Chapter Five

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Today Mitch, Kirstie, and I were going shopping for some room decorations and some clothes for me. We mostly ended up getting things for my room. We got a little bit of clothes from Hollister and H&M, but we got distracted but all the little things I could put in my room.

We finally finished and I am in love with result of my room. I thank them very much for everything. The rest of the day was chill we stayed and watched a movie for mostly the rest of the day. Kirstie left before the end of the movie because she had a date with her boyfriend. Scott left at the end because he had a date with Alex, while Kevin and Avi passed out during the movie. Making Mitch and I the last ones awake.

"I think I am going to go to bed, is that okay," I ask.

"Yeah, go ahead. You don't need to ask," he said.

I go to my room and slip on some PJ pants and a comfy sweatshirt when I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in," I say,"I am decent."

He slowly opens the door and walks in. "Your room turned out nice," he says awkwardly.

"What is wrong? Something is bothering you?"

"How could you tell."

"It is basically radiating off of you," I say making dramatic hand motions.

"I trust you as my new daughter that you will keep this secret and tell no one. Not even a rock can know."

I nod.

"I like Scott, like a lot," he said.

"Really, that is so exciting. I thought it was going to be like you taking me back to the orphanage."

"No. Why would we do that?"

"My last family did."

"You had a family before us," he questioned.

I nod.

"What happened?"

"They didn't think of me as their family and they eventually started having kids of their own and took me back."

"Peyton, I'm sorry. How many families have you been with?"

"Just two, but the first one I don't want to talk about." I shutter at the memories of that house.

"So tell me more about your little crush," I say turning giggly.

He goes on and on about why he like Scott, and all this cute stuff.

We hear a door swing open and slam shut. I immediately start panicking. What if someone broke into the house.

"Stay here it is probably Scott, or Kirstie," he says. I settle down thinking that he is probably right. He walks out of my room and I hear him say,"What the hell Scott. You nearly scared Peyton and I to death."

"I'm sorry," Scott says,"I-its ju..."

"What is it," Mitch asks.

"Can we go to my room," Scott asks after a small pause.

Mitch's POV

I nod signaling that we can talk in his room. He leads and I follow even though I already know where it is.

He sits me down on his bed and he explains why he is so frustrated and upset. He and Alex got in a fight. I scoot over to give him a hug. When we both pull away from the hug Scott leans in for a kiss and so do I.


I am going to stop here for now cause why the hell not. I love you all thank you for reading the picture above is Peyton's bedroom. This book is going kind fast don't ya think. Should I slow it down a little bit. Let me know. I love you. Thanks for reading. Bye.

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