Where Do Broken Hearts Go (Ni...

By sarahkiley

14.4K 640 513

"These songs are deep." He spun me around once before bringing me close to his chest, our faces barley touch... More

.twenty one.
.twenty two.
.twenty three.
.twenty four.
.twenty five.
.twenty six.
.twenty seven.
.twenty eight.
.twenty nine.
.thirty one.
.thirty two.
.thirty three.
.thirty four.
.thirty five.
.thirty six.
.thirty eight.
.thirty nine.
.fourty. (Part One)
.fourty. (Part two)
.fourty one.
Authors Note
.fourty two.
.fourty three.
.fourty four.
.fourty five.

.thirty seven.

233 12 3
By sarahkiley

|Sarah's P.O.V|

My moms fragile hands fumbled with her nice wine glasses, not letting me help her. She insisted I sit down and relax while she got the drinks.

In the kitchen was a big island, with only four stools around it which Louis helped Aspen onto and he proceeded to take a seat next to her. My mom offered for her to sit down, she was dying to hear the story on how she broke it.

"Harry, Liam, sit down. Niall and Sarah can go get more stools in the basement." My mom motioned for the two boys to sit, then shot me a wink. She's still the same lady I left three years ago.

"I guess we are getting more stools." I sighed dramatically at Niall. He let out a sarcastic groan, throwing his head back.

"C'mon Mary, we've been here for five minutes and you already have me working?" He eyed my mother, giving her face of a lazy little kid. My mom just smiled, pouring the wine gently.

"Boy, you be quiet. Now, should I give your mother a ring?" She asked politely. I was surprised when she asked, I didn't know her and Maura still spoke.

Niall started to get giddy, most likely excited to see his mother as well.

"Yes please." He said, then grabbed my hand, leading me to the basement door. Niall opened it, motioning me to go first. I thanked him, and then continued to run down the stairs quickly. The feeling of the fluffy carpeting making me happy.

Around the corner were the extra two stools. I took a hold of one while Niall swiftly grabbed the other one.

"You got it?" He asked me while he watched me walk awkwardly with the big wooden swivel chair. My weak arms barley had a hold on it, making me worried for the ten steps I had to walk up.

Letting out a loud huff, I nodded. "Yes I do Niall. Do I look weak?" Yeah you probably do Sarah...

I could tell Niall was trying not to laugh as I began to take slow steps up the stairs. Having to take breaks on every step. Niall didn't complain behind me though, only bit his tongue in a smile.

Finally reaching the top, I carried the stool with no problem and set it next to Liam. Niall then set his next to mine.

Breathing a little louder than normal, Liam gave me a look of confusion.

"Are you okay Sarah? You seem out of breath." No shit Liam I have no muscle and don't do physical activity.

Taking a seat, I tried to ignore him but everyone seemed to be looking at me. Looking down at my hands in my Lap, I sighed.

"It was heavy." I whispered in a baby voice which made everyone laugh. Including my mother who was passing out wine to each of us. I ignored the laughter even though it is pretty pathetic that I can't even lift a stool.

Quickly taking the wine glass in front of me, I took a sip of the dark red substance. I wasn't a big wine drinker, but the wine my mom always got was the best kind of wine.

"Mary do you want this chair?" Niall asked, sliding it over to her, my mom quickly denied it.

"No sweetie, you can have it. Your mother will be here any minute. Us old ladies can stand."

All of us chuckled at my mother, and Niall took a seat next to me. Before we knew it Maura was here and right away before she even gave Niall a hug, she asked what was happening between the two of us.

These 'old' ladies were in for a great story.


So we told them, Aspen starting off with her leg breaking because she was afraid I'd be mad once I discovered the tickets. My mom gave her a hug, and a sad face. I'm glad she did because Aspen hasn't had a hug from an elder in awhile.

Then I took a hold of the story, making a lot of jokes about One Direction. Each one of the boys took offense- jokingly of course and their reactions made my mother and Maura laugh their asses off.

It wasn't too soon before Niall took ahold of the story, telling them how it was his plan to invite Aspen and I on tour with them. He left out a lot of details, such as our date and my incident with Chad. He didn't even talk about the part where we confessed our feelings. But before I could point those things out, he gave me a look telling me to continue.

Taking a sip of my wine, I shot a closed mouth smile to both of the wonderful ladies in front of me.

"So, when and how did this happen?" My mom asked, pointing back and forth between Niall and I. Maura nodded her head quickly, swallowing  her wine.

"Yeah, I want to know. You two hated each other's guts!"

"Oh yes you two did. But your father and I did talk about this happening." My mom winked. I couldn't help but blush, embarrassed because Niall and I weren't even dating. All we have done is confessed that we like each other- love I guess.

"Mom, please." I whined. She didn't listen though, only continued to embarrass Niall and I in front of our friends.

"Sarah, I've seen the tabloids. Are you two dating or not?"

But before I could reply, Niall did for me.

"Not exactly... yet." He trailed off the last part, making my heart jump. Aspen let out a squeal which drew the attention towards her. She quickly covered her mouth wide eyed.

"Sorry. These too dating is my life right now."

We all laughed. And in the process Niall rested his hand on my knee, giving it a squeeze. I liked his hand there.

