Can't Have Me

By _rareleo

81.6K 2K 144

Emma Anderson is a typical girl trying to get through life as she works at Starbucks while going to a Univers... More

Can't Have Me - Character Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 5

4.7K 139 14
By _rareleo

Leigh: Happy Birthday. You’re 20! Start crying and be happy! Haha :)

            Mom: Happy Birthday Sweetie. See you tonight.

            Ethan: Happy Birthday to us! Love you sis!

            David: Hey little one, or not so little. Happy birthday. I hope it’s all you’ve wanted.

            Jordyn: Happy Birthday! Don’t fear two numbers. You’re still beautiful like you always been. I hope it’s everything you’ve ever wished for :).

            I open my eyes to hear someone texting me. I groan and turn over on my bed away from my phone. I was enjoying a goodnight’s sleep and everyone started texting me ever since 9 A.M. It’s now 11, and out of those 2 hours I’ve only gotten maybe 20 minutes. I sigh and look over at Hersey who’s lying down and staring at me wide awake. That’s a sign she’s ready to go outside. I smile at her.

            “Come on girl.” I say in a higher voice. She raises her ears and jumps on my bed. She stands over me and starts licking my face. I laugh and push her away gently. I pet her back slowly.

            “Do you think I’m old?” I say to her. She moves her head to the side.

            “Of course not. You don’t even know what I’m saying.” I laugh a little and get out of my bed. I stretch slowly

            I jump to the sound of someone knocking on my door. I hurry to my mirror and brush my hair fixing it. I shut my bedroom door leaving Hersey in it. I walk over to my door and look through the peep-hole. I stare at the woman holding flowers weirdly. Must have the wrong door. I open the door and smile at her.

            “Are you Emma Anderson?” She says looking at a sheet of paper.

            “Yes M’am, I am.” I look at the beautiful glass vase that holds my favorite flowers; white roses and pink lilies.

            “These are for you.” She gives a warm smile and hands the vase to me. I sniff them slowly and smile. They smell so great. But wait, who got them for me?

            “Is there a name of the sender?” I look at the woman.

            “Hmm, no, sorry M’am. But there is a special message on the card in the flowers. Also, this is for you.”

            I look down at the floor to see a teddy bear that’s holding a heart close to it’s and says “Happy Birthday” on it. Aww, it’s so cute. I smile as the woman hands it to me. I set it down inside my apartment.

            “Have a good day, and happy birthday.” She smiles big.

            “Thank you so much. Have a good day.” I smile back and she walks away. I shut my door slowly as I sniff the flowers again. I find a special place on my counter to put them. I grab the card from the flowers.

            You have to guess who sent this. I can give you a hint. I’m clumsy August 15th. Happy Birthday!

            I stare at the message on the card confused. I switch it over on the back. Then I switch it where the message is again. Who the hell sent this? I don’t know anyone that is clumsy. And what’s with the December 15? Whoever sent this knows my favorite flowers obviously, and is very sweet. I put the card down and start my day off by taking a shower.

            Every now and then I’ll walk past the flowers trying to figure out who sent them. That was a messed up hint. I can’t figure it out.

            I look over at my phone as soon as the sound for a text message goes off. I walk over to it and look at it.

            Dad: When will you be at the house?

            Me: I’ll be there around 2. It’s 12:30 now.

            Dad: Ok.

            I set my phone down and get finished getting ready. I spend a little time cleaning up my apartment until it’s time for me to leave. I notice the teddy bear I never put away. I pick it up and set it on my bed in between the pillows. I smile a little at it. I take Hersey out one last time before I leave and finally I’m off to my parent’s house.

            I look at all of the cars already at their house. This is going to be a big party. That’s only because I have too many family members. Believe it or not, my aunt had 8 kids. But Ethan’s friends will be here and so will mine.

            I open the door and walk inside of the house. My mom sees me and hugs me tightly.

            “Happy Birthday!” She says excitedly.

            I smile and rub her back. “Thank you.”

