His Thuggish Ways

By Marlaysiaa18__

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Khyro - Jefferson Highs most popular thuggish student. Cameron - That pretty Thick Popular chick that just ab... More

His Thuggish Ways
Taking Out Tha Trash
Keyboard Bangin
What I Gatta Do ?
Something has to give
A Taste Of Temptation
In This To Stay
Khyro's Admission
Am I Wrong ?
Take Me There
Really Quick Update!
What If ?
They Dont Know
ωнαт тнє fυ¢к
You Got Me ? I Got You
Mo'Money Mo'Drama
This Is Life
Bad Games

You Tha One

483 12 0
By Marlaysiaa18__

Draaammma In The Last Chapter Huh? Lmao Enjoy! Don't forget To Check Out My Sequel To This Ain't Love Titled : Better Or Worse ! Anyone Interested In Making Covers for All Of My Books? ThaankYouuu! Just Pm Me

L xoxoxo


"Cameron wait!" I yelled as I saw her starting to walk off down the rusty side walk.

I had abandoned the crowd and so did Ka'Rahjaa. She followed closely behind me as we tried to catch up with Camerons speedy steps.

"Cameron come on ma stop!" I yelled only to be greeted with her middle finger.

"What's up with her?" Ka'Rahjaa asked. I shrugged trying to remember if I had did anything wrong to her.

"I dont know but hurry up before she crosses the street" I said before I started to run to catch up with her.

"Cameron please" My voice sounded raspy and hoarsed. My breathing was rapid, and I could feel my heart beating up against my chest.

She stopped and turned towards me. "Khyro... I just cant believe you-

"I didnt set you up!" I screamed. "I had no fucking idea Dhyrah was coming up here! Shit! I came to ask you to actually be my chick! What a nigga gotta do to show you he want you?" I snapped. I was tired of being put off by her. Everything I was tryna do right she kept tryna make it wrong!

Even a thug can love. Not saying I love her because I don't- Know what? Scratch that last sentence please.

Even a thug can like. Hmm better.

"I do not!" She mushed my forehead. Shit! I must have been talking my inside thoughts.

I huffed. "Cameron why do you do this?" I asked. She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Do what?" She asked.

"Why do you push me away? I know I was childish before trying to lure you into my game, but now I'm not"

She looked at me as if she didnt believe me.

Prove it Khyro! Prove it. Shit fuck it.

I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her closer to me. She looked shock as I leaned down and pressed my lips against her.

It took her a minute but finally she wrapped her hands around my neck and we was just kissin.

She pulled back and just stared at me like I was stupid or something.

Then the sides of her mouth started to curl up into a smile. I sighed in relief.

"Cameron.... Will you go out with me?" Damn that shit sounded lame coming out of my mouth.

"Yes" She whispered. I felt a big smile spread over my face.

Yes? She said yes! I'm geeked mutheeeefuckaaaass! She said yes!

"Khyro calm down!" Cameron whispered as I noticed I was screaming loud. I really gotta stop doing that.

"Can I have another kiss?" I asked.

"No! Now you got ery'body staring at us, can you give me a ride home?" She asked. And I smiled. Making Cameron my girl is the best choice I think I have made in 19years.


Can you say geeked? He asked me out! Khyro Simmons asked me ; Cameron Baisley to be his girl.

I was smiling like an idiot when he pulled up to my house. He looked at me as he parked his car.

He smiled. "Are you happy?" He asked me.

I smirked a little bit. I didn't want me and Khyro's story to go like this tho.

You know the typical boy and girl fall in love have kids stay together forever. Because I knew it wasnt possible. And there was a slight chance he could still be tryna play me.

"Yea, I guess" I said taking off my seatbelt awkwardly.

I climbed out of his car. No I wasn't happy. I wasnt even sure if I liked him all like that. Yea he was cute. Okay maybe more than cute, he had money. But I just couldn't see myself marrying him. Im looking for somethings serious and so far Khyro isn't it.

"Bye, just text me" I said before stalking up my steps to my porch and walking into my house.

My night was bouta end short. Because when I walked in my dad was sitting on the sofa with the remote in one hand and a beer in the other.

I rolled my eyes, and tried to walk pass the tv.

"Cameron where you lil slutin ass been?" He asked.

Wait? Slut? Who? Huh? He said! But! Oh helllllllll nooo!

"Who tha fuck are you calling a slut? I've had a long day and I just wanna go to bed."

I saw him get up off the couch, sitting the beer and remote down on the faded coffee table.

I eyed a picture frame with a picture of me, my mom, and my dad. Because if he thought he was about to put his strong ass arms on me he was bouta get busted up.

