Roommate From Hell >> || l.t

By LoveRemembers

36K 1.3K 396

"Just stay out of my way, and don't bother me." "No problem, and stay out of my way too" More

Roommate From Hell >> c.s || l.t
Hell Part One
Hell Part Two
Hell Part Three
Hell Part Four
Hell Part Five
Hell Part Six
Hell Part Eight
Hell Part Nine
Hell Part Ten
Hell Part Eleven
Hell Part Twelve
Hell Part Thirteen
Hell Part Fourteen
Hell Part Fifteen
Hell Part Sixteen
Hell Part Seventeen
Hell Part Eighteen
Hell Part Nineteen.
Hell Part Twenty
Hell Part Twenty One
Hell Part Twenty Two
Hell Part Twenty Three
Hell Part Twenty Four
Hell part Twenty Five
Hell Part Twenty Six

Hell Part Seven

1.6K 56 18
By LoveRemembers

Sorryyy for the long wait!

Don't hate!

Enjoys! It may be a little short i'm not sure i'll try!



B a r b a r a

Why did I have to act like a little high school girl when Louis said that flirting with me was the last thing he'd do. I don't really know but i'm pissing my self off. I know i'm attractive and i've never had self esteem problems but once his idiot self said that I felt insecure. He did say I have a nice ass but every guy says that. I know he hates me so that has to be the reason he wouldn't flirt with me.

Gosh why did I have to say he was flirting with me. It was obvious he wasn't really doing that.

I look down at my skin and notice its turning bright red. I turn off the shower head and reach for the towel. I walk into my room and see Louis sitting at the end of my bed.

"What the hell are you doing in my room." I ask immediately.

"Don't you ever wear clothes." He mumbles and stares down at his lap. He arms cross over where his crotch is.

What a fucking weirdo.

"I just got out of the shower and im in my room. You're the one who came in unannounced. You knew I was in the shower." I grip my towel tightly.

I almost wanted to call him out on his boner but I didn't feel like bringing that into attention or let him know I saw it.

"I came to ask if I could give Eleanor another one of those pills." He asks still looking down at his lap.

"Yeah sure. They aren't that many mg's so yeah you can give another."

"Awesome. Thanks." He stands up and leaves my room.

"Anyways." I mumble to myself and release my towel and let it drop to the floor.

"Wait where were they a- AH!" He walks back in but quickly covers his eyes.

"What the fuck Louis!?" I yell and bend over to grab my towel again.

"Sorry oh my gosh I'm sorry. I was just wondering where the pills were. Shit i'm sorry."

"Just shut up and they are where all the other meds are." I say in an annoyed voice just really wanting him out so I can get dressed.

"Right oh gosh i'm sorry." He replies and turns to hurry out of the room.

"I need a lock." I shake my head and grab my clothes for the day before going back into the bathroom so I can get dressed in peace.

I walk into the living room and find Louis lounged out on one of the couches. I walk over and sit on the unoccupied one.

We sit in silence as we watch some game he has it on.

"I didn't know you had some tattoos." He speaks up and looks over at me.

"Well obviously not in spots that are seen everyday. Only people who are allowed to get to see them, not people who walk in on me naked."

"Well I didn't mean to." He coughs. "But they are really nice what exactly are they."

I let out a loud sigh before speaking. "On my side is just a orchid, on my hip is a quote, in between my uhh chest is just a cross, and I have one right here on my wrist this heart that i'm shocked you haven't seen, umm on the back of my neck is and infinity, and right here on my ankle is a rope."

"Wow that's a lot." He sat up to look at the ones that could be seen. "I never pinned you as a girl who got tattoos."

"Well you don't exactly know me."

"Right." He grabs my ankle and pulls it close to his face making me fall back against the couch. "No fucking way I have this exact same tattoo." He states clearly shocked. I was shocked too.

"Right here see. We both have the rope, but yours is on your ankle and mine is on your wrist." He holds his wrist out for me too see.

Sure enough we did have the same tattoo.

"Weird. Why'd you get yours?" I asked curious.

"Well its because a time in my life I tried to be strong but it never connected. See its like tied right here but in the other side its like not connected." He turns his wrist to show me the other side.

"Creepy. I did it for the same reason." I stared at his piece then down at mine. It was weird we had the same tattoo.

"I really like your other ones too, but i think that side piece is the best. I'm really not trying to be creepy but it was really done well and looks really good."

"Oh umm thanks.." I thanked him. My neck got hot with the mention of him seeing me naked.

"Can I umm get a better look at it if you don't mine. I mean it's just on your side.." He asked and I could tell he was really interested in seeing it and not my body.

"Sure." I lean over and lift my shirt on the side only revealing my side.

"Wow." He stared mesmerized at it. I felt his cold hand touch my side making me jump.

"Alright then I think that's enough." I sit up right.

"Right sorry." He sat back onto his couch.

I looked at his arms that were on perfect display in his tank top shirt. Showing off his inked arms. "My friends Ed is a tattoo artist here in New York and does my stuff." He notices my stares on his arm.

"I really like that heart one and the chest one." I point to my favorite ones. Only some guys can pull off the chest pieces and he was one of them.

"Thanks. Yeah the chest hurt like hell." He laughed.

"The one on my side did too." I laughed along. "I was so close to making him stop but I knew i'd regret it."

"Definitely. It really is a great piece. I normally don't like colored ones but it looks really awesome on you."


"Are you wanting to get some more.?" He asked.

It's funny how we are slightly bonding over tattoos. My love for tattoos I guess could bring my enemies close to me.

"Umm yeah I've thought about. I think I want to get something right here." I point to the inside of my upper arm.

"I can take you to Ed and he'll do it for cheap, and he's really good."

"Sounds good." I nod.

"Wanna go now?" He sits on the edge of the couch.

"Seriously what about Eleanor?" I sit up as well.

"She's out. The meds knocked her out. Come on lets go!" He jumped up making me chuckle.

"I can't believe I'm doing this with you." I stood up shaking my head in a joking manner. "But this doesn't mean we're like best friends." I say just to make it clear.

"Yeah. Its weird." He cocked his head slightly to the side. "I guess this is what happens when I see you naked." He grinned. I couldn't help but laugh and shake my head again.

"What's gonna happen if I see you naked?" I smirked.

"Hmm I don't know. Wanna find out?" He goes down and begins undoing his pants.

"No NO NO I was joking." I stopped his hands.

"You're missing out." He shrugs and walks out of the door.

He's so weird.


I hope yall enjoys!

First comment gets a dedication! and if no one comments I wont update;)

Love Ashley! xx

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