An Excuse Maybe

By happyfroglegs

2.4K 151 102

After the war, all seems peaceful. Until Antauri gets a telepathic message from a girl imprisoned. Not only t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 38

47 4 3
By happyfroglegs

Welcome back, now we're onto the audition choosing ceremony! Strap yourself in because feels may or may not happen. Idk. Please enjoy!


The robot grew closer and closer as the team made it back. Willow then noticed a few smaller ships next to it.

"Uh guys? What ships are those?" She asked.

The team looked at the ship and noticed the insignia. It had a large dark purple planet with two large stars seeming to glide across it.

"Those are Tabithian ships...but why are they-?"

The team then froze and looked at each other. Oh no.

The team then darted into the robot and saw three large white tents with a few female Tabithians talking to each other. The tents were all connected by hallways and were set up in a triangle like structure.

The team then bursted into one of the tents, which resembled a hospital room. Mandarin sat up in the bed with Tilamat next to him.

"And I have no idea why they wanted to trademark the word but it's so stupid-!" Mandarin was saying before he noticed the concerned group.

"Oh hey!" He said as Tilamat quickly got up.

"Mandarin are you-!"

"You guys kicked ass!" Tilamat said, punching Chiro's shoulder.

Chiro rubbed his shoulder.

"Uh yeah thanks, Mandarin!" Chiro quickly said.

Mandarin waved a bit.

"Yes child I'm right here."

"Are-are you- is it happening?!" Nova asked.

Mandarin smirked.

"Gee I wonder why there's these tents and nurses everywhere?" He sarcastically asked, looking around.

Otto darted towards him.

"Are you ok? Are you in pain?" Otto asked, holding his pain.

"Yes but it's nothing I haven't dealt with before."

Willow snickered, hoo boy was this guy in for a treat then. Otto nuzzled him, his anxiety exhausting him.

Arwen looked to Tilamat.

"Is there another bed by any chance? Willow burned her foot." She explained.

Tilamat nodded.

"Sure thing, Mira! Get another bed!" He called out.

"Yes doctor!"

"How long have you been in labor for?" Jinmay asked as a bed was pushed in.

"Ever since you left." Mandarin said.

"Jeeeez! I can't imagine what you're going through right now." Sprx sighed.

Mandarin tilted his head.

"You know there is a machine out there that simulates labor pains." He pointed out.

"I was just saying!"

Willow was set on the bed and had her boot taken off. The burn looked pretty bad.

"Jeez! I know you got hit but damn!" Tilamat groaned.

"Thanks, it was such a walk in the park. That is if I can walk right now." Willow huffed.

She then winced as wet towels were placed on it. It stung pretty bad.

"So how long do we have to wait?" Sprx asked Tilamat.

Tilamat looked over at a machine nearby.

"Umm that's gonna depend, but hopefully before the forty eight hour mark." Tilamat said.

Mandarin turned to the others.

"Otherwise she's going to eat right through me." He said with a shit eating grin.

Everyone froze.

" can't be serious." Amanda asked, feeling sick.

Tilamat shrugged.

"It's rare nowadays but it has happened."

They searched the two's faces just in case they were pulling some sick trick on them, but their expressions showed that they were completely serious. Suddenly the idea of this baby being an alien was finally starting to sink in.

"Jeez that's terrifying." Nova wheezed.

"Yeah how do you think I felt when I was told that?!" Mandarin huffed before grimacing in pain.

"Lazuli please for the love of all that's holy don't eat out of your mama." Chiro begged, looking at Mandarin's stomach.

"I won't let her!"

Tilamat sighed.

"I've let the Ama family know and they'll be here tomorrow morning. Hopefully it won't be right in the middle of surgery." He said.

Otto gulped a bit before turning to Mandarin.

"You're gonna be ok?" He asked.

Mandarin sighed.

"Otto I've been through worse, I'll be fine." He said.

Otto kissed him and nuzzled him.

"You better, you butt."

Willow smiled a bit before realizing that Antauri sat next to her.

"So what do we do now?" She asked him.

Antauri tilted his head, thinking.

"Well we're going to the tomb to find Diamanda, and then we'll have to track the ship Sage and Mandarin 2 were on-"

"No I know that, I meant with us." She huffed.

Antauri blinked before realizing.

