My Southern Gentleman

By InTheLifeOfKatherine

105K 3K 181

17 year-old Katie-Anne Elizabeth Parker runs away from her home to find a new beginning in life. What she fin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 19

3.6K 129 21
By InTheLifeOfKatherine

CHAPTER 19!!!!!

*Katie-Anne’s POV*

Something was putting pressure on my back and my legs. It wasn’t a bad kind of pressure, just foreign. I was awakened only slightly, barely aware of what was going on. I was being carried.

“Will, you didn’t have to carry her. You could have awakened her.” I heard my mom say softly.

“No, she needs her rest. Poor girl’s working her butt off trying to get the house ready and stock up on food.” I heard him reply, his voice softly vibrating throughout his chest, where my head was resting.

I heard my dad mumble something like “Well, that’s very considerate.” 

I felt a change in the atmosphere. I guessed that we were in the house. I felt a pair of velvety lips kiss my on the forehead. I reached my arms and wrapped them around his neck. 

“Are you awake?” the velvety voice said.

“No.” I shook my head, furrowing my face deeper into his chest.

He quietly laughed. “You do realize that you’re going to have to let go when I go to bed right?”

I tightened my grip. “No.”

“Katie-Anne, you have to go to bed. I’m taking you to your room.”




I knew I was being stubborn, but I was comfortable, and he was just so warm.

“I’m sorry. She gets crabby when she is tired.” my mom said.

“It’s alright. I don’t mind. But if you don’t mind, I’m going to make a bed on the couch for Katie-Anne. She’s being stubborn.”

“You’re sleeping with me.” I said groggily.

“Katie-Anne, I don’t think your parents would like that so much.” I could hear the hesitant smile in his voice.

“Oh, sweetheart don’t worry! We trust you enough that we know you won’t try anything.” my mom said.

“AND we are in the room closest to this room, so no funny business!” I heard my dad grumble.

“Don’t worry, Sir. I respect your daughter and you too much to do anything like that. My parents raised me right.”

I was gently placed on the couch. I kept my grip on Will’s neck.

“Katie-Anne! I’m just going to change into pajamas and grab a blanket. I’ll be back.” Will chuckled.

I slowly loosened my grip. I heard both Will and my parents walk away. I settled into the couch, waiting for Will to return.

I heard the gentle pad of footsteps coming from the hallway, and I slightly opened my eyes.

Will carried pillow and a blanket.

“You’re such a little troublemaker.” he grinned.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I mumbled, closing my eyes.

He lifted my head and placed a pillow under it. He then climbed over me and settled on the couch. He pulled a blanket over us, and wrapped an arm around my waist.


“Hmmm?” I replied sleepily.

“What do you want for your birthday?”

I thought about it for a minute. “Your help.”

I then told him about my plan for Mom’s birthday, and he seemed genuinely excited to help.

“Katie-Anne, you are the sweetest girl. Why are you with me?”

“Because Josh Turner is already married.”

“HA, HA. VERY funny.” he said sarcastically.

“Well, if you ask a dumb question, I’m going to give you a dumb answer. I’m with you because I love you.”

Will sighed happily and pulled me closer.

“I love you too. Now get some sleep. Night, Katie-bug.”

“Night, Will.”

