RWBY - The Vendetta's Web

By Soundlessmusicbox

1.6K 43 22

In the world of Remnant, war begins to brew as the two races; Fauna and Humanity fight for Racial supremacy a... More

CHAPTER 18: Drinks on "Me"
CHAPTER 20: ....FIRE!!!!!!!!
CHAPTER 25: Classroom Catch-up
CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN: Eye of the beholder
CHAPTER 29: A Raving Recollection
CHAPTER 30: Pandering Consequences
CHAPTER 34: The Beginning Of An End
CHAPTER 35: Hard work always pays off


45 1 0
By Soundlessmusicbox

"Today's the day." Lavender said as he put the last bag in the car, the sun touched the middle of the sky as a small pack of clouds chased it about. The wind softly blew past the buildings as Lavender got into the car. "It feels weird going to school, never thought we'd get to go." The twins said in unison, the seats slightly squeeked as the two scooted over for Reyah.
"I won't lie, its going to be weird to see two boulders get an education. Wonder how the professor's are going to react." Reyah said as she sat between the two, the car kicked up as the drove in the streets of the city. A long line of cars all leading to the edges of the docks, a giant hovering ship sat above the ocean water. The ripples underneath making a faux current as people began to board.

"So boss. How do you feel about this? You'll be stuck at school while the boys relocate the new base. You nervous or something?" Drake said as he reached to his right, the car stopped in its tracks as he opened the door and got out. "I'm sure uncle's got it covered. After all, I'm supposed to focus on getting my education." Lavender said sarcastically raising his hands. "Let's just hope he gets it done right." Lavender got out the car and awaited Reyah and Victor's exit.
"Damn. She's fucking massive." Victor said as he shielded his eyes momentarily, the sun blinding him temporarily. "That's what she said." Drake retorted, the twins snickered before getting silenced almost instantly by Reyah's glare. She rolled her eyes, walking past Lavender and towards the ship.

The chatter of hundreds of people buzzed about, most saying their goodbyes, others looking to be by themselves, staring at what could be the start of their future.
"Hey boss, we'll go figure out what to do with all our stuff. We'll meet you on the ship." Lavender nodded and quietly waved them off as they dissappeared into the crowd. Lavender and Reyah walked deeper into the crowd of people, finally breaking through and finding the metal ramp. As they docked onto the ship, the sound of the giant rockets flared into the ocean. The water pushing and pulling away in its place, perpetually keeping the ship afloat.
Both Reyah and Lavender made the turn through a giant bay door, the ship oddly more spacious than anticipated.

The kick up of the ships intercoms rang loudly before stabilizing, a woman's voice quietly growing in volume as the crackle of the speaker dissappeared.

"Welcome aboard new students. We'll be setting coarse towards Beacon in five. In the meantime, enjoy the complimentary breakfast and drink we have aboard on the southwest side of the ship. Courtesy of Headmaster Ozpin."

The speaker shutdown as the people on the ship began to coral towards the giant tables of food and drink. "That's nice of them. Want anything?" Reyah pointed at the table, the crowd getting thicker and thicker as time went by. "Nah. Had food before I got here."
Lavender said as he looked at the giant view window, seagulls flew past in the sky, screeching at one another as they spot their next victim. Lavender watched as the birds flew down with such force that the people they were robbing of food had no idea what was going on until last second, guaranteeing thier meals of the day.
Lavender laughed to himself, witnessing the misfortune of some poor child's stolen corn dog. Reyah looked at her employer  with a look of confusion, whispering a soft "weirdo" as she walked away. The tip tapping of people's feet filled the room, chatter between them all giving no room for silence to drive itself in. Lavender continued to look on outside, the crowd slowly breaking itself apart as the last of the students made their way from their families and onto the ship.

The sound of the engine roared outside as the rockets gleamed brighter and brighter, the bay doors shut themselves down and the ship began to float into the air. The intercom kicked back into gear, the loud shrill of the speaker peaking once again.