            She pulls away and I look around. “Wow, you guys really decorated the house.” I look up at the ceiling that’s so far up to see decorations off of the chandelier. “How did you get that stuff up there?”

            “Big tall ladder.”

            I shake my head and laugh a little. I walk into the kitchen with my mom and see my dad. I walk up behind him quietly and hug him from behind.

            “Who could that be?”

            “You’ll have to guess.” I say in a manly voice like my twin brother.


            I let go of him and he turns around. He smiles brightly. I stare at his facial features that seemed to have changed the last time I saw him. I force a smile. It’s kind of upsetting to see him getting older. He’s always busy and moving. Sometimes I think that’s killing him.

            “Happy Birthday.”

            “Thank you.”

            He hugs me gently and I rub his back. “Who all is here?” I ask. He pulls away slowly. “Well most of the family members are here, I haven’t seen your friends or Ethan’s here yet.”

            “Oh, are David and Dianna here?”

            He looks over at my mom thinking for a moment. “I haven’t seen them here yet.”

            “I haven’t either.” My mom says.

            “That’s okay. I’m sure they’ll be here soon.”

            I hear a lot of people chattering excitedly near me. I turn around to see my family members. I smile big and a lot of them come over hugging me. I thank them all for telling me happy birthday. I talk to a lot of them about how my life has been and everything going on. I hear a bunch of stories from them too.

            Finally the other birthday twin arrived and I laughed when the family members hugged him and he gave me looks.

            I look in the living room where a bunch of presents are. I bet everyone hates how they have two people to buy for in one day. That’s moms fault for having twins. The other set of twins arrived along with some of Ethan’s friends. Mine still weren’t here and it was weird. I thought they’d be the first to be here. I sigh as I see the last person of Ethan’s friends come in. Were my friends even going to be here? I sit down on the couch drinking some ice tea as I wait for my friends.

            “Is everyone here?” My mom asks.

            I shake my head no. “Jordyn and Leigh still aren’t here.”

            I have to admit Jordyn and Leigh aren’t my only friends, but they’re the most important friends in my life so I only invited them.

            “I’m sure they’ll be here soon.” David nudges at my arm. I smile at him.

            I hear the door open and I look over to see my friends finally have arrived. I get up and hug them at the same time. “Where have you two been?”

            “Calm down, we never forgot your birthday.” Leigh says kind of avoiding the real question.

            I pull away. “Did either of you send me flowers?”

            Jordyn and Leigh look at each other confused.

            “Okay, I’ll take that as a no.”

            Grins slip across their faces and I stare at them. Okay, there is something going on with these two.

            “You guys are hiding something.”

            Jordyn brushes past me and whispers. “Maybe it’s just me.”

            I watch her as she walks away. Somehow my eyes wander down to her butt and I stare at it until Leigh snaps her fingers in front of my face.


            I look at her. “What?”

            She rolls her eyes smiling.


            “You are so head-over-heels for that girl.”

            “I told you I don’t do relationships.”

            “It’s so obvious how you have fallen for her.” Leigh says walking away.

            What? I was not falling for my best friend. I was falling for her lips and now her body, but I’m not in love with her.

            I look over at Jordyn who was now being aquatinted with some of my family members. I walk into the living room and sit down next to Ethan. Thoughts of Jordyn couldn’t help but to keep taking over my mind. What would a relationship be like with her? Would it ruin our friendship? I sigh and shake my head looking away from Jordyn.

            My parents cooked dinner and we all ate outside near the swimming pool. Everybody of course brought their swim suits and bathing suits.

            I watch Jordyn as she almost falls over onto the ground. I get up quickly and run to her.

            “Are you okay?”

            She blushes badly looking around her to make sure no one saw. I stare down at her body in her bathing suit she just changed into. I bite my lips as heat rushes up my body from thinking dirty thoughts. I look back into her eyes.

            “Yeah. At times I can be clumsy.”

