Chapter Three

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A/N: I don't think that I mentioned this in the beginning of the story, but they all live together. Don't question it, it will just be easier on me and a little bit on you.

Kirstie's POV

I walk into the room and I only see Avi and Kevin

"Where did you guys go," Kevin asks,"One minute you were there and the next you were gone."

"Sorry, Scott saw the girl on the corner, but when he tried to tell you, you three were already out of sight. We watched her and it is a long story from there," I say as Scott and Mitch walk into the room.

"Did you ask them,"Mitch asks excitedly.

"Ask us what,"Avi questions.

"The little girl we found out was an orphan, and we thought it would be a great idea if we all adopted her, what do you guys thing," I ask. I hope they are okay with it. 

"I love that idea," Kevin states.

"I do too,"Avi says,"but what about tour and things like that."

"We can talk to Esther about that,"Scott says.

"What are we talking to me about," Esther says walking in the door.

We all look toward Esther and we all circle her, and she looks sort of intimidated.

"Can we all adopt a kid," Mitch asks.

"Of course you can, but that is more of your decision," Esther says.

"Okay it is settled then," I say excitedly,"We need to get her a room and clothes and-" I get cut off before I could finish my sentence.

"Slow down Kirstie, we can get all those things after we adopt her. That way she can design her own room and pick out her own clothes, okay," Scott says.

I nod. I don't think I have ever been this excited in my life.

Peyton's POV

I get back to the orphanage after having Scott, Mitch, and Kirstie walk me here. I open the door and look around for any sign of Mrs.Anderson being home. I don't see one, so I slip into the door and bolt upstairs to my room just in case. They were really nice people and wanted to know more about them. I remember them telling me about how they are sort of famous and they told me the name of their band, but that is all I really know about them. 

After about two more hours Mrs.Anderson is still not home yet, so I go downstairs and I make myself some food. I grab bread, ham from the fridge, and cheese. I make my sandwich, and when I finish I put everything up and sit at the table, starting to eat my sandwich. I heard the door open see Mrs.Anderson walk into the kitchen with her hands full of bags.

"I am sorry I was out so long dear, are you okay," she asks.

"Yeah, I am fine. Can I borrow the computer I would like to look something up," I ask.

"Of course dear go right ahead," I nod and walk into the living room and sit at the desk. I put in the password and go to Google. I start looking up their band. There were a lot of videos that I could watch. "Peyton hurry up on the computer it is almost time for bed," I hear Mrs.Anderson say. I guess I'll have to learn more tomorrow, but I click on one of the videos. It was called 'Love Again'.  

I finish watching the video and it was so good. It was very catchy and memorizing. I have no idea how to describe it. I exit off of Google and I log out. I make my way upstairs and I change into yoga pants and flop onto my bed. I didn't realize how tired I was till my face hit the pillow, sending me straight to sleep.

I wake up to Mrs.Anderson shaking me lightly saying,"Wake up some adopters are here."


  Hellos how are you today. For me it is still December 2 for another hour. I know I have been updating late for some people and I am sorry I am just more inspired at night. I hope the few of you that read this book enjoyed this chapter. I will be doing an udatmas and I will update everyday on my account till December 25. I will be going back and fourth between this book and my other book. Well that is all from me. I love you. Bye.

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