"Ladies and gentlemen we have liftoff! Next stop, the future!"

Lavender's stomach turned sour for a moment, a pit of uncomfortable weight building inside him as the ship lifted off and began making its journey over the ocean. Clouds parted away as they shot through the air, mist seeping it's way past the ship, engulfing the hull as they continued on. Lavender kept his eyes in the ocean, something kept gnawing at him, something drew him to stare into the endless blue sea.

'You see it too?'

Before Lavender could retort, the gentle tap of a finger nudged at his back, Reyah had returned with a small pastry in her hand as the twins broke through the crowd to meet up with them. "How was the table? Anything good?" Lavender asked as he tore his eyes from the window. "There was a lot of food but everyone got to the good stuff before I got there." Reyah said as she brought her small soft lips to her snack.
Before Lavender could say anything else the sound of laughter pierced through the air along with the pungent smell of puke, he arched his eyebrows as he turned himself away from the window and looked around for the source.

Before long Lavender spotted a blonde boy heaving over a trashcan, throw up dribbling off of his lip as he moaned. "Don't wait up." Lavender said as he walked over to the trashcan, the smell of puke getting worse and worse the closer he got.

"You good there buddy? Not a good look to have on your first day."

Lavender reached into his pocket and pulled out a hankerchief, handing it over to the stranger. "What's your name?"
Before the stranger could answer he shot his head back into the trashcan, hurling once again. "Juane arc." He said as he took the white cloth, he wiped the remaining mess off of his mouth, breathing heavily. 

"Short. Sweet. Rolls off the tongue."

Lavender cracked a small smile, he reached into his jacket once again and pulled out a small canteen, unscrewing the lid and handing it over to Juane. "It's water. Sip and gargle, don't need to add bad vomit breath to the list of things people will call you." Juane reluctantly took the canteen and did as he was told, the taste of stomach acids and last night's dinner among the rancid flavors in his mouth. "Thank you." Juane said as he spit another round of water out of his mouth, pawing at his stomach, hoping that no more would come out.
Juane extended his arm out and attempted to give back the container, being stopped by Lavender raising his hand in defiance. "Keep it for now, you can give it back to me when I know you can hold you're lunch."
Juane nodded and popped the lid once more, taking a small sip. "What you can give me is a decent handshake though."
Lavender said as he put out his hand, Juane turned himself away from the trashcan and obliged. Feet away, Reyah and the twins stared in disbelief and confusion as they watched their boss continue to talk to this random student. "That doesn't make sense, think they put something in the food?" Drake asked his brother, Reyah instinctively throwing her half eaten pastry into a nearby trashcan. "Don't know. But that's the friendliest I've ever seen him."

Juane gave a small chuckle as Lavender continued to talk to him, his new friend moving his hands sporadically as he spoke to him. "Let me ask you something Juaney- boy, what makes you want to be a Hunter?"

'Very subtle. Nice.'

Lavender broke a grin, trying to pass his Irritation as uncomfortability. Juane stuttered for a second, unable to answer the sudden question. "I, uh-." Lavender put his hands up shrugged, "It's okay if you don't got an answer, because if I'm honest, I don't know either." Lavender said as he patted Juane's shoulder. "I thought I was the only one. That's nice to know."
Lavender nodded his head in agreement, picking up Juane's jacket for a second with his fingers. "It's summer and you're wearing a jacket? You're gonna burn up."
Lavender stated as he pulled his arm away.
"And you're wearing a suit?" Juane retorted, Lavender's face went sour for a second before switching back to a grin.

"Light on you're feet Arc. I like that! We'll get along just fine." Lavender swung his arm across Juane's shoulders and gave a light squeeze, the ship shook slightly as it began to rise from out the misty clouds and up higher into the air. The ships windows faced an old spiked ledge, jagged stones and broken pieces of old building floating around a giant grey monument.
A man of stone standing proud around the gateway, greeting the ship and its passengers towards the entrance of the school. The clouds vacated the area ad the ships rockets began to slow, the school dwarfing the ship and its contents.
A long winding road of light Grey granite led to the school, the tile winding down to a large field. Past the field, a giant set of steel doors slowly opened up.

