I've Got What I Wanted

By Phoenix-54

782K 9.5K 1.1K

Sequel to I Want Mr Baker! After hiding their relationship for a year, Riley Spence and Caleb Baker finally h... More

I've Got What I Wanted. Part 1
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 2
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 3
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 4
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 5
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 6
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 7
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 8
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 9
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 10
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 11
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 12
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 13
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 14
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 15
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 17
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 18
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 19
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 20
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 21
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 22
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 23
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 24
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 25
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 26
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 27
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 28
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 29
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 30
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 31
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 32
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 33
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 34
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 35
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 36
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 37
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 38
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 39
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 40
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 41
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 42
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 43
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 44
I've Got What I Wanted. Epilouge
IGWIW Valentine's Special Chapter

I've Got What I Wanted. Part 16

16.9K 212 44
By Phoenix-54

Hey :) So you've heard about the lateness before and the excuses, since they're the same as last time as it's still a school month, I'll shave you from them :) If you can't remember, go back a chapter :D But, I'm sure (I think) that you'll like this chapter. 
So Please leave a Comment, Vote and Become a Fan.It means a lot :)


I ran into the hospital to the confusion of some of the people in the waiting area at reception. I ran up to the welcome desk out of breath. The woman behind the desk looked at me confused. “My girlfriend was brought in here about an hour and a half ago. Riley Spence, she was in a car accident. Where is she?” She looked at the computer and started typing.

“She’s in the Henderson ward. If you go down that corridor and go right you’ll come to the elevator and some stairs. You’ll want to go to the third floor and reception up there will tell you what room she is in.” I nodded as she looked back up to me.

“Thank you,” I thanked before running off again. I followed the womans directions, and took two steps at a time. When I saw the number three painted on the wall, I burst through the doors. I slowed down as I tried finding the reception desk. Why are these things so hard to find? Once I found it, I waited for the person in front of me to leave. 

"Yes?" The old woman said to me when I got to the desk. 

"Can you tell me where Riley Spence is please? She was brought in around an hour and a half ago." I explained slightly out of breath. 

"Are you family?" She asked typing on her computer. 

"She's my fiancée," she nodded, still typing on her computer. 

"She's in surgery at the moment." Oh God I really feel sick right now. "If you could just sit over there I'll have the nurse come and speak to you." I nodded and walked over to the seats. I sat down, immediately letting out a long breath. 

I can't believe what's happened to Riley. She's eighteen and she's been in a car accident. And she's in surgery. She shouldn't be going through this. And she's just finished her exams as well. I didn't even text her to ask how it went. I can't believe I was ignoring her over something so stupid. I knew she still loved me. I guess I said some things in the heat of the moment that I didn't mean. But she still lied to me. I bet this is some way that I'm being punished for treating Riley like dirt. 

"Are you here for Riley Spence?" I looked up and saw a middle aged woman standing in front of me. I nodded and she sat down beside me. 

"Is she okay?" I asked turning to face her. 

"The doctor will be here shortly to tell you. I'm not sure seeing as am not in theatre, but they're finishing up so they should be out in half an hour." I nodded, feeling slightly relieved she was going to be out soon. "So when she came in she had a broken arm and a broken rib. The broken rib punctured her lung and caused it to collapse. That's all that I'm aware of, they may have found other injuries." I nodded swallowing a lump in my throat. Don't cry, you're a grown man, I told myself. "The police have been in contact and would like to speak with your fiancée. But they won't be in tomorrow as she's unlikely to be awake today." I closed my eyes, running my fingers through my hair. "I need to go but the doctor will come see you when they are out of surgery." I looked up to see her standing up. 

"Thank you," she smiled before walking away. I groaned, dropping my head in my hands. I don’t know what I’d do without Riley. She was everything to me. I pushed myself up and went to find a smoking balcony or something. I need to phone Riley’s mother.

Once I had found a balcony I pulled out my phone. As I waited for it to turn on, I leant against the railings, looking over the city. I still can’t wrap my head around that Riley was in a car accident. It just doesn’t seem real. I scrolled though my contacts until I found Sam’s number. I hit call, took a deep breath and put the phone to my ear. How am I meant to tell her that her daughter is in hospital because of a car crash? And I don’t have anything to tell her because I don’t know. “Hello?” She said breaking my train of thought.

