Protecting Mia

By Prairie__flower

1.7K 90 22

After her father dies Mia moves across the country with her mother, so that they can live closer to her uncle... More

Meeting Jason
20 Questions
Beach Party
First Day of School
Meeting Cole
Meeting Mia
The Walk Home
The Lake
The Breakup
Saving Mia
Breaking Point
Coach Cole
The Family
Road Trip
Council Meeting
Saving Mia (Again?)
A Fight to End all Fights

The Kidnapping

34 2 2
By Prairie__flower

My head hurts when I wake up. Not just my head actually, everything is in pain! I try to stand up, but my legs give out from under me right away. The room is dark and I have no clue as to where I am. Memories start to stream back to me. Cole and me in the parking lot, driving home, a wolf in the middle of the street. The wolf shifting into a human. No, that must have been some hallucination, I must have been drugged somehow, that could not have actually happened. But then why was I here in this room? If I had been drugged I would be in the hospital right now, right?

I finally will myself to get up and try to find out where I am. My knees knock against each other as I struggle towards the door, and I find myself holding on to the door to stable myself once I reach it. I go to turn the door handle, but to my horror it is locked. I am locked in a dark room. Something is going on and I don't know what. I go to reach for my phone in my pocket only to feel nothing. Now I truly start freaking out, I can feel my breathing become heavier and my hands start shaking. I sink down to the floor against the door and take a deep breath.

What do I remember from my drive home? I was driving and came across a wolf lying on the ground. I stopped and got out. And then it turned into a human, not just a human. The wolf turned into Damian. As much as I want the whole thing to not be real, to wake up in my own room, still thinking werewolves are a myth, deep down inside of me I know what I saw was not a hallucination. So I yell out Damian's name. My voice is hoarse and even if he is here, he would not have been able to hear me, so I try again.

"Damian!" I yell.

"Damian, please!" my forehead is against the door and I am just waiting to hear footsteps coming closer. But there is nothing. Just silence.

It was him on the road. I would have recognized his face, those eyes, anywhere. There is no doubt about it. The only question now is if he is here, or if he left me here to fend for myself.

I run my hands through my hair, tugging at it. I need to figure something out, I cannot be left here all alone. Suddenly my hand catches on a knot in my hair. Not that unusual, but it's not just a knot; it's formed around a bobby pin.

I yank the pin out of my hair. I have no clue how to pick a lock, but I have the choice of trying or sitting here doing nothing.

I shove the pin into the key hole and move it around. Nothing. No big surprise there, but I keep on trying. My hands are shaking and tears are streaming down my face; focusing on picking the lock is the only way I stop myself from completely freaking out. I need to get out of here.

When I find a second bobby pin in my hair a memory comes rushing back of my dad shoving his iPad in my face. "Mia," he had said "look how cool this is. Haven't you always wondered how one picks a lock?" I had rolled my eyes at the gif he had showed me, not really caring. But now I can still somehow picture the moving image in my head. I bend the second bobby pin and leave it in the key hole, then I move the second one, moving it up and down until I hear a few clicks, and then the door is unlocked. I take a huge gulp of air, realizing that I probably have not been breathing for the last minute.

The door slowly opens without making any noise, but I am not yet free. I look down the hallway seeing stairs leading down. I am on a upper floor, meaning I have to get down the stairs without whoever is in this house noticing. I run to the stairs as lightly as I can and rush down the stairs. My heart is beating out of my chest and blood is rushing in my ears. I cannot focus on anything but the front door that is now in front of me. It takes me about five steps to get to the front door. I made it, tears are streaming down my face from relief. But when I press down on the handle it will not move. The front door is locked.

A sob escapes my body before I sink to the ground. I was so close. That is when I hear his voice.

"I can't let you leave, Mia."

I turn around and face Damian. He is still as handsome as I ever, I cannot deny it. But instead of the slight flutter I used to feel from looking at him fear sweeps over me. Damian takes a step towards me and I press myself against the door.

"Don't touch me." I sob.

Damian was supposed to be my friend. I trusted him, after all that Cole said, I had still trusted him. And now I was here, locked in a house with him.

"I am not going to hurt you. You have to trust me."

"Trust you? You kidnapped me. You locked me in a house and are not letting me leave. How am I supposed to trust you?" I yell, still shaking.

"You don't understand. This -" He stutters, clearly not quite knowing what to say. "This situation is out of my hands, I have to do what they say, or else –" Again he falters.

