Chapter Eight

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Peyton's POV

We all get to the studio and I am kind of nervous I am going to meet Avi's sister. Am I even supposed to be nervous about this? I don't even know.

We lwalk to the elevator but I remind them of my claustrophobia and they send Scott to the stairs with me. We climb the stairs with comfortable silence. "What is Avi's sister like," I ask randomly.

"She is very kind and caring," he says as we reach the level we are supposed to be at. We open the door and walk passed a few rooms and into a room with everyone else in it. I see Mitch, Kirstie, Kevin, Avi, and one other person I have not yet met.

Avi stands up from the small couch in the room and says,"Peyton this is my sister Esther, Esther this Peyton the you girl we adopted."

I reach out for a formal handshake and just gives me a hug. I was a little surprised at first but I hugged back after a couple seconds. We have small conversation, but after a while they get down to business.

I easily get bored so I start to wonder around the building trying to remember which ways I went so I could find the room that they were in. Right, left, left, straight...

I eventually have walked around this entire floor and make my way back to the room. I open the door and they all quiet down not knowing it was me. Once they realize it was me they inform me when we will be leaving and what it will be like. It kind of sounds fun.

"So if I just found out about her that mean that the fans don't know about her. How are you going to introduce her," Esther questions.

"Umm... we haven't really discussed it, but we do need to introduce her," Kevin  says.

"Ahem but 'her' is right here," I say motioning to me with my hands.

"Sorry, what if we introduced her on tour. Like you know how we have that little storyline. We can just add Peyton at the end, but you tell the audience to keep it a secret. Even though some of them probably won't," Esther says.

"That is genius," Kirstie says.

We all agree and we talk some more about tour.

About an hour or two later we all decide we should go home and relax for a little while. "When does the tour start," I ask.

"In like a month or two," Mitch answers. I just nod.

"Is there anything before then," I ask with curios mind.

"Um... Oh, we have to go to the Grammy's in about two weeks," Avi says.

"You guys are performing at the Grammy's," I ask in amazement.

"Even better we are up for one," Scott says.


Hiya! Okay the dates might be a little off from each other but O well. Life is life. I  writing this listening to the coyotes in my yard and it is so peaceful.

Okay fun story. I fell off my horse and bruised my tale bone. Aren't I just the luckiest person alive. (NOTE THE SARCASM) .

Suggestions here ~~>

I love you all so much. ❤️❤️ Bye.

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