." Jonas agreed. "Whatever Fluttershy has in mind, you have to do it."

"But, I don't know how!" Clarissa said.

"Then, I'll teach you." Fluttershy took hold of Clarissa's sniper staff, pressing the button as a telescope popped out. "All you have to do is aim, and then fire. Do you think you can do that?"

"I...I guess."

"I think you got this."

"Okay." Clarissa sighed, aiming her sniper staff at the Nevermore. "Okay...just a little more, and..."

Clarissa pulled the trigger as a small flash of light flew out and hit the large bird. The bird suddenly stopped moving and started falling as the woman screamed.

"Hey!" Jay shouted, getting the woman's attention. "I need you to let go!"

The woman gasped.

"Don't worry. You'll be safe."

The woman nodded, closing her eyes as she let go of the bird's leg. The woman watched as the bird fell and Jay let go of the bird's other leg. She closed her eyes, but someone suddenly caught her. The ocelot Faunus opened one eye. She was on the ground with Sans, who was leaning against a street light. Sans gave the woman a gentle shush and teleported away. For Undyne, she reached the ground and turned to the falling Jay, summoning a spear and throwing it to him. Jay turned to see the spear flying up to him, so he caught it, which sent him flying to another tall building as he shattered a window and hit the ground. He got up and dusted himself, noticing that many people in the room he was in was staring at him. The people were wearing party hats and there was cake with twenty candles. Jay looked up and saw a banner hanging from the ceiling. It was someone's birthday.

"So, who's birthday?" Jay asked as a man in a black suit raised his hand. "Well, happy birthday!"

The people watched as Jay left the room, but he suddenly came back and took a piece of cake from the table.

"Can I have a bag for this?"

Meanwhile, a man was about to go into his car. That was when Applejack lifted it with her strength and looked at the man.

"Sorry for your car!" Applejack said throwing the car up.

Yang suddenly ran out of an alleyway and jumped, giving the car a hard punch which sent it flying to the robot's face.

"Ow! That hurt!" The voice in the robot shouted. "Just kidding! I'm inside the robot! You can't destroy me!"

Alex raised both her eyebrows. "Inside. Inside. That's it!" She placed a finger on her earpiece. "Sans? I need you to get over here! I have an idea!"

Sans appeared behind the group. "Okay, kid. What's your plan?"

"Sans. I want you to throw me into that robot."

"What?!" The other humans replied.

"Uh, any good explanation?" Sans raised an eyebrow.

"Okay. Does anyone have something to write with?" Alex looked at the others.

"I have a piece of chalk." Fluttershy said pulling a stick of chalk from her bag.

"Perfect." Alex was given the chalk as she started drawing on the building's roof. "Okay. There is someone inside the robot. If I get inside the robot and find the control panel, I can have a chance to shut it down. But unfortunately, I can't do this alone."

"I'll come with you." Jonas said.

"I'll tell the others." Fluttershy press her earpiece. "Guys. Alex came up with a plan! Lukas, do you think you can restraint the robot?"

"I'll take my chances." Lukas said from the earpiece.

"Undyne, do you think you can find an entrance?"

"I see one right now!" Undyne responded.

"That was quick. Alphys, where are you?"

"I'm on my way to Main Street." Alphys said. "I think I'm almost there!"

"Applejack, Yang, keep doing what you guys are doing. Jay, are you still there?"

Meanwhile, Jay was in an elevator with a bag that held the piece of cake. The doors opened as a woman with rabbit ears and a gray suit walked in. The trip down was quiet until...

"Do you have a marker?" Jay said, getting the woman's attention.

For Pinkie, she was skating in the streets, dodging cars and bikers and hopping on roofs of buses. She looked behind her and found Alphys' robot running behind her. With a big smile on her face, she kept skating until she stopped when she saw the giant bird. Pinkie carefully skated up to the bird. She gave it a small poke that only woke up the bird. With wide eyes, Pinkie skated away from the bird while it chased her.

Back at Main Street, Applejack and Yang kept throwing things at the robot, giving Lukas the opportunity to go behind the robot and summon ropes to tie up the giant metal behemoth's wrists. Weiss joined Applejack and Yang and pointed her rapier at the robot. They suddenly hear a familiar screech and turned around, finding Pinkie skating with the bird chasing her.

Weiss pressed her earpiece. "Amethyst, Peridot, where are you?"

"On top of a building. Where else would we be?" Amethyst said. "What's up?"

"The Nevermore is alive. I repeat, the Nevermore is alive."

"What?" Fluttershy's eyes widen. "But I thought only one shot from a rifle can--oh wait. I forgot. Grimm can't be stunned."

"Welp, let's go." Sans teleported away along with Alex and Jonas.

Meanwhile, Amethyst and Peridot saw the bird from above. With a sigh, Peridot pulled out a small cube and pressed the button as she threw it on the ground. The cube turned into a seat with a turret and handlebars. Peridot walked up to the seat and aimed at the bird.

"Take this, you filthy bird clod!" Peridot shouted as she started shooting at the bird.

Pinkie stopped skating and pulled out a shaker of sprinkles. With a deep breath, she shook two piles of sprinkles into her hands and threw it at the robot's head. The robot shook it's head and looked around.

"Alright, who did that?!" The robot yelled.

Behind the robot, Sans, Alex and Jonas appeared and got Lukas' attention.

"I can't hold on much longer, you know." Lukas said.

"Undyne, where's the entrance?" Sans asked as he saw a spear hit the back the robot. "Okay. You guys might want to hang on."

"To what?" Alex replied.

As Sans' left eye glowed, he levitated Alex and Jonas and threw them to the robot's back, only earning a scream from them. The two step-siblings suddenly hit the wall of the robot's back and landed on a long balcony. They got up from the floor and looked down at the city.

"Whoa. We are far up." Jonas said with wide eyes.

"Well, get over it because I found the entrance." Alex replied with a grin.

Jonas turned to what Alex was looking at. It was nothing but a door. "Oh."

"Come on. We have a city to save." Alex grabbed Jonas by the arm and ran up to the door.

Reaching the door, Alex grabbed the knob and opened it. Taking a deep breath, Alex took out her tiny blaster and released it's holographic blade as Jonas took out a small round bomb. They both ran into the robot.

"Alex?" Jonas said.


"Do me a favor and please don't die when we're doing this."

"Isn't that what being in battle's all about?"

"Now that I think about it, yeah. Just forget I said anything and let's just do what you're planning."

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