A tall blonde woman stepped out from the doors, looking on as the ship made its way to the open field and finally land.
"Guess that's our stop." Lavender said looking out the window, the metal bay doors opened up, packs of students making their way out the ship. "Don't be a stranger Arc. I'll see you around." Lavender said as he quickly patted Juane's shoulder, walking away and dissappearing into the crowd. "What was that?" Reyah asked, the group met up with Lavender, the team following the crowd outside the ship and into the courtyard. "It's called making friends. Don't tell me those two are the only one's you got?" Lavender said pointing at the twins. "Shut up!" Reyah hissed.
Lavender reached inside his breast pocket and pulled out a small white letter, a red wax insignia sealing the lip of the paper.
Before Lavender could say a word, Reyah quickly snatched the letter from his hands and dashed away. "What the- give that back woman!" Lavender lunged forward once and attempted to grab it once again, Reyah in turn putting the letter in her cleavage. "Real fucking mature." Lavender said as he tightened his tie. "Just make sure that gets sent off." Reyah playfully stuck her tongue out, bringing her arms about and slightly squeezing them together, accentuating her ample breasts.
Lavender's face began to redden for a second, forcing himself to look away from her. Reyah pouted for a second before stopping herself. "Let's get to business then." The teamwalked through the giant doors, the inside walkway stretching across a massive room filled with countless students surrounding a small brown stage.
Out in the distance, a silver haired man made his way onto the stage. A soft tap, tap, tapping following his footsteps as he brought himself front and center of the stage.

"Greetings students. My name is Professor Ozpin and I would like to personally welcome you all to my prestigious academy."

His voice boomed across the room, the man adjusted his speticals before continuing.

"You all, for better or worse, have been chosen to become the next line of defense. The world as we know it, is plagued with evils, neither you or I, have any chance of comprehending.

I will not sugarcoat anything for you children, nor will my faculty. Over the course of time you will spend here at my academy, we will shape you. Break you. And rebuild you into the next generation of Hunters."

Lavender's head began to hurt, a sharp pain tearing through his temple like a shard of glass had been jammed into his head.

'He seems familiar. Let's kill him. Get closer.'

What? No!" Lavender whispered to himself, he reached behind his head and scratched his scalp. Despite his poor attempts, the voice grew louder, eating away at him.

A loud ringing began to resonate in his temple as the voice only in grew in tempo.
Shouting. Screaming out inane phrases to urge Lavender forward.

'He'll be a problem later.'

'Get closer.'

'Are you listening?!'

"You all have passed many rigorous tasks to get where you are today..either that be waking up in the morning or protecting what you love in life. You all have come here to obtain knowledge, to survive just a little while longer. You all have chosen to sharpen the blade along the years of preparation. But when I look upon this room, all I see is wasted power, potential, direction into the new world you see before you. The blade you wield will be friend or foe, just as what knowledge we are bound to teach you, it is up to you how to use it."

"You will be pushed to your limits here, and we will push you farther than you will ever know. Welcome children, to your first steps towards the future. Welcome to Beacon!"

The crowd roared with applause as he stepped off stage, a blonde woman taking his place shortly after. Her voice seemed to echo off the walls, more resilient, more firm.

"Hello my name is Ms. Goodwitch."

Reyah watched as her employer with confusion as she watched him poorly play off his agitation. Lavender coughed into his fist, a black blotch of spit up hitting it.
He quietly pulled out a hankerchief and wiped up his mess, quickly clearing his throat and spotting Reyah shortly after.

"You all will gather in the ballroom tonight, tomorrow your initiation begins. Be ready. Your all dismissed."