"Anyways, how did this happen?" Maura nudged Niall with her elbow. She had the cheesiest smile on her face which made me grin.

Niall's face was as red as a tomato, but I'm not going to pick on him because mine was also.

"Yeah Niall, how did this happen?" I asked jokingly, wanting to know what he'd say. He shook his head at me, the smile on his face growing wider and wider.

"Well, you see mom, Mary, and all my friends is that I confessed my feelings to Sarah and she ran out on me." The boys and Aspen weren't shocked but Maura and my mother were.

"Sarah! You ran out on him?" She asked concerned. I wanted to defend myself, but she wouldn't understand why I did.

I smirked, nodding my head. "Yeah, but just wait... it gets better."

Niall nudged my side, I looked up at him and he had a huge grin on his face. How could one human being be so damn cute? He gave me one more nudge before returning his attention to his mom and my mom.

"So I was all sad and stuff and then she comes to my room at like 3:30 in the morning and confesses her feelings." After Niall said that, both of our moms gasped again, but started to 'aww' afterwards.

"I was even there! They are not lying." Harry confirmed, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Wow, so you two are just a 'thing' right?" My mom used two fingers to put air quotes around the word thing. This, embarrassing me even more.

Slapping my hand to my forehead, I whined.


She set down her wine glass and gave me a mom look. "Sarah, I'm sorry if I'm embarrassing you two in front of everyone, but you're adults."

I would be fine if we just explained what happened, I don't want to even think about dating right now. What Niall and I are right now is fine, plus we just confessed our feelings yesterday!

"I know, but this all happened yesterday. It's new." I said and Niall nodded his head in agreement.

"Don't worry Mary, these two will be dating fairly soon. Just like Louis and I!" She stuck out her tongue at Louis, giving his a side hug with her arm. Louis smiled, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Yes, these two ladies are marvelous." Louis leaned over to give Aspen a kiss on the cheek and both Maura and my mom 'awwed'.

"This all happened so fast! I love this!" Maura threw her hands up in the air in a cheering like matter. My mom did also, highfiving Maura.

"Yes! These old ladies love this big news."

There she goes with the old ladies thing again...


"Sarah, oh my god you were so fat!" Harry's laughs were deafening to my ear. He sat next to me watching as I flipped through old pictures and yearbooks. Niall sat on the other side of me as well, laughing at his old year book pictures too.

"Wow, thanks Harry. Really makes my ten year old self esteem feel amazing." I said sarcastically, turning the page to the next set of pictures. Harry whacked his leg against mine before he got deep.

"You know I was joking. Let's just say you've had a huge 'glo' up." He wasn't wrong on that.

"She has, but I always thought that chubby face was the hottest." Niall rubbed the back of his hand against my check, myself giving him a frowny face.

"You are just the sweetest." I faked cried, Niall slowly joining in and then Harry.

"I love crying." Harry said through fake whimpers. This instantly made Niall and I stop, laughs soon to follow.

"What are you guys laughing about?" Liam walked in with glass of water, taking a seat acrossed from us on a love seat. Louis and Aspen must still be talking to my mom and Maura.

"Harry." I said truthfully, then turning the page again to reveal a picture of Chad and I at prom.

My stomach dropped to the floor. I've been having such a great time with everyone that I forgot about my incident with Chad.

Before I could, Niall turned the page. Mentally thanking him, I moved the book onto his lap before I stood up and pulled up my pants.

"Hey, I'm gonna go talk to my mom. I'll be right back." I was going to tell her about Chad. She needed to know.

Niall and Harry gave me a nod, probably assuming I was going to talk to her about Chad. Not saying anything else, I started to walk back into the kitchen where everyone was laughing their butts off.

At least they are having a good time... shit I don't want to ruin this but I have to tell her now.

Taking a deep breath, I walked over so I was standing next to my mom.

"Sarah, Aspen is literally the funniest girl alive! Can I adopt her?" My mom asked, still laughing a bit. Aspen gave a huge nod, obviously enjoying the company of my mother.

"Let's do it, but can we talk for a second? In. Private?" I didn't want to be rude, and I'm sure they would understand. My mom didn't take a second to question, but just lead me over to her bedroom. The sounds of laughter flew behind us.

My mom plopped on her bed, patting a seat next to her which I took. Sitting criss crossed, I took a big sigh. She obviously new something was up.

"You okay baby?" She asked, rubbing my leg a bit. I shrugged, not knowing how to tell her. Should I just say it?

"Please don't freak out, I got this all figured out." Her face sunk, and eyes widened. Oh no she's going to freak out...

"Sarah, tell me now. What happened?"

Closing my eyes, I knew I just had to get it off my chest.

"Chad. Happened. I think he has been stalking me."

-Authors Note-

again this is a filler chapter and I apologize for it. The next chapter probably will be longer and more exciting than ever.... maybe an appearance from someone that does cause a lot of drama....

But anyways I'm sorry for posting this later. I was supposed to get my temps/permit yesterday but I didn't have something signed so now I have to wait until Wednesday. It sucks and I literally walked out on the lady 😂

Sooooo please vote and comment!

Have a great day!


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