Chapter Twenty

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Ever since the European tour ended Emma and I have been nonstop practicing for winter show season. We are in a lesson together and we are learning to jump and right now we are at three feet high cross poles, but Annie, our instructor, said we are going to go a little bit higher soon. The show that we are preparing for this weekend is stadium jumping, but I am nervous. I have only ever showed in flat-work.

Emma keeps telling me that I'll be fine and she is always right in these kinds of situations, but I just feel like something will go wrong.


"Next we have Peyton, on Royalty Beyond."

I trot Bey around to the ring and half way ask him to go into a canter, turning him in a circle around one of the jumps before starting the course.

First jump...Second jump...Third jump...

Last jump...

I did it and there were no problems. I exit the arena with a smile on my face waiting for results. Emma put herself in a non beginner class, so she was in a different one than I.

After everyone has gone they start to announce places.

"Third place goes to Savannah, on That's A Wrap... In second place, Jonathan on Flash... and in first place and our congratulations to Peyton on Royalty Beyond."

I hear the cheering of Emma behind me and my entire family echoing through the closed indoor arena. I love doing this, and I love my family.

BACK AT THE BARN AFTER THE SHOW                                                                                                                             ----------------

I am leading Bey to his stall from the trailer when I see him. I see Grayson. He is grooming one of the lesson horses. As I walk Bey to his stall, Grayson notices me.

"Well hello there. Do my eyes deceive me or is accident prone Peyton riding horses," he says.

"Well then I guess you have 20/20 vision," I say. What the hell?! I yell at myself. Why do I suck at flirting. He laughed at my comment so I must have done something right.

"Yeah, you know what I can see with my 20/20 vision? I can see your gorgeous eyes," he says. Right at that moment Bey knickers at me and shoves me with his head to his stall.

"I'll be right back, this big weirdo wants to lay down."

I put him in his stall giving him the peppermint I had in my pocket. I give him a quick kiss and rush back over to Grayson. "So have you been keeping yourself safe," He asks. That's a little bit of a creepy thing to ask.

"Yeah," I respond sort of questioning him.

"Good, so that means I can ask you out on a date, without you getting injured?"

I internally scream. "I guess that is what it means," I say.

"Hey Peyton," Mitch says approaching me,"Are you ready to go? We put away everything already."

"Umm," I start," Yeah... I think so. I'll be at the car in a minute."

"Okay," he says walking away.

"Who was that," Grayson asks.

"What... Are you jealous and we haven't even been on a date yet," I laugh.


"Thats one of my dads," I nonchalantly say.

"Are your parents gay," he asks.

"Do you have a problem with that?"

"Oh no of course not. You just said on of them-," He defends.

I kind of laugh as a stutters for words. "Good. Well I have four dads and one mom. I was adopted into a band," I say giving the short story.

"Oh, that's kind of cool. I have never met anyone like you," he smiles at me.

"Hey, Pey are you coming," Avi asks from down the hall.

"Yeah," I respond," Well thats my calling I have to go. Bye."

"I'll text you later about that date," he says.

"Okay," I say. I get into the car with a huge blush on my face.

"Who was that boy you were talking to and why did he look familiar," Avi asks.

"Calm down, his name was Grayson. He looked familiar because he is the boy who saved me from getting hit by a car the night of the Grammy's and from getting trampled by all of your fans."

"Oh he is the boy you would stay up late texting on tour," Kirstie questions.

"Mom... they weren't supposed to know that," I says.

"Sorry it just kind of came out," she apologizes.

"Why weren't we supposed to know," Scott asks.

"Because I knew none of you except Kirstie would let me go on a date with him... You would all be to over protective," I explain.

"Wait, he asked you on a date," Kirstie interrupts me slightly.

"Yeah," I say blushing.

"Absolutely not," Kevin says.

"I second that," says Avi.

"Same here," goes Mitch.

"Not happening," Scott agrees.

"What?! Why not," I exclaim.

"We don't know anything about him. And he seems like a stalker... think about it he has been there every time to save you," Kevin points out.

"This is the first time in months that he has been seen," I defend.

"You aren't going and that is final, Peyton it is just too dangerous, we don't know him," all the boys agree.

"You are all being unfair," I fight back.

"We are not being unfair we are just being safe, the world isn't the most trustworthy place," Mitch says.

I get out of the car storming to my room, Mom walks in not very long after. "Peyton, I don't care what those guys say, you are going on that date," she says entering my room.


Hello friends and Family. Just kidding you are all my family. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter it is just a filler and I am planning on having a fun chapter next and I am getting closer to the climax I think... I don't know I haven't written it. Welp.


Something that makes you smile~~~~>

I love y'all. Bye.

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