"Cameron watch your mouth" He said as he inched closer to me.

I just stared at him. I ain't with this. Not at all. Un un. Oh no!

He stood in front of me. His eyes were mixed with amusement? his pupils were dilated probably because of his intoxication.

He was so close to me that I could smell the sour beer radiating off of his breath.

I sighed, Then he did it. Something that no father in his right mind would ever gesture to his daughter.

He wiped a few lost strands of my hair out of my face and suddenly grasped my neck. I gasped.

My instincts kicked in and I reached for that picture frame and cracked it against his face. The glass grazing up the front of his face and grazing my hands.

"What tha fuck Cameron!" He yelled.

So what!

I stood there for a few blank seconds then finally barged back out the door. Khyro's car was still there, and when my vision came back I seen him rushing up onto my porch.

I instantly started crying holding my bloody hands close by my face.

"He still in there? Cuz I'm bouta fuck his life up!" Khyro said passing me and storming to my front door.

"Khyro no!" I yelled. He looked at me.

"Cameron your bleeding go sit in tha car and get some alcohol pads and some bandaids out of the glove compartment." His eyes had some sort of evil intent in them. It actually scared the shit out of me. I moved towards his car.



I don't even know what happened but I'm bouta find out.

I barged into her house, and pulled my glock out my waistband. I pointed it at this dude who's face was all cut up.

"What tha fuck is wrong with you?!" I snapped.

I could see all the shattered glass all over the floor and a picture frame that was all broken up and the picture that once remained in it was scratched up.

"Get the hell out of my house! Take Cameron and dont ever come back!" He barked at me raining spittle into the air.

My anger got the best of me and I swung the gun cracking him in the back of the head. He dropped to his knees.

I snatched him by the front of his shirt and glares into his eyes my glock inches away from his light face. You could tell the man was intoxicated really bad.

"Listen homeboy you don't know who you fuckin wit aight? Don't make me a fucking bad guy today because I blew yo fuckin head off"

His eyes were wide and cautious.

"I'm not tha one to fuckin play with you, I'm that nigga you fear of in yo dreams pussy. Like I said don't make me have to fuck you up" I let go of his shirt.



I was layed on my bed. I had given Cameron one of my tshirts and a pair of my basketball shorts because she wanted to take a shower.

The cuts on her hands weren't that bad. Just grazed. I honestly feel bad for her. She didn't even enlighten me of what happened to her.

I heard the bathroom door open, then Cameron came around the corner with her hair in a sloppy bun, and a smirk on her face. She knew she looked good in that tshirt and them basketball shorts. She the only female that can make that shit look good. Well other than K Michelle, Nicki Minaj, and Ciara.

"Stop lookin at me like that" She rolled her eyes.

"Like what?" I asked. She just stared at me possibly searching for an answer.

"Exactly so shut up" I rolled my eyes. She started laughing.

"So lame" She murmmered.

"I know right" I sat up in my bed as I notice her drift off and start to stare into space.

"Cam" I said. "Cameron you okay?" I asked a little bit louder.

"Oh! Yea I'm good just tired."

"Want me to show you a guess room?" I asked. Secretly wishing she would sleep here with me.

"What's wrong with me sleeping here-

"Nothing! That- That's fine if if you want." Shit! I cut her off and I'm stuttering and shit damn.

She chuckled. "Can you calm down?" She asked.

I smacked my lips. "I am calm- Khyro Simmons the true definition of calm, phht aint no chick-

"Yea un huh you're talking too much" She cut me off.

I just stared at her. "Okay Cameron lets set something straight. Don't cut me off okay? Because you can sleep on the floor"

"Tuh, Khyro you gone be kissin my feet on this floor kay?"

I chuckled. "Ha, ha ha ha ha no The Khyro Simmons don't kiss feet-

"Mmhmm okay we gon see"

I smirked at her because I like her attitude. She climbed on my bed and to the top where I was laying.

She pushed me back and straddled my lap.

I knew she always wanted to give it to me.

"Un un stop letting yo mind wonder Khyro aint even that type of sleep-over" She said getting off of me and climbing underneath the covers.

"I wasn't even thinking that" I easily lied.

"Mhmm okay"

"And you said sleep-over tho" I said looking at her. She rolled her eyes and smacked her lips.

"I'm a girl" She gave me that kinda stare that just makes you laugh.

I chuckled. "Oh so now you laughing at me huh?"

I shook my head and wrapped her in my arms. She exhaled.

"How does it feel?" I asked.

"How does what feel?" She asked back. I sighed.

"To be Khyro Simmons first girlfriend"

Her body shot up. "First?!"


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