"Oh! Well..." He turned to the others, where Mandarin growled at Sprx when he suggested to do those breathing exercises.

"I guess we start with a few dates...umm...what else do couples do?" Antauri asked.

Willow snickered.

"Don't worry, we'll figure it out." Willow said, holding his hand.

Antauri nodded and held her hand back.

Chiro turned to Sprx, Nova, and Amanda.

"Let's go find Diamanda and bring her back here." He said.

The three nodded as they left the room.

"We'll be back!" Amanda chirped.

Mandarin sighed before grimacing again, a contraction hitting him hard.

"This is going to be fun." He huffed.

Gibson turned to the TV screen that was placed in the room.

"Is there any way we can watch the selection ceremony?" Arwen asked.

"Yes just let me get it to the right station." Gibson said as Otto hopped off the bed to go help him.

They turned it to a Sueronian station, where a commercial on fake blood tears was on.

"When is it supposed to start?" Jinmay asked.

"Probably in a half an hour so we got time."

Mandarin grumbled a bit before Otto hopped up next to him again.

"Don't worry cutie pie, I got you." Otto chirped.

Mandarin groaned a bit.

"You're going to be ok Mandarin." Gibson assured him.

A half hour later and Mandarin's pain worsened.

"I told you it's insufferable!" Willow huffed before Mandarin slowly looked at her.

"Hush." He growled before laying back.

Otto dabbed his forehead with a washcloth.

"I could give you epidurals Mandy." Tilamat chirped.

"Mmm...maybe." Mandarin sighed.

Jinmay smiled sadly before turning on the communicator.

"Chiro did you find her yet?" Jinmay asked.

"Not yet but we're getting close." Chiro said before Jinmay heard someone slip.

"Sprx! Be careful!" Nova huffed.

"Hey it's the formless gunk!"

Arwen shushed everyone as the program started.

"Starlights, for generations has been apart of Sueronian pop culture and is the most well known. However for years it has been disbanded by the 5th generation."

Images of past Starlight members flew across the screen, including some of Arwen. The screen then turned white.

"Now a sixth generation will be created and sixteen members will be picked out of the fifty four entrees."

Antauri felt the grip on his hand tighten as Willow watched on nervously.

"You've seen the audition concert, now watch as your favorite Sueronians go head to head for a chance to be picked! Who will be selected and who will be the new captains? It will all begin on Shuggazoom!"

Nearly everyone in the room cheered, minus Mandarin, who groaned at the loud noise, and Willow. She gulped.


After the opening ceremony, Trent sat down next to Brittany and the others. The set was made so that the Sueronians would walk onto the stage from the grass.

Iris sat behind him and looked back to her mother, who was in front of the crowd. She turned and looked back at the top of the stage where Niro and Marie went to their places. Trent felt the stares of the fans behind him and he shivered. Skyla glanced at Yui before looking ahead. They then saw a Sueronian with a briefcase walk across the stage.

"We're about the announce the results." Niro announced.

"What's-?" Trent began.

"That's to prevent tampering." Violet muttered to him.

Marie took out the papers.

"I will now announce the captain and co captain positions." She announced.

Skyla closed her eyes. There was a drum roll before several spot lights lit up the small space.

"With over 533.21 points, your captain of Starlights,"

Skyla gripped her skirt, her nerves all jumbled up.

"5222, 5222..." She thought.

"is entry 4621, Yui Ebony!"

The spotlight shone on Yui as she covered her mouth. Trent and the others cheered loudly as she looked at Skyla.


"Congrats Yui." Skyla chirped sadly, patting her shoulder.

Tears welled up in her eyes before Yui got up and began walking towards the stage. Skyla sniffled and wiped her eyes. Marina turned to her.

"Oh Skyla, I-"

Skyla shook her head.

"No I'm fine it's just...she's going to make a great captain." She sniffled.

Marina blinked in surprise before looking back up on the stage. Yui shook a bit before sighing.

"I-I'm entry 4621, Yui Ebony. U-um I just can't believe I'm standing here. The reason I wanted to join Starlights was so I could help protect other Sueronians from hunters" she began, tears stinging her eyes.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel scared during the auditions, but I think I got through it thanks to the friends I made."

Iris smiled.


Yui sniffled a bit but kept going.

"So in return I didn't want them to feel the same fear I did, so I encouraged them and tried to help them the best I could. Just so we can create the safest and best performance we can."

