Strange Ones

By Diamondheart37

3K 63 12

Alex and her friends are going to Strange Island, home of the Strange Ones, to spend their summer for a vacat... More

Strange Island
Taking the Train to Strange City
All Over The News
Dinner with the President
Leaving the City
Truth or Slap with Strange Ones
Making Our Way to the Delta Base
The Delta Base
The Founders of Delta
Training Day
Delta Number 9
Our First Mission
Battle of the Metal Behemoths
Being Brave
Hanging with the Cat Faunus
The Message
A Night in Hotland
Into Mettaton's Room We Go
The Enemy Found
In the Garden
Strange Island's Most Wanted
Look At This Book!
Attacked in the Library
The Flower
She Ran Away...
Everything About This Place Is Crazy
There Are Blades In My Weapon!
More Than A Team
Confronted, Then Captured
Chara, the Girl with the Blade
Locked Up Together
This Is All Your Fault!
Thorax's Plan
The Lady Next Door
Journey to the Dark Ones' Base
Breaking In And Out
When The Battle Begins, We Come Around
Race to Strange City
The Battle Of Strange City
Breaking the Beacon
Finding Mr. President
Showdown with Chrysalis
Can You Hear Me?
The Whole Island Knows Of Delta
Goodbye, Strange Island
A Brand New Life
The Story Continues...

The Perfect Way To Start Our Vacation

126 2 1
By Diamondheart37

"Well, here we are." Ren said as he and the others walked out of the train station. "Strange City, the island's capital. Where everyone on this island is treated as an equal. And soon, we'll be treated as equals as well."

"I seriously hope you're not lying." Clarissa replied. "Because if you are..."

"Come on, Clarissa. This place can't be that bad." Alex said. "I mean, look around you. Everything looks so peaceful. Fresh air, cool breeze, and those weird dog things with their weird A-Capella group."

The others turned as they saw the line of dogs with the A-Capella group pass by them.

"Hoi! I'm Temmie!" The dog with the wagon carrying the A-Capella group said.

"Are those guys always going to come around every time we mention them?" Jonas said with a raised eyebrow.

"Probably." Alex crossed her arms. "I mean, ever since we rode that cruise, we have seen them almost everywhere."

"Oh, not again." Clarissa placed a hand on her head.

"Let me guess. That song is playing in your head again?" Nona said.

"Yes. Yes, it is."

"Well, now that we are here, let's go find ourselves someplace for us to live in." Ren said. "And, I think I know just the place."

"Where?" The others asked.

Ren explained that there was a hotel that was not too far from the train station, so they decided to go over there. As they found the place, they were brought to their room, where it only had two bedrooms, each with a bathroom. Over there, they discussed on who goes where. They decided that Ren and Nona will share a room, Clarissa will take the couch, and Alex and Jonas will share the other room, but Jonas will give Alex the bed.

After that, they decided to start their vacation by going to Strange Stadium, where all of the Strange Ones battle each other with their powers. But since they are humans, they decided to watch. As soon as they took their seats, they watched a player knock their opponent down.

"Excuse me." Alex said, getting the attention of a rabbit and a fox which she assumed were police officers because of their uniforms. "My friends and I, we're new here and I have some questions. What's the purpose here?"

"Well, the purpose here is to knock your opponent down with everything you got." The rabbit said. "The players are always randomly selected, and we get to see who beats who. My friend here and I are just watching. Our chief gave us a break."

"Why? Do you guys fight for money or something?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Money? We do this for fun." The fox replied.


"Alex! You don't want to miss this! New opponents!" Ren pointed to the large screen.

Alex turned to the screen, which showed two pictures. One shows a picture of a teenager girl with rainbow hair, a white sleeveless pantsuit with rainbow lightning bolts under a blue jacket and goggles, and one showed a picture of another teenage girl with orange hair and blue eyes holding a large hammer. She looked at the arena and found the girls jump out of the crowd and onto the stage. 