I closed my eyes and drifted into a peaceful sleep, having nothing but the best of dreams.

~~~~*One week later*~~~~


I heard his voice whispering in my ear.


This time, his voice was louder.

“Hmmmmmm?” I hummed a reply.

“Wake up, darlin’, you have a big day ahead of you.”

I rolled over and opened my eyes.

“Good morning, Beautiful.” Will smiled at me.

“Morning.” I said quietly.

“Happy 18th birthday!”

“Oh! It is my birthday, isn’t it?” I chuckled.

He laughed and nodded.

My parents had come to accept the fact that Will and I slept in the same bed. My mom was more understanding than my dad, but it helped that their room was right next to Will’s.

Will scooped me up bridal style, and I squealed.

“You need to get dressed and ready. It is 9:30 now. You need to be at the breakfast table by 10:15, okay?”

“Yep.” I said, popping the ‘p.’

“Good.” He smiled.

He set me down and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

I scurried to my room to find the perfect dress in my closet. I found it instantly. It was a strapless, white dress with red cherries on it. I paired it with a thick, red belt and my cropped, 3/4 length sleeve jean jacket. For my shoes, I decided on a pair of wedges that had green straps that wrapped around my ankles.

I quickly washed my hair, letting it dry to its natural wave, and put makeup on that would make my green eyes pop. Looking in the mirror, I decided that I looked hot enough for Will, but respectable for the party.

Walking into the kitchen, I was greeted immediately by two ginormous boys squeezing me.

“Happy birthday, Kid!” A.J. said.

“Happy 18th, Sis!” said Tommy.

“Thanks...guys!’re crushing me!” I choked.

“Sorry!” they said in unison, releasing me.

“Hey, Mom! Happy birthday!” I skipped over to her, hugging her tightly.

“Happy birthday, Baby girl.” she replied, kissing my head.

“I have your present, Momma, but we have to drive to get to it.” I said, excited for today.

“I have yours here, but we are eating breakfast first.”

“Yes, Ma’am!” I chirped.

“Happy birthday, Princess.” Dad stepped forward, kissing my head.

“Thanks, Daddy!” I said, kissing his cheek.

We all sat down at the table and ate the best breakfast I had ever had!

All of my favorites were mixed with Mom’s favorites, and all was prepared by the boys.

Pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, fruit salad, and orange juice were all laid out on the table. We ate, we talked, we joked around, and at the end of breakfast, the boys even did the dishes.

“That’s the one thing I just love about our birthday,” Mom said, “we don’t have to lift a finger. Our boys pamper us.”

I laughed and nodded in agreement. Then, the front door slammed open.


I laughed and ran over to hug them.

“Thanks guys!” I said, squeezing them.

Then, Molly’s mom walked in.

“Happy birthday, Sweetie!” she signed.

“Thank you so much!” I signed back.

“Katie-Anne? Who are your friends?” My mom asked.

“OH! Yeah! Mom, this is Molly Raynes and Jack Michaelson. And this is Molly’s mom, Trish Raynes.” I spoke and signed at the same time.

“It’s nice to meet you.” Trish signed.

“You too.” My mom signed. “I’m Caroline and this is my husband, Jonah. We are Katie-Anne’s parents.”

“I can see that. Katie-Anne looks so much like you.” 

“I like the name you gave her. It fits my little girl well.” My dad signed.

“Thank you.” Trish signed back.

Tommy stepped up.

“Hi, I’m Thomas Parker, but people call me Tommy. I’m Katie-Anne’s brother. It’s nice to meet you. And this is my friend, A.J. He doesn’t know much ASL, but he tries.”

“Very good!” Trish smiled.

“Thank God I’m not the only one!” Jack said.

We all laughed, and settled into the family room.

“It’s birthday present time!!!!!” Tommy called out.

“Katie-Anne, go sit by Mom.” Tommy said. “Mine goes first!”

“Okay, okay! Dang, child! Relax!” I laughed.

Tommy handed me a present, and I started slowly tearing away the wrapping paper. I gasped. In the box was an autographed picture of Paramore. I threw myself at Tommy. 

“THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed, squeezing Tommy tightly.

“You’re welcome!” Tommy chuckled.

“Here, Mrs. P! Your turn.” A.J. said.

“Awwww! You kids didn’t have to get me anything!” Mom hugged both boys.

She opened her gift, and started tearing up.

“It’s beautiful, boys. Thank you.”

It was a scrapbook of Tommy and I from when we were younger, and a couple of pictures of A.J, Tommy, Molly, Will, Jack, and I.

“My turn!!!!!!” Jack yelled.

He handed me a box.

“I helped him pick it out.” Molly said.

“Did not! I saw it and asked you for your opinion!” Jack argued.

“I gave my opinion! That means I helped!” Molly said, sticking her tongue out at him.

I laughed and opened the box.

“This is so cute!!!!! I love it! Thanks, Jack!” I said, hugging him.

It was a pale blue dress with a brown belt just above the skirt.

“You’re welcome.” Jack said, obviously proud that I liked his gift.

Trish snapped her fingers. “Me next, please.” 

I took the card from her hand and opened it. Inside was a pre-paid credit card for $200.

“Oh my God. Trish, this is so generous, but I can’t accept this! This is too much!” I signed.

“Oh, nonsense! You have been such a good friend to Molly, and any girl who is as nice as you deserves this. You’re like another daughter to me. Please take it.”

I crossed the room and hugged her tightly.

“Thank you so much!” I signed.

“No problem, Sweetie.”

My dad handed me his gift.

It was the ring and earrings that I had been asking for.

I thanked him, and kissed him.

“Best friend’s turn!” Molly exclaimed.

She handed me three gifts.


“What? Can’t a girl spoil her best friend?”

“No.” I laughed, opening the first.

I gasped.

“Yes! Score!” I exclaimed.

It was the new Zac Brown Band cd.

“Next!” Molly called.

I opened the next one, revealing a basket full of lotions, nail polish, and other spa-like items.

“Yes! Girl’s night to the extreme?” I asked.