            I laugh a little at her staring at her face that’s still blushing. Then I pause for a moment. ‘At times I can be clumsy’. Clumsy…

            I stare in her eyes. Was she the one who sent the flowers and teddy bear? She stares at me weirdly as I haven’t said a word and I keep staring in her eyes. I clear my throat.

            “Are you clumsy August 15?” I ask.

            She smiles softly. “Maybe when I first met you.”

Flash back *************************************************

            ‘Damn it! Where is this class at?’ I think to myself as I search for my first college course of the day.

            “Excuse me, do you know where HEH 120 is?” I ask a random person. They shake their head no and I thank them anyways.

            I continue walking around and looking at clocks on the wall to make sure I’m not going to be late. I look at every sign or door to see if I can find it. I still can’t, ugh this day is going to be bad. It’s the first day of college and I can’t even find my class.

            I walk around a corner. I see a beautiful girl coming towards me, I might as well ask her.


            She looks towards me as she hears me say something and I open my mouth to finish speaking, but she falls forward. I open my eyes wide. I drop my stuff on the floor and reach my arms out to catch her. She puts her weight on my body and I hold her up. I blush as I hold onto her soft back. Her stuff lands on my foot and I bite my lip. I lift her up so she’ll stand. I look at her face that is completely red.

            “I-I” She stutters as she picks up her stuff. I lean down and help her pick it up.

            “I-I’m-I’m so so-sorry. I did-nt mean to.” She apologizes.

            I look at her in the eyes. “It’s okay, I promise. Are you okay?”

            We stand up slowly and I give her a smile.

            “Yes, I’m okay.” She smiles.

            “I’m never usually this clumsy.” She says able to speak now.

            “That’s okay. I was wondering if you knew where HEH 120 was. I can’t find it anywhere.”

            “Yeah I’ll show you where it is. After all, you did catch my fall.” She blushes again but smiles. I smile back. “Thank you.” I say.

End of flash back ************************************************

            Jordyn and I laugh together as we remember the time she fell towards me.

            “Why did you fall anyways?”

            “I kind of lost balance when I saw-“ She stares in my eyes. “Your hypnotizing blue eyes.”

            My stomach tickles to her saying that and I smile. I feel my face turn a little red. I look at her soft lips. I want to kiss them again, but I don’t want to screw her feelings.

            I grab her wrist gently and walk towards my parent’s house that’s empty.

            “What are you doing?” She asks confused.

            “Just come with me.”

            I walk inside of the house and my fingers interlock with hers without realizing it. My face blushes a little as I continue to walk inside my parent’s house up to my old room. I open the door to see my bed still there. I shut and lock the door. I push Jordyn up against the wall gently and start making-out with her. She puts her hands on my bare chest in my bathing suit. She pulls back.

            “What was that for?”

            “Don’t-say-anything.” I say slowly and I make-out with her again. She doesn’t pull away this time. At this point I really don’t know what I’m doing. All I know is that I’m making-out with her. She’s an amazing kisser.

            I grab her hips and kiss her neck slowly as I slide my leg in between hers. I press my leg against her crotch and she lets out a small moan.

            “Wait-“ She pushes me away. She stares into my eyes beginning to frown. “I can’t let you do this to me again. I love kissing you and being around you, but you’re killing me. You’re turning me on right now and I’d love to-“ She sighs.

            “Love to what, Jordyn?” I lean closer to her lips staring deeply in her eyes.

            “I’d love to maybe have sex with you, but I can’t do that. I won’t give you my body when all you’ll do is use it. You won’t take a chance with relationships and I’ve been in love with you. It hurts to know that I can’t act on it though.”

            Everything she’s saying to me hurts and feels good at the same time. I’m so confused right now.

            I wrap my arms around her lower back hugging her closely. I feel her soft body against mine and she wraps her arms around my neck. “You’re being sweet right now and it makes me fall for you even more.” She says. “It hurts to know that what I wish for could never come true.”

            “What do you wish for?”

            “I wish to be with you. But, I know I have to move on and wish to be with someone else.”

