Break The Cycle

By TheDarkSwanRises

33.3K 2.1K 134

Captain Swan AU. Killian Jones and his brother, Liam, grew up around alcoholism and abuse. After their mother... More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
Chapter 37:
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44:
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48:
Chapter 49:
Chapter 50:
Chapter 52:
Chapter 53:
Chapter 54:
Chapter 55:
Chapter 56:
Chapter 57:
Chapter 58:
Chapter 59:
Chapter 60:
Chapter 61:
Chapter 62:
Chapter 63:
Read please

Chapter 51:

365 21 2
By TheDarkSwanRises

Killian POV:

Emma lit up like a child. She didn't have much growing up, and she certainly didn't do much with any of the foster parents she lived with. So to see her get so much joy out of Disney World meant everything to me. The fact that she finally had more than she ever dreamed she could broke my heart and made me happy all at the same time. Having a family and people who love you shouldn't be such a delicacy to anyone. At least I had my brother when I was growing up.

When we got home we were both worn out, Regina kept Henry for one more night so we could settle in. After that it was back to work as normal, only Emma's last name was now Jones.

Three days after we got home, Emma was caught up at work and asked me to pick up Henry. I took the boy to the park, where he cornered me with a question I never expected.

"Why can't I have your last name too?" He spat out.

I nearly choked on the water I was drinking.

"Because when your mother took custody of you, you gained hers." I gave the simple answer.

"But when she married you, she changed her last name to Jones right?"

"That's right."

"And the baby's last name will be Jones too."

I nodded. "Where are you going with this Henry?"

"Well, I want to have your last name too." He shyly admitted.

"Oh, well, I think it's possible, but I would have to talk to your mother about it first." I said.

"Okay." He perked up, then took off to play.

I shook my head. This boy surprised me every day.

Emma let me know when she would be home, so Henry and I left with enough time to barely beat her home, and picked up dinner so neither of us would have to cook. After Henry went to bed, I brought up the talk I'd had with him earlier.

"Emma, Henry asked me a surprising question earlier. Brace yourself." I warned her. She raised her eyebrows, indicating for me to go on.

"He wants my last name, just like you and the baby will have." I explained.

"Oh!" She was just as shocked as I am. "Well, um, that would require adopting him. And that is something completely between the two of you."

"Emma, I don't want to take the place of Neal. I respect that he was Henry's biological father, if you or Henry aren't comfortable-"

"Killian, Neal entrusted you with taking care of Henry."

"And you, my love." I stepped forward and kissed her, touching her cheek.

"And me." She blushed. "Neal will always be Henry's father. But if this is what Henry wants, and you are comfortable, I'll have it taken care of."

"You're certain?" I took her hand.

"Absolutely." She squeezed assuringly.

"Okay, then tomorrow we'll sit Henry down and talk about it."

Emma POV:

And here I thought I was done being surprised. I didn't know if Henry wanted Killian's last name to be like the rest of his family, or because he saw Killian as a father. I'd have to make sure he knew that he didn't need to share a last name with us to be our son. He fit in perfectly, although I could definitely understand the want to be included in a family so completely.

The next day after school, I was driving home with Henry. I took a deep breath and started things off.

"Killian says you talked to him about changing your last name." I cautiously said.

"Yeah, is that okay?" He asked.

"Well sure, kid. But it's not my decision, that's up to you. It's your name we're talking about." I reminded him.

"I know."

"Henry, you know you don't have to have the same last name as us to be part of our family." I placed my hand over his.

"I know. But my dad is gone, and Killian is great at taking care of me. Now that you're married, it's official and he's like another dad to me." He grinned.

Another dad, so Henry saw this as him having TWO fathers. These damn hormones were about to make me cry.

"Henry, if this is what you really want, we'll make it happen. Killian will adopt you. He doesn't want to replace your real dad, you know that?"

"Well yeah, he's just taking care of me. He told me, it was what my dad asked him to do."

Thank God we were almost home. As soon as we parked, I told Henry I would be inside in a moment. He rushed in and Killian came outside, I had no idea he was home which upset me even more. I was choked up with emotion over my son.

