Supernatural (And Other Fando...

By JaxForensics

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MATURE CONTENT Requests currently [Closed] Supernatural smut along with other fandoms such as Sherlock, SPN... More

Request Information
Dean and Sam- Friends with Benefits
Chuck- Protected
Dean- Unaware
Fuck It
✔Castiel- Overtime✔
Lucifer-Royal Pain In The Ass (fluff)
Moriarty-Russian Roulette
✔John-Anger Makes It All Better✔
Moriarty-Little Bird (fluff)
Dean x Jaiden- Now?
✔Crowley- Bones✔
Casifer- Part One
✔13✔ Sam and Dean- 13
Dean- Dumb struck
Crowley centric
#8 Benny- You Smell Sweet
Writer's Block
Moriarty- Boom Goes the Heart
Authors note
Rick Sanchez- Visit
#23- Not in Public! (Part 1)
#23 Not in Public! (part 2)
Lucifer- Even The Devil Needs Love
DeanMon Drabble
Lucifer Drabble
Leviathan!Cas Drabble
Michael Drabble
Negan- Daddy's Little Problem (Part 1)
Negan- Daddy's Little Problem Part2
Negan- Daddy's Little Problem(3)
Negan- Daddy's Little Problem(4)
Daddy's Little Problem Part 5
No Pairing Yet- Lost
Lost- Part 2
Lost Part 3
Utterly Insane (Part 1)
Utterly Insane Part 2
Character Design
Short Temper- Sam x Reader
Christmas Drabble Dean x reader
Christmas Drabbles- Dean x reader
Christmas Drabble- Sherlock x reader
Hey there, gotta talk about something important
Up In Smoke- Crowley x Male Reader
A One Time Thing- John Winchester x Reader
Well, It's Not Love- Negan x Reader
Christmas Drabble- Big, Bright, Shiny Baby (Dean)
Christmas Drabble- Sam-Mas Tree (Dean)
Christmas Drabble- Two Left Feet (Sam Winchester)
Hidden Treasure -Negan
Christmas Drabble- Adam x Reader: Oops
Back For A Little While
Hidden Treasure- Negan x Reader

Casifer-part two

3.5K 83 20
By JaxForensics


You woke up in chains, a dark room surrounding you in silence. Your head ached and your eyes were dancing with  white spots. You stood and investigated the room, a throne like chair sat next to you. Below you was three polished steps, there was a dart board on the far wall along with chains hanging in piles. A grand door loomed at the opposite side of the room.

You tugged at the chains with little hope, you climbed onto the chair and tried to sleep....

“Good morning little one”

You sprung awake at the sudden noise, falling out of the chair you had been sleeping in. Lucifer stood over you like a shadow, unmoving and menacing.

“what do you want”

You scrambled backwards to get away from him.

“ah ah ah, stay still” he stood on the chains so you couldn’t move away.

“I want you to come here” Lucifer pulled you to your feet, pressing you against his chest.

“let- let me go!” he only held you tighter.

“No, you’re too pretty to be alone with those two”

You tried to squirm away from his cold body, but he only held you closer.

"Let me go!"

"You're feisty, it's undeniably cute"

He leaned down and nibbled on your neck, sucking small bruises onto your flesh.




He stopped biting and breathed heavily on your neck.

"Why" his breath left the skin warm and throbbing.

"Why should I do anything for you?"

He shoved you to the ground and stepped on your chest.

"I owe you absolutely nothing"

He put more weight on your chest, crushing your lungs.

"You humans were the cause of my demise, the reason big daddio- put me in that damned cage!"

He stepped off and picked you up by your neck.

"So why do I want you?"

You groaned and gasped in air.

"Why do I want to fuck you into a wall and lay with you after, why do I want to keep you safe and near me"

You kept gasping for air as his hold on your neck tightened.


He let you slump to the floor, kicking you in the gut before turning to leave.

“I'll be back”

He slammed the grand doors and left you in darkness, his foot steps fading away.

You flipped onto your stomach and tried to even out your breathing.

“Tough luck love”

You turned your head to see Crowley chained and caged.

“you know how many women he's brought here?”

You heaved up blood and coughed, spitting it on the ground.