With squinted eyes, Alex saw one of the girls run with speed and give the other girl a punch to the face. As a result, the girl stood and turned her hammer into a cannon and shot balls of energy at the girl. The rainbow girl's eyes widen, so she gave her metal bands a flick as two shields appeared on her wrists and blocked the hammer girl's attack and bounced it back at her. Spotting this, the hammer girl turned her cannon back into a hammer and smashed the energy with it. With another fast run, the rainbow girl repeatedly punched the hammer girl in the face. Suddenly, the hammer managed to slam the rainbow girl to a wall. But the rainbow girl didn't seem to give up as she watched the hammer girl walk up to her. The rainbow girl smirked, and in a flash, she disappeared. The crowd was shocked with wide eyes and gaping mouths. So was the hammer girl. As she turned around, she saw the rainbow girl running up to her. Then, the rainbow girl gave the hammer girl one last punch that sent her flying into the air. The crowd watched as the hammer girl hit the ground and sit up afterwards. 

Then, the crowd went wild. Alex looked up at the screen. Rainbow Dash was the winner's name. Alex suddenly got the rainbow girl's attention. With a wink, the rainbow ran off in a flash. With wide eyes, Alex put a hand on her mouth as she got the others' attention.

"Alex? Are you okay?" Jonas asked with concern in his voice.

"I...that girl in the arena," Alex replied. "She just winked at me. She noticed me."

"You mean the one with the giant hammer?" Clarissa asked.

"Clarissa, I think she was talking about the one with brightly colored hair." Nona said.


"Well, do you at least know where she went?" Ren asked.

Alex turned back to the arena, where the hammer girl was with three other people which she believed were the hammer girl's friends. "No. I don't."

After seeing other battles, the humans departed from the stadium and went straight to Strange City's park. It was called Nibel Park, and many of it's plants glowed at night or in dark areas. The humans were in awe as they looked at the glow of the plants.

"This place is beautiful." Nona said with adoration for the plants.

"I never imagined a place like this." Alex said. 

"Good thing we all know what bioluminescence is." Clarissa said.

"Good thing we all know what bioluminescence is." A voice mimicked.

"Nona, will you please not copy me at a time like this?"

"That wasn't me." Nona said.

"Or me." Jonas said.

The humans turned around as they found a cluster of blue flowers that glowed and surrounded a tree. With raised eyebrows, Alex walked up to the flowers and went on one knee.

"Uh, hello?" Alex said.

"Uh, hello?" The flowers said.

"Whoa." The others said as the flowers repeated their saying.

"What are they?" Jonas raised an eyebrow.

Ren reached for his bag. "Good thing I also bought a book about life on Strange Island at that gift shop."

"You bought two books?" Clarissa raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah." Ren pulled out a book with a flower on it and opened it, flipping the pages and stopping at one of them that showed a picture of the blue flower. "According to the book, those things are Echo Flowers. They repeat everything you say, and some people make wishes on them."

"I'll be the judge of that." Clarissa walked up to the flowers and picked one of them. "Alright, you little copycat. I wish this day would not be anymore weirder than it already is. That is my wish. Now what's suppose to happen?"

"Here. Let me try." Nona picked one of the flowers. "Um, I wish...for something unusual to happen? Is that a good wish?"

"Uh, sort of." Alex turned back to the flowers, but she also saw a tiny white creature with four ears, paws for hands, hooves for feet, blue eyes and a cat tail holding one of the flowers and sniffing it. "Oh. Cute."

"What?" Jonas said as Alex picked up the creature.

"Guys. Look at this. It's like so adorable, but I don't know what it is."

"Ren. You have a book about life on Strange Island." Clarissa pointed to the creature in Alex's arms. "What is it?"

Ren flipped the pages, then stopped at another page. "Spirit Guardian. That is a Spirit Guardian. Protector of Nibel Park. These little guys protect their tree from predators who want their resources. Also, they make great pets if tamed."

