Say Something

By marierosarius

8.9K 242 111

Kate is the new pathologist and is also new in London. She still needs a place to live and moves in with John... More

The New Pathologist
221B Baker Street
Another Holmes?!
A 'Date' With Mycroft Holmes
Her First Case
The Solar System / The Great Game 1
His Best 'Man' / The Great Game 2
Moriarty / The Great Game 3
Don't Freak Out!
Irene Adler / A Scandal In Belgravia 1
Only Acting / A Scandal In Belgravia 2
Not A Disadvantage / A Scandal In Belgravia 3
Getaway / The Hounds Of Baskerville 1
Hyperventilate / The Hounds Of Baskerville 2
In The Sugar / The Hounds Of Baskerville 3
The Case Of The Missing Lifeguard
The Fall Is Yet To Come
Love / The Reichenbachfall 1
Holly Jolly Christmas
Two Sides Of The Same Coin


477 26 15
By marierosarius

The cab stops in front of a pub in a rather criminal looking district of London.
"Are you sure we can just walk around here?" Kate asks with a worried expression as she looks out the window.
"Yes. I have my connections in these districts."
"Of cause you have..." she says as if she's not impressed.

Sherlock enters the pub and Kate follows him. They earn some strange looks while Sherlock seems to deduct everyone and Kate decided to make her way to the bar.
"Hey, may I ask you a question? We're looking for someone." "Depends on what you offer me for this information?" the barkeeper flirts with a dirty look on Kate's body.Kate rolls her eyes and Sherlock finally shows up beside her.
The barkeeper just laughs, but before Sherlock can say anything, Kate reaches over the bar to grab his head and knock it on the bar.
"Bitch!" he jells, stumbling back while holding his bleeding nose.
"Don't talk to me like that ever again, understand?" Kate threatens.
"That was unexpected." Sherlock notes with raised eyebrows.
"Care to tell us now if you saw a man with a silver suitcase?" Kate asks the barkeeper again, ignoring Sherlock's comment.
"Dark brown hair, muscular..." Sherlock starts to describe.
"Yes, yes! He asked for my boss and I'd sent him upstairs." the barkeeper admins.
"Room?" Sherlock asks.
"Second floor, third door."
"Are there any other exits then the front door we just came through?"
"There is a door on the roof and a backdoor."
"Ok good."
"Thank you. Wasn't that hard now wasn't it?" Kate says while petting the barkeeper's cheek in an ironical way before following Sherlock in the staircase.

"I didn't know that you're that..."
"Ready to blow?" Kate chuckles.
"There are still many things for you to learn Mister Holmes." She smirks at him.
"Ok," Sherlock says, turns away from her and looks up the stairs. "I'm going in and you're going to wait at the back door."
"Are you sure you can handle this alone? You don't know how many are waiting for you and these people are high criminals."
"I'm perfectly fine. Are you sure you can stop them if they're coming down?"
"Yes." Kate says a bit too eager which causes Sherlock to frown.
Kate just takes a deep breath and walks to the back door.

A few minutes after Sherlock disappeared, she hears several footsteps running down the stairs. She could make out that Sherlock is fighting with two men. While one of them keeps fighting with Sherlock, the other one takes his chance to get to the back door until he notices Kate and stops before smiling dirty and coming closer.
Kate just rolls her eyes and makes herself ready to fight.
"Don't think I will go easy on you because you're a woman." the man laughs.
"Fine. I also won't go easy on you cause you're a man twice my size. Just so you know." she snaps back at him.
They start to fight (like in this scene from 0:19 to 0:40)

He wants to punch her right in the face but Kate ducks and leans to the right which causes him to stumble. Kate takes this opportunity to raise up and ram her knee in his stomach. Before she can smack her elbow on his head he grabs her by her waist and pushes her against the door with his whole body weight. She sends a panicked look to Sherlock, who finally managed to knock the other man out seconds ago. Just at that moment, the door cracks open and she and the man fall through it. Before Kate can think straight the man jumps on his feet and grabs her.

Kate tries several tricks to free herself but the man has had good combat training and her eyes search for Sherlock.
Sherlock appears in Kate's vision but the man punches him right on his nose which causes him to stumble and nearly black out. The man takes his chance to anesthetize Kate with chloroform and throw her in a car. When Sherlock can think straight again he sees the car driving down the street and runs after it while calling Lestrade.