Skyla smiled.

"Of course, and that's why you were picked. You care about everyone you came across and tried to encourage them. That's what I should have been doing." Skyla thought.

"To not only be picked and be elected captain is just" Yui sobbed.

"Yui!" The crowd cheered.

Yui wiped her tears and stood straight.

"I promise! I won't let any of you down and I will lead the best Starlights anyone has ever seen! I will be just as good as Emerald, better even!" Yui declared, causing Emerald to laugh a bit.

Trent smiled as Yui sat down at the top of a stairwell with many chairs.

"That's amazing, but Brittany..." Trent looked at Brittany's worried face.

The cheers died down.

"Next, your co-captain!"

Everyone tensed up as the drum roll ran again.

"With over 521.53 points, your co captain,"

Trent gulped.

"I hate the intensity of this..." He thought.

"Entry 5222 Skyla Lillian Ruby Trina!"

Skyla jumped up from her seat and gasped.

"Skyla!" Marina cheered as she made her way up the stairs.

"That's my baby!" Crystal yelled from the audience.

"Crystal calm down!" Emerald yelled.

"Everyone, thank you so much! I did it!" Skyla yelled with much energy.

"Skyla calm down!" Iris huffed.

"The member I want to be the most is Kiara from the 3rd generation!"

Trent blinked.

"Umm why did she say that?" He asked.

"It's tradition for a newly selected Starlight members to say what members they want to be like." Violet explained.

Brittany looked at her. She completely forgot about that detail!

"Who they want to be like?"

"Yeah, I want to say I'm gonna be like my mom!" Marina chirped.

Trent groaned.

"Crap I didn't think of that!" He whined.

Brittany's throat went dry. The member she wants to be like? But the only person she could think of is her mother, and even then could she even live up to her mother's legacy?

After the next few member announcements, they were counting backwards and was now at number eight. The points then began to vary depending on how much popularity they got from the aura count.

Trent looked around nervously, this wasn't looking so good. If he wasn't going to be selected then...

"The next member has a total count of 423.12 points, entry 1233 Violet Mendelev Pearl Suzuko!"

Violet smiled as she got up from her seat. Marina clapped for her as she went up.

"Entry 1233, Violet Suzuko." She introduced herself.

She stared into the audience and found her parents and she swallowed the growing lump in her throat.

"U-Um the reason I joined Starlights was to continue what my late older sister Aquamarine Jewel Suzuko started by becoming a singer." She began.

Arwen looked down, remembering Aqua's death.

"Like me, she was picked at the eighth mark. She had more points than I did..." Violet tried to say before stopping herself, tears filling her eyes.

She sniffled but kept going. She remembered a girl with dark blue hair and blue eyes as she looked around the stage, trying to hold back tears. Violet choked back a sob.

"I was watching in the audience that day, she was biting tears as she expressed her thanks. I was so happy that she got in Starlights and became as happy as she did." Violet choked.

"Even after Starlights disbanded and even after her being captured by the hunters, she was still loved by so many fans."

Trent placed a hand on his mouth, just overall surprised by what she was saying and the amount of emotion she had.

"When auditions were taking place again, I wanted to join Starlights just so I can continue what she started and give back to the people that made Aqua so happy!"

Tears were now falling fast from Violet's face, but she was still smiling.

"I know there must be many fans of hers crying, but next time I want them to be tears of happiness not sorrow. I want the same amount of happiness that she had and it's an honor to be on the same band as her. Everyone thank you!"

Cheers erupted loudly as Iris was frozen.

"I didn't expect her to be so emotional." She muttered.

Marina turned to her.

"You should've seen her when she passed the first auditions." She chirped.

Trent wiped his eyes a bit. That took a lot more guts than he ever could, that's for sure. Brittany smiled but her smile soon dropped.

"If I say I want to be like my mother...and I don't live up to those expectations...what would everyone say to me? What if I can't live up to be like her? What would she say to me?" She thought.

Violet shakily sat down next to a girl with dark green hair and was decked out in a Greek white dress. Marie sighed, wiping her eyes.

"Okay, as beautiful as that was we need to keep going. Number seven!" She held up the envelope.

The spotlights danced around again and Marina groaned. Brittany leaned on Trent a bit.

"Uh Brit?"