"Or else what, Damian? Who is they? Why am I here?"

"They said they needed you, that you were some crucial part to their plan. At first I told them no, told them I could not be involved in any pack business. But then they took Lincoln."

"Who is they?" I ask again.

"I can't explain. I can't tell you anything; they will be here soon."

My heart sinks; whoever they are, I know they are not going to treat me like Damian did. There will be no chance of escape once I am no longer in Damian's hands. "Please, Damian, we can fix this. I will forgive you if you just let me leave, if you just open that door, say it was an accident."

Damian shakes his head violently, his eyes brimming with tears. "No, they have Lincoln. They'll kill him if I don't hand you over. They promised me you would not be hurt, but if I did not have you by today Lincoln would die, it was a risk I was willing to take."

"Who is Lincoln?"

"My brother. Mia, I will not let my brother die."

"We will figure something out. We will get him back, just please let me go. I have nothing, I know nothing, you must have the wrong person, please."

Again, Damian shakes his head. "You are the one they want; you mean something to him, you have to. Never has he treated a girl like he has treated you."

"Who? Who do I mean something to?"


Damian's words echo through my head. He must have the wrong girl, I mean nothing to Cole. Cole hates me.

"No, no, no. I am not the one you want. Cole hates me, he won't come for me, please!" I beg, I feel nausea rising up my stomach, but I keep it down for the time being.

Damian barks out a laugh, cold and bitter. "You don't get it do you? Cole does not hate you, Mia, he loves you. He tries to hide it, but I see it. I see the way he looks at you, the way he goes out of his way to see you, to talk to you. He makes it seem like he hates you, like all he wants to do is argue. That is the front he puts up to keep you away so no one notices. He did it well, he treated you like shit, I will give him that. For those who were not looking would never have seen it, but I knew what to look for. He could not stay away; he was there whenever you were, at the club, at the mall, in the forest. Always saving you, making sure you were safe. He loves you and knew they would come for you if he let the world know. So Cole stayed away, kept you at an arm's length, let you date his best friend. But I saw it, the moment he came back into town, I saw it, even when no one else did. And now they know and they know that they can have him exactly where they want him.

"You are wrong!" I yell, still on the floor, pressed against the door. "If Cole loved me, he would not have hurt me, if you love someone you do not rip them apart the way he did. He does not love me, he couldn't."

Damian looks like he wants to say something, but before he can the lock clicks and the front door swings open and I fall down on the ground in front of a pair of muddy shoes.

"Falling down at my feet already, are we?" I hear a voice say. It is velvety smooth and a shiver runs down my spine. I scramble up and away from the person in front of me, but do not dare look up. I cannot face the person who ordered Damian to do this.

"You did well, Rogue. We will take her from here." The man says, his voice icy, and for the first time I believe what Damian told me. He did not do this willingly.

"Where is Lincoln? Where is my brother?" Damian growls, and for the first time since I raced down those stairs do I remember what Damian turned into when I found him on the street.

"Your brother is outside. I keep my promises, you know. I am a fair man, do not insult me by second guessing me."

"So you promise Mia will not be hurt?"

"Mia? Is that her name? How sweet. Luna Mia would have been such a great title. No, Mia will not be hurt, if Cole does as he is told. However, if Cole does not do as I say I cannot promise she will stay unharmed. But that is not your place anymore, Rogue. Now leave this house and take your brother before I kill both of you.

I hear Damian's footsteps, but instead of retreating, I hear them come closer to me. Then Damian is kneeling in front of me. He cups my face in his hands, his eyes gazing into mine.

"Do as he says, please. He will not hurt you if you do as he says. Cole will come for you, no matter what you believe, he will come for you. Promise me you will do as Alexander says until Cole comes. Promise me."

Damian wipes the tears off my cheeks with his thumb, and I let him without pulling away.

"Promise me." Damian repeats.

"I promise."

It's summer, yo! Not that it really feels like it yet, It's like 10 degrees where I am and rainy af, but school is out and that means time to binge watch some Netflix! I'm not even kidding, I have a bit of a problem. Anyways, for most of you who are still in school, I hope y'all are hanging in there and killing it. I hope to write a bit more in the coming weeks and hope to get a lot of chapters out there in the next four months! 

Vote and comment please, it means so much when you do! xoxoxoxoxo

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