Chapter Fifteen

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After I get introduced I go backstage and watch the rest of the show. I feel my phone buzz in my back pocket and take it out to see that I got a text from Evan. 

"Way to be extra," he says in the text. I laugh.

"After the show take Emily, and Grace behind the venue to the tour bus," I say.

"Okay we will be the first ones there I promise," he texts back.

I put my phone back in my pocket and continue to watch the show.


The show is over and I sprint to where the tour bus is wanting to see my friends. And as promised they are the only ones there for now. "Bitch you are extra," Evan says.

"I have been told that," I say," so nothing has changed between us."

"Why would anything change you are still you, we just know who your parents are," Emily says.

"Okay," I say and hug all of them just as a ton of fans come around the corner of the arena. Of course they don't see me, but they do see my family walking out of the venue. Which causes Evan, Grace, Emily and me to be trampled. I knew they would all be to nice not to sign a few autographs and take a few pictures, so I turn back to my friends.

"This is my cue to say goodbye," I say hugging them.

"Awe you were fun t hang out with and we'll miss you," Grace said.

"You better FaceTime us on tour when you are bored or something cool happened," Evan says.

I give them all one last hug and try to get close to my parents. I can't seem to squeeze through all the people to get to them, and just as I am almost there I realize where I am. I am in between too many people. I start to breathe heavy, and I get light headed. I make eye contact with Kevin and mouth the word 'help'. Before I fall to the ground I see his face of concern. I fall to the ground and here my name being called by more that one person.  

 I feel someone pick me up off the floor and out of the crowd. The person is still carrying me and I can feel that I have calmed my breathing down, so I open my eyes to see a handsome and familiar face. He saved me from getting hit by a car after the Grammy's. What was his name? Gavin? Garret? Grayson! That's it.

"You are just everywhere," I say.

"And you are accident prone," He responds. It makes me laugh when he says that.

"I really want to stay here and talk to you, but I am already late for work. There is one thing I want ask you though," Grayson says.

"And what may that be," I say. Is this flirting. I think I am flirting.

"Text me tonight," He asks and then walks away before I give him an answer. 

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look behind me.

"Peyton are you okay," he asks concerned," are you hurt, I saw you fall."

"I am fine that boy helped me," I say pointing to Grayson who is walking away.

"Okay, so you are okay now?"

"Yes, I am fine."

"Let's get you back on the tour bus, yeah?"

I nod. Kevin takes me onto the tour bus. Immediately I am surrounded by everyone with questions like,"Are you okay," and ,"What happened?"

I answered them all with the basic answer,"I'm fine, I had a small moment of panic because there was to many people around me that I didn't know."

"So, that boy," Kevin starts. Of course when you start a conversation like that, there is no way you can get out of it.

"What boy," Avi asks.

"Does he go to your school," Scott asks.

There are questions getting thrown at me left and right, so I stop them. "Okay I have met him once before and I don't know if he goes to my school," I say.

"He's not your boyfriend though right," Avi asks almost protectively.

"What if he was," I ask quizzing him. His eyes widen and so does everyone else's. I start laughing."Relax I was just kidding and if I did I would have met him more that one time," I say.

Esther walks on the bus," We are leaving for Vegas in about an hour, so do what ever in that hour just be on the bus in time please, that is all I ask."

"I am going to bed,"Mitch announces.

"I second that," I say sort of saying the truth.

"Third," Scott says.

"Fourth," Avi next.

"Fifth," Kirstie calles.

"Well I guess I am sixth then," Kevin laughs.

We all call our bunks and we settle in. I, of course, get the top bunk so I climb up there and   I go on my phone to text Grayson. (Italics are Peyton and bold is Grayson.)


Hey, I forgot to ask why were you in that big crowd earlier?

Oh, I was trying to get to my family who were being ushered onto the bus.

Are they famous or something. Not to pry or anything.

Yeah, sort of. They are on tour. Have you ever heard of Pentatonix.

Nope, sorry.

That is okay because then I know you aren't being friends with me because of my parents.

It is a good thing that you are cute or maybe I just might have😂. So since you are on tour with your family, where are you going now. 

Umm, I think my aunt Esther just said Vegas.

Wait, you called me cute.

                      read 11:56


Howdy. I think that I am going to update this book every Wednesday, but don't hold me to that because I am still thinking about it. I hope you all like this chapter.

For those of you who have read my other book Adopted by Janiel thank you so much for 46.2k reads when my friend texted me and told me I literally cried. She also told me the it is the most read adopted by Janiel book which I don't think is true, but one could dream.

Suggestions here~~~~~>

I love you bye.

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