"I don't know...I don't know what to say...what if I make a terrible Rosella?" She muttered, the stress getting to her.

"Br-Brittany?" Trent asked about to comfort her.

"With 764.12 points Entry 7221, Brittany Lobel Sapphire Sophia Rainbow Diamond!"

The spotlight shone on her and Brittany tensed up.

"Brittany! Hurry!" Marina cheered.

Her breathing became labored as she attempted to get up but nearly fell over.

"Brittany are you alright?" Marie asked as Brittany shakily walked up the stage.

"Rosella!" She heard the fans cheered, making her all the more nervous. It was if they were taunting her.

"I didn't expect Brittany to get so worked up." Skyla muttered.

"There have been members that get so worked up they start hyperventilating...but Brittany..." Violet muttered.

Brittany tried to gasp for breath but sheer fear kept her from doing so. Somehow she made to the microphone as Marie held her up.

"You think you're going to be ok dear?" She asked, receiving a nod.

"Alright, I'll be over there."

Brittany kept gasping, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Entry...7221...Brit-Brittany Diamond." She wheezed before her lips nearly hit the mic.

Everyone grew concerned. Brittany held herself up.

"I have to say something! I have to!" She thought.

Arwen crossed her arms.

"Just say what's on your mind, kiddo." She muttered, causing the others to look at her.

"I...I just...I want to-" Brittany began before looking into the audience.

Then a thought popped in her mind.

"I...the member I most want to be...I..." She then inhaled.

"I want to be me!"

Everyone grew silent at her statement.

"Brittany?" Trent asked.

"I...I think it's unfair to compare ourselves to the past generations. I want us to pave the way and create a new amazing Starlights, one where we can share our love with everyone." She stated.

Everyone was silent before cheering.

" 'I want to be me', jeez lady." Iris sighed.

"Everyone, thank you!"

Trent sniffled a bit as Brittany sat next to Violet.

"Brittany...always so direct and always much more radiant." He thought.

Arwen felt her pocket vibrate over the cheers and angry Mandarin yelling. She took out her phone and saw a text from Rose.

'My daughter is so precious! I'm so happy! :,D' It read.

Arwen smiled.

"Entry 1345 Artemis Desire Luna!"

The girl with white hair from before smiled.

"Everybody, thank you for supporting Artemis!" She chirped.

"Entry 3256 Rachel Mary Anne Clarity!"

The girl with brown hair and red streaks pointed out to the audience.

"I'm ready to meet all of you! I hope you won't mind someone like me!"

The next few entries were called until it was just the last two.

"I think it's safe to say none of our names will be called up." One Sueronian said to the other.

"Yeah but look at the lineup!"

Trent fidgeted, this wasn't looking so good. Marina stared into the distance, praying that her name will be called. Iris just looked back at her mother's worried face.

"With 720.23 points, entry number 5223 Marina Rebecca Rose Trina!"

Marina smiled as she got up, turned and curtsied the audience. Violet clapped as Skyla sobbed.

"That's my other baby!" Crystal yelled happily as Emerald tried to calm her down.

Marina skipped to the microphone and smiled.

"I'm Marina Trina, to everyone who supported with me thank you!" She chirped.

"With all the friends I've made during this and with all the fans I've seen, I'm seriously filled with gratitude. I'm happy that I get to be on the same band as my mom did and I hope to make men's hearts throb much more than she did." Marina stated.

She winked.

"I'll make you fall in love with me yet!"

Many male voices and one very happy mother yelled in joy.

Iris leaned over.

"Kill me, Trent. Kill me." She whined.

Trent snickered but his fear grew immensely. Only one position left. He gulped as he closed his eyes and shuddered. Marie took out the last paper.

"One more member left." She announced.

Willow looked at Trent on the screen.

The drum roll began as Trent shuddered and began sniffling. Iris leaned foreword when she noticed this.


He looked back at her as she smiled.

"Don't worry, we're here for you in case anything happens." She said.

Trent nodded slightly before looking back up, tears welling up. There was no way he was getting in now, there was just no way. They wanted an all female Starlights and they're gonna get one.

"Oh no he's crying!" Otto exclaimed.

"Come on Trent!" Emerald yelled.

Willow held her breath.

"With a count of an unbelievable 787.49 points."

Everyone gasped at the number.

"Your final member of Starlights is!"

