Pen Pals With A Criminal. (Ni...

By feed_your_head

250K 6.5K 2.2K

"You know I can treat you better than any man here. But only if you stop acting like a little bitch and come... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Please read!
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
"I Hope You Feel it too"

Chapter 11.

7.2K 194 42
By feed_your_head

When you spend a lot of time with a person, you start to recognize their flaws but somehow learn to deal with them. For instance, Niall is protective. I mean very protective. And he thinks its for my own good. He thinks for some odd reason that I get myself into so much trouble! Okay I get the whole cab driver thing was bad, but it doesn’t mean if I take one step outside I’ll be attacked. So since then, I’ve been stuck staring out the window for the past day and it sucks. Niall will wander in every hour or so and try and start a conversation, but ill shoot it down which usually ends in an argument about me wanting to leave.  So now, Im back starring out the winow watching the raindrops lightly hit the ground.

I’m snapped out of my own thoughts when the door opens wide and Niall steps in. I don’t even bother to look over because I can see his usual angry posture through the window glass. His shoulers were wide and straight but his back was bent just a bit to look like he was slouching.  He sat on the bed with his hands on his knees and let out a grunt. I continued to look at him through the window and I watched as he moved his blonde hair from one side to the other, like he was thinking of what to do next.

“Why do you want to leave.” His deep voice finally broke the silence.  I slid my legs over the edge of the ledge I was sitting on to face him.

“Why are you asking?” I retorted the question, which only made him grunt.

“Because I just am, now can you just anwser?” Impatience filled his voice. Which only caused me to roll my eyes and go back to my old position of looking out the window.

“Because I miss my friends, I miss my home. I had a normal life and everything was fine. I even had a boy to talk to now but you just swooped in and took that all away from me.”  My voice souned shaky as all of my friends faces passed through my head. I wonder if they even realize somethings wrong, and I doubt Brody will ever want to see me again.

“Well in the letters you wrote me you always said you wanted to meet me.” His matter of fact tone was really getting me annoyed.

I stood up and faced him,“Yes, like coffee or out to eat or something like that! Not kidnapped and being forced to live here!”  I fled the room and I could already hear his pounding footsteps behind me, so I did something any normal person would do. I ran for the front door.

Jumping down three stairs at a time I didn’t even go for my shoes or jacket. I guess he realized what I was up to because his footsteps were louder and closer. Right as I was about to pull the door right open his god forsaken massive hand clamped on my shoulder making me jump.

“I only asked why you wanted to leave, not that you can.” His lips were right next to me ear. And his gaze was burning into the back of my head. I slowly turned around and glared right back into his eyes. I noticed how they were rimmed with a type of dark blue, but as they got closer to his pupil they lightened. I never actually looked right into his eyes so I didn’t realize how offly beautiful they were.

I let out a sigh of breath realizing I was defeated once again with my escape. His grin turned into a smile and he slipped one hand aroun me, locking the door.

“Well if I’m going to be a prisoner, can we atleast do something fun?”  I walked under his arm and around him into the kitchen and once again I could hear him trailing right along behind me.

“Prisoner? Babe, don’t make it sound so harsh.” He put his hand on his chest an acted like he was offened which earned a laugh from me. “Well if you want to do something we’ll have to wait until the rain stops. So why don’t we watch a movie?” He skipped over to the living room and jumped over the top of the couch landing on the other side.

“That sounds very cliché, why don’t we play a game?” I said as I took 2 beers out of the fridge and walked into the living room.

“Drinking my beer? Oh no, no no no.” He leaned over trying to take them from me but I pulled back shaking my head.

“Your beer? Since you want me here so bad what yours is mine. So I will indeed drink your beer. Now, what game do you want to play?” I smiled as I won the beer argument.

“Tuche my dear, and don’t you think its even more cliché to play a game on a rainy day?” I let out a chuckle which caused him to smile.

“Your right, so why not add drinking to it? Make it a “not so cliché” cliché.” I layed back on the recliner and opened the first beer. He shrugged his shoulders and went to reach out for the second beer on the table. That is, of course until I slapped him hand away.

“Nope, that ones mine. Go get your own babe.” He rolled his eyes at my sarcasm and went back to the kitchen, soon coming back with the rest of the case of beer that was left.

“Slow down there cowboy you know what happened last time you were drunk.” I pulled the case from his grip and plopped it down on the table.

“That was bar beer, beer in cans I can drink with no problem.”  His cocky grim gave me a brave but risky idea.

“Wanna bet? If you get drunk before me you have to do whatever I say. And if I get wated before you, I have to do whatever you say.” His smile went away at first, but then it slowly creeped back as if he had a plan of his own.

What ever I say?” His eyes lit up like a child's. Oh goodness, what was I getting myself into.

I let out a little bit of air that I was holding in to keep my cool. “Yes, whatever you say.”  I took a long srink of my beer and let the awkward silence set in. Niall sat back on the couch and cracked open his beer with one satisfied look on his face. “Now we have to pick a game.”

“Don’t look so cocky, you never know. But what game do you want to play?” I took another sip.

“Uhm how about we each answer questions and if we think the other person is lying we call bluff, and if they really are that person drinks. But if they really are telling the truth and you called bluff then the person who asked the question has to drink.” What was he doing, trying to get to know me? I just shrugged my shoulder. “You first.”

"Okay, how old are you?" He asked.

"18" I said quickly sipping my beer, maybe he won't realize i'm a terrible liar.

"I think you're telling the truth." He seemed pretty confident, sadly he was wrong.

"Drink up princess, I'm 19!" I laughed as he looked defeated, "Okay my turn."

"Whats your favorite movie?" I sat up and crossed my legs, pulling a blanket over them.

"Rebel without a cause." He smiled contently.

"You don't look like a James Dean fan so I'm calling your bluff sir."

"Well you underestimated me, you are wrong." He flashed his cocky grin.

"You are so lieing, but fine." I chugged the rest of the can and placed it on the table.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, you'd be surprised." He went to reach for another beer and sank back down into the couch.

Yea, I guess there is.


Hey guys! I'm sososo sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I'm back! Now i need you all

to do me a favor. Comment or message me who you want to win the game & what the other person should do! I really need help with creating stuff like that so please go go go!

& thank you for all the comments and messages about my two books, my first book "A beautiful scar" just reached 2K readers! So keep on commenting and voicing your opinion!

Stay Golden,


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