Twilight: Jade

By BiancaEvans2

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This story is about Jade who is a hybrid, but believes that she is human. Her memory was altered and she arri... More

Prologue a few Weeks ago
Bella Swann
Edward Leaves Temporarily
Family Hunting Trip
Edward's Return and Field Trip
Port Angeles
Family Lunch
Pack Finds Out The Truth
Rogue Vampires & Plan
Killing James
Prom Night
New Pet & Party Planning
Vincent's New Background Story
Birthday Party
Miami to Brazil
Leaving Brazil
Explaining to Bella
Cliff and Death
Going to Italy
Volterra, Italy
Talk and Vote
Graduation Party? Vision
Chase and Conflict
An Army of Vampires
Training and Story
Killing Victoria
Volturi Guard
Bella's Pregnant
Pack Finds Out
Birth and Fight

La Push

402 17 0
By BiancaEvans2

Jade's POV

It is now lunch time the day after the field trip and we sat our usual table. As I saw Bella going to get food I nudged Edward. He looked up, sighed seeing Bella was alone and then walked over to her. Scaring her and he caught an apple she had dropped on his arrival. I was eavesdropping again on their conversation, want can I say it's more entertaining then anything else.

When I heard mention of a beach I decided to join the conversation. "What's this about a beach?" I ask taking the apple from Edward. He sent me silent glare that told me not to ask about the beach and leave.

"La Push, my friends and I are going there on the weekend. I was inviting Edward, but he said he won't" Bella explains. La Push that's on wolf territory. But it's been years since I went to the beach, although I hardly remember it. Because of want my father did to my memories.

"I'll come, it's been years since I went to the beach I hardly remember want one looks like" I tell her. Now it's not only Edward sending me a glare, I felt my other siblings doing the same. But I didn't care, I wasn't legally a Cullen yet for an other week. So I was allowed to go to the beach. This maybe my only chance to, until we move away.

"Great, so should we pick you up or will you met us there?" Bella asks.

"I'll come to your house and we can go together" I state. No human has ever been to our house before. I think it would be best to keep it that way, for now where Bella is concerned.

"Ok, be at my house at 9:30 Saturday morning" Bella tells me.

"Of course, see you Saturday" I say the bell went for our next class. So I left quickly before any of my siblings could interrogate me. When school finished I run home instead of having Edward or Rose drive me. "Carlisle, Esme can I ask you something" I say as I approached them in Carlisle's study.

"Of course, want is on your mind?" Esme asks.

"I was invited to go to the beach on Saturday and was wondering if I could go?" I ask.

"Want beach?" Carlisle asks as he stands up.

"La Push, I know it's in wolf territory. But I'm not official about of the family yet. Even though I feel more at home then ever here surrounded by all of you" I state.

"I don't know Jade, want do you think Carlisle?" Esme asks him. He was the leader of not only the family, but the coven as well. So want ever decision he makes the others will follow. Most of the time.

"It is true she hasn't been announced a legal Cullen yer and won't be for a week. It would only be for a few hours?" he asks and I nod my head. "We haven't told the wolves about her yet, but I'll call Billy to inform him of her presence. If he says it's ok, then you may go" he states.

"Thank you so much Carlisle" I say hugging him.

(Saturday: La Push)

"Remember if anyone asks I'm Bella's cousin" I tell the others as they prepare to surf. Billy Black said I could come for a few hours today as nothing was legal yet. That was my cover if any of the wolves came to say hello.

"Sure, but I don't understand why" Jessica says.

"Just do it Jessica" Bella states and they stop mentioning it. Angela then mentions the prom to Bella. Who told her to ask Eric out if he won't ask her.

"Hey Bella" a teen said as he approached us with two other boys. I released they had wolf blood, but had not shifted yer. Bella introduced us to the one who said her name.

"You guys should keep Bella and Jade company" Angela suggests.

"Yeah, Bella's date bailed on her" Jessica adds.

"Want date?" Eric asks.

"She invited Edward" Jessica tells him.

"I was being nice" Bella tells her.

"I think it's nice, no one ever invitees him" Angela defends Bella.

"Yeah Cullen's a freak" Mike says and I glare at him.

"You got that right" one of Jacob's friends says.

"You buys know him?" Bella asks.

"The Cullens don't come here" the same teen replied.

"Yeah and whose fault is that" I mumble. "I'm sorry guys, I think I'll take my leave" I say standing up.

"But we just got here" Bella reminds me.

"Yeah, you haven't even had a swim yet" Angela adds.

"I know, but I have more important places to be" I state. "I'm sorry Bella, I will see you at school" I say before working away with my bag over my shoulder. "Oh one more thing, don't ever disrespect my family again" I snarl before running.

As I reached the forest my path was blocked by two shirtless men. "Let me guess Sam Uley" I say looking at the one on the right.

"That's me and you aren't welcome here" he states.

"I was just leaving and I was invited" I tell him. "Besides Billy Black said I could be here for a few hours. But I am leaving early" I explain.

"You weren't suppose to leave the beach" the other man says growling.

"So want? I am leaving and won't ever step foot on your land again after today" I state.

"We will walk you to the border, just a precaution" Sam states.

"Fine by me, try and keep up" I say then take off running again jumping over their heads. They followed quickly having trouble keeping up in their human forms. We soon reached the boundary line and I stop on my side. "You guys are slow, but thanks for escorting me home" I say waving at them.

"How are you fast? You are only human" the other guy asks.

"Ask no questions and hear no lies" I tell him smiling. "By the way want is your name?" I ask.

"Paul" he grounded out through his teeth.

"You shouldn't do that, you'll ruin your teeth" I state. "Goodbye" I say before walking away hearing Paul ground his teeth again. But Sam telling him it's time to go back to their house.

When I got home I went straight to bed feeling exhausted. The others were out hunting. So no one was home to question why I was home early. As soon as my bed hit the pillow I was out like a light.


Picture above of Jacob, Bella, Angela, Jessica and Jacob's two friends.

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