Chapter Seventeen

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I don't know what to do anymore ===========================

I was called to Scott and Mitch's hotel room per their request. I knock on the door until it is opened by someone. That someone being Mitch. "What did you two need," I ask walking into the room.

"We wanted to ask if you would want to do a Q&A with us on Superfruit," Scott says.

"Yeah," I say excitedly.

"While Scott sets up the camera, I am going to send out a tweet for the people to ask questions," Mitch says.

I sit down in the bed in front of were Scott is setting up the camera. "So what am I supposed to do," I ask.

"Well we will ask you questions and you will answer them, but you can't forget that every now and then to look at he camera or else you look like you are awkward," Mitch says.

I nod. Mitch sitting next to me, Scott joining not too long after.

"Hi, welcome to Superfruit the best on the internet, my name is Brad Pitt," Scott says.

"My name is Angelina Jolie and we have many kids," Mitch says.

"Speaking of which here is our guest, our daughter Peyton," Scott says. Mitch and Scott both motion for me to sit in between them.

"So we asked y'all to tweet us some amazing question, and most of them are to Peyton," Scott says.

Mitch starts,"First question, what is your full name?"

"My full name is Peyton Mae Grassi-Hoying-Maldanado-Kaplan-Olusola," I say.

"Damn right she is," Scott says.

"How does it feel living with them and going on tour and how does it feel to have a daughter," Mitch reads.

"Umm, it's fun. They are all a bunch of goof balls, and they are very easy to pull pranks on," I laugh.

"First of all that is so not true," Mitch starts looking at me, pointing a finger," Second of all I love having a daughter, and she is just the best one out there."

"I honestly cannot add to Mitch's statement," Scott says.

"Awe, I love you guys," I say," this is getting too emotional."

"How old are you," Scott questions.

"I am fourteen years old," I state.

Mitch leans over and whispers in my ear," Do you want to answer this question?"

I simply nod my head, Scott kind of give a confused look.

"What happened to your parents," Mitch asks.

"Can I have everyone in here," I ask," I want them to hear it from me and not in a video."

"Yeah, let me go get them," Scott says. Well the fun, playful mood is officially dead.

It takes a while but eventually everyone is there. Everyone being Scott, Mitch, Kirstie, Kevin, Avi, and Esther, who I have got close with on tour.

"We were filming a Superfruit video, and it was a Q&A with Peyton and someone asked what happened to her parents," Mitch explained.

"When I first met you all I only told you that there was a crash and I was the only survivor. Well theres more to it," I say.

"It happened when I was nine years old, and we were on our way to go see a movie that was in the theaters. We were crossing at a stop light when a drunk driver hit mine and my moms side of the car, but it was mostly the front. There was blood, so much blood. I remember the screaming of pain from both of my parents. I remember there was a stranger that took me out of the car, and told me everything will be okay, while calling 911. We were all rushed to the hospital, were I was told that they both were dead and that it was a miracle I was even alive," I say sobbing.

"They also told me I would be put in an orphanage or foster home, I asked if anyone in my family wanted to take me and apparently they all said no, that they didn't want a reminder of a tragedy," I let stutter, and Kirstie brings me into a hug as I continue," So I was in a foster care system and went to three different houses. The last one was a very nice lady, but the two before weren't so nice. They would punish me for nothing and tell me I am weak, and event though I was young I believed them, and sometimes I still get nightmares from them.

At my last home I would sneak out without her knowing and I would sing and play guitar. One time I was lucky enough that a specific blonde noticed me, and a band to adopt me."

I look up from the piece of carpet I was looking at to see everyone in tears. "Sorry I kind of destroyed happiness," I laugh wiping some tears from my face.

"I am glad you told us," Avi said getting up to give me a hug, soon followed by everyone else.

We all pull away from the hug and all you can here is Mitch go,"Well my weekly obsession is my family."

We all laugh at how random that was. "Same here," Scott agrees," I emotionally can't think of a song right now, and I'm sure Mitch can't either, so... We love y'all."

Everyone there sang goodbye and Scott turned off the camera. Well that was fun.


Hello I am from a foreign planet because apparently I don't know what the hell updating is. Im sorry everyone who reads this book, I am going through a rough patch and AP classes are kicking my ass. Long story short my parents aren't together anymore and that is what is happening in my life.

I hope you all are great and are having a great life. I actually think that I know where this book is going so I might be able to update here and there but I am still getting used to everything overwhelming me.


Something that makes you smile~~~>

I love you all, bye.

PS sorry I accidentally published this chapter the first time I didn't go over it and I wanted to make sure I had all the details I needed.

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