The Wolf In Me

By im-a-sin

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One dark night, Lauren is saved by a huge mysterious wolf. What's even more mysterous is that she's seen it's... More

Chapter 1 - Midnight Run
Chapter 2 - Rag Doll
Chapter 3 - Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf
Chapter 4 - Smelling Her Out
Chapter 5 - What's an Alter Ego Anyway ?
Chapter 6 - A Clearer Picture
Chapter 7 - The Need to Sleep
Chapter 8 - Smash and Grab
Chapter 9 - Truth and Consequences
Chapter 10 - The Ties That Bind
Chapter 11 - Bad Moon Rising
Chapter 12 - Popping The Clutch
Chapter 13 - On The Hunt
Chapter 14 - What's Going On ?
Chapter 15 - That Was Who ?
Chapter 16 - The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled
Chapter 17 - What Has Been and What Could Be
Chapter 18 - Gathering The Troops
Chapter 19 - Walking The Dog
Chapter 20 - Hit and Free
Chapter 21 - All Kind's of Decisions
Chapter 22 - Things I Have To Do Today
Chapter 24 - Hells Bells
Chapter 25 - Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Chapter 26 - When Can The Healing Start?
Chapter 27 - Alana & Rhian
Chapter 28 - Lot's Of Suprises For Everyone
Chapter 29 - Our Life Together

Chapter 23 - In The Thick Of It

4.7K 193 38
By im-a-sin

*No One's POV*

The order was given and word of it quickly spread all around the globe. Launch the attack. The driver of the van they were in started up it up and began to drive. Around the building the other units were quickly moving to enter the building.

"Let's give them a nice surprise shall we." Lauren said to the driver. "Drive right through that garage door."

Camila slipped her fingers into Lauren's hand as the black van drove into the parking lot of the old factory and quickly began to pick up speed.

"Brace yourselves" Said Lauren as they were about to hit the door.

The black van hit the garage door going 43 miles an hour. With a huge bang that was heard through the entire building the van smashed straight through the door into what appeared to be an indoor parking area. The driver of the van quickly jammed on the brakes, but not before colliding with a parked Cable company van.

The occupants of the Lauren's van were shaken up but otherwise ok. "OK, people, let's rock." Lauren yelled as she kicked the back door of the van open.

Lauren found herself amongst a number of parked cars and vans. There was a cable company van, a florist delivery truck, a UPS Truck, along with a number of other car's and vehicles. Lauren guessed some of the cars were to be used in their planned attack.

As the rest of them rushed out about 9 men and one woman, all charged the group, fang's barred. About a second later Lauren heard another explosion coming from somewhere else, followed by a second one. Lauren knew that was part of the assault team blowing two other doors

Lauren immediately transformed into a wolf and charged two vampires. Swiftly she knocked them right down, where Camila close behind quickly drove a wooden stake through the heart of one of them. The other tried to get up, but Lauren was quickly able to claw the head off the other. It was a very new vampire and extremely weak.

Quickly the whole garage was filled with confused shouts and sounds of combat. Lauren turned to see another werewolf take out a female vampire.

Lauren was quickly jumped by another vampire who attempted to sink his teeth into Lauren's neck. Camila rushed to her mate's aid and splashed the vampire with holy water, causing it to quickly howl in pain.

"Get your hands off her" Camila screamed as she tackled the vamp, knocking it over. It quickly threw a punch into her jaw momentarily stunning her. Lauren turned around and sank her teeth deep into the vampires head as Camila drove a stake through its heart.

Lauren quickly turned back into a human and saw all the vampires in the garage were dead. She then pointed to the doors leading deeper into the building and shouted instructions to all present. "Search the building. Kill them all."

She then turned to Camila and pointed to the nearest door. "Come on baby this way."

Camila followed Lauren through the door and into a large open room. It was probably a huge store room. It was filed with coffins, at least 40 by Camila's quick count. Emerging from several coffins were a number of hungry and angry vampires.

Camila noticed a coffin at her feet begin to open, revealing a young woman with bleach blonde hair. She was wearing a t shirt that said "G is for Gansta" and daisy duke's.

"Say goodnight Gracie" Camila said as she quickly jammed a stake into her heart, The female vampire began to scream in agony as it began to die. Just as Lauren turned into her wolf form, a door at the far end of the room exploded and several werewolves in wolf form burst in the room.

Lauren turned to see a newly sired vampire emerge from its coffin, it appeared to be a street gang member. Ironically from the red it was wearing, Lauren guessed that it was a member of the bloods. She quickly pounced and sank her teeth deep into it's neck. Pulling back she still had half its throat in her jaw. One swift blow with her brute strength sent the vampires head flying.