The drum roll was like thunder as Trent shook. The silence was that of a tomb.

"Entry 7520 Trent Havier Loren!"

Trent sobbed into his hands as he got up. He turned to the ecstatic audience and threw his arms up in triumph. He wiped his eyes as he went to the stage.

The hospital room exploded in cheers as Mandarin was unable to complain about the noise. Willow teared up and smiled.


Emerald wanted to get up from her seat and hug her nephew so much but she couldn't!

Trent made it to the mic, still crying. He took a deep breath before beginning his speech.

"I never thought...that I would see this wonderful scene." He sniffled.

"Trent!" One of his fangirls yelled.

" 'I want to join!' 'I want to sing'. I've said many things up until now. If I didn't make it, what would I say to everyone back home?" He tearfully said, causing everyone to laugh.

"I thought a lot but let me just express my thanks. To everyone who's supported me, thank you so much!" He said, receiving applause.

Trent sighed.

"I haven't had the chance to thank everyone else before today, but before the announcement Iris told me 'no matter what happens, we're here for you.' And everyone back home was giving me and Brittany many words of encouragement. Usually I'm too embarrassed to say this, but all of you are precious to me." He wept.

Willow teared up as she wiped her eyes. Brittany watched on with a smile and fresh tears.

"I still haven't sorted this out, but let me talk about the strange position I'm in. I've always had a odd presence with my group of friends, not knowing that I was half Sueronian until a few months ago, me turning evil at some point, and always kind of going with whatever my friends wanted to do. But when I heard about the auditions, I wanted to join because I love Starlights so much." Trent began.

"When I was younger, I wanted to be an archeologist like my dad, but I also mistakenly thought I'd be kind of cute for a pop band." Trent sniffled, causing everyone to laugh again.

"But when I saw so many other girls more popular and cute than me, it made me worried. But I just performed as me, knowing I'll never become like Rosella or Arey."

Arwen shook her head a bit, knowing what he said was pure bullshit.

"I'm too sensitive, I'm clueless, I let people walk over me, and I don't have a lot of good points..." He began when he heard yells of defiance.

"That's not true? Thank you for the forced reply!" He laughed, still crying a bit.

"Anyway but about my position, back then I felt that they'd just go for the token boy of the group and not have anyone like me for me. Then I kept thinking I will never be selected. That's at least what I felt. But now despite all of my doubts, I was able to get in because I was me!" He declared.

Niro sighed, that he did.

"So for those who are like me, whom the sun doesn't shine, I was able to get in! If they have a seventh generation auditions, there are many chances for you to re enter and try again! It wouldn't be a miracle, but if you take risks and try as hard as you can, at least that's what I think." He said to the upset Sueronians.

"Like the past members before us that gave me strength, I'm happiest if I can become your strength, thank you so much for today!"

Trent then thought for a second as everyone cheered again.

"Also is it ok if I do that thing my aunt always did?" Trent asked, taking the mic off the holder.

He smiled and sighed.

"Will you continue to support and love Starlights?!"

He turned his mic to the audience as they yelled, "We will!"

That felt great! He placed the microphone back on his holder and went to his seat.

Willow wiped her eyes as she watched him sit down.

"Trent you little butt!" Otto sobbed as Mandarin patted him.

"Otto settle down." Mandarin sighed before grimacing again.

Willow wiped her eyes, her cheeks red from crying.

"Trent looks so radiant...and yet so far away." Willow thought.

"Jinmay! We found Diamanda and we need to get her to the med bay." Chiro's voice announced.

"U-uh okay!" Jinmay said getting up.

Willow watched as she went, now concerned about Diamanda. She wanted to get up and go with her when Antauri raised a hand.

"You need to rest, we'll make sure she's alright."

Willow wanted to protest but she nodded.

"Alright..." She said as everyone left.

Mandarin groaned and grimaced, the pain growing.

"Don't worry Mandarin, it'll be over soon." Tilamat assured him.

"It better!"

Willow sighed as she watched them go back and forth. At least she can finally rest for a bit.

Iris looked down and then at her mom, knowing that they'd be going to another audition. It's been the same thing for her these past few months

Before anyone could do anything else, Niro took the mic.

"We also have another announcement." He said.

Everyone turned to him.

"We would also like to add two new Sueronians to the Gary Stu corps. For their bravery and strength."

