Satan's Secrets

By XXrogueXlucyXX

44.1K 2.1K 118

With Red Claws no longer needing Derik through the contract and Miss. Selkze dead things have somewhat calme... More

:Chapter 1:
:Chapter 2:
:Chapter 3:
:Chapter 4:
:Chapter 5:
:Chapter 6:
:Chapter 7:
:Chapter 8:
:Chapter 9:
:Chapter 10:
:Chapter 11:
:Chapter 13:
:Chapter 14:
:Chapter 15:
:Chapter 16:
:Chapter 17:
:Chapter 18:
:Chapter 19:
:Chapter 20:
:Chapter 21:
:Chapter 22:
:Chapter 23:
:Chapter 24:
:Chapter 25:
:Chapter 26:
:Chapter 27:
:Chapter 28:
:Chapter 29:
:Chapter 30:
:Chapter 31:
:Chapter 32:
:Chapter 33:
:Chapter 34:
:Chapter 35:
:Chapter 36:
:Chapter 37:
:Chapter 38:
:Chapter 39:
:Chapter 40:
:Chapter 41:

:Chapter 12:

1K 46 3
By XXrogueXlucyXX


I tossed the ball up in the air before catching it. Today was Valentine's day and I was currently in firs period waiting for class to start. Conversations buzzed about couples, gifts and other romantic things. 'I wonder where Isabella is?' 'Probably still getting here.' We had gotten to school early today. I looked at the red notebook that I had brought with me. It was full of ideas that I had about the rogues. I was gonna give it to Isabella when she was here.

'Do you think Isabella is going to the Valentine's dance?' 'I don't know, when she gets here I'll ask her.' I picked up my pen and put the red notebook inside my binder then got out my pottery notebook. I looked up at the board before I began to write down todays lesson in there before the teacher got here. After about five minutes Isabella walked in as the warning bell rang.

She looked wow. Her hair was down with a tiny braid in the front. She wore a red shirt along with her denim jacket and red leather pants and black combat boots. It was casual for her since she began breaking out of her shell. Her blue eyes shifted to me and then she began advancing towards me her binders pulled against her chest.

Isabella took a seat next to me and set her things down. On her binder were drawings taped on. There was a wolf growling, a girl covering her face and much more. 'I like her drawings but not as much as I like her.' Ash smiled at Isabella. "I have chocolate for you in my locker, I might of ate a piece from it though or two." Isabella said turning red and looking down.

I smiled at her. "I have something for you. I'll give it to you during our free period at the end of the day." I told her. Isabella glared at me at that. Our last period was a free period and now she had to wait for the Valentine's day gift. I smiled at her mischievously. Isabella huffed before getting out her black composition notebook to write the lesson in. 'Isabella looks so adorable when she is mad.'

Another five minutes passed and the bell rang signaling for class to start. "Teachers should be given late passes for being late." Isabella murmured as she pulled out her sketch book. We had substitute teachers until the school got a new pottery teacher. We were working on making an animal from clay. I could see in Isabella's sketch book.

In big purple letters it read animal designs. Then there was a couple sketches of animals. Birds, wolves, bears, big cats, and deer. They were all really good. I wasn't the best at this but I wasn't horrible. Plus if I struggled too much Isabella would help me. Or Nico. Nico sat a few desks away from us. Angel still hadn't been put in school. Nico looked up and smiled at Isabella and I. Last project we did we were in a group together. We made a pot. 'I liked that pot. Mom has it now on display.'

That was true. Mom liked showing off our work from actual work to art and trophies. After another five minutes the teacher finally walked in. An old lady named Mrs. Schlitz. She was human, nothing else, I had even looked into her. She was fairly simple and had been a teacher for maybe fifty years. She should retire in my opinion. She was nice but old.

"At the stations that you are assigned to will be clay. Mold it to the animal you want it to be." Mrs. Schlitz said her voice shaky. Our stations had been signed since the beginning of the year. Isabella looked at her sketchbook before getting up to go the station. 'I wonder what she is planning to do.' 'Who knows. We'll just have to watch to find out.' I followed after her. Isabella was between Nico and I.

"Isabella are you going to the Valentine's dance?" I asked as Isabella grabbed the hunk of clay at her station. Nico had already gotten ready to put the clay on the wheel. "Probably. Orchid will want me to." Isabella said as she broke off pieces of the clay and put it on the wheel. This was gonna be an interesting day for sure.
Isabella stood next to me her backpack slung across her shoulder. "So it's the last period of the day. Do I get the gift yet?" Isabella asked trying to peek into my locker. I looked at the wolf and chocolate. Pulling out the Whitman's bar I handed that to her. Isabella quickly grabbed it and looked at the puppy on the wrapper and then shocked me by pulling me into a hug.

'She is hugging us!' I stood there shocked but hugged her back. "Thank you now give me the rest." Isabella said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes before giving her some more chocolate which she stored in the bag. Isabella stared at me expectantly. I looked at the wolf, now or never. 'Isabella will love it.' I handed her the gold eyed wolf and smiled at her.

Isabella took it and simply stared at it intensely. "Its cute sorta looks like Ash." Isabella said making relief wash over me. She liked it. 'I told you she'd like it. It's not always the gift but sometimes the thought of the gift.' "Did you eat any of the assorted chocolate?" Isabella asked. I nodded. Two of the caramels were missing.

Isabella smiled at that before adjusting her backpack still holding the wolf stuff animal. "Thank you. Now I will be going to the Valentine's dance and I guess one dance can be reserved for you." Isabella said holding the wolf to her. 'A dance!' I smiled at her. "But one price for the dance." Isabella said.

"But I bought you the wolf." I told her. "It's not real money. After the dance I want you to take me to the pack house to look some things up." Isabella said staring at me very intensely. I nervously looked around. "I'll take you. I have some things I want to show you anyway. We'll leave the dance at seven." I told Isabella who nodded. 'We are doing so many things with Isabella!' 'Calm it down you don't need to seem obsessive.' 'Ok.'

Isabella smiled before pushing her hair back. "My dress is red get a red tie." Isabella said before she turned around and sauntering off her hips moving with her. Ash watched her with a small grin. Isabella turned around and grinned at me showing off the wolf before waving to me as the bell rang signaling the day over. I smiled watching her go out the doors. I should probably follow. I began follow out to leave for home.

1146. Hey! So happy Valentine's day. I don't know what I am getting for Valentine's day until my sisters come home from school. I am still a lonely marshmallows. #TheLonelyMarshmallows. But Isabella isn't so lonely. Well it's complicated. Until next time heart marshmallows.

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