My Dearest mate

By SamanthaBlue2001

150K 4.4K 1.2K

During the raid when hiccup was a baby something horrible happens, no his mother isn't taken but he gets bit... More

the dragon within
hunters and tickles
on the move
the brother and the mate
Meeting the Queen
Getting out
Witches Magic
i want to fly
a "tiny" disagreement
A plan set in motion
The bumps in the road
Temporary partings (sadly)
to my dear readers
It honestly was all in good fun

A Nightly Raid

4.6K 162 13
By SamanthaBlue2001

 "You are an idiot Hiccup!" Yrsa says as she inspects the small cut, "yeah, yeah it was stupid of me" "stupid?! it was damn idiotic, it was like if Aron possessed you or something!" Hiccup chuckles lightly and flinches when it stings. "It kinda seemed like it didn't it?" Yrsa scoffs, "Just hold still for a moment."

After Yrsa inspected the wound and cleaned it accordingly they continue walking to the cove. "So~ how are you and Toothless doing?" Hiccup flushes "you know already, besides we've been flying alongside you non-stop since we escaped the Queens mountain" "aww, my little virgin Hiccup~" Hiccup turns bright red and punches her sister in the arm "stop it"

Yrsa laughs, She playfully shoves Hiccup, whom in return stumbles back and falls down the hill. "HICCUP!" Yrsa screams, she quickly runs after the rolling teen. "Wait! Stop rolling! I can't keep up like this!" And Hiccup does. Her back collides with a large rock, all the air is knocked out if her.

"You know when i said stop rolling i didn't mean like this" Yrsa mutters as she kneels beside the coughing auburn haired girl. Hiccup glares at her  "really? I would have never thought" she huffs. " are you okay?" "Yes i'm fine, just another bruise to add to the list" she sighs.

"Ugh Toothless is going to kill me" Yrsa mutters as she helps her sister up. "Oh he can try and we shall see how it turns out" "now now don't be too hard on him" Yrsa chuckles lightly.

"Well, where is the fun in that~" Hiccup winks at her sister. Yrsa can't help but  laugh "Oh now i feel bad for Toothless" "Hey!" Hiccup pushes her sister away so she can stand on her own. She turns to Yrsa with a small smirk, "I think it's time you run" the eldest of the siblings yelps as she begins to run. The entire way to the cove is filled with laughter, "Got ya!" Hiccup launches herself at her sister. Yrsa is unable to maintain her balance with the sudden jump attack and they tumble down the path leading to the cove.

With some screams they roll over the edge, beginning their fall down. A familiar screech fills the area and both sisters are scooped up. "oh uhm... hi Toothless, Lovely weather isn't it?" the girls say in unison, The Shadow-Blender just growls. Yrsa and Hiccup share a look, they know they're in for a lecture from the male dragon.

Once they have landed Toothless turns to them, his eyes narrowed in anger. "What. Was. That?" He growls slowly, Hiccup looks at the sky "A bird, that was indeed a big bird." "THIS IS NOT A JOKE HICCUP! YOU COULD HAVE DIED!" "ah... he snapped" Yrsa mutters. Toothless turns to her, "AND YOU... WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! SHE COULD HAVE BEEN SERIOUSLY INJURED"

"Hey! i fell too!" "WELL YOU DIDN'T" "Toothless, Lower your voice i am not talking to you like this" "I will speak as i wish Hiccup! What would i have done if you died?! And T-....what happened to your neck?" His eyes narrow further at the make-shift bandage. Hiccup looks away and scratches her cheek, "Well would you look at the time! I should get started on dinner~" 

"oh no, you don't" Toothless grabs Hiccup with his paws, hugging her close to his body. "you're going to tell me everything" he purrs into her ear, Hiccup glances at Yrsa for help only to find her missing. The auburn head can only grumble as Toothless carries her to the cave for some deep talking.


 "YOU DID WHAT?!" "you heard me Toothless" "That is so irresponsible how could you even- Ugh and then you rolled and crashed?!" "Yes, that is what i said" "That's it, you're not leaving my sight" "WHAT?! you can't be serious!" "Oh i am, just you see"

Yrsa sighs, "Okay you two, it's dinner time! you've been in there all afternoon" a very annoyed Hiccup exits the cave followed by a smug looking dragon. The rest of the evening is filled with Toothless basically stalking Hiccup and Hiccup ignoring the Shadow-Blender.

Roars fill the air, the night sky suddenly lights up with fire. "What is going on?" "I don't know?" "Should we go look? what do you think?" Sigeweard looks around. "Hiccup? Yrsa? They're gone!!" the dragons look around just in time to see the two girls slip through a crack in the stone wall. "HEY!" they push themselves up in the air and start their pursuit of the girls.

They spot them zigzagging through the trees, "Hiccup! Yrsa! turn back right now!" "No, we need to know what is going on!" "Then your father and i shall take a look but you should stay in the cove!" "We will be fine! you on the other hand not! if the chief sees you he will end you!"

A group of Zipplebacks and Monstrous Nightmares meet Toothless and Sigeweard in the sky, "do you know what is going on?" The two ask them. Instead of answering the group attacks them without a second thought. "What the-?!" Toothless exclaims but gets cut off by a Monstrous Nightmare crashing into him.