Everyone let out a loud array of reactions. The Gary Stus looked on in pride, knowing who would join them. Iris looked around for a moment.

Niro took out a paper.

"We would like to welcome Miyuki Evergreen Amber and Iris Lilac Prim!"

A huge smile grew on Iris's face as she got up.

"Don't you do it Iris!" She heard a loud voice.

She turned to her mother as a girl with pink hair went up to the stage. Her mother glared at her.

"Don't you dare go up on that stage Iris! Just come with me and we'll find a much better band to join!"

Iris glared at her, turned, and walked to the stage. She ignored the yells of her mom as she got on stage.

Miyuki and Iris were given badges as proof of their new membership.

"Now say a few words." Niro said, handing Miyuki the mic.

Miyuki looked around.

"I-I just want to thank everyone and...Artemis what should I do?!" Miyuki asked, turning around.

Artemis laughed hard before urging her to go on.

"Umm thank you for letting me join...I...I just joined Starlights to fight I didn't know there were other options!"

"There were applications!"

"There were?!" She asked, causing everyone to laugh.

Iris snickered as she was handed the mic. The joy she felt overflowed her as she teared up.

"Entry 1287, Iris Prim. The Gary Stu corps...I just can't believe my luck. I feel like the most happiest girl in the universe. I wish I could bask in this happiness forever." She sniffled.

Iris's mother grumbled as she watched her. Then a man scooted next to her.

"I'm sorry dear, the bathroom was full." He huffed before looking at the stage.

"Is that Iris?" He asked.

Iris's mother licked her lips.

"Yep, and she's a part of the Gary Stu corps!" She huffed.

Iris's father was silent.

"Yes! I knew you could do it Iris!" He cheered.

Her mother rolled her eyes.

"That she did honey, that she did." She sighed.

Iris smiled before really thinking about what she wanted to say next.

"But! My next goal goes beyond this happiness!" She announced before pausing.

The crowd grew silent.

"Now that I'm not going to be singing, I have some competition in regards to combat." she looked right at the audience.

"My rivals in combat are the protectors of this planet! The Hyperforce! "

The team looked at each other in surprise. Did she just said what they thought she said? Mandarin's eyes widened a bit before he smirked and slowly clapped.

"Iris!" Yui snapped while Brittany nodded a bit.

Everyone turned to each other, no doubt confused. Their Hyperforce? She wants them to be her rivals? Iris gripped the mic tightly with determination.

"With the legacy they have in the galaxy, and the legacy they're continuing to have I want the Gary Stu corps to have that same legacy everywhere else. I want us to protect more people than they did, be stronger than they are, and I want to shine even brighter than they did tonight! The Gary Stus will never become big until there is someone who can overcome the Hyperforce." Iris stated.

The Gary Stu corps looked at each other and grinned. That does sound like a pretty good challenge. Iris shined with confidence and power as she kept talking.

"So please continue to support not only Starlights but us as well! I, Iris Prim, will challenge this life of ours!" Iris declared throwing a fist in the air.

Everyone cheered loudly at her speech.

Gibson snickered.

"That was certainly bold of her." He said.

Jinmay looked at him.

"But it must have been really inspiring to them." She said.

Willow rested her head back on the pillow.

"Man what was she trying to do? Making us her rivals." She huffed.

Antauri turned to her.

"I'm sure it wasn't out of malice, Willow, you saw how happy she was when she talked to us." He explained.

Willow blinked but nodded. That was true, she seemed to be more inspiring than malicious. Mandarin snickered, oh boy was tonight eventful.

Marie and Niro looked at each other, smiling. They never felt such pride and joy as they did now. Marie walked to the front of the stage as Miyuki and Iris embraced the Gary Stu corps.

"Everyone here is your line up for the sixth generation Starlights!"

The new Starlights stood up from their chairs as the audience cheered for them. Trent and Brittany looked at each other, grinning. The exhausting joy they felt was shared between them as they looked into the audience.

Willow clapped as the program ended soon after that.

Suddenly they heard Chiro and the others bringing in Diamanda to the med bay next door. Willow sat up as the others left the room.

"I'll be back cutie." Otto quickly said before kissing Mandarin and running off.

Mandarin watched as he went before sighing.


I will protect Trent forever and poor Mandy. Thanks for reading!

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