Satan's Secrets

By XXrogueXlucyXX

44.1K 2.1K 118

With Red Claws no longer needing Derik through the contract and Miss. Selkze dead things have somewhat calme... More

:Chapter 1:
:Chapter 2:
:Chapter 3:
:Chapter 4:
:Chapter 5:
:Chapter 7:
:Chapter 8:
:Chapter 9:
:Chapter 10:
:Chapter 11:
:Chapter 12:
:Chapter 13:
:Chapter 14:
:Chapter 15:
:Chapter 16:
:Chapter 17:
:Chapter 18:
:Chapter 19:
:Chapter 20:
:Chapter 21:
:Chapter 22:
:Chapter 23:
:Chapter 24:
:Chapter 25:
:Chapter 26:
:Chapter 27:
:Chapter 28:
:Chapter 29:
:Chapter 30:
:Chapter 31:
:Chapter 32:
:Chapter 33:
:Chapter 34:
:Chapter 35:
:Chapter 36:
:Chapter 37:
:Chapter 38:
:Chapter 39:
:Chapter 40:
:Chapter 41:

:Chapter 6:

1.1K 49 1
By XXrogueXlucyXX


"She let you over for dinner?" Kadan asked as he effortlessly picked up the small weight that the coach had given him. "Yeah. We had garlic chicken parm." I told him as I looked at the weight pressing benches around us. 'It was delicious and Isabella got some near her lip but Ryne glared at us when we went to wipe it.' That did happen.

Isabella had a thing with being messy with food and Ryne would glare at me when I went to wipe it. "You going over to her house again?" Kadan asked teasing me with a grin. 'I wish.' "No. My Mom needs a male model and I just happen to be the most attractive since Rory went off." I told Kadan. My Mom didn't find us attractive but Rory had that rough bad boy look to him which helped Mom. My Mom actually made Rory want to seek a career in male modeling.

But apparently I had a good boy look to me. 'You just seem so sweet Dolly.' 'You did not just call me that.' 'I did Dolly.' I let out a growl at Ash. I called Isabella, Izzy or Iz and she decided to call me Dolly. Slowly my family found out and began calling me that to irritate me. "Alana is making me cook weird food for her pregnant cravings. She requested chocolate spaghetti. Then she actually ate it. Or she is wanting Apple Bees." Kadan said running his hand through his hair.

I smirked at him. "Your the one who got her pregnant deal with the consequences." I told him smiling. Kadan flipped me off then put down the small dumbbell. He glared over where Trace and his little squad where at the exercise machines. They even had the heavier dumbbells. 'I can't stand those wolves. I hope at training I get to fight one of them or they do something to piss of Isabella.'

A small smile graced my lips at the last part. Isabella didn't take anything from them, despite being human she handed Trace his ass many times along with his friends. In their defense she was a highly trained hunter. "I don't know why they have to hog it leaving us with these pathetic little weights." Kadan said angrily.

Trace got a little too big for his bridges when it came to Andrew, Nico and I. He never bothered Rory nor Rodney since they didn't take it from him. Rory got detention for beating Trace so much he stopped moving. His parents wouldn't press charges in fear of what would happen. 'I find it hilarious.' Trace avoided Rory like the plague after that. Trace also started avoiding Isabella since she set him on fire. It didn't burn him just freaked him out.

Now Trace's parents were all about wanting to do charges until they found out who it was. Then they wanted to run with their tails in between their legs. Isabella was a very feared hunter among werewolves which was why when she first appeared everyone freaked out. 'She's not that bad in person. Unless you make her mad.'

Trace pushed himself up then looked over at me and sneered. A growl emerged from my chest. "Don't do anything reckless Dalton." Kadan said. 'I hope he does something worthy to be kicked out of the pack.' 'Agreed there.'
"Mom I'm home!" I called out entering the house. "In my room! I'll give you a half an hour until I need you." My Mom called back. With that I made my way through the house and emerged into the kitchen a little shocked. At the table sat Nico and Isabella. Isabella was here. 'Isabella!'

Isabella looked up and waved. 'Speak you blubbering idiot!' "I uh. What are you doing here Isabella?" I asked nervously. "Working on school work with Nico. We are suppose to learn how to shade in colors and Nico is an expert at that." Isabella said showing her sketch book. On it was a boy and a wolf next to him.

I decided to go sit next to her. "So what are you two suppose to be drawing?" I asked them. 'Me cause I am so sexy.' 'Shut it.' 'La!' "I am drawing a vampire and a werewolf who meet up under the moonlight each night. The two are in love and despite being forbidden they still see each other in hopes for release of the passion that is building up inside them." Nico said. Uh ok. Well a picture is worth a thousand words. "Mine is all of your brothers and you." Isabella said. "This is Andrew." Isabella said with a small smirk.

There was something on his face in the picture. Right then Andrew walked in and froze when he saw Isabella. 'They are in the middle of a prank war.' "Isabella." Andrew said. "Andrew." Isabella replied. The two glared and Andrew advanced forward. "Have a seat my friend." Isabella said with a grin. "You sit first." Andrew said. "I'm already sitting." Isabella replied. Andrew glared but pulled out a chair.

Andrew and Isabella then both tried to get up and failed. "I put glue on your seat." The two said in union. Then they glared at each other. Nico looked away with a laugh. "Wanna know the difference between you and I?" Andrew asked. "What?" Isabella asked. "I can get new pants you can't." Andrew said with a smirk.

"Well I will just take the chair home. I liked this chair anyway." Isabella replied with a huff. 'She's so cute when she's mad.' "I can lend you a pair of pajama pants if you want." I told her. "Thank you!" Isabella said angrily. I nodded a little scared.

Isabella then picked up her charcoal pencil and went back to drawing my brothers and I. Neither of the two looked happy at the prank. 'The first of many shots in this cold war.' I shook my head at Ash's dark tone. Andrew looked down at his pants then he unbuttoned them and took them off and was now only in his boxer briefs thankfully and a shirt. He then ripped his skinny jeans off and walked off to his room. "Don't think this is over for one moment." Andrew said as he walked backwards. 'Oh my moon goddess.' "I wouldn't dare." Isabella replied back holding the stare as Andrew then walked away.

'Well that was very interesting and an eye opening experience.' 'You said it.' Isabella shook her head before she went to drawing Andrew while mumbling on how Andrew made Satan look good. "When shading colors you have to combine multiple colors not just one and hope for the best." Nico told Isabella.

Isabella nodded. "Dalton!" My Mom called signaling it time for me to model clothes for her. 'I don't want to leave Isabella just yet.' 'She'll be here when we come back.' "Just come and get me when you need the pants." I told her before peeking over her shoulder. I nearly laughed when I saw the drawing. Isabella's had added devil horns onto Andrew and his wolf. 'That's pretty funny.' "I will now off you to go to your Mom." Isabella said shooing me off.

I smiled at her and my brother before walking off towards my Mom's room.

1206. Hey so five chapter update! So I went hiking today and I am exhausted! I go to a training program which is all the info I will release you stalkers. But hey another chapter. So my Wi-Fi is back. I'm considering on opening a cover shop and having a VIP list of account names I remember from all their supportive voting and commenting. Until next time VIP marshmallows.

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