“I don’t care”

You tried to stand but all you managed was to get on your hands and knees.

“Then you wouldn’t mind coming here”

“Do I look capable?!”

“does it matter”

You sighed and managed to stumble over too his small cage. Once next to it you collapsed and leaned back on the door. Crowley jabbed at your ribs from between the bars and you yelped.

“What the hell Crowley!”

“Making sure you’re alive”

“Next time do it in a less painful way”

“No promises” he gave a smug smirk as you turned to face him.

“What do you want”

“To make a deal”

“That depends”

“On what”

“what do I need to do, and what do I get out of it”

“Freedom for one, I need you to get me out and I’ll get you to earth”

“No favors or souls attached”

“No strings”

You reached a hand through the bars.

“Sorry love, but if you want to properly seal this, I’ll need a kiss”

You glared at him fiercely, “fine”

“Then come here”

You scowled and pressed your face through the bars. He forced his lips on yours and held your head still with his hand clutching your hair. You tried to relax but as he tried to shove his tongue in your mouth you pulled away roughly.

The doors opened behind you, crowleys hand was still in your hair and you were breathing hard.

“Well well doggy, I see you’ve taken a liking to my new toy”

Lucifer eyes were blazing red, crowley let go and trembled in his cage.

“yes master”

You leaned back on your hands and stared up into Lucifer glowing eyes.

“hello lucifer”

“What are you doing”


He grabbed your hair and pulled you away from the small cage.

“don’t lie to me pet”

You choked under his grace, the invisible force depriving you of air.


You clawed at his hand hopelessly. He dragged you to the pile of chains opposite of crowley. He let you breathe and dropped you next to the restraints and pined you down with his grace.

“from now on stay away from the dog, or i'll get you your own cage”

He changed your own chains for a spiked collar on your neck.

“Now, pet-“

He kneeled in front of you.

“Are you going to lie again?”

You shook your head no. He grabbed your face  and straddled your legs.

“with words, are you going to lie again?”



He patted the top of your head and got off”

“Get up”

You shakily stood before him and stared him in the eyes.

“Cas I know you’re the-“

He grabbed your chin, “not any more, but he's watching”

You choked at his words, “lucifer let me go!”

“Pet, I haven’t even played with you yet, I’m not letting you leave any time soon”

Lucifer leaned down and pressed a light kiss to your lips.

“I promise I won’t hurt you- unless you like that”

You stood shaking and flushed before him, his words suddenly making you turn red.


He nibbled on your ear lobe and whispered, “yes?”


He pulled away, “listen, I do care for you, I won’t do anything you don’t want me to, I will stop if you tell me too, but I won’t be letting you leave”

You whimpered as he turned away, were you really going to just drop and ask for this mans praise? No, you’d kiss his ass until you had a chance to escape. At least that’s what you told your self.

“Understood” you muttered angrily.

You heard a sharp intake of breath from Lucifer.

“Come on, let’s get you out of those rags”

He began walking down the hall, not looking back to see if you followed. You hurried to walk beside him, once you caught up he smirked down at you. You pretended not to notice and looked straight ahead.

He led you to a room and laid down an outfit for you to wear and stood outside the door. He had chosen a snug fitting black crop top that showed your stomach and dark denim shorts that barely reached half way down your thigh.

Once you finished you opened the door to find Lucifer waiting patiently. His eyes glowed for a moment, “come on, you’re probably tired”

He led you to a room and plopped on a large bed inside. He stared at you expectantly, “come here”

The doors closed behind you as you came to stand beside the bed.

“why won’t you talk any more”


He rolled his eyes and pulled you to lie down next to him. Throwing an arm over your side and spooning you from behind.

You woke up to Lucifer breathing quietly. His arm tightly wrapped around you. He stirred slightly.

“No one will take you from me…”

You stiffened before realizing he was talking in his sleep.

“I won’t let them take any one from me again…”

What is he talking about?

“Too many things have been taken already…”

You turned to face him, pressed flush against him.

“Cas? Can you hear me?”

His eyes opened and he stopped talking.

“Yes” came cas' husky voice.