“Hey it’s Caleb,” I replied to her.

“Oh hey,” she said with a laugh. “I haven’t spoken to you in a while. How is everything?” I let out a breath and closed my eyes.

“That’s what I’m phoning about actually Sam.” I trailed off, but when she didn’t say anything I continued. “It’s Riley, she’s in hospital.”

"What?" She said in a panic tone. 

"She was in a car crash. She's still in theatre but she'll be out soon. I just wanted to let you know." I turned around, leaning my back against the balcony. 

"I've got no car so I'll phone Greg and I should be over soon." I could hear the movement as she got ready to come here. I looked through the window and saw a man in scrubs walk up to reception. 

"Sam I have to go," I said walking towards the door. "I'll see you when you get here." Before she could say anything I hung up. I walked over to the desk and the old woman nodded towards me. The man looked at me as I stopped beside him. 

"Mr Baker?" He asked, turning to face me fully. 

"Yeah," he nodded and held his hand out for me. I shook his hand, waiting for him to tell me what happened. 

"I'm Dr Robinson I'm the doctor in charge of your fiancée. I've not got time to explain things to you right now; I've got another surgery I have to run off to perform. But I can take you to her room." I nodded and followed him down the corridor. 

"Is she okay?" I asked the obvious question. 

"She's okay for now. We just need to monitor her for now. I'll explain in more detail when I come back." He went into a room, and expecting to see Riley, I took a deep breath. When I didn't she her, I let it out but was really confused. "The nurses are bringing her down now, she should be here soon. The operation I’m on my way to will not take long so I'll be back in about an hour." I nodded as I walked further into the room. "I know this may be hard, but don't worry too much. She's young, surviving this long would be hard enough. If everything goes as we plan tonight and tomorrow, she should be fine." He finished just as his pager went off. "I'm sorry I really need to go. I'll be back in an hour."

"Thanks," he smiled before leaving the room. I let out a breath, walking over to the chair. I sat down, closing my eyes and throwing my head back on the chair. 

I should have driven her to Uni. I was meant to drive her actually. But then I had a go at her for no reason at all. I should have at least talked to her about it instead of jumping to conclusions. And I bet all of my money that I've gotten it wrong. But if I wasn't such an idiot, this probably wouldn't have happened. If I just dropped her off and picked her up at lunch instead of being a complete idiot, I wouldn't have to come here to see her. This is basically my fault, whatever way you look at it. It was my fault. 

I snapped my head up when I heard the door open. I watched as the nurses wheeled in the bed. I felt the lump in my throat grow as I watched Riley on the bed. She was just laying their unconscious. Not moving at all. Her left arm was in a cast, and had wires all over her. And there was bandage around her head. Seriously, an eighteen year old should not be going through this. 

I moved to the edge of my seat as they connected her up to the machines. "I'm assuming you've spoken to Dr Robinson?" I looked up to one of the nurses. 

"Yeah a few minutes ago," she nodded while checking over the clipboard at the end of the bed. 

"Everything is okay for now. But I'm sure Dr Robinson will explain everything to you." I watched as she wrote on the clipboard. "So you're okay to sit in here." She looked over and smiled at me. 

"How many people would be allowed in here? It's just her mum and dad will probably want to see her." She let out a breath, putting the clipboard back on the end of the bed. 

"For now you and her parents will be okay. But only for a maximum of an hour. After that only one person can be here." I nodded, while she turned to face me. "Dr Robinson has spoken to all the nurses working the night shift, and they all know that you can stay here for as long you like. No one is going to ask you to leave."

"Thank you," I said with a smile. 

"If you need anything, the nurses’ station is just down the corridor." She informed me walking towards the door. 

"Thanks," I said again. She nodded and left the room, quietly shutting the door behind her.