As before the whole room quickly fell into utter chaos as the werewolves and vampires duked it out in the large store room, Lauren could hear the sounds of combat going on in other areas of the factory. Though outnumbered almost 4 to 1 the werewolves quickly got the upper hand. Many of the vampires in this location had only been recently sired and many of them had not fed yet.

Lauren jumped into a large group of about 7 vampires and started a fight with them all. Camila on the other hand was taking on two vampires herself. One dressed as a waitress and other looked like a college student.

Using some of the Judo she had learned, Camila gave the waitress a solid kick. As it fell back she threw holy water in the other ones eyes. She grabbed a stake and smashed it right through its heart. Pulling the stake out of the dying vampire's heart, she looked to see the waitress vampire hiss angrily at her.

"You are defiantly not getting a tip today." Camila said as she advanced on the vampire. It threw a punch and lunged at her, teeth bared. Camila quickly dodged her and knocked her to the ground.

With a smile on her face and stake in her hand Camila looked at the prone vampire and said. "Your service really sucks." Camila thought the pun was rather clever. She had been trying to think of good action movie type phrases to use. A moment later, the waitress vampire was dying with a stake through her heart.

Camila turned to see Lauren doing will handling the 7 vampires she was taking on, when she saw out of the corner of her eye another vampire. It was the policeman vampire from the alley, also the same guy who was Livia's consort. He was headed to what appeared to be a stairway.

"Can't let him get away." Camila said as she saw him move up he stairs. She could see Lauren was well busy so she took after the vampire herself. Unlike last time she, was armed with wooden stakes and holy water. She chased the sounds of it up the stairs and finally onto the roof. She could see him trying to use his cell phone. She guessed that he was trying to warn Livia.

He was beginning to move to the fire escape when Camila yelled out.

"Hey fuck face, you can' be leaving the party now. It's just getting started."

The vampire turned as hissed before charging at her. It reached her very quickly and slammed her against a wall. She grunted in pain but quickly gave him a heavy punch. It sent him sprawling backwards.

"Fuck" Camila thought. "This asshole's got some years on him. He's strong."

For almost 10 minutes, Camila attempted to dodge lighting blows and occasionally got a few in herself as she fought the extremely tough vampire. As a werewolf she was extremely strong, but he was also very strong.

Her lip has been split and she had taken a few blows but up to this point Camila was holding her own. At this point, the vampire briefly got an upper hand and flipped her onto her back. It was down by her legs, so it sank its teeth into her upper left leg in an attempt to disable her.

Camila screamed in pain as the vampire bit her in the leg. She managed to punch it several times, and get free of it.

Downstairs, Lauren had noticed Camila's absence. Now very worried, she killed the last of the vampires in the room she was in and charged up after Camila's scent.

"Damn Camila, she's always wandering off." Lauren cursed as she charged up the stairs. She emerged onto the roof to see Camila fighting with Livia's 2nd in command. As she ran to Camila, she notices that the Latina was now limping slightly.

Just as she got to the scene Camila had charged the vampire tackling it but not noticing a skylight directly behind the vampire, she and the vampire both crashed through it.

Lauren gasped to see Camila and the Vamp fall through the skylight. Lauren heard a thud moment later. She looked down to see that Camila and the vampire landed on a car in the garage. The vampire hit the car first and broke Camila's fall. Camila was able to recover faster and smashed a stake through the still stunned vampires heart. Being a werewolf, Camila can take a huge amount of damage. It hurt like hell to fall 2 stories and land on car but she was only a bit beat up.

Lauren ran downstairs to see Camila's dad, attending to several cut's she had. Lauren ran up and hugged Camila.

"Are you alright. You shouldn't have wandered off. You were supposed to stay by me." Lauren said looking irritated.

"I'm a bit beat up but he's down for the count." Camila said as she pointed to pile of dust and clothes on the ground.

Camila hopped off the car and limped slightly. Noticing that Lauren asked. "What happened."

"I think he was trying to disable me. Fucker bit me in the leg. I'll be fine in a bit."

At this point Camila's uncle came up to them. "We've won here. The survivors have been routed. We have people searching the neighborhood."

"Did we lose any?" Lauren found herself asking, hoping it would be no.

"Not here, we have a few injuries, but nothing serious."

"Any word on Liva's whereabouts?"

"No" Camila's dad said.

"Shit" Lauren cursed silently. "We need to find her, or this shit will just start up again."

At this point Lauren noticed a small commotion in one corner of the garage. She walked over to see several werewolves, including the LA pack leader Kevin, standing around a car. It was the car that had been driven by Liva's consort. It was a black 1970's muscle car. All the guys seemed to be marveling at it.

