The Wolf In Me

By im-a-sin

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One dark night, Lauren is saved by a huge mysterious wolf. What's even more mysterous is that she's seen it's... More

Chapter 1 - Midnight Run
Chapter 2 - Rag Doll
Chapter 3 - Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf
Chapter 4 - Smelling Her Out
Chapter 5 - What's an Alter Ego Anyway ?
Chapter 6 - A Clearer Picture
Chapter 7 - The Need to Sleep
Chapter 8 - Smash and Grab
Chapter 9 - Truth and Consequences
Chapter 10 - The Ties That Bind
Chapter 11 - Bad Moon Rising
Chapter 12 - Popping The Clutch
Chapter 13 - On The Hunt
Chapter 14 - What's Going On ?
Chapter 15 - That Was Who ?
Chapter 16 - The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled
Chapter 17 - What Has Been and What Could Be
Chapter 18 - Gathering The Troops
Chapter 19 - Walking The Dog
Chapter 20 - Hit and Free
Chapter 21 - All Kind's of Decisions
Chapter 22 - Things I Have To Do Today
Chapter 23 - In The Thick Of It
Chapter 24 - Hells Bells
Chapter 25 - Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Chapter 27 - Alana & Rhian
Chapter 28 - Lot's Of Suprises For Everyone
Chapter 29 - Our Life Together

Chapter 26 - When Can The Healing Start?

5.2K 231 117
By im-a-sin

*No One's POV*

Almost immediately after Zayn left her hospital room Lauren tried to call Camila. She figured the Latina was in class, but knew she always checked messages between classes.

The phone rang and then she suddenly heard Camila's cheery voice mail message. Just hearing that made Lauren feel terrible as she already missed Camila.

"Hey it's me Camila. I'm so sorry I couldn't come to the phone. Please leave me a message and I'll get back to you."

Lauren sighed and left a message. "Camila....Just please call me." After she hung up, Lauren realized she sounded very pathetic. She felt pathetic. In addition to all the pain from the cuts, and other injuries, she felt broken on the inside. She felt a longing for her mate. But with her absent, Lauren slowly sank into a depression. On top of everything else, she had a wicked hangover from consuming an entire bottle of peach schnapps.

She was pulled out of her thoughts by a knock at the door. She turned and saw it was Kevin the local pack leader and Camila's uncle Frank."

"Hey Lauren. I thought we would check up on you. How are you feeling today?" Frank said as he walked in the room.

Lauren rolled her eyes. "Like I got the shit kicked out of me. Next stupid question."

Frank appeared momentary embarrassed. "Well, you should only be in the hospital a few days. Your two stab wounds, fortunately didn't hit anything major. We had a top notch plastic surgeon work on your nose last night. It should look like it never was broken at all. We can arrange for a dentist to have false tooth put in your mouth. Everything else should heal nicely."

Wanting to get straight to business, Lauren asked. "What's the final score?"

Kevin stepped forward. "We completely routed the vampires all over the world. After you destroyed the amulet, all the vampires that were left fled. We think we got nearly all of them. We did lose about 17 people in the process. Most of the vampires were newly sired and quite weak. But there were a few older and more experienced one mixed in. They did cause some problems, but we dealt with them. But all in all we are very happy with the results. They were planning on hitting us hard. We did expect to take some casualties but we prevented a major disaster. We will always be in your debt for warning us in time."

"17" Lauren muttered herself. She didn't like the fact that they lost people, but knew the consequences would have been many times worse.

"Kevin." Lauren said. "I want all locations where the vampires were rechecked today. Just in case we missed one or two. Some could possibly have returned there. In addition I want some extra patrols in those areas for a couple of days. Some of the ones that got way may be lurking in those areas. I want to get as many of the fuckers as possible."

Kevin nodded. "Yes your Majesty. Is there anything else?"

Lauren wasn't used to being called that but ignored her discomfort. "There is a sword and dagger in the pool at Livia's house. Those are weapons leftover from the first war that can be used against werewolves. I want them and what's left of the amulet melted down. I then want the metal that's left over dumped deep into the ocean. I don't want any of that shit ever seeing the light of day again."

Lauren had been thinking of what things needed to be done so the victory would be complete. She didn't want any of this crap ever to happen again.

"I'll see to it personally." Kevin said.

"So, did you learn anything about Livia?" Frank asked.

"Nothing worth mentioning. She was just a servant in some house in roman days." Lauren decided to not mention her royal heritage. Lauren thought the woman was a horrible creature and didn't deserve any recognition for anything. Livia was dust and Lauren just wanted her to be forgotten. That would be a death in the truest sense. That would please Lauren enormously.

Kevin spoke up again. "The pack leaders are all very grateful to you and pledge their allegiance to you. Myself included."

Lauren suddenly felt very awkard. "Well as far as my rule goes, I for a while will be very hands off. You've all done a good job handling things without a king or queen. I don't see any reason to fix up what isn't broken. That doesn't mean I won't step in if I feel it necessary. I've been a full blown werewolf less than a week. I just need to get used to all of this and learn my way around."