"Great. But before we release it, can I take quick picture of it?" Nona pulled her phone out. "I just want to remember this moment."

"Well, I have no reason to say no, so go for it." Alex held the Spirit Guardian up as Nona took a picture of it, then she placed it on the ground. "Alright, little guy. Go on. Be free."

But before the Spirit Guardian left, it grabbed two Echo Flowers, then it ran off. After that, the humans left the park and walked all the way to a carnival. Over there, they had the time of their lives. They first tried a Test-Your-Strength game that Jonas, Alex, Ren and Clarissa failed at, but Nona was the one who won a prize. Then, they went into a photo booth. As they made faces, a mouse, which scared the humans, crawled in. After running away from the photo booth, they decided to play some games for a while, and then heard there was a concert that was also part of the carnival. Then, they ended their day by riding a Ferris Wheel. Right now, it was nighttime and the humans were walking back to the hotel.

"That was awesome." Alex said. "I mean, for our first day here, we actually had a good time today."

Clarissa chuckled. "You know, I'm starting to like it here. And Ren, sorry about everything I said back at the cruise."

"Oh, Clarissa. You have nothing to apologize about." Ren replied.

The humans suddenly heard a loud clamor and followed the sound. What they found was a large crowd that held cameras, and one of the people held a boom mic. The humans decided to join the crowd and push their way through. When they did, they saw a woman with raven hair and green eyes in a yellow dress with a man with blonde hair, a mustache, and blue eyes.

"Who is that?" Alex asked.

"Who is that?" A girl about twelve with purple spiky hair and eyes replied. "That, my friend, is Isa. The founder of Sky City, and that's her husband, Milo. They just got out of city hall today after having a word with Cranky Doodle."

"Cranky Doodle?" Nona asked.

"He's the president of Strange Island." A girl with red hair and a bow explained.

"They were talking about the disappearances around Strange Island." A girl with purple and pink hair said. "And I think they were also talking about dust thefts in Remnant."

"Dust thefts?" Jonas raised an eyebrow, seeing the three girls nod.

"What about the dust?" Clarissa asked.

"Dust is their best resource." The girl with pink and purple hair said. "They use it for weaponry."

As Alex turned, she saw a teenage boy with gray hair and a gray jacket walk into a construction sight. She watched as the boy entered a crane until two construction workers noticed.

"Excuse me..." One of the construction workers said. "Young man, I don't think you should be up there."

Alex looked up and saw ten large metal bars hanging from the crane. She turned back at the boy, who stared at a green button.

"Uh, sir. Can you please step out of the crane?" The other construction worker said.

With a raised eyebrow, Alex saw the crane turn as the metal started hanging above the founder. Her eyes widen. She knew what was going to happen next.

"Look out!" Alex shouted as everyone looked up.

"No! Stop!" The construction worker shouted.

"Don't press that button!" The other shouted, but the boy didn't listen.

He pressed the button, which made the crane release the bars as the crowd started screaming. The bars suddenly glowed bright purple and floated. Everyone stopped screaming and looked at the floating bars.

"What's going on?" One of the crowd said.

"I don't know." Another replied.

They suddenly heard a gunshot as the bars stopped glowing and started falling. Everyone screamed again. Alex ran out of the crowd, grabbing the founder's arm and running out of the way with the founder's husband following. The bars hit the ground, and everyone screamed louder as ten police cars came by. Police officers walked out of the cars, and two of them walked up to the construction sight.

"You! Step out of the crane and put your hands in the air!" One of the cops shouted as the boy walked out of the crane.

"I'm under arrest, am I?" The boy said as the other cop grabbed both his arms and put his hands in handcuffs.

"Yes. Yes, you are." The other cop said.

" saved me." The founder said to Alex.

"Well, I had to do something." Alex replied.

"Alex!" Jonas said as he and the others ran up to her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Let's just get to the hotel."

The humans continued walking back to the hotel. None of them were expecting any of this tonight, but they hoped that tomorrow will be a better day.

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