"What are you looking at, you-" Lavender stopped himself as he spotted a familiar blonde mane across the room.
Reyah quickly caught on and looked across the room. Lavender tightening his tie and clearing his throat, attempting to regain his composure for a brief second before speaking again. "Looks like you're guess was right, Lucky you. Keep a close eye on her." Reyah nodded as the sea of students began to get louder and louder, each one, conversing with one another.

'Come on...she's right there. Don't tell me you don't want to wrap your hands around her neck. Squeeze the life out of her. You know you want to.'

"In time we'll get there. In time."

Lavender whispered to himself, the feeling of seeping anger filled him. Yang smiling as she laughed with some of the people around her. A small redhooded girl, another girl wearing a bright white top in comparison to her black bottom, and lastly, a small snow-white girl. Her skin pale as snow, across her eye, a long red scar.

'You're going to regret this.'

Lavender deeply breathed in and out, slowly forcing the oncoming rage out of his mind.

"Let's just see how this all plays out, then we'll see about that."

A familiar voice broke Into the crowd, another blonde head bursting in between Yang and the people around her. "I'm a natural blonde you know." Juane had busted through, making a few of the girls on the group pity laugh as he chatted on.
"Yeah, we'll see about that."


The stars in the night sky shined down on the floating school, pieces of the  shattered moon visibly moving back and forth, playing with one another as the wind accompanied them. "So, what do you thinks gonna happen tomorrow?" Drake said aloud, he tossed on a back undershirt, tugging at the bottom ends of the frill. "No idea. Hope we get to eat breakfast though, I'm starving." Reyah walked out of the girls restroom and walked over to the twins wearing a silk pink night dress. "You're always thinking about food, I'm surprised you don't have stash or something."

Drake's face visibly lit up as he pulled his waistband forward and dug his hand inside for a second, not before pulling out a large leg of turkey. "That's disgusting." Reyah said as she put hand up to her mouth. Victor stretched out on his blanket and gave his brother a devious smile. "Got another in there?" Lavender looked at the two in disgust as Drake took another look in his pajamas. "Pigs." The twins both snapped their heads back at their boss, appalled. "Have some class. Keep it in your bag or something. That's just nasty."
The twins said nothing, the two just knawing at their snack. "On another note, I already got a game plan for tomorrow."
Reyah grabbed her bag and flipped the flap open, reaching inside and grabbing a hairbrush. "Which would be?"

Lavender sat down for a second before twisting his back clockwise, then counterclockwise, a large ripple of cracks roaring out from his back. "Glad you asked. It'd be smart of us to try to barrel through whatever they have planned out, try to rendezvous at some point." Reyah flipped her hair over her shoulder and continued to brush, the twins practically snarling as they ravenously ate through the legs like a pack of starving dogs. "Sounds like a plan." Reyah said as she raised her hands high into the air, stretching her arms out, breathing in slowly through her mouth and exhaling out through her nose.

"Time to get some shut eye." Lavender said as he pulled over a small headband, the soft fabric covering his cold tired eyes.

'Sweet dreams.'

'Why don't you shut up. You've been giving me headaches all day.'

Lavender thought.

'Oh come on. You know what I saw, that Ozpin guy doesn't sit right with me.'

The voice retorted.

'We haven't even had our first day and you're already on something. Can't you just butt out and not make me look like I'm completely insane?'

Lavender sat in silence for a few seconds awaiting an answer, the raspy voice finally spoke up:

'Technically you're already doing that for me, but that's besides the point. That same feeling I got from that Xiaolong girl is the same one I'm getting now from Ozpin. It wouldn't hurt to look into it.'

Lavender finally laid himself back in his makeshift bed, putting his arm underneath his pillow and tossing the thin blanket over his pale skin. After a few seconds of silence, the voice let up, allowing his mind to ease itself into a blurry state. Finally begining to doze off.


Lavender took a deep breath and sighed, the sound of the wind howling outside bounced off the windows as the students laid to rest for the night.

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