Into The Night

By DarkPurple22

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"Just give me one more chance, take my hand and I'll take you to Wonderland." Honestly, I did not choose to g... More

Author's ♪
Fun Fact Time
After Credits Chapter
Quick Question
Author's ♪


759 42 25
By DarkPurple22

"You're not really going to let me out, are you?" I asked Niall for the millionth time. During the past week, he hadn't let me off on my own to explore the city since I've missed the tour of Hansson Academy two days after our arrival.

I was exploring the city that day, and honestly, I haven't really minded the schedule back then. Since then, Niall had always been on my back and boy was he an uptight lad.

"It's part of my deal with the guidance counselor. I make sure you don't get yourself in trouble. At least not even before the school starts," Niall replied, today he's really pushing the nerd look as he is wearing his glasses and reading a book. He pushed his glasses upwards and continued with what he's doing.

"Whatcha doin'?" I asked.

"Reading a book," He answered, bored beyond his wits.

"Is that for school?" I asked.

"Yep," He replied.

"Don't you ever miss being in the league?"

"Not often."

"Would you want to go back?"

"Not now."

I could easily sense the adult in Niall's voice which had me a bit disappointed. "It's Saturday night tonight. Wanna go play a war game?"

"They don't usually hold games near here. One, two hours tops," He replied. "Harry shut up, let me just read this."

Honestly, I wanted to ask who he is and what had he done to Niall Horan. The best mate I knew was never one to say no to the games even if it's across the country. He would do everything just to get there but this Niall, he's an adult in almost every way.

"Can I go out?" I asked.


"Niall, since when did you get to be my father?" I asked sarcastically. "You're not my father!" I yelled dramatically, I don't remember which movie I got that though.

"Harry, keep it down this complex isn't exactly soundproof," He said.

"I wouldn't say that," I said grinning broadly. "Last night a couple went here, breaking the curfew and know what? I'd think it was soundproof, I didn't hear anything."

He laughed, "Pervert," He mumbled. "Never changed, Harry. Who were they? I need to report that."

"Like I'm going to tell you." I gave him the most placid look. "Who am I to bust them?"

"Harry, you have to tell," He said sternly.

I remained seated on my bed, playing with my phone. His glare made its way from the few metres away. "Tell me," He said. If he used Tom Hiddleston's way of saying that from the movie, Thor, I would have answered.

"I don't know anyone apart from you," I reasoned out although it might be part lie. "I haven't been introduced to anyone," I said, and that's the truth.

"I know you had every person here background checked," He replied.

I groaned. "Fine but you're never going to make me tell on whoever break the rules around here," I said. "Niall, come on, it's not like they stole something."

He sighed, "Just this once."

I smiled triumphantly, "Alright." I happen to know that the Niall I've met is still in there.

Niall had kept me indoors for almost a month while I'm there. Of course, I've kept in contact with my mum and told her stuff about being here. Although I couldn't really give her much details as Niall seemed to be keeping me inside within the dorm. Sucks, as in a Grade-A pain in the ass-gardian soul.

He promised though that he'll let me off on my own when school starts -honestly, that's the worst time he had to let me off on my own. But, as he explained, if I caused trouble even before school starts, they might get me kicked out too easily. I have to behave for a while to make sure I'm worthy of the program. . . especially that their eyes are on me -the thirteenth student who was supposed to have the worst record of rule-breaking.

That also meant I should behave for the first few weeks of school and Niall warned me that whenever I break the rules, he'll definitely tell on me.

I huffed, "Some friend you are, Neil."

He rolled his eyes, "Just watching out. Trust me, you're going to want to stay here."

"We'll see," I said, "But I am allowed to go outside and see places before curfew, right?"

"As long as there are no rule-breaking, it's a deal. I'll let you off on your own," He said.

"Yes, father." I mumbled and he laughed. Niall is too busy preparing his bag for the first day of school tomorrow whereas I, was finished about a week ago.

There's simply nothing to do during the past weeks. All I do is wander the dorms but beyond that, nothing. God knows I tried to escape Niall during the night where I'm at my best but him knowing me too much is two steps ahead of me. I decided to cool off with the adventures and focus on my indoor activities including the card tricks, the movie marathons, and loads of history books.

Niall is almost off to bed even at 7:30 so I've made it my mission to bug him too much.

"Why'd you stay here?" I asked. "Honestly, that's still a bit of a mystery to me."

"I told you, I've woken up here." That referring to being an adult, being someone responsible enough not to have fun.

"In that case I might need to get out of here as soon as I can," I joked. "But really, what are the haps here that you really loved it here?" I asked.