I turned to Riley and the pain in my heart grew. I feel so helpless sitting here. There’s nothing I can do to help her. I promised her that I would always look after her. How can I do that when I can’t help her when she’s at her weakest? I know she’s the one lying there, but I really wish she’d wake up and give me a hug. I wish she had given me a hug before I left for work instead of me snapping at her. I’m just a complete idiot.


I looked at my watch for around the hundredth time since I’ve been here. It’s been over an hour since I’ve talked to Sam and to Dr Robinson. I guess his surgery went on longer than he expected. I let out a breath and looked back at Riley. I was laying my head on her bed just looking at her. I don’t think I’ve moved in half an hour. I got up once or twice in the first half hour, but I just don’t want to move. Just in case she wakes up or something happens.

I laced my fingers with hers, before closing my eyes. I know it’s only five o’clock, but I’m really tired. I didn’t sleep last night because the idea of Riley with Jack went through my mind over and over again. I got no sleep over something so stupid. Compared to what’s happening now, what I ignored Riley for is completely stupid. Its stuff like this that makes you realise how stupid you’ve been over such silly things.

I lifted my head up when I heard the door open. Expecting it to be Sam, I was a bit surprised when it was Dr Robinson. “Sorry,” he apologised shutting the door. “Things got a bit complicated and went on for a bit longer.” I sat up as he walked to the other side of the bed.

“Its fine, don’t worry about it.” He smiled and started checking all of the wires connected to Riley.

“Has everything been okay? Anything changed since she came in?” I shook my head, rubbing my eyes.

“No, it’s pretty much been the same for the last hour and a half.” He nodded and walked to the end of the bed. “So when is she going to wake up?” He lifted up the chart and started flicking through the pages.

“I’m not entirely sure. See we discovered that there was pressure building up in her skull. So as a precaution we put her into a medically induced coma until that pressure reduces. It isn’t a huge amount of pressure, but it’s enough to make us act. So I’m hopeful it will reduce in a week, possibly less.” I nodded, playing with Riley’s fingers.

“So is that the main thing you’re concerned about?” He put the chart back and looked up at me.

“Yeah we’re just waiting for that to clear. The lung has been re-inflated and the ribs will start to heal soon. Apart from the few cuts and bruises she has, she’ll be perfectly fine. And the baby is fine as well, there’s nothing concerning about us.” I smiled and looked at Riley.

“That’s good to hear. Wait,” I said looking back at him. “What baby?” he furrowed his eyebrows at me.

“You don’t know that she’s pregnant?” Oh flip me, there’s no way she’s pregnant.

“You’re joking me. She can’t be pregnant, we’re always safe.” Okay, I should probably be embarrassed to say that, but we always were safe.

“Well I’m pretty sure she is pregnant Mr Baker. We did want to do a full MRI but we couldn’t do it without knowing if she was pregnant or not. She’s fifteen weeks pregnant; she's quite far along. I'm surprised you don't know." I let out a breath and ran my hand through my hair. Why didn't she tell me she was pregnant? "It wasn't harmed in the accident so it should be absolutely fine." I looked up at him and nodded. 

"When her mother comes in, do you mind not telling her about the baby? I'd rather tell her myself." He nodded accepting my position. 

"You're Riley's next of kin so everything I've told you is strictly between me, you and the nurses involved. I'm not permitted to tell anyone else anything. It's totally up to you who you tell." I smiled slightly, giving a slight nod. 

"Well I'm happy that you tell her mother everything apart from the pregnancy."

"Then that's what I can tell her," as he finished speaking, the door was pushed open. I looked up and saw Sam and Greg walking into the room. 

"Oh my God," Sam said bringing her hands up to her mouth. I wiped my eyes, clearing some tears that were forming in my eyes, and stood up.

“Sam…” she completely ignored me and walked over beside Riley. I don’t really blame her; her daughter was lying on a hospital bed. I let out a breath and sat back down. Though, she didn’t really have to completely ignore me.

“What happened?” She finally acknowledged me.

“She must’ve been driving home when she was in an accident. I don’t really know since I wasn’t there.”

“Where you not meant to be driving her today?” Is it just me or did that sound like she was blaming me.

“Things changed,” I tried not giving too much away about us arguing.

"Why; what happened?" I tried not to sigh at her. 