"Very sensible" Frank said. "Oh and before I forget, we searched Livia's house after you passed out. We wanted to see if there were any other vampires. We found none but in her safe we found this."

Frank pulled out a box about four times the size of a shoe box and handed it to Lauren. She opened the box. The first thing she saw was a crown. It wasn't too ornate but it was made of gold and had rubies set in it. In addition there were 7 pendant exactly like the one she wore.

"We assume Livia took the pendants off the dead bodies of the other members of the royal family. The crown was King Michaels. But as current queen, the crown and pendants are rightfully yours." Lauren picked up one of the pendants and thought back to her being there. Lauren shuddered for a moment as she recalled the screams coming from the castle. She closed the box and put it aside.

"They would like to throw a victory party and of course you would be the guest of honor." Kevin said.

Lauren nodded. "That's fine but lets bury the dead first and made double sure we've done all we've can to make sure this threat gone. Unlike last time, there won't be any victory party until we're sure we've won."

Both Frank and Kevin nodded.

"Is there anything else you need Lauren?" Frank asked.

With a weary look, Lauren said. "Just to be left alone."

Both Kevin and Frank, quickly excused themselves and left Lauren alone. Lauren was relived that the business with the vampires would be wrapped up soon as the last of her orders were carried out. But one problem was soon replaced with another one. Inconsequential to the werewolf community at large but gigantic as far as Lauren was concerned.

Lauren quickly sank into a depression and just starred out the window. She felt empty inside and needed Camila. But Camila wasn't there. Lauren didn't regret leaving Camila behind but the more she thought about it, knew she should have been up front.

Though she hoped, Camila didn't call back. Time passed and Lauren knew that at Miami arts, lunch was just finishing, but still no call. Camila always checked messages during lunch.

Shortly after lunch her phone rang. She quickly grabbed it but her spirits fell to see it was Zayn.

"What!" Lauren said, annoyed by the intrusion.

"Lauren, I need to warn you. Camila found out I visited and got all in my face about it. It probably didn't help that I made a sarcastic comment about going down on you."

Lauren growled.

"But I told her off. I said that I was visiting you and taking care of you and that's what she should have been doing. I left right after that so she may call you."

Lauren was so angry she just hung up on Zayn. He meant well, but now the situation was probably worse. As he predicted, Camila called a few moments later.

Lauren nervously answered the phone. "Hello"

Right out the gate, Camila started to yell. "What in the hell was that all about, you sending Zayn to talk to me! Just sending one of your lackeys to tell me off. Oh I forget, I'm just one of your lowly subjects too. Not that I mean anything to you."

Lauren was taken back by Camila's sudden outburst.

Lauren found herself yelling back over the phone. "Look Camila, Zayn was doing that on his own. I told him to leave you alone. So don't go dumping that shit on me. To be blunt Camila, I wanted to protect you. My first duty is to protect my mate and that's what I did."

Before she could speak, Camila spoke up again.

"Yeah, and have me dragged off like a common criminal. I'm supposed to be your mate, Lauren. You're supposed to tell me things and treat me like you care. You betrayed the bond between us. Lauren."

The argument went on for 5 more minutes. Lauren angrily defended herself saying she was sorry for how she did it, not what she did. But Camila just wasn't listening. Lauren was just surprised by the intensity of Camila's anger. It was almost unnatural. But before she could ask about that, Camila just hung up on her.

Lauren burst into tears as soon at Camila hung up. For the first time she really wondered if they were going to break up. From what she had read, the bond between mates is very strong. But it isn't indestructible. If neglected, the bond will eventually weaken and die. Though from what Lauren read, it didn't happen often. Lauren as she cried in her hospital bed, could already feel it weakening.

She tried to call or text Camila later on but got no response. Over the next 3 days, Lauren sat mostly alone in the hospital feeling depressed. Camila didn't visit or call her once. By the time she got out of the hospital she was certain that Camila no longer wanted to be with her. It was too painful to even think of but she felt there was nothing she could do.

As she got home she sat on her bed and called Camila one last time. As always she got a message.

"I miss you. Please call me." Lauren whimpered into the phone.

That was a Saturday and for the rest of the weekend, she heard nothing. The following Monday she drove into the parking lot at school with her new car. She had asked that she be allowed to keep the car and Camila's uncle said they would arrange it.

She was wearing leather jacket, white crop top, white jeans and her combat boots with a red streak in her hair. She still looked a little worse for wear but was feeling physically better. She was a jumbled sullen mess on the inside, but hid it behind a façade of pure meanness.

She walked into the school and saw Camila at her locker. She turned towards hers before the Latina even could turn. She wanted to run to Camila so bad, but restrained herself. Lauren just hardened her heart, grabbed her books and went to class. During the day, she avoided Camila as much as possible. Camila herself seemed moody and withdrawn.