"Friends. Too many of them," He replied. "Don't worry, you're still my best friend."

"And yet you've kept me in solitary," I reminded him in the most sarcastic tone. "Just kidding, I know why you did it."

"Uhuh, but I'm telling you, you'll love it here," He said. "They're pretty nice over here."

"Exactly what I'm looking for," I said. "Pretty and nice."

Niall laughed, "If you're looking for a girl, I don't recommend it. You can't handle long distances." Well said.

"Ha, I didn't come here for the ladies. Just wanted to spend some time with one of my best lads," I replied, still that would have been a good bonus. "Although, ladies, that might be a bonus. Know any good-looking?" I asked.

"Ha, I don't even know your type so you better check for yourself."

"Fair enough."

For the first day of classes, Niall took the liberty and the chonce to show me around. As he explained, he hadn't got the chance to do so and he made up an excuse that I was sick -but really, I was exploring. They let him show me around during the first day, lead me to some of my classes when I am really so capable of doing that on my own.

Honestly, since I got here, I've been treated like a child but let's just wait until I can show up my childish behavior -that should be the best part. During that span of time, I've taken more note on his friends rather than the place since I've memorised this place from when I was back home. I've looked at the maps and facilities and quite honestly, the locations are in my favour, apart from some of the History classrooms being in the same floor as the principal's office and the detention room.

Gladly, we're still on our first week so we are allowed to wear casual clothes.

Niall has way too many friends. Every once in a while, the students he knows would greet him -actually, even the ones he doesn't know. That often cuts in with our conversation but I don't mind that much.

So far, we have passed the locker hall, the ones with the laboratories, the music halls and the other clubs. Within that time, Niall had told me that I might want to join some of them because they're mostly fun. I've brought up that being with the league is fun too but he doesn't seem to like that idea that much so I took it out of the conversation.

I wondered what is it with the league he doesn't like anymore though I try not to press that subject on him, it wouldn't be fair. Right now, it'll be much easier if we're not up to each other's necks.

My first two periods were fine, I didn't get to meet anyone as I was my snobbery self but maybe I'll take a chance tomorrow. I'm friendly, but it has its occasions to pick. Every once in a while, I'd see those drawings of paper airplane -drawn with the use of permanent markers most of the time. And I'd see them in some places such as doors, desks, lockers, ceilings and other places. I asked Niall once more if there's a leaguer around the school and again, he said no. It's rather disappointing as I know he isn't lying at all.

I looked around, and I think I'm seeing the worst sceneries, the detention rooms along with the principal's office in one hall. He's showing me around since it's recess and he said it was a way for me to get to my next subject.

"Harry, are you even listening?" Niall asked, snapping me out of my daze.

I shook my head, "Honestly, no," I said. "All I saw was the principal's office an the detention room, and I've seen enough. I wouldn't want to be back in this hall."

He didn't reply yet as a couple of students greeted him. It had been that way for a while now, since the tour started and that must have meant Niall was friendly as hell.

"You say that now," He finally replied, "But your next class is History, just near the end of the hall right there, and if you take the other way, you'll be late for at least five minutes."

Just my luck.

I scoffed, "Who planned this?" I muttered. "This is exactly the kind of thing that goes when everything is planned. Am I being pranked?"

Niall frowned, "You cannot be pranked, you're a record holder, in the league."

"Oh well, good point," I replied. "But come on, who puts the history class near the detention hall?! I mean come on!"

"I'd like to think, it's just balance," He said, "One thing you hate and one thing you love."

"That's actually two things I hate," I said, holding up two of my fingers. "Where's the balance if there's just one thing I love that's here?" I asked.

I waited for Niall's reply, he opened his mouth to answer yet someone had interfered -again!

"Niall!" Someone called.

I groaned and rolled my eyes. That someone made her way to Niall, walking. . . so it took a bit while.

I looked at my wristwatch with sheer boredom, remembering my own voice in my head. Did you know? Wristwatches are invented in 1902. I got stuck in my own thoughts, wondering who the hell thought about making small clocks and putting them on the arms.

"I'm sorry to bother you," She said to me, suddenly I'm back to the world. And then she turned to Niall. "Hey, I'm sorry to--"

Niall smiled sweetly at her. Ohhh, now I see. "No, it's alright," He said, "Perfect timing too, I'd like you to meet Harry, he's an exchange and one of my best mates." He added, out of nowhere and I'm taken aback, just a bit.

I thought he forgot my existence the moment the girl came around.