"Wow this thing is sweet" One man said.

"Fucking beauty." Another said.

"What's so big about a car. There are lots of muscle cars." Lauren did like the look of the black car, but didn't see nothing too special about it.

Kevin the LA pack leader who was also an auto mechanic stepped forward. "Lauren, this is a 1970 Plymouth, Hemi Cuda convertible, only 14 of these bad boys were ever built. This is pretty much the holy grail of muscle cars." Kevin said looking extremely impressed.

"Is it fast?" Camila asked.

Everyone laughed at once. "Oh my god is this fast, it will do 0 to 60 in 5.8 seconds. It will reach a 100 mile per hour an about 13. Max speed somewhere around 140. It has 426 hemi with 425 horsepower. It's fucking rocket ship on wheels. This puppy will blow those shitty street racers out nowadays, clean out of the water."

"Expensive tastes" The two words suddenly ran through Lauren's mind, now very impressed by this car.

"I take it this is expensive." Lauren said running her hand across the hood of the car.

"A model like this went for over a million at auction about 2 years ago." Kevin said.

Lauren then looked at Alejandro. "Who is this car registered too?"

Alejandro smiled as he guessed what Lauren was getting at. "I can look it up in the squad car we have outside."

He ran out and came back a few minutes later with a huge smile on his face.

"This care is registered to one Olivia Roman who lives in a very nice mansion up in the Hollywood hills. 417 Crestwood Drive."

Lauren chuckled. "O-Livia and she was originally a Roman."

A map was brought out and Lauren was shown the location. "That's were Livia is."

Lauren smirked and walked to the pile of dust and clothes that was once Livia's consort. A quick set of the pockets produced a set of keys

"Looks like I have a date with Liva." Lauren said confidently.

Camila began to limp to the muscle car. Lauren sighed. "At least her limp will give me an excuse." Lauren thought. "She is hurt."

"Come on Baby Let's go" Camila said.

Lauren frowned and shook her head. "I'm sorry Camila but you're injured. I can't have you going with me. She'd pick you off."

Camila kept walking to the car undeterred. "No choice Lauren, where you go, I go. You're fate is my fate. I'm your mate remember."

"I'm sorry, but no" Lauren said with a look of seriousness that caused Camila's smile to fade away.

"But I'm your mate, I have to come with. I am coming with you." She half whined.

"No your not!" Lauren said sternly.

Camila began to get angry. "I AM COMING WITH YOU LAUREN!" She shouted.

"Restrain her" Lauren said looking at some of the other men.

"WHAT!" Camila said in shock as two of the other werewolves grabbed her.

"It's for you own good Camila, You're hurt." Lauren said as walked to the car.

Tears suddenly filled Camila's eyes. "NOOO....YOU CAN'T GO WITHOUT ME. I NEED TO BE WITH YOU. DON'T DO THIS TO ME. DON'T YOU LOVE ME! YOU NEVER WERE GOING TO LET ME FACE LIVIA WEREN'T YOU?" Camila screamed, now extremely upset.

Lauren flushed red with anger. "I'm doing this because I love you and no I wasn't. You are not going to die!"

Camila began to struggle, causing another man to have to hold her. "Take her home, get her out of here."

The men hesitated for a moment until Lauren shouted. "GET HER OUT OF HERE! THAT'S A DIRECT ORDER!"

"You're not going to fight her and that's an order." Lauren commanded.

The men took Camila off, as she kept screaming hysterically. "Nooooo....HOW CAN YOU DO THAT TO ME? I'M THOUGHT I WAS YOUR MATE. NOOO......"

Lauren lowered her eyes and sighed. She truly hated doing that. Being Camila's mate, Lauren could feel Camila's rage and sense of betrayal. Lauren also could feel how badly hurt and how she truly felt betrayed by being left behind.

Alejandro put a hand on Lauren's shoulder. "Thank you."

Lauren said nothing and got in the car.

Just before she started the vehicle she shouted some instructions to those present. "I want everyone here to either aid in the taking of the other buildings or mop up operations. Some of the vamps I'm sure have fled. I want them all found and destroyed by morning. Oh and Mr.Cabello, I would appreciate it if you called your cop friends and told them not to stop me. Unless you want a police chase, they won't win."

Alejandro nodded. "I'll see to it you're not stopped. He then handed her a bundle of with wooden stakes, some holy water and a Glock pistol with extra ammo.


"You never know who you might run into? Camila's going to be pissed as is. If you die, she's going to be even more so. Take care Lauren." Alejandro said.

Lauren turned the key and the engine loudly roared to life. "I'll try to come back in one piece."

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