"Nothing Sam, it's between Riley and I."

"Well I think it's got something to do with me seeing as my daughter is unconscious on a hospital bed." I sighed this time and stood up. 

"Sam this isn't my fault," I tried to reassure myself. "So if you're going to keep blaming me, I want you out by the time I get back." I walked past Greg over to the door. 

"You can't just kick me out for something I didn't say."

"I'm her next of kin, so I'm in charge in making decisions for her while she unconscious." I left the room without another word. 

I know I've said that it was probably my fault she was in an accident. But part of me wants to believe that it wasn't my fault. So I guess that's why I've had a go at Sam. But she still had no right to say that it was my fault. Wait, did she even say it was my fault? I groaned as I reached the coffee shop in the same floor. 

"Can I have a strong black coffee please?" The guy nodded and went to get my coffee. 

"Caleb?" I looked to my left and saw Cahill. To be honest I was quite happy to see him. He's a good friend and I really trust him. 

"So everyone's heard then?" He smiled slightly walking up to stand beside me. 

"News travels fast in school." I let out a single laugh, leaning against the counter. "I just came to see how things are." I nodded as the guy placed the coffee in front of me. 

"Anything else?" As if on queue, my stomach rumbled. 

"I could kill for a ham and cheese toasty." He smiled and nodded. 

"If you want to sit down I'll bring it over." I nodded and took my coffee. I gave him a five pound note before going to sit down. 

"So is she okay?" Cahill asked sitting opposite me. I nodded taking a sip of my coffee. 

"There's some pressure on her brain so they had to put her into a coma until it reduced. She had punctured lung because she broke a rib. But the doctor is hopeful she'll wake up within a week." 

"That's good," I sat back as the guy at the counter put my toasty down on the table. 

"Thanks," I said before he walked off. "It would be if her mother wasn't giving me an awful time. As soon as she got here she basically blamed me. I think," I added before starting to eat. 

"How's it your fault? You weren't the one that was in the accident with her." I shrugged, moving my food around the plate. I know most people probably couldn't eat when someone they love was really hurt, but I haven't eaten all day and I was starving. 

"I think it's got something to do with the fact I was meant to drive her today. But I didn't because we got into a fight this morning about yesterday." 

"You do realise it wasn't your fault. How were you going to know this would happen?" I let out a breath and shrugged. "And the doctors are happy that she's going to recover. If Riley doesn't have a problem with you, then her mother shouldn't have one." I looked up at him and smiled slightly. 

"Yeah I know she's all that matters." I leant on the table slightly. "If I tell you something, promise me you'll keep it to yourself." He furrowed his eyebrows and nodded.

"I promise," he said honestly. "I know we didn't get off to the best of starts, but I'd like to think we're good friends now." I smiled and nodded. 

"No we are. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions last year." I reassured him. "It's not just Riley that matters anymore," I started to tell him. "The doctor couldn't perform a full body MRI until he knew she wasn't pregnant. And she is," he furrowed his eyebrows slightly confused. 

"She's pregnant?" I laughed and nodded. "Congratulations," he smiled as I shook his hand. I think it's finally starting to sink in that I'm going to be a dad. 

"Yeah I can't believe it. I'm going to be a dad," I couldn't help but grin. As if a tonne of bricks fell on top of me, I realised I should be with Riley and not here. “Yeah I should probably get back,” I said standing up. “Umm,” I said scratching the back of my neck. “You can come up with me; I don’t know how long you can stay though.” He nodded and stood up.

“I’ll just come up and see how she is. I won’t stay long,” I nodded and started walking back towards Riley’s room.

I know Riley should be at the forefront of my mind, but I can’t help but add another thing there. I know I’ve probably said this, but I’m going to be a dad. Riley and I are having a child together. I can’t wait until he or she is born. I'm surprised that I didn't know. Surely she would have started to show by now? I mean, how can you not know you're pregnant when it's been fifteen weeks. That's just under four months. I'm still really happy though.But right now, I’m more concerned about getting Riley fit and well again. If I don’t have her, I don’t have anyone. Without Riley, I really don’t think I could live. She literally is everything to me.


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