“Hell yeah - OOPS! I mean heck yeah!” Molly said, looking at my parents.

“Sweetie, we don’t care. Swearing is just a usage of words. The only one we don’t tolerate is the f word.” my dad said.

“Okay! Open the next one!” Molly commanded.

I opened the card, revealing 4 concert tickets and backstage passes.

“What is this???” I asked.

“Read them!” Molly smiled.

“OMIGOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE’RE GOING TO SEE ZAC BROWN BAND IN CONCERT?!?!??!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?” I screamed.

“AND we are going to hang out with them backstage!” Molly added.

“OH MY GOD!” I screamed, tackling Molly in a huge hug.

“You, me, Will, and Jack.” Molly laughed.


“Sweetie, it’s my turn.” my Mom smiled.

She handed me a card.

She gave me 2 plane tickets and 2 reservation tickets for a spa in Los Angeles.

“WHAT?!?!?!?!?” I screamed.

“Yep. I already have my ticket, and I got one for Molly, if her mother says it’s alright.” Mom signed and spoke.

“It’s fine with me, as long as there’s an adult to supervise.” Trish signed.

Molly and I screamed and hugged my mom. We then hugged Molly’s mom.

“My gift is in the same place your gift to your mom is.” Will told me.

“You guys didn’t have to get me anything. You are all so sweet.” I said.

“Well, let’s go to the special place to get your gifts.” Will said to Mom and I.

We all loaded into the cars, and rove to The Barn.

When we got out, I covered Mom’s eyes.

We lead her into the building, where the people from the town were hiding.

I uncovered her eyes.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” the crowd cheered.

Mom squealed in delight.

“Sweetie, did you plan this?” Mom asked me.

“Of course!” I smiled, hugging her. “This is your gift; a big party with lots of food, dancing, friends and cake!” 

“But first, Katie-Anne planned something special for you.” Will said, smiling.

I went up to the stage and to the microphone.

“This song is for my mom. She has done everything for me, and I can’t thank her enough.”

The music started playing, and I sang the familiar words.

“People always say I have a laugh like my mother does. I guess that makes sense. She taught me how to smile when things get rough. I’ve got her spirit and she’s got my back. When I look at her I think I wanna be just like that.”

I looked at my mom, who already had tears in her eyes. I then looked to Dad, and he winked in understanding. He walked to Mom and put his arm around her.

During the chorus, I sang my heart out, wanting Mom to know that I meant every word that I was singing.

“When I love I give it all I've got like my mother does.When I'm scared, I bow my head and pray like my mother does. When I feel weak and unpretty, I know I'm beautiful and strong because I see myself like my mother does.”

I sang through the second verse and chorus, trying to avoid Mom’s eyes. But unfortunately, I looked at her during the bridge.

“She's a rock, she is grace, she's an angel. She's my heart and soul. She does it all.”

I teared up, and almost lost it, but I forced myself to finish the song. The whole time, I was fighting back tears.

“When I love, I give it all I've got like my mother does. When I'm scared, I bow my head and pray like my mother does. When I’m weak and unpretty, I know I'm beautiful and strong because I see myself like my mother does. I hear people saying I’m starting to look like my mother does.”

After the song, I lost it. Mom and I were crying and hugging each other for at least five minutes. After we had quit sobbing like a bunch of ninnys, my dad came and stole my mom away to introduce her to some of the people he had met. I felt two strong arms wrap around me.

“Are you okay, Katie?” Will’s soft voice asked.

I sniffed and nodded in reply.

“I’m so emotional. It’s ridiculous!” I laughed, wiping tears away.

“But I love you just the way you are.” Will chuckled. “And you still have to open my gift.”

I turned around to face him.

“Will, I’m serious. You didn’t have to get my anything.”

“I wanted to. So, come on, let’s go!”

He took my hand and stated walking towards the door. We walked around the back of the building and Will led me to a tree.

“Sit here and close your eyes.” He said, smiling.

“Alright...if you say so.” I closed my eyes.

What the hell is that boy doing? I thought, amused. 

I heard him walking back to me.

“Okay, you can open your eyes.”

I opened my eyes, and saw the cutest golden retriever puppy running towards me. It had a big, pink bow wrapped around its neck.

The puppy scrambled into my lap and covered me with kisses.

“Oh my God! Will?” I smiled, holding the puppy close.

“I remember you mentioning once that you’ve always wanted a dog, and I already asked your parents. They agreed, so I went to the shelter. This little one gave me those big puppy dog eyes, and I couldn’t leave her there.” He smiled.

“Are you kidding? She’s mine? I have a puppy?” I asked, growing more and more excited.

“Uh huh. She’s all yours.”

“I can’t believe it! You’re all mine, little puppy! Does she have a name?” I asked.

“Well, I’m sure she will within the next couple of hours.” Will laughed.

I got up, cradling my new puppy, and went up to Will.

“Thank you so much. I love her.”

“If you want a different puppy, we can go to the shelter and get another one-”

“-Just shut up and kiss me.” I commanded.

“Yes, Ma’am.” Will smiled.

He kissed me, and the sparks flew. I know it’s cliché, but I really mean it. I felt electricity.

We walked back to the party, and I couldn’t keep the smile off of my face.

My puppy kept licking my face, and then tried to lick Will. She was such a happy puppy, and I loved her.

“Daisy.” I said.


“Daisy. Her name is Daisy.”

**End Of Chapter**

A/N: I know it's taken me forever to write, but I tried to make a longer chapter to make up for it....I fail. Sorry! Love you all! <3 XOXOX

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