Adopted by Pentatonix

By adodotedbyyoutube

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Nobody minds me, I think that they ignore me. My parents died in a car accident. I didn't want to go to an or... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Twelve

460 13 7
By adodotedbyyoutube

Recap: I turn to look beside me and I see head lights.


I feel arms wrap around my waist and I see that we are walking to the other side of the street. The person, of who I am assuming is one of my family members, lets go of my waist. "Are you okay," an unfamiliar voice asks me. I turn to face this person and see a very handsome young man that is maybe a year or two older than I am.

"Yeah, thank you. You didn't have to," I say blushing.

"And let a beautiful girl like you get hit by a car," he says,"that just would not be okay."

I blush. "Thank you. What is your name?"

"Grayson Young, and you might be?"

"Peyton Grassi-Hoying-Maldonado-Kaplan-Olusola," I say confidently.

"Wait, what?"

"Peyton!"I hear someone scream my name.

"Oh my god are you okay," I hear Kirstie say. I turn to her and she and gives me a hug followed by everyone else. They all pull away and look at Grayson saying thank you. He shakes everyone's hands like a proper gentleman, but when he shakes my hand I feel a piece of  paper get transferred into my hand. 

I smile at him and he returns the smile as he starts to walk away. I hold the paper tight in my hand. "Okay, maybe we get Starbucks next time... we have had way to much excitement for one night," Scott says. 

We call up an Uber to take us home. While we wait they start to ask questions like am I okay.

"So who was that boy you were talking to," Mitch questions.

I laugh," I don't really know. He was just an acquaintance, but I do know that his name is Grayson."

"Oh, I was hoping to hear a story," he jokes.

"So did you see or meet any cool celebrities," Kevin asks.

"Not really," I say looking at Kirstie. We both start laughing. We get some confused looks from the boys.

"Oh, she met someone. She even got their number," Kirstie says.

"Who," Avi asks.

"Um, I forgot her name, what was her name again mom," I ask Kirstie.

"Um, I don't remember either," she says.

We all see a car pull up and we all get in. Kirstie sits next to me and Mitch on the other side. "Okay so what happened with you and that boy," Kirstie asks me.

"I'll tell you later," I say.

"You better tell me too," Mitch says, scaring me," You two aren't that great at whispering."

"Fine when we get home meet me in my room," I tell them. They agree and we carry on a different conversations throughout the car ride.

>>>>At home>>>>

I go up to my room and a few minutes later Kirstie and Mitch join me. 

"Okay, girlie, spill it," Kirstie says.

"Well after he saved me from getting hit by a car, I said 'thank you' and he said 'I wouldn't let a beautiful girl like you get hit by a car', the we exchanged names. He was a little confused by my name, but when he shook all of our hands he gave me a piece of paper with his phone number," I explain.

"Awe that's so cute, but why would he be confused by your name," Mitch asks.

"Probably because I said my name was Peyton Grassi-Hoying-Maldonado-Kaplan-Olusola," I say. 

We all start laughing. After we sober up Mitch leaves the room, claiming to be tired, leaving just Kirstie and I.

"Okay well you have school tomorrow," Kirstie says," Now that it seems you have settled in."

"Do I have to go," I whine.

"Yes and you don't have to get up as late as you did at the orphanage because we are like five minutes away."

"Okay, mom."

"Good night," she says.

"Good night," I say. I change into my pajamas and fall into a deep slumber.

>>>>The Next morning>>>>

"Pey. Peyton wake up," I feel someone lightly shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes and see Scott trying to wake me up.

"Ugh," I groan.

"Common get up and get ready for school," he says patiently.  

"Fine," I groan. I sluggishly get out of bed and walk aver to my closet. I grab a loose, flowey tank top and a brownish cardigan off of a hanger. I find the jeans with a few rips in them and toss them next to the cardigan and shirt. I slip out of my PJ's and into my outfit. I walk to the bathroom to brush my hair the loose curls falling over and passed my shoulder. I do the rest of my morning routine and I head downstairs.

"Good morning P," Kevin says from the couch.

"Morining Kevin," I yawn. I sluggishly walk to the kitchen and I grab an apple. I sit at the table and I go on my phone to put in the two numbers I got over the weekend. "Peyton, get in the car," Scott says. I groan. I hate school.


Hi... Its uh, been a while. I have been busy and still am but all the projects I have to do are done. I only have one more. This chapter is a little un eventful. I got a MacBook so maybe my writing will be better because on the other device I was using it didn't have auto correct. 


I love y'all. 'Till next time...

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