Chapter Twenty Five

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I wake up and all I see is bright, white lights blinding me.

"Oh my god, your awake," a boy next to me says.

"Yeah of course I am awake, why wouldn't I be," I say.

"I am going to go get a nurse, okay," the boys says.

I sit up in my bed and rub the sides of my head. I later see a bunch of people walk into my room and from the looks of it, they look like doctors, except for the one boy.

"Follow the light with your eyes," one doctor says, and the doctors continue doing more and more tests.

"How is she," the boy asks.

"Why do you care so much about me," I interrupt the doctor from answering. He reaches for my hand, but I quickly bring it to my chest.

"What do you mean babe, it's me. It's Grayson, your boyfriend," the boy named Grayson says.

"I'm sorry I don't know you," I say.

"Okay, I thought we were done with tests, but I guess not. I am going to ask you a series of questions, okay," the doctor asks.

"Okay," I say kind of wary of what is happening. The doctor whispers something into Grayson's ear, and he just nods. Grayson takes out his phone and then hands it over to the doctor.

"Do you know what this is," he asks showing me a picture.

"Yeah it's a horse," I say.

"Do you know the name of the horse," Grayson asks.

"No, I have never seen a horse in person," I answer.

"What about your parents? Who are your parents," the doctor asks.

"Um, my parents were killed in a car accident, so I stay with Mrs.Anderson."

"What about this young man right here," he asks.

"I don't really know him, but he said that he was my boyfriend."

The doctor continues to ask me questions.

"Okay Peyton, so at least you know your name, and you remembered your parents passing, but everything else is not exactly correct, so I am going to ask you to come with me to get you head scanned."

I get up and follow the doctor to get my head scanned. It was a quick process. he scanned my head, and then took me back to my room. While waiting for the doctor to come back and tell me what is going on, I hear the door open. Quickly Grayson gets up and keeps them in the hallway for a minute or two.

The group of people who were about to enter the room happy, entered the room with tears in their eyes. "Hello, are you guys my friends? I don't really remember much," I say trying to make them a little bit happier. Though my question just sent the only girl into a silent cry, turning around into a tall blonde guy. I bet their dating.

"No, honey, we are your family. W-we adopted you about a year ago. I'm Mitch," the guys who's name is Mitch says.

"I am Kevin," another guy says.

"Avi," a lumberjack looking guy says.

Then the tall guy speaks," I am Scott and this is Kirstie."

"I am sorry, I don't remember you," I say honestly.

"C-can I g-give you a hug," Kirstie says.

"Um... yeah, I guess," I answer. She sort of shuffles over to me and sits on the bed next to me, and give me a hug.

"Can I ask you all a question," I ask.

"Of course, sweetie," Kirstie say wiping tears from her face.

"How long was I asleep for?"

"Um... you were asleep for about two months. It is not as bad as what it could have been, but it was a pretty long time," Kevin answers.

The doctor walks back into the room," So we did a CT scan and it showed that the back part of Peytons temporal lobe has been hit and is inflamed, and can be fixed with some meds. We are assuming that if she never was unconscious her memory would be way worse, so we can assume that her memory will slowly come back to her, but it is uncertain." (Some of the stuff in this paragraph is most likely not true I am only using words I googled, or heard on Chicago Med).

"So what can we do to help her get her memory back," Grayson says.

"Just take her places that may be familiar to her, home is a good start. Maybe were you first met her, though if you do this be very patient and don't force her to remember," the doctor suggests.

"When can we take her home," Scott asks.

"You can take her home in a couple of days just depending on how she is when we observe her overnight."

After a few more questions are asked the doctor leaves the room.

"Can I take a nap," I ask everyone in the room.

"Yeah we will be here when you wake up," Kirstie says holding my hand. It doesn't take long for me to drift of, and before I know it I am waking back up, but the group doesn't know that.

"Babe, can you please stop crying, Peyton can wake up any minute and the doctor says that we are strong people, so that she doesn't stress out too much,"I'm guessing Scott said.

"I'm sorry, but I still can't stop thinking about it... she forgot who we were. Her family, even her boyfriend she snuck out of the house multiple times for," Mitch said. So Scott is dating Mitch not Kirstie.

"But we can show her the entire journey she has had all over again," Scott says," she can meet us again, we can take her to the after party of the Grammy's and she can meet Grayson all over again. It will be here reliving all of her happiest moments with us."

Theses people must really love me...

Hello people of the world. I have updated in a span of two times in less than a month. It is practically a new record. Well I hope you have enjoyed that chapter. I also want to thank you for 4K reads. That is absolutely amazing and it makes me happy to see people enjoying something that I have fun doing.


Something that makes you smile~~~>

I love you all. Bye.

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