"Emma? What's the matter?" He opened my door and helped me stand.

"It's Henry. He kept telling me about Neal's last wish for you, and how he thinks of you as a second father." I blubbered.

"And that upsets you?" He asked, concerned.

"No." I wiped my face with my hand. "I'm just happy and pregnant, it makes me kind of a mess and I over react."

He giggled. "Well, let's get you cleaned up. I'll help you make dinner."

I nodded and we made our way inside. Henry had gone out to the backyard, where Frank was chasing him with a mouth full of slobber.

Three weeks after the wedding, Killian got a call at seven in the morning that Elsa was in labor, and they were driving to the hospital. Killian practically jumped with glee and told Liam to call when she got closer to having the baby, so that he could leave work to go meet his nephew. I was so excited, our baby and theirs would be about five months apart, they could grow up together and be close.

But five rolled around and there was still no baby. Poor Elsa was miserable and ready for it to be over, I didn't even have to ask her to know that. So I picked Henry and Killian up and we all drove to the hospital.

Upon walking in, Henry spotted the gift shop.

"Hey! Can we get something for the baby?" He asked.

"Sure, kid. Let's get something for Elsa too, she's about to have a baby, the girl's going to need a pick-me-up." I smiled at Killian.

So we picked up an adorable outfit for the baby, a mini diaper cake, and we made a basket out of various snacks and drinks. There's nothing you want more after this than crappy food.

Two hours after we arrived, the baby was finally here. Two more hours after that, Liam came to the waiting room to get us. Elsa was settled in and okay with a few visitors.

I cried a little when we walked in. There was this tiny baby in Elsa's arms, sleeping away. What really got me was after over twelve hours in labor, she still looked stunning. Maybe it was just being in jail, but I looked absolutely terrible the entire time with Henry.

"Hi everyone!" She beamed.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, setting the gifts down on a nearby table.

"Okay. But I think that'll go away when the epidural wears off." She giggled a little.

"Everyone, meet Emmett Greeves Jones." Liam introduced his son.

"He's so precious." I said adoringly.

"Do you want to hold him?" Elsa offered.

"Oh no, he's sleeping." I insisted.

"Oh believe me, he is out. I just fed him, that's why I sent Liam to go get everyone." She assured me.

"Okay, but Killian first." I looked at my husband, who looked a bit confused.

"This is your brother's baby, you first." I gently nudged him.

Elsa handed Emmett over, and I had rarely ever seen Killian look at anything that way. I could only imagine the way he would look at our baby.

"He's perfect, you did amazing Elsa." He placed a hand on his sister-in-law's shoulder.

"Thank you." She got a little teary eyed.

Killian turned to look at me, and I stepped forward and took the baby from him. This was my nephew, by marriage at least.

All of a sudden, the baby opened his eyes wide. I stiffened up and prepared for him to cry, but he just stared at me.

"Hi there." I cooed to him.

He broke out into a smile that could light up the room. The water works started.

"What's wrong?" Elsa said, worried.

"I'm terribly sorry my dear," Liam began, "but our son just smiled for the first time at Emma."

"Oh! He knows your voice! I read about this, they can recognize voices!" She exclaimed happily.

I sniffled. "Is it okay if Henry holds him too?"

"Of course, they're cousins." Elsa said.

Henry sat down, and I sat next to him so he could hold Emmett.

"He's so squishy." My son observed.

I laughed.

"What? I saw a lot of babies in the group homes, but none this young." He explained.

I was sad for a moment. Sometimes I forgot that I didn't have Henry for six years. But he was here now and we were all happy.

After about an hour, a nurse came in and asked if Elsa was ready to try to get up and go to the bathroom, and we took that as a cue to leave.

Later that night, with Henry asleep, Killian and I were laying in bed, staring at the ceiling.

"That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." I simply said.

"Well love, the only experience you've had with birth is quite grim." He took my hand.

"We're going to have one of our own." I stated.

"Thad right, in about five months." He squeezed my hand.

"I love you Killian."

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