The girls just keep on running not taking notice of the two in the sky, battling. "Do you have any idea about what is going on?" "None darling, we will just have to see"


 Once Yrsa and Hiccup reach the village they can't help but stare horrified at the scene in front of them. It's a massacre, casualties on both sides. Dragons and Vikings entangled in a heated battle, fire everywhere. Constant wails of pain accompanied by the stench of death float in the sky.

  "No... What is this? STOP IT!"Hiccup cries, she runs onto the battlefield. "Hiccup wait!" Yrsa yells, running after the youngest sibling. Hiccup runs up to a Gronkle standing over a Viking, it's mouth wide open as the lava gathers in its throat. "No! what are you doing?!" Hiccup desperately tugs on the dragon, "Don't kill them" Tears pour out of her green eyes.

The Gronkle lifts it's head, turning to Hiccup with slitted pupils, "" Hiccup gasps. Hiccup freezes in place as she looks into the blank eyes that look so feral. "Hiccup!" Yrsa pulls the auburn head away just in time as the Gronkle spits out the lava at the spot Hiccup stood mere moments ago. 

Yrsa tugs Hiccup along as she pulls her behind a house that hasn't caught on fire yet. "What was that about Hiccup? He could've killed you!" "They-They're being controlled Yrsa! It's the Queen! She must have found out about us hiding here!" "Hiccup calm down, there is no way she would know. Who could have told her?"

Hiccup looks at her sister with fearful eyes, "Those dragons we saw when flying here" "But they shouldn't have known we stayed here" "She must have attacked just in case, This is my fault!" 

Yrsa grabs Hiccup's face in her hands forcing the girl to concentrate on her. "Hiccup listen to me, This. is. not your fault. do you understand me? The Queen is evil by default none of your actions have made it worse" "But-" "No buts, do you trust me?" Hiccup nods slowly. "Then trust me on this, it wasn't your fault"

A blast to the house ruins the moment and they're forced to move away from the burning construction. A screech fills the air, "Night fury! get down!" Hiccup and Yrsa look up, expecting to see Toothless. However, it isn't... Entangled in a fight with three other dragons the Shadow-blender roars ferociously. "How dare you?!" the dragoness yells enraged, "It's the Queen's orders" 

The Shadow-Blender is already heavily injured and the blast of the Nadder sends her falling down. "VANICAS!" Hiccup screams, She runs towards Toothless' mother. The crash sends about a large cloud of dirt and splinters of wood. Slowly the dirt settles back onto the floor, revealing the battered mother. Hiccup kneels next to her, " Are you okay?" "Hiccup? What are you doing here?" "That's not important" "I was so worried about you and Toothless" "Shh, we're fine" "Really? that's good" The dragoness wheezes.

"What happened?" "When we turned towards this island i sensed some vile presence when i flew towards them i lost you, they outnumbered me" "But why?" "The Queen's orders, She is enraged that we fled" Hiccup takes in the weakened dragoness. Her scales are either badly damaged or completely missing, blood seeping out from various wounds.

Hiccup feels sick in the stomach at the sight, how can someone be so vile to cause this? Vanicas was nothing more than a caring mother, "Hiccup, there... is something i need to apologize for" Hiccup frowns "No, there isn't now save your strength we need to get you out of here"

"No, Hiccup listen,  i am so sorry." "in the name of the universal dragons what for?!" "i... took you from... your family" "...What?" Hiccup gawks at the dragoness. She laughs awkwardly "Look at you, you must have hit your head too hard when you fell. I mean you're talking nonsense. now come on we need to get to Toothless" "Hiccup... i am not going to make it"

Hiccup stares at her, tears still pouring from her eyes "What are you saying of course you will" "HICCUP LOOK OUT!" Yrsa screams as she runs to her little sister. Hiccup turns and sees Nadderflames shooting towards her, she hunches into herself and waits for the searing heat. which doesn't come, The girl slowly opens her eyes and screams "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" 

She collapses next to her savior, "No, no wake up, come on." She gently shakes the large body "Come on, i need you. you're my family, you should have lived far longer" Hiccup furiously slams her fists on the ground "WHY DID YOU SAVE ME?!" 

Hiccup burries her face into the side of the dragon, which is already cooling down. Her painfilled wails travel over the battlegrounds, both dragons and Vikings halt their fighting. The Nadder which aimed the attack at hiccup roars once and all the dragons take of into the sky leaving no corpse behind. The nadder walkes towards the girl hugging the dragon's body, "" the dragon whispers and breathes her last breath.

Hiccup screams as the Nadder takes the dragons in it's claws at takes off, "No! Bring her back! VANICAS!" Yrsa comes out of her frozen daze and hurries to Hiccup. "Hiccup come on, we've gotta go!" "NO!" "Hiccup!" "LEAVE ME ALONE YRSA!" the elder one sighs and lifts the hysterical girl in her arms.

Hiccup struggles against her grip, but then goes slack "it's my fault" Yrsa looks down at her "oh darling..." but says nothing more as she leaves the auburn to her mourning. How would they tell Toothless his mother is dead?

ughhhhhh am i the only one cringing? probably not.... 1808 words.... phew.

i don't really know what to say so



and see y'all next time

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