I smiled, "Hey." I figured, I wouldn't blame Niall if the girl should be his reason for staying. For one, she's really pretty. She does have the certain combination of fair height, silky, straight blonde hair, just lying on her shoulders and blue eyes. . .

She smiled back as well, pretty blue eyes glistening. "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Taylor Swift." She extended her hand, only then have I realised the grace in her movements and the politeness in her tone all the way.

I'm honestly not used to people extending their hands to me when they introduce themselves. I wasn't that formal anyways.

"Dude, take her hand," Niall said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh." And that is all that came to my mind. I hold her hand and she shook it. "L-Lovely meeting y-you, Taylor." I stuttered because for one, I didn't know what to do and honestly, I barely heard what she said out of the chatter here in the halls. It took me a while to understand fully.

"Likewise, Harry," She said, her sweet voice ringing inside my ears. Although that really didn't sound right to me, I'm never user to this kind of formality, yes, I study History and I can act on it oftentimes but I'm not used to it when it's from someone else, especially when it's from someone in this era.

Taylor let go and then turned to Niall. "Again, I apologise for the inconvenience. I just needed the old lists of the theatre and music club members. And I remembered, I gave them to you."

Niall laughed, "Course you did. In my locker, old combination, three, one, nine. It's hung so you should see it."

"Thank you," She replied, very formal and polite in tune. I'm suddenly starting to wonder if there was one girl who talked like that in these days, she can't be from this era. Although that's just an assumption.

She is very pale as well, so does that mean she could be a vampire? And then I shook my head from that thought, I cannot assume anyone is a vampire just because they're pale. . . all those movies that had sunk inside my mind.

"I should be going," She said and then when she faced me, "Lovely meeting you, Harry. I look forward to seeing you around."

And with that, the lovely Taylor disappeared flawlessly among the crowd. Of course, she stood out with her wearing sophisticated clothes, white coat and beneath are her pure white sweater and pants.

Don't ask me why I've observed that much, I just saw it.

"Trust her enough to tell her your locker combination," I said with a smirk.

"It's not like that," Niall said. "She's pretty much trustworthy." But I am not so, Niall should watch out now that I know his locker combination.

"Uhuh. Why is she wearing pure white?" I asked, my nose slightly crinkling. It's not in disgust, but rather disappointment that I haven't known the answer. "If her eyes weren't that blue, she'd be Jadis, the White Witch in Narnia. Although she doesn't look like her. You get my point, white clothes and all."

Niall smiled, "Well, that's how Taylor dresses when we are allowed to, Winter Queen, Snow Queen, Ice Princess, she has loads of nicknames from around the school. Has a taste, doesn't she?"

"You got a crush on her?" I asked.

"Ha, no," He answered plainly and that didn't sound like a lie. "She's just like a sister to me. Why? You interested?"

I shrugged and my nose curled, "Don't know. She's pretty but I don't know her so. . ."

"Yeah, I get it," Niall replied.

"Is she in my History class?" I asked. She seemed like an interesting person, not because she's pretty, I just want to know about why she acted that way. . .

"I think so." He answered. "Her schedules are odd oftentimes, but I think I remembered her History class is the same time as yours."

"Great, you two are really close-knit, you remembering her schedule and all," I muttered, pretending to sound whiny.

"No, it's just our way of keeping up. We had to work together since she was in charge of the program. That's part of her position requirement," He answered. "Which is why I'm not interested at all."

So that's a cross-out, Niall did not stay because of her. Then for what reason?!

"Oh hell naw;" I said, imitating Will Smith's way of saying it. "Alright, alright, I get it."

That only meant Taylor is the same as Niall, a student student student council member, a by-the-book uptight student. Well, okay, it's their lives anyways. I look forward to taking Niall back to the league though. With Taylor? I don't know, she doesn't seem much like an adventurer to me. . . too decent or sophisticated.

"Do you want me to continue the tour?" He asked.

"Up to you. Honestly, I would not be able to listen at all. I'd be preoccupied by the thoughts and questions of what made you stay," I said, honestly.


"Although I got to be completely honest," I trailed on with a smile. "there's already balance to me."

"Mate, no, bad idea," Niall said, way too uptight for a seventeen year-old.

My eyebrows furrowed, I opened my mouth to say something but then the bell rang. "Timing." I muttered and then Niall patted my shoulder.

"History class, mate." He said, gesturing towards the room in front of us. I looked at our schedule and see the name Mr. Raymond Delfin, our teacher.

"Right, see you next sub, Neil." I said.

"Later, bro." He imitated a statue and started walking away while I walk inside.