“Is Lucifer telling the truth, that he loves me”



“What is it”

“Can you see what Lucifer does with your vessel”


“were you watching”


“can you feel it too, what Lucifer touches”


He closed his eyes as Lucifer began to wake up, retreating into his mind. Your face reddened quickly as Lucifer opened his eyes.

“good morning”

He smiled and placed a gentle kiss on your head.

“I have some meetings today, you’ll be joining me”

“Okay” you smiled and nestled your head in the crook of his neck.

“Why so nice today?”

“change of heart”

“As if- either way, time to get up”

Lucifer shrugged out of bed and pulled on Cas' coat. You had gotten up and leaned on the door frame to wait for him, hair falling in your face.

“What’s  with this collar”

He made his way over to you and clipped a leash on it.

“For show…”

He wrapped the leash around his fist and pulled you to follow him.

“where are we going”

“meeting room”

He pulled you in a door and to the far head if the table. Lucifer sat in the chair and pointed for you to sit on the floor. You stood behind his chair instead, resting your arms on the back of the chair. Demons began filling in the empty chairs around the table.

Lucifer growled and yanked on the leash, you resisted the pull and stayed where you were. Demons watched you intently, many taking in your revealing clothes.

One of the demons stood to address everyone, his gaze lingering on you.

Lucifer addressed the demon, “are you interested in my pet?”

The demon admitted that he was, Lucifers eyes glowed.

“Do you peasants want to see me use her?”

Your stomach dropped, what the hell was he going to do to you?

Most of the demons smirked and nodded.

Lucifer hooked his fingers under the collar and pulled your head down too his. He kissed you roughly, biting at your lips. He  moved to whisper in your ear.

“Shall we give them a show?”

You shuddered, closed your eyes and nodded. He chuckled and kissed you again, slower this time, but just as rough. He pulled away and smirked as a string of saliva hung between you.

You smiled and swatted it away, moving off to the side so he could stand.

“what do you think of her?”

He pushed the chair back and walked in a circle around you.

The demon who was leading the meeting smirked and stared at your body rakishly. He had dark black hair, combed and greased back. Bright blue eyes gleamed at you from across the table.

“She’s beautiful” the demon muttered.

“oh I know, do you want to see just how pretty she is?”

He nodded and sat in his chair, you looked back at him and smiled malevolently. He seemed startled at your vicious gaze. Lucifer grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him.

“Focus on me, not them”

You smiled and leaned forwards to kiss him. He pushed you away and pulled your crop top off, throwing it on the floor. He picked you up and placed you to sit on the tables edge.

“Sir, may I touch her as well” the demon asked.

Lucifer had been laving your breast when he asked. He looked up at you with a questioning look. You shook your head no at the fallen angel.

He snapped his fingers and you heard a poof.

“any more questions?”

He laved at your other breast and gave a wry smile. Out of the corner on your eye you saw red splattered on the wall.

“No sir” the demons responded in unison.

Lucifer stood and chuckled, he snapped his fingers and the rest of yours and his clothing was gone.

He smirked down at you, lust clouding his eyes.

“you know, he's watching in here, paying special attention to these”

He pushed you down on the table, squeezing your breasts and leaning over you.

“Just fuck me lucifer”

“I can do that “

He nipped and sucked at your neck, pushing into you with one fluid stroke, filling you completely. You groaned as he thrusted into you again and again.

Your hips bucked and your body shuddered as he fucked you into oblivion. His body hunched over yours, hand lightly squeezing your neck.

“L-lucifer, i'm…”

“Shh, I know”

He moved faster, almost as if he needed to. Your walls clenched around him as you let out a strangled breath. His cock twitched inside you, cumming hard inside of you.

Your body jerked and twitched under him as he let his load out in you.

“you had your show, get out”

Demons disappeared from the room as Lucifer pulled out, snapping his fingers to clean up his mess.

You still had conflicting feelings on Lucifer, you liked him but he was evil. And he was still in cas' vessel.

“come on, I’m sure it’s time for a nap”

You nodded and shakily stood, letting him teleport you both to his room. He kissed the top of your head and closed his eyes.

“Great meeting huh?”

Lucifer snickered, “I’ll have to invite you again

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