Though at one point Ariana stopped her in the hallway.

"I don't get you Lauren. You're literally the most badass, toughest person on the planet and you're just giving up."

Lauren sighed and briefly dropped her façade. "I've tried to apologize for how I did it, but she's just totally unreasonable. She's shut me out."

"Look I know she's been acting strangely. But you can't just give up."

Lauren raised an eyebrow. "Strangely?"

"I dunno. She's so angry but occasionally I hear her sobbing in her room. I've tried to talk to her myself but she's closed me out."

Lauren shook her head in dismay. "I just don't know what to do or say. If our relationship is not meant to last than so be it. I can't order her, to talk to me. I could but, that would be defeating the purpose" Lauren said as she walked away.

Lauren knew Ariana had a point, but Lauren felt so lost and depressed that her brain was scrambled. All she could do was look angry and hope something would change. She had avoided all her friends all day. Even Zayn knew to stay away. But Lauren noticed that Camila, avoided them as well. She didn't' seem to want to talk to anyone.

Just before lunch Lauren, finally got up the courage to speak to Camila and cornered her in the hallway.

"Camila, can we talk, Please." Lauren said as she walked up to Camila.

Camila just glanced at Lauren and kept walking. Lauren got in front of Camila blocking her progress. "Look, I'm sorry I didn't' tell you ahead of time. I'm sorry I wasn't honest with how I felt. But id did it because I love you." Lauren tried her best to look humble and apologetic.

Camila instead just grabbed Lauren and slammed her aginst the wall with a tremendous amount of force. "No you betrayed me and treated me like a dog. Fuck you. Get yourself a new fuck toy. I'm done." Camila said, seething and stormed off leaving a stunned Lauren in the hallway.

A second later she saw an equally stunned Ariana who witnessed the whole incident. For a moment it looked very much to Ariana that Camila was about to attack Lauren.

Ariana watched as Lauren had a tear ran down her face as she went to the parking lot and drove away. Lauren felt so lost without Camila, she just didn't want to deal with it anymore. She told her parents she still wasn't feeling well and went to bed and cried herself to sleep. She had lost Camila, her mate and was utterly broken.

Ariana saw Lauren leave the school and knew something had to be done. Lauren was being Lauren but Camila was not being Camila. While Ariana understood why Camila was upset, she didn't understand her out of control rage. That outburst was just not like Camila at all.

Ariana waited until the end of the day in the parking lot and decided to confront Camila.

"What in the hell is wrong with you Camila! I understand you're upset and you have some reason to do so but you've been acting like a freak. Look Lauren is on the verge of giving up. I can tell she wants to make this right."

"STAY OUT OF MY GODDAM BUSINESS!" Camila started to scream. Camila at the same time stepped forward menacingly and raised her fist. For a split second, Ariana thought Camila was going to beat her to death. Ariana thought the look of anger and hatred in her eyes was unreal.

"Fine Camila, but you can walk home today." Ariana said, right before she got in her car and drove off.

When Ariana got home she went straight to her mother. "Mom, something is wrong with Camila. I know she's been moody and angry since that thing with Lauren. But today, she nearly took both Lauren and mine head's off. She should be getting over it. She's only getting worse. Something's not right. "

"Where is she?"

"Walking home."

"You've only confirmed what I suspected. I'm going to take the car and pick up Camila. Camila and I will be back later. We need to have a very long talk and see about something." Sinu said as she grabbed her keys.

Several hours later

It was just past 1 in the morning and Lauren was asleep in her wolf form no less. The heartbroken green eyed girl had remained in bed ever since she had gotten home. She either slept or watched horror movies and eventually cried herself asleep again.

The wolf's ears suddenly snapped upright as it heard the sound of the window opening. Lauren much to her surprise could smell Camila, who a second later came in through the window.

Lauren in her wolf form just starred at Camila, who stood in the corner. Camila took a step forward, but stopped once she heard the low growl.

"Lauren, I'm sorry I haven't been myself. Please can I talk to you?" Camila pleaded.

Lauren turned back into a human, but simply turned onto her side in the bed with her back to Camila. She said nothing.

A moment of awkward silence passed, but Camila stepped forward and stripped out of her sweats and crawled into bed with Lauren. Still Lauren didn't move or speak. Camila took her hand and lightly touched Lauren's back only to have her flinch.

"Please Lauren. I'm trying to explain things." Camila pleaded.

"Then explain. Maybe you can start by telling me if I still have a mate." Lauren said bitterly.

A tear ran down Camila's face as she realized just how much she had hurt Lauren. "Yes Lauren you do. I'm sorry, I've been horrible the last week and I can explain. I can't say I'm still not hurt by how you acted, but you were right to keep me away from Livia. You were absolutely right, but for the wrong reason."

Lauren quickly turned over so she was facing Camila. "What are you babbling about? I wanted to protect you. What else was there?"

Camila smiled as a tear of happiness ran down her face. "Our baby."

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