I took a seat right in the middle, to be seated in the back is a bit more of a suspicious thing to do and all I want to do this first week is to observe. Of course, the good observing point is the back but not for me at the moment.

The girl I've met earlier is in fact, in the same class as I do but I didn't come all this way to observe her. I was a bit more preoccupied with our teacher, Mr. Delfin.

The first moment he entered the classroom, he seemed already excited, much more than I am so I thought it could work. Thank goodness we are learning World History, I don't care if it's the same thing I learn over and over, it's the best.

I loved History almost more than I loved anything. It's a subject that can be expanded limitless because as time goes by, the present becomes history, eventually, everything becomes history and what makes it fascinating is the fact that at the least, something you do could have made a worthwhile thing for people to read and tell stories about.

When that class ended, I felt a bit disappointed -like I always do after History classes- yet I managed to walk off to the next class with Niall's help.

God help me, I swear I am never asking for his assistance with this touring thing. I've memorise the place, it is not comfortable when you're being showed around by someone.

Lunch time came around and Niall had led me to this table where a flock of certain individuals had made themselves comfortable.

"Guys, this is Harry." Niall said, "Harry these are. . ." he paused for a moment,

"Jhanelle," He points to the girl with dark hair wrapped up in a bun along with decent skin colour and brown eyes.

"Berlyn Mae," Then he gestures to the one with the pouty lips, wide, grey eyes and dirty blonde hair.

"Ronnie, Berlyn's boyfriend," then to the boy with his arm over Berlyn's shoulders, also with blond hair, but with green eyes.

"Aerielle," now to the girl with long, light brown hair, a bit tanner skin and wide brown eyes with slightly curled eyelashes.

"Marshal," then to the boy with blond, short yet curly hair, dark blue eyes, a few pimples here and there and a bright smile. He neither seemed straight nor otherwise, my mind is still debating.

"Kendall," then the girl with matching dark hair, dark eyes and slightly tanned skin.

"And, you've met Taylor." And then lastly, to the girl near the end of the table, the one quietly seated with the straightest posture and the calmed and gentle slightest actions.

I think I've got some of them in some of my classes, I just don't remember. Maybe tomorrow I'll recognise them.

After exchanging our hi's and hello's, I take a seat at the end of the table so I'm not exactly seated with anyone. Although I am near Taylor and then Niall.

Our table is a bit noisy, but it's a nice chatter group. Everyone seemed a bit hyper -at least apart from me.

All of them seems fond of opening up conversations since they never seem to leave me from it. They're a nice group of people and I don't think all of them are the same with Niall.

Observing, Berlyn might be very well inclined of singing, and that explains why she's in the theatre club. Whereas Jhanelle is both interested in either performance with or without musical instruments as long as it's onstage and she's with her friends. Aerielle, on the other hand, is a part of the student government. Uptight as she seemed to be, she's alright. Marshal seemed as though he is close with anyone on the table because they all tease each other around and tell me about their epic-fail moments. Kendall, being that close seemed to be Taylor's best friend and I don't see why not.

"So Harry, what are your interests?" Berlyn asked.

Pranks, my mind said but I couldn't tell that to them now. "Sleight of hand tricks, cards. Still practicing." I answered.

"What?" Jhanelle asked.

"Huh?" Aerielle too, asked.

"Card magic tricks." Niall cleared out and drank from his soda. "And History."

"Oh." Kendall muttered. "Show us sometime, okay?"

"Yeah, sure."

And the next thing I know they are in their circles of conversations. I wasn't fully excluded though I don't know when to say something or when I shouldn't.

"That's a nice necklace." Taylor, for once had said something to me.

I looked down on my neck, I usually kept my necklaces underneath my shirt although this silver, paper airplane necklace had shown itself up. "Thanks." I said.

Taylor stared at it for a while, and I didn't bother her with questions. Instead, I let her snap back to reality on her own.

She blinked a few times once she had realised, "Oh, sorry."

"It's alright."

"Where did you get that?" She asked, focusing on the necklace. And I tried to read her eyes. . . people's emotions are really hard to read but somehow hers gave off a sad aura, I just don't know why how I've came up with that.

"Back home." I answered, plainly. And then I realise I don't want to end the conversation just then so I said, "Why?"

She bit her lip, "Nothing." She answered and then went back to talking to Kendall and Marshal. And that is the end of the conversation.

I've no idea what she's up to, I only know that she's wondering where I got my necklace. But for what reason? For one, she seemed to have been mystified, also confused as to why I've got the necklace. I started wondering if it had some history behind it.

But then, that's delusional.

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