            I feel a sharp pain in my heart as soon as she says that. Why would that bother me? If she wants to move on she can. We were never in a relationship to begin with.

            “I’m sorry I overwhelmed you with my feelings. We’re friends so we tell each other everything right?” Her voice begins to break as she says that. Why is she about to cry?

            “Right.” I say rubbing her back slowly.

            “I want you, but I know your little motto is ‘no one can have me.’ So I’m going to move on from this non-existing relationship.” She pulls away from the hug and wipes away some tears. She walks over to the door and looks back at me. “We’ll always be friends and nothing more.” She forces a smile and leaves the room.

            I stare at the closed door and tears begin to fill my eyes. I don’t understand what’s going on with me. I walk over to my old bedroom window and stare outside as I watch everyone playing in the pool. I see Jordyn walking towards it and Leigh walks over to her. They start to talk and I wipe away my tears as I watch them. I swallow hard when Leigh looks up towards my bedroom and gives me a frown. What was that? I shake my head and walk away from the window to go outside.

            I go outside to the pool. I run towards the pool and jump in doing a flip. I look over at Leigh as she comes to the pool. I wipe my face and swim to the edge of the pool.

            “Well, Jordyn said she’s moving on from you. That’s not good, idiot.” She says as she hits me across my head. I hold my head. “Ow.” I say rubbing it.

            “Why don’t you take a chance? You broke her heart and you were never in a relationship with her.”

            “I don’t know. Besides, she said we’ll always be friends and nothing more.” I put my chin on the edge of the pool as I sigh.

            “You can’t just make-out with her and think that’s all you can do. Jordyn is the type to be in relationships. I’m glad she’s moving on though. It hurts to listen to her crying on my couch when she talks about you.” Leigh says shaking her head.

            She cries to Leigh? I never knew this. Maybe that’s why Jordyn was at Leigh’s house that one day we watched a movie. I stare over at Jordyn who’s laughing with David and eating a snack.

            “I don’t want her to cry over me. I’m glad she’s moving on too.” I say. At the same time I want to admit that’s the truth, but I feel that it’s a lie. Do I really want her to move on?

            “Anyways, happy birthday again.” Leigh smiles at me. I smile back. “Thanks.”

            She walks away and I swim around in the pool playing with my little cousins. I throw them across the pool making them laugh and I notice a couple of times Jordyn looking at me, but I try to ignore it.

            “Bye guys, drive safe.” I say to my family members as they all hug me and begin to leave.

            I got a lot of presents I really liked. I never got one from Jordyn, but I guess I deserved that. I didn’t want anyone to buy me anything anyways.

            “Happy Birthday, bye Emma.” Leigh says as she hugs me. I smile. “Thank you for coming. See you later.”

            She lets go of me and walks out the door. Jordyn walks from behind me and stands in front of me. “I wanted to be the last one to give you a present, so.” She pulls out a small box and hands it to me. I smile. “Thank you Jordyn.”

            “You’re welcome.” She hugs me in a friendly way. I liked it better when she hugged me in my room.

            “Happy birthday, catch you later.” She says and walks out the door slowly.

            I open the box to see a bracelet. I read the leather bracelet that says “Best Friends”. I look a slip of note underneath it.

            The meaning is true, huh? Best friends. Happy Birthday.

            I frown a little. I walk out the front door quickly and yell Jordyn’s name. She looks up before getting into Leigh’s car. I yelled her name, but I have nothing to say. It was just an urge to say her name.

            “Never mind.” I say loudly. She gives me a tiny smile and gets into the car.

            They drive off and I put the bracelet on my wrist staring at it. I walk back inside and close the box.

            ‘I’m sorry for all of this, Jordyn’. I think to myself as I press my back against the door and sigh.


Hmm, what is Emma feeling? Well, I'm sure I made it obvious lol. But that doesn't mean this book will have a happy ending like the other ones. I might make this happy or not happy.

Thank you for reading! =]


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