Soon Lestrade locates the car on a huge factory premise that fits Sherlock's route plan the car could've chosen. Sherlock arrives before the police and didn't waste time to wait for them to arrive, so he runs off into the old factory by himself.

After some empty floors, he finally hears voices from a room at the end of the third floor. He can see Kate who's bounded on a pillar. She's awake but seems like she is about to pass out every moment and Sherlock guesses that she's still a bit dazed from the chloroform. Her nose is bleeding and she has several blue strains and scratches on the body parts that weren't covered by cloth. The man from earlier stands with his back to the door and is speaking to somebody on the phone in another language. Sherlock hears his name in the conversation several times as he's sneaking up behind the man.
Kate opens her eyes once again and is surprised to see Sherlock sneaking up on the man who just ended his phone call and is about to turn around to Sherlock.
"HEY!" Kate yells as loud as she can. "ASSHOLE?"
The man turns to her instead of Sherlock, who used that distraction to pick up an old metal piece, which once belonged to one of the machines in this factory, to knock the man out. Without another word, the man collapses and Sherlock rushes towards Kate.
"Hey. Kate, are you okay? Stay with me." Sherlock says loud and takes her face in both hand's to focus her eyes on him.
" don't think so." she manages to get out while her eyes are fluttering as she forces herself to stay awake.

He manages to free her from her shackles and helps her up but she's too weak to stand by herself and Sherlock lets her sit down again.
"You're cold as ice. Here take my coat." he notices and takes his coat off.
Kate snuggles in his warm coat, losing the fight against her eyes and shut them while Sherlock picks her up and carries her down to the police and ambulance that arrived in the meantime.
"Did he do anything to you?"
"Besides kicking my ass?" Kate mumbles with closed eyes but still manages to chuckle.
Before Sherlock can say something Lestrade came running towards them and called the people from the ambulances over who take Kate. Lestrade asks Sherlock what happened and he orders some agents to look after the criminal before he went to check on Kate.

Sherlock is a bit lost until he sees John running up to him.
"Is she okay?" John asks out of breath.
"Yes, I think so. They're checking her over right now but she's quite tough."
"How did that even happened?" Sherlock explains everything to John until the ambulance let Kate go.

After some time, it was dark by now, one of the doctors comes up to them.
"She's okay, you can take her home now."
John asks the doctor a few more questions about Kate's condition but Sherlock just walks over to her. She sits a bit offside on a huge stone, still wearing Sherlock's coat instead of a blanket from the ambulance, and quickly wipes away tears as she sees Sherlock approaching and forces a smile.
"I'm sorry." she says.
"What for?" Sherlock asks confused.
"Failing. I'm pretty good at that."
"We got the criminal. If someone's sorry. Then, ..." He swallows, looking just like this morning, as if the words were hurting on their way out." I'm sorry for putting you into this situation."
"Did Sherlock Holmes just apologize?" John says suddenly appearing beside Sherlock.Sherlock rolls his eyes but before he can say something a car pulls up beside them.
"That has to be our ride." Kates says, getting up from the stone.
"That's not a taxi." John notices with furrowed eyebrows.
"Seriously Kate?" Sherlock growls.
"I'm not going to apologize for using our advantages." Kate says as she climbs in the car, ignoring Sherlock's disapproval.Nonetheless, Sherlock and John follow her into the car.
"Can somebody explain to me who's car this is now?" John finally asks.
"Kate texted Mycroft." Sherlock snaps.

Back in 221b John explains Kate something about her pain killers and leaves to take a shower.
Kate just watches the rainy night through the window and Sherlock observes her. She was still wearing his coat which was way too huge for her small shoulders but she seemed to feel comfortable in it and didn't even notice that she was still wearing it. After some time she turns around and her eyes meet Sherlocks who was still staring at her. She stops for a moment before she gives him a shy smile. Sherlock just looks away and frowns
Kate walks towards him and sits down in John's armchair.
"Do you think I didn't saw how you were fighting with the man?" Sherlock says, waiting for her reaction.
"How was I fighting?" Kate asks with an unimpressed face.
"Professional, rational and used to getting punched back. You're more dangerous and interesting than I ever expected Miss Taylor." Sherlock points out with excitement.
"You don't want to know how dangerous. Trust me." Kate low-key threatening whispers in his ear after leaning closer.
"Don't tell John." she says in her normal voice and gets up and leaves the room with her usual polite smile.

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